EVE Online


15 (100%)
I just signed up for the trial the other day and have been playing it. Does anyone else play? This seems like a really fun game, but I've only been playing for a day.
[quote name='Technique']I just signed up for the trial the other day and have been playing it. Does anyone else play? This seems like a really fun game, but I've only been playing for a day.[/quote]
Would you recommend it? I've always been scared to get into it because I thought of the huge learning curve.
There's a free 2 week trial going on right now. I was lucky and got into a Corporation (guild) fast and I asked a lot of questions. I'm still getting the hang of it, but there is also a nice tutorial for you to get the basics down. Knowing what to buy is the hardest part because there is so many variables.

Go ahead and try it out, see if you like it.
There's a slight learning curve, but nothing you can't ask from people in a corp. The $15 a month was a bit too steep for me though.
I play EVE. Fun game, but it does have it's dull moments, especially when you're first starting up. Stick with it though, and you'll be sure to have some good times.

I'm currently in a pirate corp.
[quote name='AFStealth']I play EVE. Fun game, but it does have it's dull moments, especially when you're first starting up. Stick with it though, and you'll be sure to have some good times.

I'm currently in a pirate corp.[/QUOTE]

I've been playing for 5 days now and I have to say this game is pretty fun. I've heard the PVP is awesome, but I haven't had a chance to try it.

AFStealth, what's your name on EVE and is there only one server? (Trinity)?
[quote name='Technique']I've been playing for 5 days now and I have to say this game is pretty fun. I've heard the PVP is awesome, but I haven't had a chance to try it.

AFStealth, what's your name on EVE and is there only one server? (Trinity)?[/QUOTE]

I believe the server is Tranquility, and yeah, there's only one. Name ingame is Suriyah.
I've been playing the game since January 2006 and haven't stopped since then. The game is hard, way harder than any MMORPG in all of its aspects but so worth it.

I am currently a Miner for the Colossus Technologies corporation, based in Deep Space 0.0, Waenn Ironstaff.

ANd a hint for you to not pay the monthly fee. You can trade in-game currency for real game time cards and play for free (gotta earn that isk first).
[quote name='kamui34']I've been playing the game since January 2006 and haven't stopped since then. The game is hard, way harder than any MMORPG in all of its aspects but so worth it.

I am currently a Miner for the Colossus Technologies corporation, based in Deep Space 0.0, Waenn Ironstaff.

ANd a hint for you to not pay the monthly fee. You can trade in-game currency for real game time cards and play for free (gotta earn that isk first).[/QUOTE]

Where do you do that?
When you go on the offical online forums, there is a sub-forum called Sell Order. From there you browse through the various threads where sellers display what they sell.

Mind you the transaction between ISK and GTC is covered by CCP so if you get scammed, you can always appeal (be sure to keep record of who what and where you're buying).

Usually, once you have determined a good seller, you contact him (conversation or eve mail), then send him the isk in exchange for the code which you will activate in your subscription details.

A while ago, the rate was 100million for 30 days and 270million for 90 days. Prices seemed to have jumped a tad since then.
bread's done