Extrememly Frustrating Ping Problems!!!

Sofa King Kool

18 (100%)
I can't play ANY of my games! My ping is always 200+!

I've scanned my computer multiple times, and I got nothing every time. All of my firewalls are configured correctly, I had Best Buy do over a week of extensive software and hardware scanning and they said there was absolutely nothing wrong. I even paid Norton Anti-Virus $40 bucks to guide me through everything that could possibly be wrong with my computer, and I got nothing. Everything is exactly how it should be, but my ping is still unbelievably high AND IT'S DRIVING ME ABSOLUTELY fuckING CRAZY!!! NOTHING I do works!

On rare occasions my ping will be around 150 or even 100, but even when there is NO HIGH PING ON THE SERVER I still have massive amounts of lag!

And don't tell me to call my service provider because it's been like this off and on for over a year and I think they would have fixed any problems they were having over a period of time that long. Besides, it's only on my computer, this doesn't happen anywhere else in the house.

I'm honestly considering just wiping my harddrive because I can't deal with this problem anymore. I didn't spend over $2,000 dollars on my computer, a good video card, and tons of games for this shit.

lol.... maybe you're looking at the wrong places to begin with? Download PingPlotter and see where the source of the lag is. Try to ping www.yahoo.com and it'll map out all the routes that the information has to go thru to get to the yahoo server.

*Edit* Nevermind, I missed one of your paragraphs. You say it's only on your computer and not other computers in the house? Are you on wireless network? How much RAM do you have? I guess I would still use pingplotter as the first step just so you can eliminate possible sources.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']lol.... maybe you're looking at the wrong places to begin with? Download PingPlotter and see where the source of the lag is. Try to ping www.yahoo.com and it'll map out all the routes that the information has to go thru to get to the yahoo server.

*Edit* Nevermind, I missed one of your paragraphs. You say it's only on your computer and not other computers in the house? Are you on wireless network? How much RAM do you have? I guess I would still use pingplotter as the first step just so you can eliminate possible sources.[/quote]
If that works I will love you with a red hot passion o_0

How the hell does it work?
It doesnt fix anything, it just shows you where the source of your ping problem is in your network and/or on the internet. You can post a screen shot of the program running so we can take a look.

This is how mine looks like:

The numbers on the right side next to the red line graph are your pings, average ping and current ping. Try to see where does it jump to high ping (into the 100s). If you're east coast, then you should ping around 100 to www.yahoo.com. If you're west coast, maybe below 50s.
Alright, now I just need to know what to type into the search bar. I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking for, or how I'm going to be able to spot and fix any problems.
Take a screenshot

x) Hit Print Screen
x) Open Paint. run > mspaint
x) Hit CTRL+V
x) Save
X) Upload to Imageshack.us
X) Post image between
[quote name='Moxio']Doesn't look bad to me. But you better let SOSTrooper guide you.[/quote]

5 seconds after I posted they all jumped to 800. Then back down, then back up, then back down, then back up.
Try to capture the screenshot where it jumps to 800. And when you right click on, say, the number 10 on the green column, and select "Show this Timeline Graph" you can see how often your ping spikes. And change the Trance Delay on the left side of the program to 1 second.
I had one but I guess I waited too long. It hasn't sone it in a while. I dont have a "Show this Timeline Graph" option.

*Just wondering if this doesn't work and everything appears normal, what happens next?*
How much memory do you have on your PC? What games do you encounter the lag and/or ping spikes? Do all games have the same problems?

We're just trying to eliminate the fact that it might be your network or your internet problem. Diagnosting a problem takes time, and sometimes money. When I have problems I have to iron them out myself step by step. The best approach is the process of elimination: that is to bottleneck all possible causes of a problem into just a few that you can easily concentrate on.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']How much memory do you have on your PC? What games do you encounter the lag and/or ping spikes? Do all games have the same problems?[/quote]
160 gigs. All online games have the problem. Counter Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half Life 2 Deathmatch, Quake 4, but mostly Unreal Tournament 2004 (even when all ping on the server is below 100)
160GB is your harddrive. Right click on My Computer icon on your desktop and click Properties, and near the bottom of that window it should say some number GB of RAM. That is your amount of memory (aka RAM).
[quote name='SOSTrooper']990MHz? Do you have a brand and model number for your PC?[/quote]
Its a compaq, I don't know about model #

Why? Is 990MHz good or bad?
If its a laptop, then its normal to have it display at 990MHz when it is not throttling. But I don't think throttling exists on desktop CPUs. Throttling just means that the speed of the CPU is halved (often depending on settings) to conserve battery and lowers the temperature in a laptop. Since it is not necessary to do that on a desktop... but I'm not sure if Pentium D has that option, I never used one. You really should have something like 2.0 or higher GHz, not 990MHz. 1000MHz = 1GHz. You can pretty much ignore this paragraph, I'm just typing out what I think... hehe.

It would be really nice to find out the model number for your Compaq. How long ago did you buy the PC? Do you know what video card you have?
OK lets continue this another time because I want to get some sleep before the sun comes up. I can't really think straight right now anyway. Just post whenever and hopefully we can get this going again tommorrow. Thanks for the help.
It says you have a 3500+, at 2.2GHz, which is normal. If fact you have a similar PC to mine too. A few things I would do is, if we conclude that it is not the fault of internet/ISP, then you can try disabling background softwares when you play games, such as Norton suite. Updating ATI drivers is another thing you can do. Also are you the only one at home using the internet? When I download my sister would complain to me that I'm lagging and spiking her games.

Oh and the red circles you drew isn't your Compaq model number, but that's probably not relevant for now.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']It says you have a 3500+, at 2.2GHz, which is normal. If fact you have a similar PC to mine too. A few things I would do is, if we conclude that it is not the fault of internet/ISP, then you can try disabling background softwares when you play games, such as Norton suite. Updating ATI drivers is another thing you can do. Also are you the only one at home using the internet? When I download my sister would complain to me that I'm lagging and spiking her games.[/quote]

I've updated all my drivers already, what are background softwares and how do I disable them?

And my brother downloads an ungodly amount of everything on his computer.
[quote name='d00k']I've updated all my drivers already, what are background softwares and how do I disable them?

And my brother downloads an ungodly amount of everything on his computer.[/QUOTE]

That could explain it. BitTorrent is usually one bad mothafucking bandwidth hog, and if you're downloading a lot of things via HTTP/FTP that can be bad too.

Try playing a game when he's not downloading, and turn off all unnecessary programs.
[quote name='Moxio']That could explain it. BitTorrent is usually one bad mothafucking bandwidth hog, and if you're downloading a lot of things via HTTP/FTP that can be bad too.

Try playing a game when he's not downloading, and turn off all unnecessary programs.[/quote]

He uses bearshare. I think the biggest problem will be getting him to turn off his downloads. He just won't do it.

But there was one time when I turned them off and nothing really happened. Plus, I have had good ping when he was downloading before, but now all of a sudden my ping went up, so I doubt his downloading is the problem.

I reaaally hope to fix this problem before UT2007 because I'll die if I can't play that.
You could get good pings when he's downloading, if he's not uploading at the same time. Uploading files causes more spikes and lag than download. Programs such as torrent clients and sharing applications often upload files while the user is downloading. You should really get everyone in the house to turn off any download, disable some background applications like Norton, and play games for 30 mins.

Also, are you on wireless network? Do you get good signal? If you don't have a strong signal (from Good and above), you could get spikes during games even when someone is just surfing the internet.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']You could get good pings when he's downloading, if he's not uploading at the same time. Uploading files causes more spikes and lag than download. Programs such as torrent clients and sharing applications often upload files while the user is downloading. You should really get everyone in the house to turn off any download, disable some background applications like Norton, and play games for 30 mins.

Also, are you on wireless network? Do you get good signal? If you don't have a strong signal (from Good and above), you could get spikes during games even when someone is just surfing the internet.[/quote]

I'm not on wireless.

This is really wierd, I just played UT2004 for 2 hours with no problems at all, my ping was the same as it was yesterday and yesterday I was lagging. WTF?!
[quote name='d00k']This is really wierd, I just played UT2004 for 2 hours with no problems at all, my ping was the same as it was yesterday and yesterday I was lagging. WTF?![/QUOTE]

Is your brother downloading and uploading? So it is probably not your computer's fault then, assuming you did disable background applications.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']Is your brother downloading and uploading? So it is probably not your computer's fault then, assuming you did disable background applications.[/quote]

My brother is always downloading and uploading. His computer is on 24/7 doing just that. And I didn't disable anything, I just put the disc in and played and it was fine.
I really think your brother's file sharing is ruining your life :) What I would do is, whenever you see this high ping happening again in Pingplotter, immediately go to your brother's room and tell him to stop downloading for a few minutes, wait a minute or so for the file sharing to 'calm down', and then see if your ping on your computer goes back to normal (under 100s). If it goes back to normal, then you know what is causing your lag all these time. You have to make sure and not assume, be precise on doing this, meaning not just stopping 1 or 2 downloads on your brother's PC, I mean, all of his downloads.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']I really think your brother's file sharing is ruining your life :) What I would do is, whenever you see this high ping happening again in Pingplotter, immediately go to your brother's room and tell him to stop downloading for a few minutes, wait a minute or so for the file sharing to 'calm down', and then see if your ping on your computer goes back to normal (under 100s). If it goes back to normal, then you know what is causing your lag all these time. You have to make sure and not assume, be precise on doing this, meaning not just stopping 1 or 2 downloads on your brother's PC, I mean, all of his downloads.[/quote]
Alrighty. Another weird thing is that 5 minutes after I posted this, it all went back down. I've been playing UT2004 for hours with no trouble at all.

I have no idea what my computers doing. I'm just gunna assume that my computers fucked and live with it. I haven't been getting much lag recently anyway.

You have given me more help then anyone has ever given me before. No one else really seems to care. So thank you very, very much for all the help.
No problem. I don't think there's anything wrong with your computer, seeing that you can play games smoothly occassionally. File sharing is a problem on lower end DSL or cable because it causes spikes and lags in games. When I play games online, I stop all my downloads; I don't want to lag myself :lol: Hopefully you can get your brother to minimize his downloads, at least when you're playing games. Computers are weird, sometime it takes weeks and months to fix a problem, sometime it fixes itself. Just don't be afraid to ask questions on the internet, I mean, that's how I learned some of my tips and tricks, because even though I worked at a computer store for a long time fixing computers, I didn't gain me all computer knowledge; I learned just as much on the internet too.
Isn't there a router that helps lag problems when people download a lot on the computer? I think D-link makes a router that has some special technology that prioritizes traffic for games. It is called game fuel or game throttle, something like that.
bread's done