F-ing Gamestop...tried to sell me a 'NEW' game with NO CASE/MANUAL

I used to work at a game store where we took out the discs cause people would steal them. Even with signs up saying, all games are empty.
We would always tell the person, the games are empty because they get stolen. We'd almost NEVER have any complain about it. But the thing is we'd tell people "this is the last copy and its opened because the games get stolen". We'd also put the games in jewel cases so they wouldn't get scratched. However at the same time, we weren't putting out 10 copies on display.
Just my experience.
I don't know about GS though, since we only have EB's here in Canada. I do hate how EB games come molested with stickers though...
[quote name='Legolas813']Why do people continue to shop at GameStop? They are overpriced, sell used games as new, and have lousy employees. Shop somewhere else![/QUOTE]

Sometimes gamestop IS actually cheaper than amazon, they have touch detective 2 1/2 for 14.99 and amazon has it for 19.99. Also if you order from the website it costs the same as going to the store and you are pretty much guaranteed a sealed copy of the game you order, plus it also ships free using the SAVER code. I go wherever is the cheapest, simple as that.

Walmart the cheapest for games, I think not. They are almost always more expensive than the other stores and they NEVER have games on clearance or even price drop when they should. Besides all the retail stores here have the poorest selection of games, there are also next to no PSP games on the shelves, and the DS games are all kiddie games, so for game shopping, I do most of my shopping online.
[quote name='norkusa']Amen, brother. People constantly complain about Gamestop but they still shop there. The only way they'll ever change is if people stop supporting them. Otherwise, they'll keep running things the same way they've always been.

I haven't been inside a Gamestop/EB in at least a couple years. Amazon is the way to go. No sales tax + free shipping FTW.[/quote]

I hear you on this, but unfortunately check out Etrian Odyssey on amazon. I can't find that game anywhere. So I got my hopes up only to have them dashed to pieces when Goth-zilla tried to charge me FULL NEW PRICE for the cart only plus a generic GS case.
I agree gamestop can suck sometimes... A few years back I reserved a copy of Metal Gear Solid 3 for PS2, I went to the store on the day of release at around 3PM and they said they didn't have it yet... I was PISSED, they told me they would get it in a couple hours, they had to pick up the shipment at the airport or something... So I come back at around 10PM, they STILL don't have it, So I just call game crazy, I ask "Do you have any copies of MGS3?" Response: "Yep we have about 40 copies left we got a shipment in this morning" So I went and bought it, then I went to GS the next day and got my refund, I haven't bought anything from GS since then, the only times I would is when I'm buying a used game or something
[quote name='Green Goblin']These is one other option that I'm surprised no one has brought up. Gamecrazy.

Gamecrazy keeps a long counter around about 60% of their store. On the back wall behind these counters, they have their new games on display IN THE CELLOPHANE. It's a simple way to display new games without having to worry about shoplifters. Same goes with Plastic shells, or glass cases around the new walls like Target. It's not that hard to do. Gamestop's just to lazy to rethink their new displays.[/quote]

Not really an option for me since there are very few around LA.

As for the whole Gamestop fiasco, yes I've been well aware of their dirty sales tactics for years, accustomed to it and it comes with the territory of shopping at GS. I only use them when absolutely necessary, since usually I don't buy used games at all. But for those hard to track down titles I may have missed, it's usually the only choice since there are few independent game stores left in LA that are worth going to.

Since there are so many GS's, the locations are convenient since they tend to be the best for rarities. But most do suck in every conceivable way - from the lack of service and pathetic, bitter "game snob fanboy" attitude of the minimum wage peon workers (WTF is up with that???), to the extremely shady corporate approved and encouraged tactics, to the often not "all that" selection. They're definitely one of the absolute worst retailers out there...the tragic part is that's not really saying all that much, because most retailers out there suck massive ass.
[quote name='scott2hotcott']Then please tell me why I have seen 4 gutted copies of Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles at multiple Gamestops? You can't tell me that DXC is a big enough release to warrant that many gutted copies.[/quote]

I would love to answer that question... but since I don't work at any of the Gamestops that you have visited you will have to direct that question to the stores that you saw that at. By the same token, I don't know that they didn't have 10 sealed copies available for purchase either.

What I can tell you is this... MOST new games that are sold at Gamestop are factory sealed. This is an undeniable fact. So let's not have a few people blow it out of proportion. From 2 years of experience of managing a video game store I can tell you that MOST people do not have a problem buying a gutted game in PERFECT condition. MOST people who buy a game rip the cellophane of immediately. So they really don't care.

I fully understand that some people do want it sealed. The way I see it, it is your money so you should buy what makes you happy. But from my experience I can tell you that the average consumer does not care about it being factory sealed or not. You guys might think that you are a representation of the average consumer, but CAG members are far from being the average game consumers (that is a compliment by the way).
[quote name='srad1968']I would love to answer that question... but since I don't work at any of the Gamestops that you have visited you will have to direct that question to the stores that you saw that at. By the same token, I don't know that they didn't have 10 sealed copies available for purchase either.

What I can tell you is this... MOST new games that are sold at Gamestop are factory sealed. This is an undeniable fact. So let's not have a few people blow it out of proportion. From 2 years of experience of managing a video game store I can tell you that MOST people do not have a problem buying a gutted game in PERFECT condition. MOST people who buy a game rip the cellophane of immediately. So they really don't care.

I fully understand that some people do want it sealed. The way I see it, it is your money so you should buy what makes you happy. But from my experience I can tell you that the average consumer does not care about it being factory sealed or not. You guys might think that you are a representation of the average consumer, but CAG members are far from being the average game consumers (that is a compliment by the way).[/quote]

Why does everyone who defends the 'gutted" eb/gs policy miss the point completely? it doesn't matter if its "mint". It doesn't matter if the costumer does not care. It does not matter if they knock off 5% or even 10%. What matters and you cannot deny is that any open item no matter the condition, price, or feelings of the buyer is not a "New" item. Bottom line......

A gutted copy is not new. Just like a driven car is not new. Just like a shirt that has been worn is not new. Just like an action figure with a tapped package is not new. The problem is GS/EB selling the product as new. I don't care if you over charge on it or under charge on it. Just do not slap a sticker on it that says new.

I know most of you are just going to say...well, don't buy there. That doesn't mean I should ignore their bad business practices (maybe even illegal), and just shut my mouth.
I thought about this thread when my friend picked up NBA Live 08 on Saturday. I thought he was gonna get a gut but they busted out a sealed one.
They "miss the point" because they're trying to defend the indefensible.

Most people don't care if there are 5 or 35 miles on the odometer when they drive a new car off the lot. Most people don't care if a new book has a dent in the cover. Most people wouldn't even know if you spit in their burger. That's a totally different question from whether your company makes SpitBurgers and slaps a "100% Spit Free" sticker on them, and charges accordingly.
I got lucky a few days ago. I was able to get a sealed copy of KoF 02/03 for xbox for like 9 bucks. I was surprised they had a sealed one because they almost never do (outside of game release).
What I really don't get is a GS by me put a gutted DMC collectors edition up for display. I understand why they gut 1 copy, but why the CE? I don't agree with selling guts for full retail and thus don't accept them. Gutting a copy in their view is providing the customer a better experience as many people enjoy checking out the manual. Me personally I have already read about the game when purchasing and could care less.
[quote name='CheapBastardToo']Where does this silly misconception about Gamestop not making much profit come from? Based on their financial data their profit margins are at least 20% for new, 40%+ for used. The company generates an amazing amount of profit. Yet people periodically bring up this "not much profit" assertion, as if Gamestop is some sort of a charity business.[/QUOTE]

I'm assuming it's because when you walk into a Gamestop (around me at least), it certainly looks, and smells, like a charity business.
I haven't shop there in years cause the people who work there were really condescending. Like they are fucking special to work at gamestop. Plus they tried to sell me a "new" game by putting sticker on an opened box. They lost me as a customer for life, I will never shop there again.

I went to a couple of other Gamestops yesterday, including one that was so strange I must have been on Bizarro world. It was clean,well organized, and EVERYTHING was in alphabetical order, including the clearance bins (cheap PS2 and Xbox games). It was seriously unreal. Unfortunately, they didn't have much in the way of rare games, and didn't have any of the games I was looking for, but I will probably use them in the future.

Then I went to the Gamestop by the WeHo gateway where there's the Target and Best Buy. God there is a little shit that works there, with serious attitude. His nametag says "ATOM". Don't be bitter that you're a scrawny dork working minimum wage retail, bro. More on him in a moment.

So I found Etrian Odyssey used at this location, complete and minty condition. $17.15 or so with Edge card, done deal. I ask the little douchenozzle if they happen to have any copies of Metal Slug Anthology on any system but preferably Wii, and he just laughed. YOU THINK THIS IS COMEDY, YOU LITTLE SHIT? DO I AUMSE YOU? He quickly apologized and I told him he better get his attitude adjusted REAL FAST, and to not take it out on the customer simply because his life was pathetic and miserable. Don't worry, I'm calling corporate - customer AND investor relations later today about you, punk ass bitch. Don't care if they do anything about you or not, but next time I see you, you had better be on your best behavior or I will reach over the counter and THROTTLE YOU, YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT. I'm not playing, I will bitch slap you and make you cry for your momma.

So no go on Metal Slug Anthology, effing Circuit City just couldn't have any copies when they went on clearance, could they?

So while another guy is ringing me up, this other brother comes in and wants some air combat game for the Wii. The little shit Atom tells him, "oh that's my last copy, can you hand me the case from the shelf?" So the guy brings over the case, and attempts to ring up the open case aka gutted 'new' game. The dude is like, "uh, that's an open game. I want it new." and the little poofer goes into the standard Gamestop brainwashing koolaid propaganda about it being a 'new' game, this goes back and forth for a couple of minutes, Atom will not give a discount since "it's new and has never been played (yeah right!)", and gives the guy an ultimatum "what do you want me to do?". Dude says, "give me a discount on that one or give me a new sealed game". Can't do it, so the guy walks.

And of course Atom has the nerve to mumble some shit under his breath after the brother is out the store. HAHAHA, and you say only .1% of customers of Gamestop have a problem with the gutted 'new' games, HELL NO. Huge amounts of their customers balk at that bullshit, and walk away. They lose tons of sales because of this policy.
[quote name='DrunkTigerWoods']I haven't shop there in years cause the people who work there were really condescending. Like they are fucking special to work at gamestop. Plus they tried to sell me a "new" game by putting sticker on an opened box. They lost me as a customer for life, I will never shop there again.[/quote]

HAHAHA, yeah Atom told the dude "well I'm going to put a sticker on it to seal it and ensure that you can return it as new".
And of course Atom has the nerve to mumble some shit under his breath after the brother is out the store. HAHAHA, and you say only .1% of customers of Gamestop care about the gutted 'new' games, HELL NO. Huge amounts of their customers balk at that bullshit, and walk away. They lose tons of sales because of this policy.

And yet, they continue to do it. So, they obviously don't feel it would be more profitable to do something else. Over and out.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']And yet, they continue to do it. So, they obviously don't feel it would be more profitable to do something else. Over and out.[/quote]

Hey I hear you BigDaddy (and the other gentleman with sales data/research).

Certainly they feel it wouldn't be more profitable to keep the "new" floor copies (i.e. gutted ones) sealed, because their profit margin on the new games is not much, at least nowhere near their bread and butter, said used copies.

Yes they simply think it's not a problem or cost effective to keep those "new" floor cases sealed, however while I haven't crunched numbers or done case studies etc. I definitely think it would lead to more long term profit to change this policy, as it turns people off and pisses them off when they get into these arguments. Not to mention the time wasted that could be better spent ringing other customers up or helping them with their shopping and influence of said arguments on other customers in the store.

That buyer had a very negative experience with Gamestop, chances are he's not going to be coming back. Eventually this sort of thing will end up biting Gamestop in the ass. Repeat customers are their lifeblood, because those are the ones that are coming in to trade in used games (and get raped in the process on the trade in value). Gamestop can't grow its business let alone sustain itself with one time only customers, i.e. the mainly clueless non-gamers and soccer moms buying games as gifts.

If they continue to act like the stereotypical comic book shop guy from the Simpsons, they will eventually have such bad publicity it will definitely affect sales. It already has quite a bit.
The only thing I disagree with is this theme of a "very negative" experience. Though I do think a good portion of gamers want a sealed game (most of the time, I do), I really don't think that many people would be that annoyed with being offered an opened game. If that is all they have, and you don't want it, you simply turn it down and walk away. I could see the experience being very bad when employees give you a hard time and an attitude about the "new" copy they are trying to sell. Of course, that is YMMV and has nothing to do with corporate policy. That simply has to do with bad employees. Every time I have been offered an opened copy, the cashier clearly informed me that they don't have sealed copies and asked if I wanted the opened one.

Also, even though they obviously tried to push a gutted copy on you, the vast majority of opened "new" games at GameStop are not gutted.
What other stores are better than GameStop/EBGames anyway? There's only 2 other I can think of in general. I know Play&Trade's and GameCrazy's exist, never been to one, but how are they?

There aren't any really good chain gaming stores that I know of. Sticking to online is the best way imo.
[quote name='ZeroHP']What other stores are better than GameStop/EBGames anyway? There's only 2 other I can think of in general. I know Play&Trade's and GameCrazy's exist, never been to one, but how are they?

There aren't any really good chain gaming stores that I know of. Sticking to online is the best way imo.[/QUOTE]

I usually buy from amazon.com or BestBuy B&M
[quote name='karkyco']UPDATE!

And of course Atom has the nerve to mumble some shit under his breath after the brother is out the store. HAHAHA, and you say only .1% of customers of Gamestop have a problem with the gutted 'new' games, HELL NO. Huge amounts of their customers balk at that bullshit, and walk away. They lose tons of sales because of this policy.[/quote]

This thread has been pretty civil, but I really have to question your logical thinking at this point. You are basing your statements that Gamestop is losing "tons of sales" off of your one experience at a random Gamestop and your personal feelings. How about letting a few facts sink in! Gamestop's sales increased by almost 50% in 2007. That is a fact, not based on feelings or one single personal experience.

You certainly have a right to your opinion, we all do. But before you start spouting statements you should have a few solid facts.
[quote name='srad1968']This thread has been pretty civil, but I really have to question your logical thinking at this point. You are basing your statements that Gamestop is losing "tons of sales" off of your one experience at a random Gamestop and your personal feelings. How about letting a few facts sink in! Gamestop's sales increased by almost 50% in 2007. That is a fact, not based on feelings or one single personal experience.

You certainly have a right to your opinion, we all do. But before you start spouting statements you should have a few solid facts.[/quote]

Certainly their sales have been up, two main reasons for that - they've been expanding heavily and the also merged with EB Games last year.
[quote name='karkyco']Certainly their sales have been up, two main reasons for that - they've been expanding heavily and the also merged with EB Games last year.[/quote]

They have been one company for 2 years now. Next month when they report their earning it will smash last years sales again when they were one company.
bread's done