Fallout New Vegas PC Discussion

[quote name='JP']So close to the Thanksgiving/Black Friday sale, I'd wait. Maybe there will be a lucky glitch of Fallout New Vegas for around $18, like Fallout 3 GOTY was last year for 5 minutes or so. I've already budgeted close to $300 combined between Thanksgiving & Winter sales steam had last year, if they do them at the same time frame anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sadly I ended up spending about $150 on Steam during the Christmas sale... most of it was accounted for by the Edios pack for $50, but that's still a lot for me in one or two weeks... got a lot of good games though. :)

I think I'll wait then and see what happens. That'll give them some more time to fix the glitches too!
Anyone join a faction yet? I'm thinking of joining Caesar's Legion, I'm doing this quest for a guy and it seems I need to wipe out a whole NCR camp... lol.
Mods are already rolling out and today the first nude mod was released for those who care (at work, so I can't post a link). I had a similar mod for Fallout 3 that turned the first bar in Megaton into a strip bar lol. Was pretty sweet since they had the go-go girls in barred cages hanging from the rafters, neon lighting, and a custom radio station playing. Granted, I haven't been to the strip yet, but I'd assume there's a similar joint actually in New Vegas that the nude mod would be perfect for IMO.
So I restarted my game the other day and somehow Powder Gangers weren't hostile to me after defending Goodsprings. At the risk of asking a rhetorical question, is this a glitch? All the PG camps were marked as them shunning me and in my first game this meant they were hostile. I don't think I did anything differently, so I'm just curious what happened for others.
[quote name='Megazell']Immersion at it's finest.[/QUOTE]
Personally, I like to hop up on the counter and do a little dance until all their shit is kicked on the floor. Does this make me weird?
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I don't really get the point of doing that. If you want to break the game, there's a button for that (~)[/QUOTE]

I think it also a showcase of how the AI responds...or does not respond to something that you would think they would.
I really can't wait for a random price drop for the CE for this game. but in the mean time still have to finish the add on's to fallout 3 :(
Man, I can't believe there's an implant in the game for health regen. I think between sucking down both sodas for caps, I've never once had to use a stimpack as a sniper. As if the game wasn't easymode enough, health regen will just ensure I can sell any healing items. It's like, here, for 12k caps you can turn on cruise control and watch the game play itself!
[quote name='Megazell']I think it also a showcase of how the AI responds...or does not respond to something that you would think they would.[/QUOTE]

In oblivion they'd instantly catch you for stealing if you picked items up so people had to dance on the tables. There was a brilliant mod that incorporated some decent AI allowing you to pick things up a bit, but dancing on tables and throwing stuff in the corners to try and steal it would get you fined.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']In oblivion they'd instantly catch you for stealing if you picked items up so people had to dance on the tables. There was a brilliant mod that incorporated some decent AI allowing you to pick things up a bit, but dancing on tables and throwing stuff in the corners to try and steal it would get you fined.[/QUOTE]
I used to go into book shops and use that dupe bug on something retarded, like a watermelon, and fire an arrow into a bookshelf. Haha, there was no other bug in any game more satisfying than watching items literally explode into the room, just wrecking anything in their path. I spent a couple hours just experimenting with different items to see how they'd react differently lol.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']In oblivion they'd instantly catch you for stealing if you picked items up so people had to dance on the tables. There was a brilliant mod that incorporated some decent AI allowing you to pick things up a bit, but dancing on tables and throwing stuff in the corners to try and steal it would get you fined.[/QUOTE]

Wizardry 8 has a great AI system when it came to interacting with NPCs.

I had many surprised looks on my face when I tried to do various things in the game similar to what that video shows...and that game had a answer for it all.

I mean even if you 'shut the door' in that game to rob someone eventually down the story cycle someone they know in that town is going to visit them and discover they are gone or robbed or what ever.
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Well, I finally just had enough of stupid sidequests last night and finished the main story. This is one of those strange games where I can't really say if I enjoyed it or not. I mean, I put in the 30 hours of time to explore, find loot, and beat it but it felt more like a relief when I was done. Like, good, now I can move on to the other five games I've been waiting to play since I got them last month.

I think what happened here was I just got overwhelmed with how much they jammed into the game, but the gameplay just isn't varied enough to support the sandbox. Go here, shoot this, loot that -- it's where the complaint of being too much like Fallout 3 comes in. I've already played this game to death and the scenery hasn't changed all that much aside from new landmarks. In fact, once I got to the main draw (The Strip) of the game, things just seem to slow down and it felt claustrophobic because you do spend so much time just running around freeside, the strip, westside, etc. I don't want to spoil anything, but I'll say that the main story just fucking explodes way too fast and sends you in twenty directions at the same time. At the expense of sounding hypocritical, the game isn't linear enough.

What I mean by that is starting off you're kind of given a tour of the wastes and you have a sense of direction with a few branching sidequests to check out the area you're in. Then you hit the strip and it's not clear what you're supposed to do at all. I felt totally lost just moving from camp to camp constantly finding new quests with no end in sight and nothing had any clear impact of how it relates to the main story. I think maybe I just did things out of order and that's why it didn't flow well for me.

On the other hand, if you do follow the main arc too quickly the game is over in 10-15 hours. The thing is, I don't feel like I would have missed much if I'd taken that route. I'm probably in the minority here, but I think they tried to add too much content that has no bearing on the actual story, but is for the true role-players. All the woe-is-me shit has no effect on me and I just want to know where the gold is at. There is a real lack of character progression as well, which never really satisfies the instant-gratification people like me.

I just felt like leveling was too slow and I wasn't finding the cool loot at all. At a certain point, I started looking at guides to see where the fuck I needed to go or do for some sweet gear only to find out it was all mostly off the beaten path. That's a terrible way to reward people for playing the game, by hiding the nice guns in places you might never visit or placing retarded requirements on them. Like the sniper rifle you see at the beginning of the game (anti-matter rifle) requires 8 STR to use (unless you pick up the gun handling perk, then it's 6). LIKE WHO THE fuck WOULD TAKE THAT MUCH STRENGTH IF YOU'RE PLAYING A SNIPER?!

I want to wrap this up, but the last thing I'll touch on is the bugs. Oh my god this makes Fallout 3 look like a golden turd. All the same bugs are still problems here and they're mostly engine issues dating back to Morrowind. The AI is horrible and some dialogue prompts don't even make sense or will sometimes miscue and spoil something that's coming up. It's very easy to bug scripts and I recommend multiple saves otherwise you can seriously fuck up your game. One such bug is if you have ED-E as your companion, at a certain point you have a chance to upgrade them but if you do not remove all the gear they're carrying it will be WIPED FROM THE GAME. I was very lucky and caught this fatal flaw before moving too far on in the game where back tracking would have been a serious chore to get it all back. My best advice is DO WHAT THE DESIGNERS INTENDED. Don't stray far from the path or think outside the box, because you will break the game.

Oh and don't worry too much about the decisions you make. The ending is a three minute exposition of what you did after wasting your time playing the broken game. Chances are you won't care about the impact because I sure as hell didn't.
Good news!! 2nd (or is it 3rd for PC?) patch is on deck!!!

Posted yesterday on the Bethesda forums-

Posted Yesterday, 02:17 PM

We’ve come up with solutions for the Xbox 360 save issue folks are reporting, along with a number of other issues being reported. We’re currently running final testing and certification on a comprehensive patch for all three platforms (PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3), so we’ll have something available in the coming weeks. When we have more details, we’ll let you know.

In the meantime, an incremental update for PC should be going up by early next week that will fix the save corruption issues and problems with companions, as well as improve performance for NVIDIA users and resolve some issues reported with Havok.
Umm, yeah. . .I don't get people sometimes. . .


bread's done