Famitsu: 1 year subscription (52 issues) $390 shipped at Amazon

[quote name='CitizenB']:lol:

But yea thats insane the most expensive mag I've ever seen. I think here in the states the most expensive magazine I've seen is $60 a year.[/quote]

There are lots of trade magazine subscription prices that would dwarf the Famitsu price.
Actually, $7.50 an issue is a great deal. If you were to order each issue alone, they cost $10. At least through Previews.

And damn it, I dig magazines! I love reading them, although I will admit that with gaming magazines it's kind of needless these days. Especially since they're about 80 pages of ads and 20 pages of actual readable material.
[quote name='Rictor']If it was an English-language version, I'd buy it. $7 a week is chump change for the 2 hours of entertainment I'd get out of it. Very little of the news I'm interested in ever makes it to the U.S. or to English-speaking websites. I want to know about the weird games that are never going to be released in the U.S. and it would be nice to have actual reviews of the games I see on sites like Play Asia. I wish some American company would by the rights to this magazine and translate it every week for a U.S. audience.[/QUOTE]
Gamepro has the rights, but I don't think they use it at all.
Remember when EA gave the first look of the godfather game to famitsu?
I still like getting magazines in the mail.

Of course, I think all but one of them (Shonen Jump) is from the free magazines thread! :)

I've always wanted to check out a couple issues of Famitsu, but I could never spend that kind of money!
If this is a magazine in Japan, this would mean it's in Japanese, no?

In which case I'd imagine very few CAGs can take advantage of this deal, no matter the price.

If it was cheaper, I'd buy it for the purdy pictures. :lol:
Thanks Cheapy, in for one sub for myself, one for Felicity, one for each of my children, one for my agent, one for my manager, one for each of the Coen brothers, and one for you personally, Mr. D
[quote name='CheapyD']A CAG had PMed me asking if I would order a subscription of Famitsu and ship it to him every week.

Obviously, I wasn't going to do that, but I came across this at Amazon. Works out to $7.50/issue.

So who is the CAG that wanted you to ship magazines to him every week...so we can make fun of him?

Wageslave knows his place.
[quote name='wageslave']So who is the CAG that wanted you to ship magazines to him every week...so we can make fun of him?

Wageslave knows his place.[/quote] I'll leave it to him to reveal himself.
[quote name='CheapyD']Yeah, I know, but I thought it was kind of newsworthy too.
Plus, I was tired of looking at those dead Amazon DOTDs.

I gots to get pizaid

i lol'd
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Thanks Cheapy [...] and one for you personally, Mr. D[/QUOTE]

But wait... couldn't Cheapy just buy them himself and save on shipping?

Then, when he's done reading them, mail 'em to that other CAG'ger and charge him too? ;)
If I could read Japanese I probably would subscribe. I'm probably looking more towards edge right now, though since it's cheaper and in a language I understand.
[quote name='UncleBob']But wait... couldn't Cheapy just buy them himself and save on shipping?

Then, when he's done reading them, mail 'em to that other CAG'ger and charge him too? ;)[/quote] Oops, didn't think of that! Oh well, an extra sub for you Cheapy.

And I'll order one for you, too, UncleBob, for pointing out that valuable mistake. Oh, and one for your closest friend, and one for the president.
foreign subs are also pricey, im a huge paranormal nut..i paid $62 for a year subscription to the fortean times, AWESOME magazine though, but looking back on it...kinda a waste
everyboby seems to be overly concerned about the crazy subscription fee, but forget about the most important thing: most of us DO NOT understand Japanese. So it'll be like "reading" a Playboy magazine.
[quote name='Raymond']I don't care about the magazine, just tell me who is that pretty girl on the cover?[/quote]Oh you're too sweet. yes, that's obviously me.

The times I've looked through Famitsu at Tomato (smyrna), it did nothing for me. Granted, if I could understand the print, that might have changed things.
[quote name='grap3fruitman']Anyone in the Chicagoland area can just head over to Asahiya Bookstore inside of Mitsuwa Marketplace (on Arlington Heights Rd and Algonquin Rd, just 10 minutes east of Woodfield Mall) and get the same treatment or just pick up individual issues. You can even import books and such by request, or have them hold issues ones coming in by request. It really is a great place and I'm plugging it so it doesn't go down like the import game shop that was right next to it inside the same marketplace. There's a Pace bus stop right outside as well, so, yeah.[/QUOTE]

Actualy, Asahiya closed last year. There is Sanseido that opened up just to the left of the main entrance, however they are really only magazines, manga, and a small selection of books. Nothing close to what Asahiya was. But I believe they do offer subscription services.

And that import game shop just moved down the road. Its in a strip mall at the corner of Arlington Heights Rd and Golf Rd. At least it was there the last time I was down there. Their website isn't coming up right now....
[quote name='propeller_head']if only i could read japanese

if they actually translated it, i would consider it[/QUOTE]

Famitsu = Japanese EGM. Their review scores are all over the place (so are justified, some are obviously paid by publishers :D)
I live in the states and through the grace of a small japanese book store have been subscribing to weekly famitsu since mid 1991 (yes, I have a lot of magazines).
it's kind of neat to look at some of the issues and see just how much the industry (as well as famitsu) has changed. it started as a bi-weekly magazine, which changed to weekly status back in july of 1991.
over the years, they've included some nice "gift" items including OSTs, dvd's of stuff like the tokyo game show coverage, game demos and a few full games (skies of arcadia for the dreamcast was one, I believe). additionally, back in the day, there was the section that included all of the cheat codes for the older famicom, mega drive and super famicom games.

I started to scan in covers awhile back, but it got to be too time consuming and sucked quite a bit of bandwidth and disc space on my site. those interested can view what is still there at this link:
[quote name='Rihan']Actualy, Asahiya closed last year. There is Sanseido that opened up just to the left of the main entrance, however they are really only magazines, manga, and a small selection of books. Nothing close to what Asahiya was. But I believe they do offer subscription services.

There's a Sanseido in Narita Airport. That was good times when I was there on a stopover recently (though I did visit Japan for longer in 2001). I looked like an ass buying a whole stack of books and magazines in a fucking airport. I was laughing along with the Japanese. And there was a guy, right in the middle of the store, shamelessly looking at porn.:lol:
[quote name='tamno1']everyboby seems to be overly concerned about the crazy subscription fee, but forget about the most important thing: most of us DO NOT understand Japanese. So it'll be like "reading" a Playboy magazine.[/QUOTE]

Wait, so you can whack it Japanese font? I'm all over this!
[quote name='tamno1']everyboby seems to be overly concerned about the crazy subscription fee, but forget about the most important thing: most of us DO NOT understand Japanese. So it'll be like "reading" a Playboy magazine.[/quote]

I hate when people say things like that about Playboy. It's common knowledge that Playboy employs some of the finest writers in the world and always has. I don't find airbrushed women with fake boobs attractive, but I still have a subscription to Playboy for the articles, interviews, and fiction. If you don't read Playboy and just look at the pretty pictures, you're really doing yourself a disservice.
i love japanese stuff and all but unless the chick on the cover is gonna rub my balls counterclockwise every time i wish it so theres no way in hell id ever pay that much for that magazine or any magazine. i cant read japanese ( as much as id love to ) and for that insane i could buy an xbox 360 in in a few months a ps3. hell for 390 i could buy a few kids fom china and raise them up to be writers and have them help me create my own magazine for just pennies a day.......but im too lazy and uninspired to do that so ill just watch attack of the show and think dirty thoughts about all of the female hosts. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm blair and layla sandwhich on a stack of xmen comics.
I think everyone is forgetting the fact that EVERY WEEK something has to get mailed from Japan to the US. Thats not going to be cheap. Thats easily the extra $3-4 an issue right there.
[quote name='Raymond']I don't care about the magazine, just tell me who is that pretty girl on the cover?[/QUOTE]

Ueto Aya

if the cover would be like Sora Aoi, i'm there. :lol:
but hey if they could bring SABRA here in the US, i'll be stoked! :bouncy:
Hah, the Japanese supermarket near where I live sells Famitsu for like five dollars an issue.

And yeah, they usually have a cute girl on the cover, but other than that, there's not much in Famitsu that you couldn't get from reading EGM or Edge, even if you can read the Japanese.
I saw this at this one Japaneese store called Matisuwa or something in Torrance, CA on PCH and they sell this for $5.30. Cheaper and its airmailed.
[quote name='lokizz']i love japanese stuff and all but unless the chick on the cover is gonna rub my balls counterclockwise every time i wish it so theres no way in hell id ever pay that much for that magazine or any magazine. i cant read japanese ( as much as id love to ) and for that insane i could buy an xbox 360 in in a few months a ps3. hell for 390 i could buy a few kids fom china and raise them up to be writers and have them help me create my own magazine for just pennies a day.......but im too lazy and uninspired to do that so ill just watch attack of the show and think dirty thoughts about all of the female hosts. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm blair and layla sandwhich on a stack of xmen comics.[/quote]

what a very ignorant comment
bread's done