Fat Princess - Gen Discussion & Info - $15 - 7/30

[quote name='Viperx116']Joining games is way faster now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah definitely. Takes maybe a fourth as long. Also I haven't failed to join a game the three times I've tried since the patch came out.
[quote name='KingBroly']Patch is out.[/QUOTE]

Good. I was really annoyed that the game had most of it's trophies based on online gaming, while this whole time I haven't been able to connect to single match.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I got into a game on my second try, which I was kicked from midway through the game. Then I got nothing for the next ten tries and gave up. It's not worth the time and effort it requires to get into a game.[/QUOTE]
That is seriously the most annoying thing about online gaming now indays. Being dropped from a game you are already 3/4 of the way through. And it always happens when you are doing well, never when you are doing terrible! They have to figure out something that either saves what you earned or allows you to rejoin with the same score ect.

ANNOYING! :bomb:
[quote name='Darknyss']I was able to get in on my first try last night. That definitely never happened before (well, except for when I played the day it released).

Also, the host left twice but the game never stopped. Just got an annoying pop-up while it found another host.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't as laggy for me as before with the new patch as it's a good thing, but when the host left my game, it did not migrate to a new host, the game just ended.
[quote name='gbpackers94']This game is dissapointing.[/QUOTE]
Yeah... it's fun in small doses, but I don't really see myself playing it for much longer.
I dunno I generally still like it. The patch has increased my chances of getting into a game from say 5% to maybe 80%. If I can find some people who aren't dickwads and upgrade something like the Archer first then I'm all good. From a theoretical standpoint I was all for a third tier but since I've been playing RTP pretty much exclusively the two tiers is pretty much all we need. the only time games get long is when we've glitched and the princess goes untouchable. I did get 2500 points in one game though that was fun.

oh and thanks for the link Darknyss. D. Priest is my end game class after worker so I'll definitely trying to work on that aura.

I can never find a public game and get anyone organized to shortcuts. I just found out on some maps getting control of the close checkpoint can open up the enemy base but noone wants to try to take 'em.
Anyone ever haul as s in this game? I use NO CLASS and ran straight into the enemy base. He was so fast that I was able to get in there before they even built the damn doors and I took the princess and ran out just like that. I swear that round only lasted two minutes :lol:
Behold the power of the villager! They're pretty fun to use in a pinch, collecting cake quickly, and smacking items out of people's hands. Last night, option.iv was pulling mad suicide bomber runs with the villager during a game :lol: I had to keep an eye out just so I could throw his bombs away from our door.
oh word really? I've been looking for an excuse to switch from my opening worker if they're really that fast maybe I'll try the villager. I DO need that trophy. I'm just scared of the accuracy. The direct accuracy in this game leaves much to be desired. I've tried the warrior but you just swing and swing and swing and nothing.
Yeah, villagers are good early in the match to help with collecting cake or while someone gets to chopping wood and minerals. It all depends on weather or not the trade off in piss-poor HP is worth the speed. The villager can also smack the princess out of someone's hands too, and can leave the enemy confused after a hit. The only problem is that you need to have someone directly targeted for their smack to work properly, which, if you've played the warrior, know how awful direct targeting works for melee.

Also, rangers are your worst enemy, since they don't have to chase you down and a fully charged shot = death. Other than that, you can run circles around all the other classes until they start upgrading.

Regarding the warrior class, I'm actually finding a little more use out of them. What's really been warming me up to the warrior is their shield, since it can block arrow and shotgun shots. Really helpful for closing in on hit and run rangers, or for protecting your more fragile teammates. Even more effective if you can form a sort of phalanx with a few other warriors. Having a few warriors assisting someone carrying the princess with shields up has definitely helped me in a few games. To me, their 2nd tier isn't all that great outside of using their charged attack to cross gorges and deep water. Most human opponents move too much for it to land consistently. All the more reason to make the warrior the last upgrade you should get, arguably after a catapult depending on the map.

This went on way longer than I intended, some of which may be common knowledge at this point :lol:
This game is $15?!?!?! I expected it to be like a $5-10 title at most. How is it though? I doubt I'd be able to find anyone to play against in it, unless I gameshared it with a friend of mine.
Ninja class addition?

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This game is $15?!?!?! I expected it to be like a $5-10 title at most. How is it though? I doubt I'd be able to find anyone to play against in it, unless I gameshared it with a friend of mine.[/QUOTE]

That's the amount I'd pay for a 360 knowing full well it'll break just out of spite.
[quote name='smiggity']Wow thats cool I thought the ninja was just rumored. Hopefully free patch[/QUOTE]

I have a sneaking suspicion that nothing will be free in terms of DLC for this game ;).

[quote name='evergoo']IRC is active now and Game Night begins in 25 minutes. :D

EDIT: Crap...wrong thread. #-o[/QUOTE]

Is there a game night thread for this game? I don't see one on the first page in any case (maybe it dropped off - will look).

In any case, I impulse bought this Friday night and played through a few rounds of the single-player. I'd love to get in on the CAG action. I don't play a lot of games online but I'll give this one a shot.
[quote name='io']
In any case, I impulse bought this Friday night and played through a few rounds of the single-player. I'd love to get in on the CAG action. I don't play a lot of games online but I'll give this one a shot.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is really the only one I play online and it's a blast.

Sweet new control options.

The fans have spoken and we have listened once again! One highly requested feature has been for a controller option change so that players can use the right shoulder buttons for attack (especially nice for all you Priest and Dark Priest fans).
This could be great. If they can add a way for us to create private rooms I think I'll be completely satisfied.

Always remember rule #2: Double Tap.
I don't like to admit ignorance in this game. Even the things I can't do myself I'm well versed in but I have no idea what this means. and i'm intrigued.
[quote name='io']Is there a game night thread for this game? I don't see one on the first page in any case (maybe it dropped off - will look).[/QUOTE]
The thread is here. There are 3 hosts and we play every Wednesday and Sunday.

Edit: D'oh. #-oI answer a 1 month old question.
Finally got around to playing the demo and both vs. computers and Vs. players it just seems like a big spam fest due to the only one real path between the two bases. Did they just pick a bad map to lock the demo too or is the rest of the game like that?
[quote name='guardian_owl']Finally got around to playing the demo and both vs. computers and Vs. players it just seems like a big spam fest due to the only one real path between the two bases. Did they just pick a bad map to lock the demo too or is the rest of the game like that?[/QUOTE]

They just picked a bad map. Most of the maps have many different paths to take.
what map is it? i'm dying to know but I'm not downloading a demo for a game I have. don't have the HD space or patience.

don't let anyone kid you.. offline is terrible. if you are planning to buy for offline then I'm sorry to say it but don't bother.
Unfortunately, I must disagree. While it can be difficult, it is far from impossible.
However, Wolfkin is correct. The game is ALL about online play.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Wolfkin: I would assume the map in the demo is Black Forest. I think that's the most linear map.[/QUOTE]
That sounds like the name. At the northern center section is an island with one tower and minerals. Each side has a short bridge which connects to the island. Then there are very small islands in the southern portion of the map so that you can jump/swim to the enemy mainland.
bread's done