Favorite Game(s) of Last Gen

Typing of the Dead
Power Stone 2
Jet Grind Radio

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (arguably the best Zelda game in my opinion)
Paper Mario: The 1000 Year Door
Soul Calibur II, me and my friends did best with GC controllers for some reason. Plus back in the day my high school would hold tournies and when facing off against people I would hear their idiotic strategies against me. "Dude, just keep blocking and he won't get you." So I just kept attacking them low and beat majority of them at a landslide.

Guitar Hero II
God of War
*There's more but PS2 backlog is ridiculous*

Ninja Gaiden: Black
[quote name='CriscoKidd']I woulda thought you'd say Fire Emblem somewhere on there.[/quote]I only did one game per console (save for multiplatform and best game), and no handhelds, as handheld generations are not synchronized with console generations. If we want to include GBA, then put Fire Emblem 8 on there, with an honourable mention to Advance Wars.
Favorite by far is SHADOW HEARTS. Such a great great game. So underrated. I dunno why no one knows/plays it. Its my 2nd fav gme of all time.

Also: Suikoden 5. And i actually liked ffx and ffx-2. Unlike most people. Wind Waker. Starwars games in general
My Top Ten:
1. Second Sight
2. Psychonauts
3. Mercenaries
4. the Max Payne games
5. Beyond Good and Evil
6. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
7. Psi-Ops
8. Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
9. Half Life 2
10. Deus Ex Invisible War
bread's done