[quote name='gomikeoh']
If you are gonna flip, you better know what you are dealing with, even going beyond your comfort level of researching things up. This "job," isnt as easy and dumb witted as its cracked up to be. You HAVE to know the market and roll with the punches.[/quote]
Hell, I'd still be happy if Network Adapters were going for 30 with free shipping. As long as I can double my investment, I'm good. Any lower than that and fees kill me. Network Adapters used to be great though because no one knew they were a goldmine. Getting $60.00 for something I could easily acquire was awesome. It had to end sometime I guess. Like I said, I've been riding the Network Adapter train since July (or earlier, I can't remember) because I discovered that they had a high resale price through my own research, so I can't be too disappointed with the prices dropping.
Lucky for me, I primarily deal in flipping retro games which stay pretty steady and are almost 100% market saturation-proof since Gamestop no longer sells them (ie they take effort to find). I also get to claim the fame of having achieved the highest sold-price for an opened, well-used, FF7 that I've ever seen on eBay. I sold a copy back in March for $175.50. Still amazes me to this day that the buyer actually paid when 90% of the copies at that time were going for sub-100 prices. (note to lurkers, FF7 is not going for that much anymore, so don't get too happy).