Free $10 Amazon Gift Cert. on Facebook- Hosts of giveaway have posted- want UR input!

So just a heads up, I got mine to work. You can actually "cheat" it with 1 other friend.

Do as follows:
Go through the steps in the first post, except just add 10 businesses (not big chains, just local places you know of). Don't bother recommending it to anyone. You only need to do 5, but 10 is easier since you're only recommending it to 1 person.

Your status box will now say you just need to suggest them to 10 friends. Have your friend add the app. Once they have it, click on "manage" and then click "share" and share all of your 10 recommendations with your 1 friend. Your "invite 10 friends" will decrease by 1 every time you share.

Once your done, wait a bit (a few hours), then check back and you'll have the code waiting for you.

Your friend can do the same to you.
I have sent requests to 10 people, and yet it still says I need 10 more. Why? Numbers 6 and 7 don't explain jack.
[quote name='help1']I have sent requests to 10 people, and yet it still says I need 10 more. Why? Numbers 6 and 7 don't explain jack.[/quote]

Are you slow?

6 and 7 are if it still says you need 10 more friends. Email them, and they'll fix it for you. Where'd you get lost?
[quote name='the_punisher']Are you slow?

6 and 7 are if it still says you need 10 more friends. Email them, and they'll fix it for you. Where'd you get lost?[/quote]

Are you slow? No one in their right fucking mind is going to accept $4 for a $10 GC that sells for ~$9 on ebay.
[quote name='help1']Are you slow? No one in their right fucking mind is going to accept $4 for a $10 GC that sells for ~$9 on ebay.[/quote]

Are you slow? Where do you see me wanting $4 for anything?
[quote name='the_punisher']Are you slow? Where do you see me wanting $4 for anything?[/quote]

[quote name='the_punisher']

7) You're done! They'll send you your code, and if you don't want it, or you can get a lot, PM me and i'll send you $4 paypal for your code.


Don't edit it out dumbass.
[quote name='help1']I have sent requests to 10 people, and yet it still says I need 10 more. Why? Numbers 6 and 7 don't explain jack.[/quote]

I'll actually respond to you, like a human.

You need to have a friend who has the DoYa application installed, and they also have to have the $10 GC promotion started. After they install it, and start that, you're able to send them the recommendations, and it will count towards your total.

I tried this before, and multiple times since, and it's worked everytime.

You could even just make a fake account, make it install the application, start the promotion, and then do the promotion on your actual account, by only sending that fake account the recommendations.

I hope that helps you out.
Hi Everybody,

Thanks for choosing DoYa to ask for, and view, trusted recommendations from your friends. While we appreciate your enthusiasm for our offer, we also appreciate your honesty. So please, only review businesses that you use and trust and share them with real friends.

To show our appreciation, we're thinking about having a contest for users of this forum but, since we believe in community, we're looking to you for ideas on both the contest and the prizes. So what do you want, PSPs, Wiis, games, etc. Let us know. Also, let us know if you have any creative ideas on how to win them. As long as your ideas involve letting your friends know about those local businesses that you use and trust it's okay by us.

Just respond to this thread with your ideas or votes by midnight pst on Sat 4/4 and we'll set something up special for you. In the mean time, we hope that you continue to use, and like, DoYa. Let us know if you have any feedback at

DoYa Support
Thanks for all the support, DoYa, it's greatly appreciated.

Also, i think it's great you want to host contests, and persoanlly think it's a great way to bring people to the application, especially at cheapassgamer :).

Answering your question, i persoanlly would like to see some Wii's and DS's up for grabs. Hope the rest of the community responds. Of course i also want Shin Megami Tensei games, but i'm gettign a little ahead of myself....

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to respond to the thread. Your staff has been quick with helping out the problems we've encountered.
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everybody,

Thanks for choosing DoYa to ask for, and view, trusted recommendations from your friends. While we appreciate your enthusiasm for our offer, we also appreciate your honesty. So please, only review businesses that you use and trust and share them with real friends.

To show our appreciation, we're thinking about having a contest for users of this forum but, since we believe in community, we're looking to you for ideas on both the contest and the prizes. So what do you want, PSPs, Wiis, games, etc. Let us know. Also, let us know if you have any creative ideas on how to win them. As long as your ideas involve letting your friends know about those local businesses that you use and trust it's okay by us.

Just respond to this thread with your ideas or votes by midnight pst on Sat 4/4 and we'll set something up special for you. In the mean time, we hope that you continue to use, and like, DoYa. Let us know if you have any feedback at

DoYa Support[/quote]

I'd like to see maybe a choice of giftcards, instead of just product since most of us own console X and/or A through X, but want something different. If you gave away something generic like a giftcard, I think more people would care since not everyone would want one console, but if they had a giftcard, thats as good as money to get whatever you want.

How about having people get a picture of themselves holding up a sign with "Cheap Ass Gamers" written on it infront of said business they use?
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everybody,

Thanks for choosing DoYa to ask for, and view, trusted recommendations from your friends. While we appreciate your enthusiasm for our offer, we also appreciate your honesty. So please, only review businesses that you use and trust and share them with real friends.

To show our appreciation, we're thinking about having a contest for users of this forum but, since we believe in community, we're looking to you for ideas on both the contest and the prizes. So what do you want, PSPs, Wiis, games, etc. Let us know. Also, let us know if you have any creative ideas on how to win them. As long as your ideas involve letting your friends know about those local businesses that you use and trust it's okay by us.

Just respond to this thread with your ideas or votes by midnight pst on Sat 4/4 and we'll set something up special for you. In the mean time, we hope that you continue to use, and like, DoYa. Let us know if you have any feedback at

DoYa Support[/quote]

Very nice to see an actual represenative from DoYa respond here, we normally don't get down to earth people.

As for "contests", I think anything would be fine, although I'd honestly like it to be a 360, only because mine broke and I can't live without it, haha, but anything gaming related I think would be very good for your application, and it will defiantly get more people to use it.

I don't have a creative way really, besides the current thing you are doing for the GC's, to really make a contest, but the idea of having contests, especially ones for CAG's, is great appreciated.
[quote name='georox']I'd like to see maybe a choice of giftcards, instead of just product since most of us own console X and/or A through X, but want something different. If you gave away something generic like a giftcard, I think more people would care since not everyone would want one console, but if they had a giftcard, thats as good as money to get whatever you want.

How about having people get a picture of themselves holding up a sign with "Cheap Ass Gamers" written on it infront of said business they use?[/quote]

Although i i'm not so sure about the contest (u still get credit for being the only one to offer one though), i'd agree with the giftcards. People might want a PS3/360/Wii.....but with a giftcard, you can buy what you want. I'm not sure exactly WHERE (i'd say Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City, and Gamestop are viable options), but no matter where i would say that's the way to go.
[quote name='the_punisher']Although i i'm not so sure about the contest (u still get credit for being the only one to offer one though), i'd agree with the giftcards. People might want a PS3/360/Wii.....but with a giftcard, you can buy what you want. I'm not sure exactly WHERE (i'd say Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City, and Gamestop are viable options), but no matter where i would say that's the way to go.[/quote]

Possibly, a pre-paid Visa Giftcard (like the ones you can buy from the store) would be nice to have, since you'd be able to put as much as you want on them, and can use them anywhere.

Not to mention, they are also rechargeable.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Possibly, a pre-paid Visa Giftcard (like the ones you can buy from the store) would be nice to have, since you'd be able to put as much as you want on them, and can use them anywhere.

Not to mention, they are also rechargeable.[/quote]

:twoguns: *Shoots LegendK7ll3r*

I have an idea, what about a pre-paid Visa Giftcard (like the ones you can buy from the store) would be nice to have, since you'd be able to put as much as you want on them, and can use them anywhere.

Seriously though, that's a great idea.
Agreed on those Pre-Paid Visa, those are very useful and useable anywhere.

I sent an email in before most of you yet I didn't get a reply, wth?
[quote name='aea414']Agreed on those Pre-Paid Visa, those are very useful and useable anywhere.

I sent an email in before most of you yet I didn't get a reply, wth?[/quote]

Lol. They don't always reply. Check the application, it may've been fixed.
[quote name='the_punisher']Lol. They don't always reply. Check the application, it may've been fixed.[/quote]

Yep, tiny print, got it though. Thanks, Op.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I say giftcards as well since the let the winner have a wider choice of uses for it.[/quote]
I sent a email but never got a response yet. How long does it take? Also I would like the idea of those visa gift cards too, or a wii. :p
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everybody,

Thanks for choosing DoYa to ask for, and view, trusted recommendations from your friends. While we appreciate your enthusiasm for our offer, we also appreciate your honesty. So please, only review businesses that you use and trust and share them with real friends.

To show our appreciation, we're thinking about having a contest for users of this forum but, since we believe in community, we're looking to you for ideas on both the contest and the prizes. So what do you want, PSPs, Wiis, games, etc. Let us know. Also, let us know if you have any creative ideas on how to win them. As long as your ideas involve letting your friends know about those local businesses that you use and trust it's okay by us.

Just respond to this thread with your ideas or votes by midnight pst on Sat 4/4 and we'll set something up special for you. In the mean time, we hope that you continue to use, and like, DoYa. Let us know if you have any feedback at

DoYa Support[/quote]

We like money. :bouncy:
[quote name='the_punisher']Anyone have an idea for a contest?

I tried, but i got nothing.....

We agreed on the prize, but that's the easy part.[/quote]

I can't really think of any either :whistle2:?
[quote name='the_punisher']Anyone have an idea for a contest?

I tried, but i got nothing.....

We agreed on the prize, but that's the easy part.[/quote]

Tossed my idea in my post before. I'd say randomly draw a person who does it.
How about a contest for whoever can refer the most people to DoYa on facebook? Then maybe have prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. It might get more people to use the service also.

Just a thought, throwing it out there

BTW its nice seeing a rep from DoYa actually posting on CAG
[quote name='rofljeff']I sent a email but never got a response yet. How long does it take? Also I would like the idea of those visa gift cards too, or a wii. :p[/quote]
If you haven gotten your code:please follow these steps(they don't email sometimes or they don't say you go it except if you look where these directions show you to look.)

Go to the DoYa application home page.

On the "Home" tab Look for "Amazon Gift Certificate!" link.

You should see a YELLOW box that says " Congratulations! Your $10 Amazon Gift Certificate Code is XXXXXXXXX"

If not it should say the status of the certificate.

Op might want to add to first post if this works for ppls.
[quote name='aea414']If you haven gotten your code:please follow these steps(they don't email sometimes or they don't say you go it except if you look where these directions show you to look.)

Go to the DoYa application home page.

On the "Home" tab Look for "Amazon Gift Certificate!" link.

You should see a YELLOW box that says " Congratulations! Your $10 Amazon Gift Certificate Code is XXXXXXXXX"

If not it should say the status of the certificate.

Op might want to add to first post if this works for ppls.[/quote]

Thanks. Good idea.

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on the status of our current offer. Due to the level of "suspicious" recommendations and profiles, we have gone to a manual review process of each submission. This is what has caused the delay in some of you getting your codes.

A couple of tips to those of you who have not yet made recommendations:
1. Make sure that you're completing the offer. Recommend 5 businesses and share those recommendations with 10 of your friends.
1. Recommend businesses that you use and trust. Coming up with them is simple, just recommend your Doctor, Dentist, etc (but only if you like them).
2. Make sure that you recommend 5 different types of businesses (meaning don't recommend 5 different sandwich places or the same sandwich place 5 times). Seriously, Runza can't be THAT good.
3. Enter comments that will be helpful for your friends not "Never been there".
4. Don't try to scam us. This group's enthusiasm has opened our eyes and we think that we could run some exciting contests here but if the bad>good then we'll have to shut it down.

We're hoping for a bit of community moderation here so OP if you could modify your original QA and the need to send us an email, that would be great.

DoYa Support

p.s. What would you rather have, one big prize a day or a bunch of little ones?
[quote name='DoYa']p.s. What would you rather have, one big prize a day or a bunch of little ones?[/quote]

Id probably rather have a big prize a day, not that you can go wrong either way.

BTW thanks alot for the $10 gift card and all your support, heres hoping this program grows!
Thanks, DoYa, Seems like it could be a Fun, interactive, new yellow page competitor.

Also it is tough to decided 1 big or a bunch of small. Could you put a $ value or sample of what each one would be?
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on the status of our current offer. Due to the level of "suspicious" recommendations and profiles, we have gone to a manual review process of each submission. This is what has caused the delay in some of you getting your codes.

A couple of tips to those of you who have not yet made recommendations:
1. Make sure that you're completing the offer. Recommend 5 businesses and share those recommendations with 10 of your friends.
1. Recommend businesses that you use and trust. Coming up with them is simple, just recommend your Doctor, Dentist, etc (but only if you like them).
2. Make sure that you recommend 5 different types of businesses (meaning don't recommend 5 different sandwich places or the same sandwich place 5 times). Seriously, Runza can't be THAT good.
3. Enter comments that will be helpful for your friends not "Never been there".
4. Don't try to scam us. This group's enthusiasm has opened our eyes and we think that we could run some exciting contests here but if the bad>good then we'll have to shut it down.

We're hoping for a bit of community moderation here so OP if you could modify your original QA and the need to send us an email, that would be great.

DoYa Support

p.s. What would you rather have, one big prize a day or a bunch of little ones?[/quote]

I invited more than 10 friends though, and it still says that I need to invite 10 people...

As for prizes, depends how small the small prizes are.
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on the status of our current offer. Due to the level of "suspicious" recommendations and profiles, we have gone to a manual review process of each submission. This is what has caused the delay in some of you getting your codes.

A couple of tips to those of you who have not yet made recommendations:
1. Make sure that you're completing the offer. Recommend 5 businesses and share those recommendations with 10 of your friends.
1. Recommend businesses that you use and trust. Coming up with them is simple, just recommend your Doctor, Dentist, etc (but only if you like them).
2. Make sure that you recommend 5 different types of businesses (meaning don't recommend 5 different sandwich places or the same sandwich place 5 times). Seriously, Runza can't be THAT good.
3. Enter comments that will be helpful for your friends not "Never been there".
4. Don't try to scam us. This group's enthusiasm has opened our eyes and we think that we could run some exciting contests here but if the bad>good then we'll have to shut it down.

We're hoping for a bit of community moderation here so OP if you could modify your original QA and the need to send us an email, that would be great.

DoYa Support

p.s. What would you rather have, one big prize a day or a bunch of little ones?[/quote]

Sorry about that. Thanks for clearing up the delayed issues. Anyway, i edited the OP with the explanations you gave. If there's anything you want me to add/change, you can always PM me. :)

Anyway, since big prizes are always harder to win, i'd vote for smaller prizes, but more.
[quote name='help1']I invited more than 10 friends though, and it still says that I need to invite 10 people...

As for prizes, depends how small the small prizes are.[/quote]

I think they're verifying to make sure that you're businesses and friends are legitimate. Anyway, i updated the OP, and hope everyone has a better understanding now.
I'd probably go with the smaller prizes, however it would depend on how "large" and "small" the prizes would be. Also, if you need something adjusted, you could also PM me and I can take care of it. Still waiting on my amazon GC but I'm not worried since they've taken care of other users and I know I used legit things.

BTW: does it have to be *five* different things, or could you do say two of one type, one of each for a total of five?
[quote name='Foladar']I'd probably go with the smaller prizes, however it would depend on how "large" and "small" the prizes would be. Also, if you need something adjusted, you could also PM me and I can take care of it. Still waiting on my amazon GC but I'm not worried since they've taken care of other users and I know I used legit things.

BTW: does it have to be *five* different things, or could you do say two of one type, one of each for a total of five?[/quote]

Didn't exactly understand the last part. To try and answer, i'd just use 5 different places just to be safe (ie game store, department store, fast food, nice restaurant, local business).
Well, the reason for the last question was because I recommended two movie theaters to friends, two different "companies" (Regal and Flagship)
[quote name='Foladar']Well, the reason for the last question was because I recommended two movie theaters to friends, two different "companies" (Regal and Flagship)[/quote]

Oh, alright. I wouldn't worry about it, as i don't think they're really strict about it. I just don't think they want people abusing the system.
Thanks OP and DoYa... just checked my e-mail and got my code, this is truly legit :)

PS - Take some time and do it legit, this is a pretty sweet app, thanks again
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on the status of our current offer. Due to the level of "suspicious" recommendations and profiles, we have gone to a manual review process of each submission. This is what has caused the delay in some of you getting your codes.

A couple of tips to those of you who have not yet made recommendations:
1. Make sure that you're completing the offer. Recommend 5 businesses and share those recommendations with 10 of your friends.
1. Recommend businesses that you use and trust. Coming up with them is simple, just recommend your Doctor, Dentist, etc (but only if you like them).
2. Make sure that you recommend 5 different types of businesses (meaning don't recommend 5 different sandwich places or the same sandwich place 5 times). Seriously, Runza can't be THAT good.
3. Enter comments that will be helpful for your friends not "Never been there".
4. Don't try to scam us. This group's enthusiasm has opened our eyes and we think that we could run some exciting contests here but if the bad>good then we'll have to shut it down.

We're hoping for a bit of community moderation here so OP if you could modify your original QA and the need to send us an email, that would be great.

DoYa Support

p.s. What would you rather have, one big prize a day or a bunch of little ones?[/quote]

Thanks for all the support ^_^ . Personally, either of them seems cool as long as everyone has an equal chance of getting that "big prize" or the little prizes. Personally, I'm agreeing with the general consensus here that Visa gift cards or some kind of gift cards would be best. Thanks again for the help and the opportunity to join this wonderful program ^_^.
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']What do we do if it keeps saying send to 10 more friends?[/quote]

1) Givem them time to prove you're legit. They must be swamped....
2) If it's been over a wekk, try contacting them via email.
[quote name='iHack']Thanks OP and DoYa... just checked my e-mail and got my code, this is truly legit :)

PS - Take some time and do it legit, this is a pretty sweet app, thanks again[/QUOTE]

Just curious but how long did yours take? I did mine yesterday morning but hadn't heard anything.

[edit: mine switched to "we're reviewing your recommendations" recently, so thats handy]
bread's done