Free $10 Amazon Gift Cert. on Facebook- Hosts of giveaway have posted- want UR input!

I wonder if they're going to change their TOS so you have to invite more than one unique seems a little silly and counter productive/intuitive to use the same friend(s) over and over. But, hey, if it works and is within the rules, I have no ethical problems doing it.

Unbeknownst to them, my parents are soon going to become new facebook users :D...actually they will know soon enough, as some of my family has gotten accounts lately, so they'll probably start to use it themselves once I teach them the basics.
[quote name='darkcecil32']I wonder if they're going to change their TOS so you have to invite more than one unique seems a little silly and counter productive/intuitive to use the same friend(s) over and over. But, hey, if it works and is within the rules, I have no ethical problems doing it.

Unbeknownst to them, my parents are soon going to become new facebook users :D...actually they will know soon enough, as some of my family has gotten accounts lately, so they'll probably start to use it themselves once I teach them the basics.[/quote]

Beknownst to them:

FYI-anything you post here THEY COULD/PROBABLY WILL READ. They have posted here at least twice if not more already. Don't ABUSE IT. They have already expressed interest in teaming up with CAG to better their future offerings.
[quote name='Foladar']Agreed. Don't abuse the great offer, use it as its intended.
Seriously, the offer isn't that hard to do.[/quote]

Lol, agreed. How hard is it to name a couple business WHERE YOU LIVE to some friends?
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on the status of our current offer. Due to the level of "suspicious" recommendations and profiles, we have gone to a manual review process of each submission. This is what has caused the delay in some of you getting your codes.

A couple of tips to those of you who have not yet made recommendations:
1. Make sure that you're completing the offer. Recommend 5 businesses and share those recommendations with 10 of your friends.
1. Recommend businesses that you use and trust. Coming up with them is simple, just recommend your Doctor, Dentist, etc (but only if you like them).
2. Make sure that you recommend 5 different types of businesses (meaning don't recommend 5 different sandwich places or the same sandwich place 5 times). Seriously, Runza can't be THAT good.
3. Enter comments that will be helpful for your friends not "Never been there".
4. Don't try to scam us. This group's enthusiasm has opened our eyes and we think that we could run some exciting contests here but if the bad>good then we'll have to shut it down.

We're hoping for a bit of community moderation here so OP if you could modify your original QA and the need to send us an email, that would be great.

DoYa Support

p.s. What would you rather have, one big prize a day or a bunch of little ones?[/quote]

i'm all for various giftcards...i think that would be an awesome idea
Facebook isnt working correctly for me right now, really weird. Id be all over this if it was working, how long is this promotion lasting?
Don't really think it's abuse. They are separate people from me. I created all of their email accounts in the past like when they were learning how to use email. And like I said, I am starting to have a few family members on facebook, so these will actually become/are my parent's FB accounts, should they choose to use it (filled out with all legitimate and relevant information).

I'm not going around creating fake profiles on FB for getting multiples for myself. I have my one fb account that's mine and that's the one I used. My parents are REAL people and are entitled to a REAL account to get their own gc (unless a statute gets put up where it's one for IP address and or household, then I would never have done this, I follow whatever rules are set in place). I did one with my own account, plan on creating an account for my mom and one for my dad as well.

I could just ask my parents to do this themselves, but they'd just tell me to do it myself because they aren't technologically savvy at all. The end result would be the same. My parents would just give me the gc's they got. In fact, I asked my mom about facebook earlier today when I spoke with her and told her that both her sisters and my cousin are on there. She asked me what it was/how to use it. It would take me way too long to explain over the phone. I am just saving the headache and hassle. In fact, I don't even know how capable my mom would be of creating her account unless I was with her physically every step of the way.

Unless there was a one per household/ip address limitation (which so far I'm not aware there is), I have no qualms doing this. And there have been people on here who have gotten multiple gc's already. What they are doing can't be any more legitimate than what I am planning on doing.
[quote name='darkcecil32']Don't really think it's abuse. They are separate people from me. I created all of their email accounts in the past like when they were learning how to use email. And like I said, I am starting to have a few family members on facebook, so these will actually become my parent's FB accounts, should they choose to use it.

I'm not going around creating fake profiles on FB for getting multiples for myself. I have my one fb account that's mine and that's the one I used. My parents are REAL people and are entitled to a REAL account to get their own gc (unless a statute gets put up where it's one for IP address and or household). I did one with my own account, plan on creating an account for my mom and one for my dad as well.

I could just ask my parents to do this themselves, but they'd just tell me to do it myself because they aren't technologically savvy at all. The end result would be the same. My parents would just give me the gc's they got. In fact, I asked my mom about facebook earlier today when I spoke with her and told her that both her sisters and my cousin are on there. She asked me what it was/how to use it. It would take me way too long to explain over the phone. I am just saving the headache and hassle. In fact, I don't even know how capable my mom would be of creating her account unless I was with her physically every step of the way.

Unless there was a one per household/ip address limitation (which so far I'm not aware there is), I have no qualms doing this. And there have been people on here who have gotten multiple gc's already. What they are doing can't be any more legitimate than what I am planning on doing.[/quote]

Lol. You're overthinking it........

[quote name='shnizzle66']Facebook isnt working correctly for me right now, really weird. Id be all over this if it was working, how long is this promotion lasting?[/quote]

Well, it's already "ended" a couple times, only to be brought bacl up. In truth, nobody really knows.
[quote name='rofljeff']I got a question. How do I use the code? Lol.[/quote]

Create an account.

Then, click on the "Your Account" page.

From there, look down two columns, and you'll see "Apply a gift certificate/card to your account" link, click it, and then you'll be prompted to enter your code.

Just copy / paste, click Redeem, and there you go. :)
I just added this app and went through all the steps.

It actually seems pretty useful once there are more users. I already found a new mexican place near me that I've never been too.

Also, is there a way just to browse types of places?
Received a code yesterday. Only took 5 min to do the steps. Agree with the above post, seems fairly useful, a good idea!

I like the idea of smaller contest prizes, such as $25 amazon codes, VISA cards, and maybe a large prize or two, like a DS or PSP. Thanks DoYa, for hooking up CAG!
I did the steps and everything and its not letting me click anything to get the amazon gift card or to tell them im done or whatever. Its saying i can no longer recommend/share with people like ive reached some limit. Also saying to share with 10 friends again but i cant
ye do you just have to wait a couple days and keeep recommending people until you reach a total of 50 recommendations for all the businesses?!

[quote name='animemaniac14']ye do you just have to wait a couple days and keeep recommending people until you reach a total of 50 recommendations for all the businesses?!


No, only 10 recommendations total out of the 5 can do one business 10 x or use all 5 businesses 2x, it doesn't matter.
[quote name='darkcecil32']No, only 10 recommendations total out of the 5 can do one business 10 x or use all 5 businesses 2x, it doesn't matter.[/quote]

Yea thats what i did and its bugging out on me saying to recommend 10 people again then gives me the message " You can only recommend 0 people " Wtf!!!
[quote name='Metalic']Yea thats what i did and its bugging out on me saying to recommend 10 people again then gives me the message " You can only recommend 0 people " Wtf!!![/quote]

You can only recommend a certain amount of people a day, I believe the limit is like 25 or so, the same thing happened to me.

You just have to wait until tomorrow, and the counter will reset, then you'll be able to send out invites again.

Also, make sure the friends you invite have the DoYa application installed, and have also started the $10 GC promotion, otherwise the recommendation's won't count and you'll be stuck at 10.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']You can only recommend a certain amount of people a day, I believe the limit is like 25 or so, the same thing happened to me.

You just have to wait until tomorrow, and the counter will reset, then you'll be able to send out invites again.

Also, make sure the friends you invite have the DoYa application installed, and have also started the $10 GC promotion, otherwise the recommendation's won't count and you'll be stuck at 10.[/quote]

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Just finished it, but nothing yet. How long does it usually take? I also hope they don't mind that I used one friend for about half the recommendations; that person was the only person who would be really interested in what I recommended, so... *shrug*

Anyways, hope I get my gift card soon. Thanks for the heads-up, OP.

Also, make sure the friends you invite have the DoYa application installed, and have also started the $10 GC promotion, otherwise the recommendation's won't count and you'll be stuck at 10.
Wait, what the heck? It didn't say this in the OP or on the page talking about the gift card. I wondered why it said I still had to send it to 10 friends. That's complete crap! I don't care that that's a stipulation (their giveaway, their rules), but if it is, freaking tell us that before we start, or heck, just tell us at all. That I had to come here to find it out is ridiculous.
[quote name='Bravelionheart']Just finished it, but nothing yet. How long does it usually take? I also hope they don't mind that I used one friend for about half the recommendations; that person was the only person who would be really interested in what I recommended, so... *shrug*

Anyways, hope I get my gift card soon. Thanks for the heads-up, OP.

Wait, what the heck? It didn't say this in the OP or on the page talking about the gift card. I wondered why it said I still had to send it to 10 friends. That's complete crap! I don't care that that's a stipulation (their giveaway, their rules), but if it is, freaking tell us that before we start, or heck, just tell us at all. That I had to come here to find it out is ridiculous.[/quote]

It isn't required I know 99%of the ppl I added don't have it, it might make it work and maybe that is the problem they are running in to idk, but i emailed them and they put the GC to my account.
[quote name='aea414']It isn't required I know 99%of the ppl I added don't have it, it might make it work and maybe that is the problem they are running in to idk, but i emailed them and they put the GC to my account.[/quote]
I hope it's the case that they don't have to have it, as otherwise it'll feel like the offer's deceptive. I like the service and it seems useful, I definitely plan on keeping it. But if the others have to have it, then not telling us that's the case is really kinda lame.
They ended up denieing me those fuckers. Facebook is Garbage so why would i really want an account besides getting $10 from amazon.
[quote name='Bravelionheart']I hope it's the case that they don't have to have it, as otherwise it'll feel like the offer's deceptive. I like the service and it seems useful, I definitely plan on keeping it. But if the others have to have it, then not telling us that's the case is really kinda lame.[/quote]

It was required for me, I tried it with all of my friends, and nothing.. then I had one install the application, sent them the things, and nothing.. had them start the promotion, and suddenly, it worked perfectly fine.

I had a few other friends test out the exact same thing, and the only way the number ever went down, was if the application and promotion were started, but I think that may have been a glitch or something, so it might be fixed now, but it was like that.
In response to everyone, i'm pretty sure that the friends DO need the application. I never reported it on my OP becuase i thought it was a glitch, and i was just emailing them telling them that it wasn't working, and they sent my code via email.

My bad?
Hi Everyone!

(I also posted this on the main page but thought that I would share this here as well.)

As promised, we have a special offer for CAGamers. Everyday from 4/7-4/11 we will give a $100 Gift Card to a random CAG reader. Entering into the drawing is easy:

1. Go to: (and add the application if needed).

2. On 4/7 recommend your Dentist
On 4/8 recommend your Doctor
On 4/9 recommend your Auto Mechanic
On 4/10 recommend your favorite entertainment spot
On 4/11 recommend whatever you want (preferably some business that you really like but not many people know about)

3. Each day share your recommendations with 5 different Facebook friends or invite 5 Facebook friends to join DoYa.

That's it. Simple.

As with any contest, there are rules and fine print (READ THESE FIRST)
1. You must use the provided link so that we can verify that you came from CAG.
2. Each recommendation counts as one entry and you can enter as many times as you like provided that each recommendation is for a different business or provider in the specified category (e.g. if you go to two different dentists, you can recommend them both and get two entries for the day).
3. Each recommendation must include comments describing why you like the business.
4. You must share the recommendations with 5 different Facebook Friends each day. If your Facebook friends are not yet DoYa users, invites will also count towards the total.
5. Your Facebook friends must be REAL. (e.g. No Cookie Monsters, Undy Wears, etc.)
6. Each day at 6pm pst, DoYa will draw a qualified entry at random and send their winning notification through Facebook. (It would be really great if winners came back to this forum to announce their win since DoYa will not publicize the winner.)
7. Each day, DoYa will give out a $100 gift card to a single CAG reader.
8. There will be a different drawing everyday and users need not make a recommendation every day to be eligible.
9. This contest is not affiliated with CAG or

Thanks again for all of your support!
[quote name='the_punisher']In response to everyone, i'm pretty sure that the friends DO need the application. I never reported it on my OP becuase i thought it was a glitch, and i was just emailing them telling them that it wasn't working, and they sent my code via email.

My bad?[/quote]

Yeah, it was a glitch in our system and it's what causes the delays. Sorry about that. Good news is that we've fixed the problem and it shouldn't be an issue for our special CAG only drawing.

[quote name='DoYa']
8. There will be a different drawing everyday and users need not make a recommendation every day to be eligible.

I was wondering if you could elaborate on this? For example: If I recommend my dentist on 4/7 and share it with 5 friends or invite 5 friends then I WON'T have to recommend another business the rest of the week but I will be entered in to EVERY contest??

Also, I am assuming that our friends WON'T have to install the application, for us to get credit for sending them the invite?

Thanks, this sounds like a GREAT START to the CAG-DoYa relationship.
[quote name='DoYa']Yeah, it was a glitch in our system and it's what causes the delays. Sorry about that. Good news is that we've fixed the problem and it shouldn't be an issue for our special CAG only drawing.


Thanks for all of the work you guys have put in, and for sure I, and i'm sure PLENTY of CAG, will enter the contests multiple times each day. I'm already brainstorming :).

New problem though: what should i rename the thread to? Any ideas?
[quote name='Bravelionheart']I hope it's the case that they don't have to have it, as otherwise it'll feel like the offer's deceptive. I like the service and it seems useful, I definitely plan on keeping it. But if the others have to have it, then not telling us that's the case is really kinda lame.[/quote]

It was required for me, I tried it with all of my friends, and nothing.. then I had one install the application, sent them the things, and nothing.. had them start the promotion, and suddenly, it worked perfectly fine.

I had a few other friends test out the exact same thing, and the only way the number ever went down, was if the application and promotion were started, but I think that may have been a glitch or something, so it might be fixed now, but it was like that.
In response to everyone, i'm pretty sure that the friends DO need the application. I never reported it on my OP becuase i thought it was a glitch, and i was just emailing them telling them that it wasn't working, and they sent my code via email.

My bad?
Hi Everyone!

(I also posted this on the main page but thought that I would share this here as well.)

As promised, we have a special offer for CAGamers. Everyday from 4/7-4/11 we will give a $100 Gift Card to a random CAG reader. Entering into the drawing is easy:

1. Go to: (and add the application if needed).

2. On 4/7 recommend your Dentist
On 4/8 recommend your Doctor
On 4/9 recommend your Auto Mechanic
On 4/10 recommend your favorite entertainment spot
On 4/11 recommend whatever you want (preferably some business that you really like but not many people know about)

3. Each day share your recommendations with 5 different Facebook friends or invite 5 Facebook friends to join DoYa.

That's it. Simple.

As with any contest, there are rules and fine print (READ THESE FIRST)
1. You must use the provided link so that we can verify that you came from CAG.
2. Each recommendation counts as one entry and you can enter as many times as you like provided that each recommendation is for a different business or provider in the specified category (e.g. if you go to two different dentists, you can recommend them both and get two entries for the day).
3. Each recommendation must include comments describing why you like the business.
4. You must share the recommendations with 5 different Facebook Friends each day. If your Facebook friends are not yet DoYa users, invites will also count towards the total.
5. Your Facebook friends must be REAL. (e.g. No Cookie Monsters, Undy Wears, etc.)
6. Each day at 6pm pst, DoYa will draw a qualified entry at random and send their winning notification through Facebook. (It would be really great if winners came back to this forum to announce their win since DoYa will not publicize the winner.)
7. Each day, DoYa will give out a $100 gift card to a single CAG reader.
8. There will be a different drawing everyday and users need not make a recommendation every day to be eligible.
9. This contest is not affiliated with CAG or

Thanks again for all of your support!
[quote name='the_punisher']In response to everyone, i'm pretty sure that the friends DO need the application. I never reported it on my OP becuase i thought it was a glitch, and i was just emailing them telling them that it wasn't working, and they sent my code via email.

My bad?[/quote]

Yeah, it was a glitch in our system and it's what causes the delays. Sorry about that. Good news is that we've fixed the problem and it shouldn't be an issue for our special CAG only drawing.

[quote name='DoYa']
8. There will be a different drawing everyday and users need not make a recommendation every day to be eligible.

I was wondering if you could elaborate on this? For example: If I recommend my dentist on 4/7 and share it with 5 friends or invite 5 friends then I WON'T have to recommend another business the rest of the week but I will be entered in to EVERY contest??

Also, I am assuming that our friends WON'T have to install the application, for us to get credit for sending them the invite?

Thanks, this sounds like a GREAT START to the CAG-DoYa relationship.
[quote name='DoYa']Yeah, it was a glitch in our system and it's what causes the delays. Sorry about that. Good news is that we've fixed the problem and it shouldn't be an issue for our special CAG only drawing.


Thanks for all of the work you guys have put in, and for sure I, and i'm sure PLENTY of CAG, will enter the contests multiple times each day. I'm already brainstorming :).

New problem though: what should i rename the thread to? Any ideas?
[quote name='aea414']I was wondering if you could elaborate on this? For example: If I recommend my dentist on 4/7 and share it with 5 friends or invite 5 friends then I WON'T have to recommend another business the rest of the week but I will be entered in to EVERY contest??

Also, I am assuming that our friends WON'T have to install the application, for us to get credit for sending them the invite?

Thanks, this sounds like a GREAT START to the CAG-DoYa relationship.[/quote]

I'll try to answer. I'm pretty sure what they mean is, if you miss a day, you're not disqualified or anything. Each time you recommend and share, you get 1 entry. However, if you miss the first day and recommend/share the next NEXT day, you're not penalized for missing a day.

As to the second question, i'm pretty sure the fact that friends had to have DoYa to be counted was a glitch, and towards the end they reassured us that the glitch is fixed, and won't interfere.

Hope this helps.
[quote name='the_punisher']I'll try to answer. I'm pretty sure what they mean is, if you miss a day, you're not disqualified or anything. Each time you recommend and share, you get 1 entry. However, if you miss the first day and recommend/share the next NEXT day, you're not penalized for missing a day.

As to the second question, i'm pretty sure the fact that friends had to have DoYa to be counted was a gltich, and towards the end they reassured us that the glitch is fixed, and won't interfere.

Hope this helps.[/quote]

Okay, sounds good. Thanks for the info.
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everyone!

(I also posted this on the main page but thought that I would share this here as well.)

As promised, we have a special offer for CAGamers. Everyday from 4/7-4/11 we will give a $100 Gift Card to a random CAG reader. Entering into the drawing is easy:

1. Go to: (and add the application if needed).

2. On 4/7 recommend your Dentist
On 4/8 recommend your Doctor
On 4/9 recommend your Auto Mechanic
On 4/10 recommend your favorite entertainment spot
On 4/11 recommend whatever you want (preferably some business that you really like but not many people know about)

3. Each day share your recommendations with 5 different Facebook friends or invite 5 Facebook friends to join DoYa.

That's it. Simple.

As with any contest, there are rules and fine print (READ THESE FIRST)
1. You must use the provided link so that we can verify that you came from CAG.
2. Each recommendation counts as one entry and you can enter as many times as you like provided that each recommendation is for a different business or provider in the specified category (e.g. if you go to two different dentists, you can recommend them both and get two entries for the day).
3. Each recommendation must include comments describing why you like the business.
4. You must share the recommendations with 5 different Facebook Friends each day. If your Facebook friends are not yet DoYa users, invites will also count towards the total.
5. Your Facebook friends must be REAL. (e.g. No Cookie Monsters, Undy Wears, etc.)
6. Each day at 6pm pst, DoYa will draw a qualified entry at random and send their winning notification through Facebook. (It would be really great if winners came back to this forum to announce their win since DoYa will not publicize the winner.)
7. Each day, DoYa will give out a $100 gift card to a single CAG reader.
8. There will be a different drawing everyday and users need not make a recommendation every day to be eligible.
9. This contest is not affiliated with CAG or

Thanks again for all of your support!

No, thank you for this chance to spread the news to friends and other about good businesses ^_^. And of course for the GC's :)
Yay! Just got my code. Thanks DoYa! Customer Service did a great job handling my request. :) Definitely gonna keep using this and seeing what different places I can find.
[quote name='DoYa']Hi Everyone!

(I also posted this on the main page but thought that I would share this here as well.)

As promised, we have a special offer for CAGamers. Everyday from 4/7-4/11 we will give a $100 Gift Card to a random CAG reader. Entering into the drawing is easy:

1. Go to: (and add the application if needed).

2. On 4/7 recommend your Dentist
On 4/8 recommend your Doctor
On 4/9 recommend your Auto Mechanic
On 4/10 recommend your favorite entertainment spot
On 4/11 recommend whatever you want (preferably some business that you really like but not many people know about)

3. Each day share your recommendations with 5 different Facebook friends or invite 5 Facebook friends to join DoYa.

That's it. Simple.

As with any contest, there are rules and fine print (READ THESE FIRST)
1. You must use the provided link so that we can verify that you came from CAG.
2. Each recommendation counts as one entry and you can enter as many times as you like provided that each recommendation is for a different business or provider in the specified category (e.g. if you go to two different dentists, you can recommend them both and get two entries for the day).
3. Each recommendation must include comments describing why you like the business.
4. You must share the recommendations with 5 different Facebook Friends each day. If your Facebook friends are not yet DoYa users, invites will also count towards the total.
5. Your Facebook friends must be REAL. (e.g. No Cookie Monsters, Undy Wears, etc.)
6. Each day at 6pm pst, DoYa will draw a qualified entry at random and send their winning notification through Facebook. (It would be really great if winners came back to this forum to announce their win since DoYa will not publicize the winner.)
7. Each day, DoYa will give out a $100 gift card to a single CAG reader.
8. There will be a different drawing everyday and users need not make a recommendation every day to be eligible.
9. This contest is not affiliated with CAG or

Thanks again for all of your support!

DoYa is so awesome. I hope I can win something for once.:bouncy:
[quote name='aea414']I was wondering if you could elaborate on this? For example: If I recommend my dentist on 4/7 and share it with 5 friends or invite 5 friends then I WON'T have to recommend another business the rest of the week but I will be entered in to EVERY contest??

Also, I am assuming that our friends WON'T have to install the application, for us to get credit for sending them the invite?

Thanks, this sounds like a GREAT START to the CAG-DoYa relationship.[/quote]

I'll try to answer. I'm pretty sure what they mean is, if you miss a day, you're not disqualified or anything. Each time you recommend and share, you get 1 entry. However, if you miss the first day and recommend/share the next NEXT day, you're not penalized for missing a day.

As to the second question, i'm pretty sure the fact that friends had to have DoYa to be counted was a glitch, and towards the end they reassured us that the glitch is fixed, and won't interfere.

Hope this helps.
[quote name='the_punisher']I'll try to answer. I'm pretty sure what they mean is, if you miss a day, you're not disqualified or anything. Each time you recommend and share, you get 1 entry. However, if you miss the first day and recommend/share the next NEXT day, you're not penalized for missing a day.

As to the second question, i'm pretty sure the fact that friends had to have DoYa to be counted was a gltich, and towards the end they reassured us that the glitch is fixed, and won't interfere.

Hope this helps.[/quote]

Okay, sounds good. Thanks for the info.
bread's done