Free $20 Amazon GC from IBM - US only

[quote name='lilboo']Um.
I got an Amazon Giftcard in the mail today.
For $20.00

Weird, weird card. was for $20.00
I have to think that it MIGHT be from this. Did anyone else get it...?[/quote]
Holy crap nice! I hope I get it =/
[quote name='darthbudge']Have you gotten a chance to look at the card yet Lilboo?[/QUOTE]

Working tomorrow until 3, then will make a stop by my parents house. There's a Walmart super center near them and it's the only WalMart I like.. so I have an excuse to go there :D
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I really wish I'd supported it more when it was still on. I didn't really get into it until after it was canceled :cry:

Just got some great Black Friday DVD deals though![/quote]
I really liked it :)
bread's done