Free Comics

My bad. I've been looking for some better pre-book order deals and saw the offer, so I thought it would post it. Still not a bad deal tho'...
Well, decided to try it out. Bought Green Lantern:Sinestro Corps War TP they had for 40% off along with some other comics. They also said (email) that they will bag and board the free ones too. Hey I'm cheap. If it's free I'm in! Ha! Anyway, it was a good overall deal. Just FYI.
P.S. They had some pretty funny blogs to read too.
Not really a great deal because the 6 issues will only cost around $15-20 based on shipping; $18 alone at local comic stores. So basically you only save around $8 and get 5 additional comics. I'd prefer to just buy the comics separately unless there is an item the website is offering that I really want at the $10 pricepoint. Not a bad deal and this might benefit the comic community here at CAG. At least now I know when Mad's new series is finally hitting store shelves (Dec 5th). Hopefully he doesn't screw his fanbase like he did with Battlechasers with inconsistent release dates. Thanks for the info OP.
Sorry, no affiliation. I actually signed up to post on the Gears of war game. (check my posts). I stumbled across this site yesterday, and saw this deal earlier this morning.

P.S. Off topic, I like this site. Now I'm gonna go try for the Free Wii points! Ha!
Question too, what is the iTrader?
iTrader is the number associated with positive feedbacks from trades here. Some members might have more trades than their iTrader reflects because they traded with the same CAG multiple times.
So you can trade games here too? Is that right? Sweet, if it is! And I thought this was just another forum. Ha. Thanks for the info.
bread's done