FREE PS2 Namco Demo Disc (first 3,000) (Includes MotoGP4, Urban Reign, & more)

Thanks. I hope it has a demo of WE Love Katamari becuse there is no way in hell I'm paying 30 bucks for it.
damn, i got this offer in an email, but i checked it too slow...oh well...but wait, didnt they offer this a while back? (i didnt read through the thread)
Got my demo disk in the mail today. I was shock to find you could create a player in the Soul Caliber 3 demo; limited options but was awesome for demo version.
Same here, got mine yesterday afternoon when I got home from work. Pretty nice demo disc. Weird that they sent it in some envelope... I woulda thought it would have just been the demo disc shrink wrapped. Not complaining, just weird they used a nice bond paper envelope.
I signed up maybe two or three weeks ago and got a message saying that they were out.

...Yet one came in the mail yesterday. No complaints on my end. ;D

Thanks op.
I got this demo @ TGS last month after waiting in line for half an hour to play Urban Reign.

IMO, ALL the games on the demo were VERY disappointing. But hell, its free right?
bread's done