Free Xbox 360 Games and Accessories --- 100% Legit (February Update!) Part 4

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Are they still doing next-day air shipping? I ordered GHII a couple of weeks ago and it shipped last Thursday. I know the postal service has been busy/closed for the holidays and such, but do you think I should ask for a replacement, or is this too soon for that?

And curious, do they come USPS, UPS, FedEx, what? I'm pretty excited. :D
[quote name='Tigerman']Are they still doing next-day air shipping? I ordered GHII a couple of weeks ago and it shipped last Thursday. I know the postal service has been busy/closed for the holidays and such, but do you think I should ask for a replacement, or is this too soon for that?

And curious, do they come USPS, UPS, FedEx, what? I'm pretty excited. :D[/quote]

I dunno what's going on with GHII b/c mine was shipped a month ago, and hasn't come, they resent another on the 15th and that's not here either... I'm awaiting a 2nd reponse to the issue...
[quote name='aznguyen316']I dunno what's going on with GHII b/c mine was shipped a month ago, and hasn't come, they resent another on the 15th and that's not here either... I'm awaiting a 2nd reponse to the issue...[/quote]

UPS probably doesnt want to leave such a big package at ur door if u arnt there, so they probably take it back. and knowing them, they dont notify u or anything cause their bums. just leave a note at ur door or something to be sure
[quote name='omgu8myrice']UPS probably doesnt want to leave such a big package at ur door if u arnt there, so they probably take it back. and knowing them, they dont notify u or anything cause their bums. just leave a note at ur door or something to be sure[/quote]

yeah they never leave stuff at my door but have always left a yellow note for me... haven't seen ish!
So, I've read all 50 pages of this thread and I think I'm ready to get started. :)

One question I haven't seen answered: what does "must remain a member for 5 days" mean to Trainn? Like, if I join a 7-day service on Monday afternoon, can I cancel on Friday morning and retain the credit? Or is it 5 24-hour periods, or 5 business days, or 5 complete days after signup? I guess the same question applies to the trials themselves (what day IS the "seventh day?") but that probably varies.

With the 7-day trial offers, getting the timing right seems pretty important.
[quote name='ChessPieceFace']So, I've read all 50 pages of this thread and I think I'm ready to get started. :)

One question I haven't seen answered: what does "must remain a member for 5 days" mean to Trainn? Like, if I join a 7-day service on Monday afternoon, can I cancel on Friday morning and retain the credit? Or is it 5 24-hour periods, or 5 business days, or 5 complete days after signup? I guess the same question applies to the trials themselves (what day IS the "seventh day?") but that probably varies.

With the 7-day trial offers, getting the timing right seems pretty important.[/quote]

Dont sweat the small stuff. You'll be fine cancelling a 7-day service on the 5th day. I never wait longer than that if I decide to cancel stuff. In all honesty, I don't think Trainn monitors that, but you dont want to abuse it and cancel stuff on the 1st or 2nd day. Give the stuff a try that you're signing up for, log into the websites and look around a bit.
[quote name='ChessPieceFace']So, I've read all 50 pages of this thread and I think I'm ready to get started. :)

One question I haven't seen answered: what does "must remain a member for 5 days" mean to Trainn? Like, if I join a 7-day service on Monday afternoon, can I cancel on Friday morning and retain the credit? Or is it 5 24-hour periods, or 5 business days, or 5 complete days after signup? I guess the same question applies to the trials themselves (what day IS the "seventh day?") but that probably varies.

With the 7-day trial offers, getting the timing right seems pretty important.[/quote]

yeah you're right, just be a member for 5 days is what it means.. but honestly I've canceled a few of those 7 day trials in like 3-4 days.. but a lot of those 7 day trial ones are cancelable(sp?) online so you can cancel over the weekend, like dealmax, privacy matters, at home matters, etc.
Got an email about my GH2 bundle. I notice thet theres a problem with games that are bigger than average. Like GH3, GH2, Scene It, etc. I dunno weird
Count me in as one who is waiting for GHII as well. It has been about 3 weeks and no sign of it at my residence. I live in an apartment and UPS always leaves my packages with the office if I'm not home. I've received other packages lately, but not this.

If it is not here in the next week then I will check into it.
glad to know I"m not the only one left hanging. Sucks, I've had my GHIII come in fine before but DAMN I may ask for something else if this doesn't come in next week.
Yeah my GHII isn't here yet either. Shipped on December 15 and it's still not here. I emailed them about it yesterday so I should get a reply early next week.
Well, emailed Trainn (again) about my Disney MCR that I filed on 11/30. Figured that, while I had their ear, I'd ask about my Bargains MCR, too. Last time I heard from Train, they said Disney wasn't responding.

I've never had to file an MCR before. I hate looking at the "1 of 2 offers completed" thing when I have these two I'm waiting on...
[quote name='Munny1212']Got an email about my GH2 bundle. I notice thet theres a problem with games that are bigger than average. Like GH3, GH2, Scene It, etc. I dunno weird[/quote]

what exactly was the e-mail about? status report?
my GH2 shipped on the 20th and it still isn't here too.
my GH3 shipped on the 24th and that isn't here yet either, but i don't expect it to be yet. looks like Trainns behind again, MCR's aren't crediting, stuff isn't shipping, and my email from like 2 weeks ago hasn't been answered :cry:
[quote name='soad342']my GH2 shipped on the 20th and it still isn't here too.
my GH3 shipped on the 24th and that isn't here yet either, but i don't expect it to be yet. looks like Trainns behind again, MCR's aren't crediting, stuff isn't shipping, and my email from like 2 weeks ago hasn't been answered :cry:[/quote]

you should email them again, it probably got missed

I emailed them last week and they replied about 3-4 days later.
I'll also mention my bargain hasnt gone through. Yesterday was the 10th business day! I also have a disney one pending. Looks like im in the same boat as plumenoir :(

One more credit needed! blargh
I'm in! 4 offers completed this morning:
At Home Rewards
Yahoo Success Center
Privacy Matters

All already credited, and I ordered:
4000 Marketplace Points
The Simpsons Game

I took good notes, and I'm planning to watch my credit card and my offer dates like a hawk. I think I'll get these offers finished up before I start any more new ones... don't want too much going at once, in case there are any problems I have to deal with. And this thread has been incredibly valuable, not to mention the main thing that convinced me to try this service, so thanks very much to all who've provided information!

The one thing I'm a little concerned about is that I didn't receive any confirmation/account info emails from At Home or Privacy Matters.... is that normal?

*EDIT* Ah... I guess it maybe just takes an hour or two. Just got an email from At Home Rewards. Hopefully Privacy will come soon too.
I'm definitely on the same page as you GH3 waiters. I got a shipped email early this week. Usually I get my games on Fridays. I'm gonna wait a week and then contact Trainn. So they say they now can fullfill orders but I'm assuming this time around it is a shipping problem. I hope it doesn't get lost like my previous bundle which took me a month to get.

Thank you for contacting us!

I am sorry to hear your game has yet to arrive and apologize for
the inconvenience.

As it has been over a week now, I will request that the order be
looked into further and a representative will be in contact with
you in the next 1-2 days with additional information regarding it.

If it has since arrived though, please do let us know as soon as

Account Services
Transcendent Innovations, Inc.
So yeah, looks like theyre backed up on GH2 as well.
[quote name='max pl']is there a way in which to track our orders once theyre shipped?[/quote]

Only through them (Trainn). They definitely get tracking #'s (everything Ive ever gotten from them has been from UPS and they all had em) and they've even checked tracking for me. They get them, but they don't provide them, its probably a pain in the ass to input all that crap. Whats sad is there are systems that can do that automatically with certain merchant sites.

I don't see why they don't provide them. It'd alleviate tons of email they get Id imagine.
According to Trainn-Alan in this thread, posted Thursday:

The last of the bundles from last weeks shipment will be going out tomorrow which will cover the remaining orders from November. Another big one is coming in on Monday which should allow us to complete the orders from the first, and part of the second, week of December.


So mine could have gone out yesterday. Awesome.

EDIT: Didn't see this follow-up post:

i ordered mine in November, still says waiting on item, anyone else who ordered in Nov having this problem?

All GH III orders through 12/2 were fulfilled. The status just hasn't been updated for all of them yet.


I could get GH3 and TOB sometime next week. fucking awesome.
They finally responded to support tickets, looks like they're working extra hard to get caught up..except for no Dec. update, looks like it may well be skipped. As for GHII, I got the same response as above... it will be looked into and info in 1-2 days.. blah
Did any of you guys have any trouble getting credit for Quickbooks? I received credit for eAuction and Increase Your Margin without any problem. I registered for QuickBooks, and made it to the confirmation page with my username/password (and charged my CC), but I haven't gotten credit through Trainn or a confirmation e-mail (making a MCR impossible). It looks like there's another step after the confirmation page I reached, asking me to sign up for a merchant account, but it asks for my social security #?
ordered cod4 from there with the yahoo offer and dealmax

ordered december 18 got it as a gift from amazon and it arrived 27th... NOT BAD! :)

ordered GH3 but i think its going to be a while until i get it :(

hopefully not tho

no doubt this rocks !! :bouncy:
Can someone tell me more about if you claim over $600 in gifts from this site? They send you a W9 form that you fill out and send back to them. Then what happens? Do you get taxed on that $600? Does anyone have any further contact with you? Are you charged any fees?
Decided to get another free game real quick, I hadn't done this since early August. I thought I used up all the easy offers. but I did Zooba and DealMax and got credit instantly. Ordered CoD4 within 30 minutes of completing Zooba. Now just to search for 2 more easy offers
hmmm apparently simply you is now gone. Told my friend to do it but it has disapeared. Ah well, just ordered my third gh3 bundle and have credit for one more.

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bread's done