Free Xbox 360 Games (from Trainn...who is updating slowly)

Well my 4k MSP are on the way. Still little worried about the double credit for ProtectMyID and looks like I'll have to do a MCR on Emusic since I didn't get an email until about a day or so after I completed the offer.
hey anybody have halo reach as status sent yet? had a duplicate credit and tried to order halo reach but trainn ended up canceling my order. so i did another offer and ordered halo reach last night. wondering what is the deadline for release date orders.
[quote name='41down']also, i finally got the baseball card offer to go through using my gf's info and got credit. should i wait til i actually receive the baseball card to cancel? how long did you guys wait?

I did 2 offers and ordered Halo Reach. Now I can't log in to my account. I tried resetting the password. They sent me a new password and it still says there is an error. ????
I got double credit for Protect my ID as well, and now awaiting for Crackdown 2. I did another just in case, but so far so good. So now I have 1 credit towards Lost Planet 2.
[quote name='mcdaking84']I also haven't received my cards yet and its been 2 weeks.

just canceled, it doesn't matter when you cancel, they let you keep the card[/QUOTE]

it took me a while to get that cheap babe ruth "gold" card. it came in an envelope. funny thing about those danbury mint offers. i tried to do the gold card offer with my bank card and it wouldn't go through. i did the offer again with a prepaid card and it was accepted. go figure...?
i got double credit for idpromise and after a couple days it changed to (duplicate) and all was well just give it some time if you still get an error just send an email
I can't get the gold baseball card offer to go through. It keeps giving me an error message when I submit. Any ideas on the problem?
I haven't ordered a triple A game on the site in awhile. Does anyone have insight about if we may receive Halo Reach on the release date? Thanks!
Have any of you gotten stuff on the other TRAINN sites? I'm thinking about trying yourfreeHDtv, but I'll probably do a referral account since you need a ton of points for the other account type. As a follow-up question, does any know if the referral trading sites such as Referral Swapper are reliable?
[quote name='NY1983']I can't get the gold baseball card offer to go through. It keeps giving me an error message when I submit. Any ideas on the problem?[/QUOTE]

Like i said earlier its the card ur using. same happened to me. i used my debit card and i got error. i used green dot prepaid and it went through.
[quote name='ReaperHybrid']I haven't ordered a triple A game on the site in awhile. Does anyone have insight about if we may receive Halo Reach on the release date? Thanks![/QUOTE]
i asked trainn that very same question and they told me yes, halo reach is release date delivery. as a matter of fact all major games r release date delivery. if u check out amazon for that game and they offer release date delivery, u will get it release date.
[quote name='ReaperHybrid']Thanks for the info, DoPeSun![/QUOTE]
no problem. anytime. on another note. did anyone order halo reach and have shipped as status for the order yet?
[quote name='DoPeSun']no problem. anytime. on another note. did anyone order halo reach and have shipped as status for the order yet?[/QUOTE]

Mine still says processing and the shipping estimate is September 17, 2010. I hope I didn't order too late to get it on launch. (Ordered September 10). Oh well, won't get to play much until the weekend anyway.
[quote name='alc919']tomorrow we will get the shipping email for halo reach[/QUOTE]

thats what i was thinking too. trainn did send me a reply email stateing i would get release date delivery. i was just curious if anyone had theirs processes yet... thanks.
[quote name='mcdaking84']I also haven't received my cards yet and its been 2 weeks.

just canceled, it doesn't matter when you cancel, they let you keep the card[/QUOTE]

really? i just called and canceled and they said my card had already shipped and theyre sending me a label to ship it back.
So, I was approved for my 4k MS Points, They say it was shipped 9/8/10 and on the website it says shipping estimate was 9/13/10. Are the Microsoft points the physical cards sent from Amazon or do they send over a code.

Least Emusic credit came through, going to do one more offer since it says I'm eligible for another order but that's only because of IDPromise double credit.
[quote name='Cephiros']So, I was approved for my 4k MS Points, They say it was shipped 9/8/10 and on the website it says shipping estimate was 9/13/10. Are the Microsoft points the physical cards sent from Amazon or do they send over a code.

Least Emusic credit came through, going to do one more offer since it says I'm eligible for another order but that's only because of IDPromise double credit.[/QUOTE]
They usually send from Amazon. Serious people rack up on the credit report stuff. They're usually instant. Just ordered Halo Reach today. Not a Halo fan, so I'll hold onto it for some trade collateral.
[quote name='alc919']they send the code via amazon[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info, I'll wait a week after the estimated ship date before I contact their support.
[quote name='Cephiros']So, I was approved for my 4k MS Points, They say it was shipped 9/8/10 and on the website it says shipping estimate was 9/13/10. Are the Microsoft points the physical cards sent from Amazon or do they send over a code.

Least Emusic credit came through, going to do one more offer since it says I'm eligible for another order but that's only because of IDPromise double credit.[/QUOTE]

it took me 2 support tickets to finally get my M$ points email. i think it was amazon that ef'd it up. fyi they will take that extra credit from id promise away. seems like alot of people recieved double credit from id promise. i had dupe credits from them and ordered halo reach. then trainn sent me an email stating they had to cancel the order and take a credit away. also FYI, HALO REACH JUST SHIPPED.:applause::bouncy:
Just got the item shipped email as well for Reach...and yeah, a bump up to the Limited Edition would be sweet, but my pessimistic self thinks it will just be the standard.
[quote name='m3talst0rm']Just got the item shipped email as well for Reach...and yeah, a bump up to the Limited Edition would be sweet, but my pessimistic self thinks it will just be the standard.[/QUOTE]

Here's hoping...
[quote name='MasterSprtn117']I wonder what edition it is...I remember some people getting Legendary editions (supposedly) from Halo 3.

i sure as hell dont remember that...:whistle2:#
Back in 07 Trainn gave you a choice between regular and legendary editions of Halo 3. I remember because I received two legendary editions from them back then. I doubt they would send out LEs for Reach but it would be great if they did.
I think the credit report type offers are quick, usually 30 day trial, just make sure you cancel after using it and seeing if you like it around the 20th day.

On a side note, I think the credit report offers are doomed giving out duplicate credits. It has happen to me on IDpromise and However, I need to get ahold of since my credit report did not come up but I contacted email support on that.
[quote name='alc919']ive never gotten double credit for an offer[/QUOTE]

It's annoying to say the least. I'm not dim enough to actually think I'm going to get stuff from the double credits. I actually sent a support ticket if they can fix it so that the only credits I see are the ones I completed one time.

However, I did and emusic and ordered another 4k points for all that Rockband DLC I've passed up and what gets released in the future. Waiting for to post and will do another offer. I think I might wait for them to update their game list and see if they add Rockband 3 up on there.
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[quote name='m3talst0rm']Yep...was bored and found the '07 thread...lilboo was the first to post he received the limited edition and GLOCKGLOCK posted a picture of it.

However, as Edge of Heart said, they gave the option to select the limited edtion...which is not the case with Reach. So, yeah, I'll be surprised if I get anything other than the standard edition.[/QUOTE]

yeah we got the limited edition of halo 3. you guys were saying LEGENDARY edition which is what threw me off i guess.
[quote name='jfuze']The UPS guys around here are so unpredictable it drives me crazy. >.>[/QUOTE]

Should I expect it from UPS or FED EX? I never get stuff from Fed Ex so idk when I'd get it. If it is supposed to be coming by UPS, my guy would have been here by now.
I think UPS. not 100% sure.

Its 6pm EST and no one has reported getting it, so im guessing we didnt get release day shipping. fucking lame.
[quote name='jfuze']I think UPS. not 100% sure.

Its 6pm EST and no one has reported getting it, so im guessing we didnt get release day shipping. fucking lame.[/QUOTE]


We thank you for your recent order for the highly anticipated Halo Reach
game and wanted to contact you regarding an issue encountered with
the shipping of your order.

Since the launch of our site, we've strived to to provide users with their
ordered rewards as quickly as possible, including offering release day
shipping on most pre-orders.

We expected to offer the same release day delivery for the release of
Halo Reach, but, regretfully, the fulfillment source that the orders were
fulfilled through were unable to follow through on their release day

delivery claims on some orders, including yours.

Instead of the expected release day delivery, your game will now arrive
in the next 2-3 business days. We sincerely apologize for any
disappointment this may cause.

We will be taking every effort possible to ensure this does not happen
again on future releases, but, in light of this, due to their error, as a token
of our appreciation for your use of our site for this anticipated game, we
would like to offer you an extra reward of your choosing.

As your additional reward, you may choose either a 1 month Xbox Live
subscription or a $10 Amazon Gift card.

You may reply to this email or open a support ticket on the "My Account"
page with your selection. The reward will then be issued within 2-3
business days!

We thank you in advance for your understanding!

Accounts Services
Transcendent Innovations, Inc.
bread's done