FS: Vita OLED PCH-1001 (w 3.70 fw, 32GB mem card, grip, 1st party case, charger & Tearaway), Persona Q CE content (no game)

Hey, long time. Sorry I don't have anything on my trade list for FF Explorers. Wish I did!

As for 7th Dragon, I thought the demo was pretty great. The game seemed like it should have 3D, so I messaged someone else and found out that the fukl game doesn't have 3D, which is quite the bummer. Some of those monster attacks would have been awesome in 3D. I definitely want to get it, but for $40, no way.

Have you played uncharted 4 yet?

If not, don't bother. It was so very disappointing.

Spend your time playing Life is Strange if you are into that sort of game.

Otherwise free bump

Have you played uncharted 4 yet?

If not, don't bother. It was so very disappointing.

Spend your time playing Life is Strange if you are into that sort of game.

Otherwise free bump
Not into Life is Strange type games, but I've played the first few chapters of UC4. It has been "off" to me ever since I saw the way they made Drake look. The graphics just aren't stylized, and not realistic, but flat (reminds me of indifference being the opposite of love, not hate...the indifference part, anyway). It doesn't immerse me in the game. The graphics used to be great, but they just don't seem to know what to use the next gen boost on, graphics wise. Other games do a good job getting me to believe in their world. Now that the character's movement & reaction to everything in the environment is standard, Naughty Dog didn't push the envelope in any other department. I pay lots of attention to detail, and being able to walk around shooting at the water to see the different angles & sounds that the water makes when it splashes, shooting trees to see how long the hole stays & the manner in which the bark comes off, climbing things, and lookng at the vistas, are things I MUST do when I love the world I'm in. With UC4, I didn't even have the desire to play the story, much less do more. The prison animations were from ps3, it seemed. Very odd to me.


So you already have Recore to trade? Not interested in it?
As soon as I read the poor reviews I was ready to trade it for something I'd enjoy. I paid $43.xx after tax, but got the $15 in MS reward credit, so I figured I could make a good trade offer. No CAG's bit, nor did I see anyone looking for it that had anything I was interested in, so I installed it last night. I'll give it a chance, but I just have no desire to play it since I was expecting something magical from Keiji Inafune & Armature. I loved every single Metroid Prime game, and they always pushed out more than what everyone thought was possible on the Gamecube and Wii, so I thought that I was justified in having high expectations from that team up. Nope. Between Platinum Games & this team, the Japanese devs are really letting me down. I will not let myself get excited for FFXV, or Last Guardian, since these are games I've waited on forever, so I know I'll just be disappointed if I get too excited (and I loved FFXIII. The only Platinum trophy I ever went for on Playstation).

I bought digital version of Dragon Quest VII on 3DS last night (never played original. I have only played Dragon Warrior 1 on NES). I have owned SMT IV for a long time, but never finished it (and I bought it digitally, so I can't sell it, regardless of my feelings about it). Sure enough, the game I jumped in on (since it's the traditional JRPG that I couldn't go wrong with) gets MUCH lower review scores. For me, this is a pretty good barometer of how I will feel about a game, seeing that I only follow about 4-5 review sites (whose reviewers I tend to agree with on the majority of games). I also look at Metacritic for an average, but SMT IV Apocalypse (I'm told by a fried who works at Gamespot), is the favorite by far of everyone at their offices who have played both games, and even revere DQ VII.

I could have waited to make an informed decision, but I didn't (and there's no way I can play both unless it's over the next year or so), because I tried to have faith in the game/developer/publisher that represented that time tested RPG formula that I have just always "known" I would like (since everyone I knew that loved JRPG's liked DQ VII, so why wouldn't I, I thought). I liked the SMT formula, too, but have only been into that since Persona 4, and I've never even completed a single one of the many SMT games I own. 10 years ago, my decision would have been as solid as stone made on the same assumption. These developers just seem to be getting too much like the Western devs for my taste (for example, Platinum is making decisions that Activision makes, like putting a sub-standard team on great licensed properties, just to throw something together to cash in on them when a movie is being released). Persona 5 looks amazing, but I still have a feeling that it's too good to be true. I hope not, though.

Sorry for the long post, but I needed to release that. Thanks for reading. I'll let you know what I actually think if I play some ReCore soon. Take care.

bread's done