FT: Lots of PS2, GC, DS games; many other systems

Please CML for the Fallout 3 CE guide.
I'd be willing to give you whatever you want from the guide list, or pretty much anything else.

[quote name='Vinny']Seems like you disappeared for a while. How you been?[/QUOTE]

Yea, been working on my Engineering degree :)!! But I'm doing great! How are you? Also added you on PSN the other day. ;).

Hey, thanks for the interested in my Tron Bonne strategy guide. The binding is the main thing, it has a lot of wear and a small piece missing off the bottom. The rest is in pretty good condition. I'll try and get some pictures up for you today or tommorrow =]

[quote name='Vinny']Nothing new on my end. I've been job hunting but my field is basically dead so I basically have nothing to do for most of the day except for catching up on my gaming. I'm planing on going back to school in the fall.

Keep it up dude, the engineering field is hot right now. You're gonna be making that $$$.:lol:[/QUOTE]

Oh? Hopefully you find something bud. What field of work would that be tho?
Thanks! Will do - but it's not (entirely) about the $$$. Just want to be happy. I see you're playing FFXIII or was it GoWIII? Everyone seems to be playing either those now on PSN haha.

BUMP msg!

Oh what are you going to school for?
Interested in your SFA3 for GBA (it's complete, correct?) and your BOF III (worth a shot). CML for anything you may be interested in. Paypal is also an option. PM me if you want to work something out. Thanks!
Please CML for:

Breath of Fire III - Good - - There's the letter "P" on the disc with a permanent marker.
Breath of Fire IV - Good -
Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Good -

Tales of Symphonia - Excellent - The manual is a little dinged up, minuscule marks on discs.

Btw; how is Nights? Is it any good?
Hey just to let you know I didn't forget about those pictures, but my dad can't find his camera =[
I'll get them to you at some point >.>
bread's done