FT: T2 Chrome bust (Pics inside)


CAG Veteran
Hi everybody, this is my first post on CAG but have lurked these boards for a bit. What I have below for trade is a Terminator 2 Replica 1:1 chrome bust w/ light up eyes (push button for light up and sound fx, lights stay on for only a short time then turns off) I figured this would be a long shot but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. I'm actually looking to trade this for a PS3 (20gb, 60gb, 80gb - doesn't matter) If anyone is ineterested please feel free to contact me.



very nice...i would never spend $500 on it though but it would be a good deal if somebody got there PS3 cheap and traded
nope not real teeth, acrylic i believe. as far as shipping, not too bad, anywhere from $25 - $30 maybe. Hey if someone got there PS3 cheap and wants it, my loss your gain if you're into this kind of stuff. Phear3d, how do i get in touch with this cheapyd?
[quote name='jaldebot816']nope not real teeth, acrylic i believe. as far as shipping, not too bad, anywhere from $25 - $30 maybe. Hey if someone got there PS3 cheap and wants it, my loss your gain if you're into this kind of stuff. Phear3d, how do i get in touch with this cheapyd?[/quote]



(User ID 1) Though I would assume he gets a lot of msgs from CAG members so you may want to put something cool in the title to catch his attention heh. :hot:
[quote name='Kayden']Want.[/quote]

As do I but I cant even afford a PS3 for myself let alone for this!
bread's done