FYE Wii PreOrder Update - It's a Bundle?!


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Good grief - there are so many Wii threads I really wish we could have kept them all in one thread. But enough ranting.

I just got a call from FYE telling me that my Wii will be available Sunday (Woo!!!) Surprising news is that I have to buy additional two games to go w/ the system for a total of $349.99, which I had no prior information when I reserved it in April.

Did anyone else get a call and say you needed a bundle? I have two games reserved @ Gamestop so worse comes to worst I'll just return the FYE games a week or two later. No biggie.
My FYE said Bundle only ... AND not until December 1st. They won't have it at launch. I have a amazon.com preorder that will resolve my need so bundle means I have to hold back on games for an extra two weeks?!
It looks like FYE.com Wii game pre-orders will be shipping on time. I got an email stating that my Trauma Center order shipped sometime today.
Yes i got a call from Fye Today telling me i was getting mine but had to buy 2 games with it. I already preordered Zelda and have almost paid that off. Whats to stop me from buying a game and taking it back later on that day. I was never told that i would have to buy a bundle. The guy was rude and i asked him why i had to buy the bundle and he told me all video game systems their require a bundle upon purchase. I said you don't have to buy one with the 360 or ps2 and he told me this was for new game systems to hit the market. I'm putting in a call to corporate tommarow. I still have complaints about the trade in deal left a message with the district manager and she never even called me back and that was 3-4 weeks ago.
I called FYE about my PS3 pre-order today (the store got zero systems), but the manager did say that my two Wii pre-orders will be ready to pickup Sunday morning. I asked if I had to buy two games with each system, and she said that's corporate policy, but she won't enforce it for systems pre-ordered before that policy had been set. I'm not sure when that was, but I pre-ordered in July and I won't have to buy the two games per system.

I'm mad at Sony, not FYE, for the PS3 debacle. I pre-ordered a 360 from FYE last year, and they came through on launch day. I didn't have to buy any games with that either. And they're treating me right with the Wii this year, so I'm still a fan of FYE.
I shocked so many people on here are upset at the people complaining about the forced bundles.

First, yes, this bundle (with 2 games), isn't that bad, in comparison to most others. Also, yes, you will be buying a game more than likely with it anyway, so a second game isn't a huge deal.

That isn't the point. Also, I'm pretty sure this is bait and switch. FYE lured you in with preordering just a Wii (something you couldn't do at most places), now they don't have it, but they have a Wii with 2 games. How is this different than offering a really cheap MP3 player, then pulling it back and offering a slightly better one at a higher price?

Now, there is nothing wrong with having this bundle, but if you weren't told about it ahead of time, I could see being upset. Also, I don't think the BBB will help you, I'm not so sure it's a bad idea. At the very least, this is a lousy business practice.
[quote name='dragonjud']fuck you FYE...just got a nice email from Nintendo letting me know that I have more options to get mine...:)[/QUOTE]

What exactly did this email from Nintendo say?
[quote name='lurknomore']What exactly did this email from Nintendo say?[/quote]

Well, it only applies if you live in NYC, but those of us in the city shouldn't bother going to many places to get consoles. The Nintendo World store should have plenty of them.
am i the only one expecting a wii from fye and did not get a call from them. i have called a few times this week and i get the impression i am getting on their nerves so i am trying to avoid calling again.
[quote name='Isles Guru']am i the only one expecting a wii from fye and did not get a call from them. i have called a few times this week and i get the impression i am getting on their nerves so i am trying to avoid calling again.[/quote]

If they haven't called you, you're screwed. UPS has already delivered many systems to all the stores, and they know what they are going to get. I called my store today, and the a__hole manager was messing with me. I was like, so I haven't gotten a call from your store, were you planning to call those people that weren't going to get one. He was like 'Well, if we haven't called, you are not gettting one' :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: Great customer service.
I don't care where I get it from at this point, but gstop, and FYE are off my list.
I was #2 on my store's PS3 list even though I was told at the time that I was #1. At the time I reserved I was told that FYE would only sell as many reserves as they had systems coming. And guess what...the store received 1. :bomb: I reserved mine on 04/04/2006. Supposedly, #1 reserved 12/2005. And I was not informed when I reserved that I would have to purchase a bundle...i.e. a bundle of money required.

This was the email I received from corporate regarding my complaint:

With the numbers that we were allotted by Sony for the first wave of releases we were able to fill pre-orders for our stores that had pre-orders for previous and up to October 2005. Stores were sent the systems based on the date of the pre-orders they had. Some stores are receiving a few systems while other are not receiving any. In your case because your pre-order was done after the October 2005 date, you will be not receiving a system in the first wave release. We will be allocated more systems by Sony but we do not know when or how many. Thank you.

I picked up my two Wii systems at FYE today. The manager said it was the only two systems they received. Just as they promised when I called on Friday, they didn't enforce the two game bundle, but I picked up Zelda of course. I also picked up an extra remote and nunchuck, a classic controller, and a Wii Points card.

I have a FYE Premier card, so I got 10% off Zelda and all the accessories (but not the system, unfortunately). It wasn't as good as the $5 off deals at CC, but I had already visited my local CC when it opened this morning, and all the crazy folks who froze their 'nads off to get a system bought up all the accessories.

For the second straight year, FYE came through for me (got a 360 at launch last year). Yeah, FYE didn't come thru on my PS3 pre-order, but I hang that colossal disaster squarely on Sony's shoulders. FYE is all right in my book.
fuck you FYE. Thanks to you I had to wait 7 hours to get mine today. I can't wait to go tomorrow, and get my pre-order money back. I'm done with them, and B&M preordering of any kind.

I preordered my Wii at FYE on August 10th, I was told I was second on line. I called last night to make sure I was still good and definitely get my system tomorrow, I was told yes but I was required to buy 2 games but could return them. I Ebayed my Wii exactly two weeks ago for $450. I get there today and show the cashier my preorder recipt, he punches some stuff in the computer and asks me what two games I would like. Just to own it for a little and see the case I ask for Zelda and he says they are sold out. Then I just ask to see what they have, so he pulls out a bunch of stuff and I just take Red Steel and Marvel UA as fillers. So then he types more stuff into the computer and throws a co worker the keys to the back and hesistantly says "Yo go get me the system, the Wii". He comes back with that case and my eyes light up. I left and returned home dissappointed I couldn't set it up and play some Wii Sports.
I was lucky...only had to buy one game. He was very apologetic about not informing me...that I felt guilty only buying one game. I know that FYE is not the greatest in terms of educating their employees about their deals and the like...but this guy was just nice and apologetic that I have a renewed faith in Fye. Was #2 on the Wii list, and got mine. BTW
[quote name='nyprimus4']MY ENTIRE FYE Wii STORY

I preordered my Wii at FYE on August 10th, I was told I was second on line. I called last night to make sure I was still good and definitely get my system tomorrow, I was told yes but I was required to buy 2 games but could return them. I Ebayed my Wii exactly two weeks ago for $450. I get there today and show the cashier my preorder recipt, he punches some stuff in the computer and asks me what two games I would like. Just to own it for a little and see the case I ask for Zelda and he says they are sold out. Then I just ask to see what they have, so he pulls out a bunch of stuff and I just take Red Steel and Marvel UA as fillers. So then he types more stuff into the computer and throws a co worker the keys to the back and hesistantly says "Yo go get me the system, the Wii". He comes back with that case and my eyes light up. I left and returned home dissappointed I couldn't set it up and play some Wii Sports.[/quote]

You'd better cut it short. Cannot understand what you were talking about. Maybe I am dumb.
[quote name='chior']You'd better cut it short. Cannot understand what you were talking about. Maybe I am dumb.[/QUOTE]
I had to re-read it a couple of times, but I think he was saying that once he got the Wii in his possession, he really wanted to play it. But since he had already sold it, he couldn't open it up and play it when he got home. And that made him sad.

At least that's my interpretation.
[quote name='D. Monic']I had to re-read it a couple of times, but I think he was saying that once he got the Wii in his possession, he really wanted to play it. But since he had already sold it, he couldn't open it up and play it when he got home. And that made him sad.

At least that's my interpretation.[/quote]
Correct. Now that I look at my post I wrote it very akwardly.
[quote name='D. Monic']For the second straight year, FYE came through for me (got a 360 at launch last year). Yeah, FYE didn't come thru on my PS3 pre-order, but I hang that colossal disaster squarely on Sony's shoulders. FYE is all right in my book.[/quote]

I am glad things worked out for you.

But I blame FYE for what happened to me. FYE told me:
1) I was #1 on the pre-order list when I was #2
2) that I would not have to purchase a bundle
AND...most importantly
3) that I would receive my system on launch day

AND the reponse from corporate to me did not even hint at an apology. This is probably the proverbial straw for me.

I too got my XBox360 last year on launch day and within this past year I have purchased a PSP, slim line PS2, 2 GBA SPs and numerous games, cds and DVDs there. But I am afraid there isn't anything they can do at this point to win me back.

[quote name='lurknomore'] I know that FYE is not the greatest in terms of educating their employees about their deals and the like[/quote]
FYI...The FYE employee I talked to/dealt with was an assitant manager.
....my FYE told me couple days ago that they would be receiving 1 Wii today...went there and the manager was like " we haven't got the shipment "

great.. ;(
I just bought my Wii from them today... and had to buy 2 games:/ Can anyone confirm that we can return the two games?
The manager actually apologized and recommended I return the accessories/games I don't want. I'm going to return the stuff next weekend. She was super nice about it too. All around good experience at FYE.:D
[quote name='Cliqqy']I just bought my Wii from them today... and had to buy 2 games:/ Can anyone confirm that we can return the two games?[/quote]
Yes I was told multiple times they are returnable. Plus it isn't put down as a bundle on the recipt, just a system and two seperate games.
[quote name='pinebarrens']The manager actually apologized and recommended I return the accessories/games I don't want. I'm going to return the stuff next weekend. She was super nice about it too. All around good experience at FYE.:D[/quote]

Why did she apologize to you, what did you say to her? The guy earlier today was being an asshat to me saying that it was coporate policy that I must purchase 2 games.
bread's done