G4 cancels G4TV.com and Filter

I try to watch G4TV.com every week and over the past few weeks it has seemed to me that Tina Wood has has her chest enlarged. Has anybody else notice this? And I wondered if she was trying to step in on Morgans gigs has being the hot gaming goddess in all those mens magazines.
[quote name='radjago']I wish G4 would have more shows like the 1up show, where people who know games actually talk about games.[/QUOTE]

Here here. The 1UP video show is completely awesome. Documentary-style filming with little skits in between segments dedicated to game discussion. Don't listen to the audio podcast though, it's not an accurate representation.

[quote name='Stryffe2004']Judgment Day and Cinematech are the only pure videogame shows on. X-Play tries to have stupid skits and is not as clever as they think. I think Judgment Day is good in that they give reasons for liking or disliking a game. Cinematech is not bad and like the other post said, it is a good way to get a preview of games you may not have seen. AotS is fairly good as well. You really need to have a "particular" sense of humor. It is definitely not for everyone, but I like it. The rest of G4 seems to be Spike TV-Lite.[/QUOTE]

Ooh. Judgement Day has to go. Tommy Tallarico might work in the gaming industry but he can't critique a game worth shit. All he does is talk about the music, footstep sounds, and the presence of one of the following gameplay elements: a) blood and vilolence; b) hot girls. It could be the greatest game ever made but if it doesn't have any of those, he doesn't like it.

It just bugs me that there are hundreds of websites attracting thousands, if not millions of hits per month, on the gaming industry, yet they can't even put together quality television programing on the subject.

[quote name='ajh2298']I try to watch G4TV.com every week and over the past few weeks it has seemed to me that Tina Wood has has her chest enlarged. Has anybody else notice this? And I wondered if she was trying to step in on Morgans gigs has being the hot gaming goddess in all those mens magazines.[/QUOTE]

I noticed...


Considering that the industry is filled with plenty of watchable material out there, I've always been surprised that the network didn't really seem to do more. I mean, no shows about getting people into the industry, no shows about what it takes to prepare, set up, and throw some of the major gaming and electronics expos both here and abroad, no shows that take tours of minor and major studios and how game makers actually do what they do... G4 was always disappointing. It was even more upsetting to see them take over TechTV and then dragging both names through the mud.

Once they started picking up Fast Lane and the like, that was about it. It was strange that they would pick up shows not even remotely related to gaming (The Man Show) but once they picked up Fast Lane, a show that nobody watched in an empty time slot across six networks during Prime Time that barely made it through a single season...well, who the hell knows? It's not like picking up some diamond in the rough that was beloved and had a large fanbase but no real viewer support, they just started slapping whatever they could together for filler so the same programming wouldn't reair three times a day instead of two.

I think the problem is that if they're really going for a gamer audience they have to end up pulling us away from our systems long enough for us to give a damn most of the time. If they're going for the casual gamers, they pretty much have to do the same as well considering most people who get G4 tend to get another 100+ channels. And if they're going for the everyman or everywoman...well, so much for a gaming channel.
I'm only sad to see G4tv.com go because Geoff is generally entertaining. The other two bimbos were just completely useless. Oh wow, you wear a nose ring? how trendy!

On another side note, Tommy needs to go. Seriously. He never says anything about games anymore, he just behaves like a jackass and gives a game a 6.5.

As for filter, does that mean we've seen the end of Diane's overacting? hooray! I knew praying to the Rosary (as directed by my neighbor's bumpersticker) would finally pay off.

Get rid of Morgan Webb and the whip set, and bring back Cat...then we'll talk G4. Then we will talk.
If anything, G4TV.com should have been upped to 1 hour. I always liked to insider interviews but they always felt rushed and often seemed to be cut short due to time constraints. The earlier shows also had more host interaction that, while often corny (cut-scene theater, host challenges), was at least different and certainly better than the out-right shilling they've had to do lately for dominos pizza and juicyfruit gum.

Filter had gone way downhill since it stopped the countdown format. Can't blame them too much - how many lists can they do before they run out of decent topics?
A shame indeed.. If any show should have gone it should have been X-Play. That show and it's hosts (sorry webb luvers) are a complete waste of gaming space. It's nothing more than a commercialized scripted piece of propaganda. Icon is my favorite show (they had a good one on MGS recently). It seems they are killing the wrong shows.. Again a shame..
I thought it was interesting to hear different sides of an arguement on G4tv.com. It was one of the better shows on G4's lineup.

In my opinion, Cheat should have been the first to go. Anyone with an interenet connection can find the codes. It's much faster, and you don't have to hear a terrible host read cheesy jokes off a teleprompter.
Just last week I was discussing G4's programming with some gamer friends at work, and I mentioned that G4TV.com is probably my favorite show on the network that I never get to see. Whereas one never goes hurting for their fix of women on trampolines or of cars driving sideways next to disinterested models when one flips to G4, it seems I could only catch an episode of G4TV.com about once a month, if that. How effectively they hid one of the few game-centric, informative shows left on the network! And now we can see even more instant-channel-change anime nonsense and lingering closeups of Bill Bellamy's abs!

And I also agree with one poster above that the channel is in desperate need of fresh content on ALL levels. I mean, how absurd is it to flip to an episode of XPlay in December and have them air a breathless preview they taped in May for games that came out in September? Are they concerned that we might forget what they thought Spartan might play like when they imagined it as a finished product off of some preview build, some six months ago?
I just think G4 is total crap. I guess thats just me. Only shows that were ok were Icons and Cinematech. All the hosts are garbage
I don't really watch G4 much. That being said, the only two shows they have that I care for would be:

Cinematech (Especially the 'Nocturnal Emissions' version, as it showed a bunch of Japan only releases)

Icons (They really, really need to make a lot of new eps of this show. It's the best thing they have.)
Does this mean they'll finally have room for 1 Starcade episode at 4am again, in between the 16 showings of every other show they have per day?
[quote name='Kapwanil']Considering that the industry is filled with plenty of watchable material out there, I've always been surprised that the network didn't really seem to do more. I mean, no shows about getting people into the industry,[/QUOTE]

That is what those commercials are for.

"And my mom said I wouldn't get ANYWHERE with these games!"
[quote name='ananag112']That is what those commercials are for.

"And my mom said I wouldn't get ANYWHERE with these games!"[/QUOTE]

I rate those commercials about 1/2 a step above the ones that used to air on The International Channel. You know, the ones that do everything they can to sound like "hey, with our program you can trade on the stock market and make BILLIONS in just a few years!" when it's really "well, everyone in the world makes money in the stock market then...er...lose it the next day. So give us your money!"

I think the best ones were about metal detectors. Screw getting a job! Buy this fantastic metal detector for around $100 and you could be making cash over fist and finding wedding rings to give to your wife! Imagine the possibilities!

I think the best things from those ads on G4, however, are the eventual output. It's pretty good when someone spends two to four years getting a degree in comp sci or game design or something and yet produces something most CS freshmen I knew at CMU and elsewhere could do in eight hours just for fun. Well, that and the "well, you don't really have to know anything about art or design to be an art or design major!"

OK, I concede that maybe G4 has some of the most hilarious programming I've ever seen. Too bad it's mostly during the ads.
[quote name='dafoomie']Does this mean they'll finally have room for 1 Starcade episode at 4am again, in between the 16 showings of every other show they have per day?[/QUOTE]

:) The greatest part of that show is they'd have 30 somethings go head to head against 12 year olds.
While G4TV.com was one of the few shows I could still muster the strength to watch, Filter is certainly no loss. Diane Mizota was easily the single most annoying host on the channel, though most of that might be blamed on the writers (if she doesn't take credit for that).

As for the changes to Icons, unless it's to make it a regularly weekly show, they'll screw that as well. At this rate, mark my words, it won't be G4 a year from now.

And those commercials! GOOD GOD! "Can you believe we're being payed to play games?" URK!!! Everytime I see them I want to strangle someone (and I expect for those actually working in the industry, especially those lower on the totem pole, that sentiment is magnified to a staggering degree).
I got digital cable, just for G4. When they made it availble on regular cable I canceled it. The biggest problem with G4 other than the programing, is that I counld and still cant figure out when what shows come on when. The schedule has always been wishy washy. It has never been like regular TV for me. On the basic channels I always know what is on when, without checking the TV guide.
Honestly....I haven't watched G4 in years. I remember watching it a LOT during it's first year or two and enjoying it because there were very few commercials (and when they did play some, they were often just clips of games). It really seemed like a "new" station and that worked to its advantage. The shows were almost all in-house, and even the hilariously crappy ones like the show where that guy goes into an underground bunker, wearing a jumpsuit with "Dave" on the pocket and talked to the disembodied voice in the walls about MMORPGs had some redeeming value, even if it was unintentional humor.

...then all of a sudden Pringles "sponsored" that Cheat show and the XXX movie ad was getting played every 10 minutes. Before long I was pretty much tuned out for good.

That network is dead. Too bad, I liked a lot of the Icons episodes (wish there would be a DVD set) and G4TV.com and Pulse were decent. Filter I never cared about, but I watched it anyway once in a while back then.

Of course, that leaves us with by far the best show they ever broadcasted:

[quote name='dafoomie']Does this mean they'll finally have room for 1 Starcade episode at 4am again, in between the 16 showings of every other show they have per day?[/QUOTE]

God I hope so. The one episode where the host goes off was an amazing TV moment:

Step 1 - Kid plays some sort of flying game, does crappy. This is one of the episodes where parents team up with their kids.

Step 2 - The host lightly mocks the kid for playing poorly.

Step 3 - The parent is offended and says something like "well what do you know about flying?"

Step 4 - Without missing even half a beat, the host shoots back (paraphrasing here) "I flew 14 reconissance missions during World War II so I know plenty, thank you very much" and they all walk back to the podiums like nothing happened. I have no idea why it wasn't edited out, but man I'm glad they left it in.

PLUS, once in a while the grand prize (when it wasn't useless garbage like a metal detector or TV) was a damned ROBOT. HOW COULD YOU NOT PLAY YOUR ASS OFF WITH A ROBOT ON THE LINE?!
I agree that G4 has been going down hill. Its a gamer channel not a "urban" channel, I mean how many real gamers put the time and effort into "tricking-out" their "fly-ride"? I am not really gonna miss G4TV.com or filter. I havent watched filter in a good year, and I havent watched G4TV.com since the other male host left, not geoff the other guy. Now if they brought back arena with the origional hosts, the kid from star trek the next generation and that fat guy that would be good, also The screen savers, a million times better than ATOTS. I like x-play. Speaking of starcade it would be funny if somehow G4 bought nick arcade (showing my age) that show was mildly entertaining back in the day.
Well, my opinion on the matter doesn't matter much since I can't stand G4 as a whole. It is nice to see the channel caving in even more, though. I've always seen them as more of an insult to gamers than anything else.

Filter was just a horrible idea in the first place, and it really shows when they list video games as a more important invention than the internet, thanks to those brainless twits that populate the site. And don't get me started on that fucking annoying host..

G4TV.com is bad for pretty much the same reasons. The hosts are just idiots.

Since X-Play has now been turned into a big pile of crap that will sometimes only review one or two games per episode, the only thing I can give G4 credit for is their E3 coverage. Overall I think they did a fantastic job with it, though it would've been so much better if they hadn't included that douche Kevin Pereira (who has the personality and appearance of a dead rat).

[quote name='Dragonsbane']Now if they brought back arena whit the origional hosts, the kid from star trek the next generation and that fat guy that would be good[/QUOTE]

IIRC, Wil Wheaton hates the asses that run the show and/or channel, so I doubt he'd come back.
Filter was boring, half the time they were talking about a new peripheral other then what the current list was. g4tv.com was a little bit better however with the mixed opinions and personal views. I wont be sad to see either go either.

As long as they keep XPLAY, Cinematech, Attack Of The Show they will always be tuned in on my TV.
Let's look at this in a positive light, now we all have free time to watch Training Camp.....:rofl:

Seeing as to how Brendan Moran continues to get paid by G4 (I assume he gets paid, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that his job of doing absolutely nothing is on a volunteer basis), there is nothing they can do to surprise me. They should continue their fine tradition of completely random acts like running contests on air and then never announcing a winner or even mentioning them again.
[quote name='mario23air']I'm REALLY gonna miss Laura "Thug" Foy. She is so damn fine.[/QUOTE]

You can catch her in October's issue of Penthouse. Better hurry, they're becoming rare.
[quote name='KaneRobot']You can catch her in October's issue of Penthouse. Better hurry, they're becoming rare.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='KaneRobot']You can catch her in October's issue of Penthouse. Better hurry, they're becoming rare.[/QUOTE]
But surprisingly, not valuable... ;)
i'm not digging the 3 hours of the man show, idk what the hell happened, but somehow man show took over attack of the show at around 9 oclock pacific time?? i don't know if i'm missing something or what
[quote name='KaneRobot']You can catch her in October's issue of Penthouse. Better hurry, they're becoming rare.[/QUOTE]

Ahem....little help please? :D
I'm still bitter over Unscrewed being canceled. Marty and Laura were my favs.... I loved how Marty would interview psycho people all while drinking hard liquor on the job. I loved his monologues during the girls gone wired. They were usually senseless ramblings, but still were awesome.
I'm still bitter over Unscrewed being canceled. Marty and Laura were my favs.... I loved him just he would interview psycho people all while drinking hard liquor on the job. I loved his monologues during the girls gone wired. They were usually senseless ramblings, but still were awesome.
[quote name='ananag112']G4TV.com was good, and Filter was okay...I also hear that they will be changing Icons as well. Icons was one of the best shows on G4 and it is a shame that they will change it.[/QUOTE]

I agree... Icons i would say one of the tops on the channel.
Well it would seem this is only the first round of cancellations. It seems they want this channel to more compete with spike and mtv and such. Wouldn't be surprised if sometime next year they abandoned all gaming related programming.

Oh and those of you worried about Diane Mizota. Don't be because she has been on NBC for the last few months. She co-hosts a show called Three Wishes so unless that gets canned, I would bet it pays a bit better than a lowly rated cable show.
[quote name='Benny Moto']Well it would seem this is only the first round of cancellations. It seems they want this channel to more compete with spike and mtv and such. Wouldn't be surprised if sometime next year they abandoned all gaming related programming.

Oh and those of you worried about Diane Mizota. Don't be because she has been on NBC for the last few months. She co-hosts a show called Three Wishes so unless that gets canned, I would bet it pays a bit better than a lowly rated cable show.[/QUOTE]

I believe I read something in one of the entertainment mags my gf gets that Three Wishes isn't really doing that great...
I just wish G4 would turn back to TechTV. Then bring back the good stuff that used to be on TechTV like Screen Savers along with the other cool technology related programming. I always enjoyed the strange mixture of military technology, robots, and what not that TechTV used to have on. :D
You people are overreacting. G4 still has some very entertaining shows. X-Play is good if you don't mind the sometimes stupid jokes, Judgment Day is a quality show, as is Cinematech (I like seeing scenes from games I played a while back and thinking "Oh yeah, that part was sweet".) The Man Show and Fastlane are only a very, very small part of the programming, give it a rest.
[quote name='evanft']ROFFLE[/QUOTE]

What are you people expecting? A 30 minute show that is nothing but game clips, with some guy like Greg Kasavin talking over them about how great the pacing and art direction is? What exactly do you want? What's wrong with Judgment Day? I would like to read someone's explanation as to why they hate G4, other than "Too many commercials".
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']What are you people expecting? A 30 minute show that is nothing but game clips, with some guy like Greg Kasavin talking over them about how great the pacing and art direction is? What exactly do you want? What's wrong with Judgment Day? I would like to read someone's explanation as to why they hate G4, other than "Too many commercials".[/QUOTE]
Tommy Tallarico might be a self serving prick, but at least he's got the balls to call something out if it sucks.

Its not a great show, its OK. But there really aren't any great videogame shows, they typically suck. Except for Starcade. Starcade is great. Geoff Edwards should get his own show, most recently he was a major Quake junkie.

From Forbes:
Who is the oldest really good computer game player in the United States?

Check out former game show host Geoff Edwards, aka Poacher, who at the age of 70 still frags players one-fifth his age from his cyberheadquarters in Los Angeles. So concerned is Edwards to protect the feelings of his virtual victims that when he stops playing Quake, he signs off, "Gotta go. Mom's calling me for dinner."

If you're from CA, you might remember him from hosting Big Spin.
I agree, I used to watch G4/tech tv on an average basis to check out what's going on with shows like Pulse, Cinematech, Filter, Judgement Day, X-Play, and Icons to name a few. Those shows were alright in my opinion, but I really thought Icons and Pulse were the best shows on that channel. I mean that girl, Diane Mizota, from what she says about games, doesn't even seem like she plays any of the stuff she talks about. I'm not bashing her or anything cause I personally liked that show as well up until it started to do stuff that was not game related with dvd and mp3s (and who the hell is that guy that does "Net to Know"). I hate to see it go, at least it kept things a little more interesting with all those Man Show and Fastlane episodes. And what's with Street Fury? Jeez, I don't think I'd want to start on that. Cars are cool and everything but that defeats the purpose of what the channel was supposed to be about.

As for G4TV.com, they brought up some interesting discussions on certain games, but that was about it. The rest of the time it was annoying and boring. Do they still play Cheat as well? With some guy named Corey..or was it a girl, I forget; but overall that show was decent.

I just hope G4 comes up with better shows than the ones on right now, and that it gets back on track. I mean Arena...I guess, but everytime I see that show with that hulking dude talking about video games cracks me up all the time.
[quote name='bmarquardt']Judgment Day might be gone from G4, too. No longer in the show index at the G4 website and not a scheduled show in site:


However, this thread is interesting:


(T.T. himself teases news about JDs future on G4 in the thread...might be a news about a new show on G4 with him involved? Just a guess.)[/QUOTE]
Electric Playground is still there, they were basically the same show, only one was indoors and one was outside.
[quote name='dafoomie']Electric Playground is still there, they were basically the same show, only one was indoors and one was outside.[/QUOTE]

JD = Reviews

EP = Previews and hype

Was/is a fan of JD and not of EP.
[quote name='KaneRobot']You can catch her in October's issue of Penthouse. Better hurry, they're becoming rare.[/QUOTE]

When did this get announced?
bread's done