Game Crazy 20% used games/Acc. 20% More on games/Acc trades 1/27-2/3 w/MVP

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FWIW, the 20GB PS3 trades in at 400 and the 60gb at 500. Really good trade-in value there.

That CAG wiki is crazy out of date.. I'll try to update it Sunday
[quote name='Scorch']FWIW, the 20GB PS3 trades in at 400 and the 60gb at 500. Really good trade-in value there.

That CAG wiki is crazy out of date.. I'll try to update it Sunday[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it pretty much is only up to date on what I've traded in the last month :rofl:.

I also put all the trade prices from the latest flyer in there - so that's where a lot of the newer game prices came from. Those are good through 2/5 I believe.

If you want to let loose with (more) actual prices from the store that would be awesome. You can even send some to me to split the work a bit.
Trade quotes before MVP (I didn't trade most of these):

Daxter - $17
Fight Night Round 3 - $7
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories - $6.75
Gripshift - $6
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee - $6
Juiced - $6.50
Lemmings - $12
LOTR Tactics - $7
Wipeout Pure - $5.50
Worms - $7.50

None of those were terribly exciting. However, then the guy asked me if I wanted to buy any "new, sealed" used games. Apparently a ton got traded in that way just recently. Several of them were a result of the nearby Fry's having their Wii bundle today (they had 3 or 4 copies each of Super Swing Golf, SMB, and Elebits). The guy said people bought the Wii bundles (for $400) from Fry's then went across the street to GC to dump the extra games and buy Zelda... :rofl:

I bought Super Swing Golf (with $49.99 Fry's sticker still intact) and Ice Age 2 (for my son's birthday) for $27.99 and $31.99 respectively (Super Swing Golf is only $39.99 new at GC, so $34.99 used and then $27.99 after 20% off). I was going to wait on $20 each for those but what the heck, I went for it. Considering that I paid with store credit that's not too bad, anyway. If anyone wants either of those (or SMB or Elebits, though those might be a bit more) let me know and I might be able to get them Sat AM. Cost + shipping + a few $$.
[quote name='io']Trade quotes before MVP (I didn't trade most of these):

Daxter - $17
Fight Night Round 3 - $7
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories - $6.75
Gripshift - $6
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee - $6
Juiced - $6.50
Lemmings - $12
LOTR Tactics - $7
Wipeout Pure - $5.50
Worms - $7.50

None of those were terribly exciting. However, then the guy asked me if I wanted to buy any "new, sealed" used games. Apparently a ton got traded in that way just recently. Several of them were a result of the nearby Fry's having their Wii bundle today (they had 3 or 4 copies each of Super Swing Golf, SMB, and Elebits). The guy said people bought the Wii bundles (for $400) from Fry's then went across the street to GC to dump the extra games and buy Zelda... :rofl:

I bought Super Swing Golf (with $49.99 Fry's sticker still intact) and Ice Age 2 (for my son's birthday) for $27.99 and $31.99 respectively (Super Swing Golf is only $39.99 new at GC, so $34.99 used and then $27.99 after 20% off). I was going to wait on $20 each for those but what the heck, I went for it. Considering that I paid with store credit that's not too bad, anyway. If anyone wants either of those (or SMB or Elebits, though those might be a bit more) let me know and I might be able to get them Sat AM. Cost + shipping + a few $$.[/quote]

It seems that your GC is pretty nice. Mine is totally fucked up. When they were selling the games, they were actually super nice. Once you have problems with your game and try to return them for store credit, then problems come. They basically refuse to do anything even though they always tell you "bring it back if anything goes wrong with your game".

I recently bought a used GC game from GC, which was terriblly abused. The manager buffed the disc for me and tested it in their own gamecube system. I told him that my GC might be picky on the disc. He told me that you can bring it back for store credit if that is the case. As I expected, it did not work in my system. I brought it back like a week later to return for store credit. Wow, the GC guy told me that we can not return it if the disc works in their own system. I then said if you want me to bring my own GC to prove it. He said it doesnot matter as long as the disc works in their demo GC system. I was like WTF, your manager told me I can return it for store credit . He said:" come here tomrrow to talk to the manager" What made me furious was that he showed the disc to another customer and said that there are not too much scratches. WTF, he tried to prove that I tried to fuck rip off game crazy $15(for the game)???

I went to the store the next day and talked to the manager. You know what, the manager told me that that dude did the right thing and he stands 100% behind that guy. He was like,"technically we cannot return any used games!!!, all sales on used games are final!" WTF, it was him who told me to bring the game back if my GC doesnot accept the disc. He then said :" I will do you a favor this time and return it for store credit." I was furious and spent all the credit in my account on a new game and told him this will be my last visit there. Go fuck yourself and the stupid game crazy stoe.

Sorry, I just cannot help to post my experience here. Peace out.
Damn, that sucks. I generally avoid buying used games unless they look minty fresh. So I guess I've avoided any such situation. I was a bit miffed at them one time because I bought an open "new" game (hehe, the opposite of the "used" games I bought today) and then I found a sealed copy at another store. I wanted to exchange it (or return/repurchase) but they told me I'd have to go to the original store I bought it at. Not a big deal, really, but I learned then that each store deals with it's own stuff and you don't have the convenience of treating them like a chain like EB/GS (where I can return any game at any store).

But the guys who work at this store know me by name, even over the phone, which is a bit freaky because I haven't been in there THAT much. This one guy has taken to showing me secret stashes of games (a few weeks ago it was a tote full of used DS games that for some reason weren't in the case - found my WarioWare Tocuhed that way). Then today he pulls out these 40-50 sealed "used" games. If I had more credit I would have bought a bunch more. Man, I was very tempted... I might stop by again tomorrow. Like I said, if anyone wants anything let me know by noon Pacific or so. There were a lot of PS3/360 games too (nothing hot like Gears or Oblivion).

I'm really trying to get as much credit as I can at GC (though today put a dent in that ;)) as my local Gamerush store is closing down (a sad, sad, thing :cry:). I'd really like to xfer credit from one to the other by trading used games but I only have tomorrow to do that for maximum advantage (the 20% bonus at GC).
[quote name='io']Damn, that sucks. I generally avoid buying used games unless they look minty fresh. So I guess I've avoided any such situation. I was a bit miffed at them one time because I bought an open "new" game (hehe, the opposite of the "used" games I bought today) and then I found a sealed copy at another store. I wanted to exchange it (or return/repurchase) but they told me I'd have to go to the original store I bought it at. Not a big deal, really, but I learned then that each store deals with it's own stuff and you don't have the convenience of treating them like a chain like EB/GS (where I can return any game at any store).[/quote]
That sucked a lot. I bought so many used games from Gamestop/Ebgames, gamerush,fye & Gamecrazy. This was the first time I had a problem to return a defective game to the store. No wonder how rude the sales person could be. It all comes from the stupid fucking management level. " I stand 100% behind our employees." That is definately the right attitude to drive a customer away. Good for him.
The gamecrazy's I go to around here (the 2 in dayton and 1 in centerville) are all quality stores. Genuinely cool gamer-types work at all 3 stores, I've had a lot of great finds (DDS2, ZOE2, MVC2) and never had a problem.

To contribute to this pretty good deal, earlier this week I traded in Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii), Disgaea 2, Fire Emblem (GBA), Meteos, and Castlevania DoS for about $110 after the 20%. Not too bad at all!
Picked up Shadow Hearts: From the New World for $11ish used today because the extra % off is done today.. I want Rogue Galaxy next!
Just wanted to give an update to the douche-baggery that is my local GC.

I decided I wanted to get rid of some more games I wasn't playing while this deal was going on. Plus they had DS Lites so I wanted in on that action. Anyway, I had like 6 games, most I didn't figure would count for much. And the manager (who's a huge tool BTW) starts scanning them, he gives me my total in credit, which was good so I told him that's cool, I'll get a DS Lite just give me a sec to pick a game or two.

As I'm looking over the games, I ask to see the values my games got as I was instructed by my friend who's quitting there. The manager tells me "Sorry, we don't advertise prices" I gave him a "puzzled / you're an ass" look and told him the last time I traded in they at least let me see what they were. He immediately got defensive and asked "Who? Who showed you the prices???" I felt bad because I had to now tell him and he'll probably unleash his doucheness on that guy. So a couple minutes after that he finally goes, "I'm not trying to be a dick man, I'll read them off to you." Whatever.

Finally I pick out the games and go to check out and he tells me I owe about $30 more than I expected. I asked, "didn't I already have $30 in credit as well as the stuff I just traded?" And he goes "Yeah, I was adding that credit in with the total I gave you." GEE, THANKS. So now, while I could get all the stuff I wanted, I didn't want to spend that much tonight so I tell him to put a game back and I'll just get the DS and one game.

Thankfully I didn't mind parting with most of the games I traded or I would have put up a fight. But I'm never going back there again, it's rediculous that I can't even look at the trade-in sheet. Am I wrong here? Can other GC employees fill me in? I know some of you have spoken up but just for final clarification is this normal? I really want to fire off an email to corporate, which I doubt will do anything, but if it lets him know that he's a tool then I'm good.
omegasaber, you know what, it is a pure luck problem. Some Game Crazy stores are super quality stores. Some are full of douche-bags. Just try your luck in a different GC.
The GC i went to today, the guy was pretty cool at the counter. San Carlos store by the home depot.

I traded in a bunch of older x360 games and a few others. for like 80 or 90 bucks.. and to my luck, some one had just traded in a lost planet. So, I was able to score Lost Planet for $40.

In hind sight, I should have brought over my Wii Zelda and Excite Truck to get like $60 or so for them. I am not much of a Zelda fan and Excite truck well, that was just a bundle from Costco.

Ohwell, I will just wait for the next trade special.
[quote name='omegasaber']Just wanted to give an update to the douche-baggery that is my local GC.

I decided I wanted to get rid of some more games I wasn't playing while this deal was going on. Plus they had DS Lites so I wanted in on that action. Anyway, I had like 6 games, most I didn't figure would count for much. And the manager (who's a huge tool BTW) starts scanning them, he gives me my total in credit, which was good so I told him that's cool, I'll get a DS Lite just give me a sec to pick a game or two.

As I'm looking over the games, I ask to see the values my games got as I was instructed by my friend who's quitting there. The manager tells me "Sorry, we don't advertise prices" I gave him a "puzzled / you're an ass" look and told him the last time I traded in they at least let me see what they were. He immediately got defensive and asked "Who? Who showed you the prices???" I felt bad because I had to now tell him and he'll probably unleash his doucheness on that guy. So a couple minutes after that he finally goes, "I'm not trying to be a dick man, I'll read them off to you." Whatever.

Finally I pick out the games and go to check out and he tells me I owe about $30 more than I expected. I asked, "didn't I already have $30 in credit as well as the stuff I just traded?" And he goes "Yeah, I was adding that credit in with the total I gave you." GEE, THANKS. So now, while I could get all the stuff I wanted, I didn't want to spend that much tonight so I tell him to put a game back and I'll just get the DS and one game.

Thankfully I didn't mind parting with most of the games I traded or I would have put up a fight. But I'm never going back there again, it's rediculous that I can't even look at the trade-in sheet. Am I wrong here? Can other GC employees fill me in? I know some of you have spoken up but just for final clarification is this normal? I really want to fire off an email to corporate, which I doubt will do anything, but if it lets him know that he's a tool then I'm good.[/quote]

nah, no policy on that whatsoever, just a douchebag.
Did the 3 for 10 clasisc plastic again today for the millionth time. Could I have gotten 20% more off if I had an MVP?
[quote name='omegasaber']
Thankfully I didn't mind parting with most of the games I traded or I would have put up a fight. But I'm never going back there again, it's rediculous that I can't even look at the trade-in sheet. Am I wrong here? Can other GC employees fill me in? I know some of you have spoken up but just for final clarification is this normal? I really want to fire off an email to corporate, which I doubt will do anything, but if it lets him know that he's a tool then I'm good.[/QUOTE]

They tell me the total when I trade in multiple things (but don't count any credit I already had there - that's pretty fucking pathetic and underhanded, making it seem like you got more than you did). Unless I know what the games are going to get beforehand (and thus know what the total should be) I ask for them to tell me individually what they are and they always do. In addition, they always give me quotes over the phone. Plus I get a receipt afterwards showing all the traded in games and their values, the total, and the amount of credit on my account. I can't believe you don't get a receipt at the end like that (I mean, I believe YOU, I just find it incredibly suspicious that the guy has a policy in place to deny customers info like that).

For my last trade of the bonus promo, I got $16.36 for Samurai Champloo before bonus ($19.63 after). I lucked out and found one at TRU (had checked this store weeks ago and they had none at the time).
[quote name='cag1000']Did the 3 for 10 clasisc plastic again today for the millionth time. Could I have gotten 20% more off if I had an MVP?[/QUOTE]

What is the price on steel battalion New? I saw a brand new one in a GameCrazy, high on a shelf, for $200. Employee didn't want ot get a ladder to price check, told me it was priced as marked.

Is this in fact the price for a new one?
[quote name='Nemo_Hyde']What is the price on steel battalion New? I saw a brand new one in a GameCrazy, high on a shelf, for $200. Employee didn't want ot get a ladder to price check, told me it was priced as marked.

Is this in fact the price for a new one?[/quote]
Don't bump an old, dead deal for a question like that.

And the employee is a fucking idiot, he can look up the price without going up there to check. It's definately not $200. It's $89.99 used.. it's like.. $130 or $140 new, i'll check in a bit.

Your store still has a new one!?
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