GameCubes marked down to 9.99 at shopko

most shopkos don't carry them anymore. the military avenue green bay shopko is old and ghetto - so most likely they still carry them. the ghetto stores are the ones to hit!
Sorry for being oblivious to this, but gamecubes don't come with component cables anymore? Huh? Why? What do they use?
[quote name='Antic']Sorry for being oblivious to this, but gamecubes don't come with component cables anymore? Huh? Why? What do they use?[/QUOTE]

They never did come with component cables--you used to have to buy a $35 (I think, could be wrong on the price though) cable straight from Nintendo. But after the first few years of the Gamecube's production, they removed the digital video port, so now you couldn't hook up the component cables even if you had them. Of course, Nintendo stopped selling the cables a long time ago, and they became somewhat rare, and now go for $50+ on ebay.
None here.

The guy that works in electronics at my local Shopko has been there for a while and he said that Gamecube items were clearanced out over a year ago. They had a few Intec controllers left.
[quote name='ma']They never did come with component cables--you used to have to buy a $35 (I think, could be wrong on the price though) cable straight from Nintendo. But after the first few years of the Gamecube's production, they removed the digital video port, so now you couldn't hook up the component cables even if you had them. Of course, Nintendo stopped selling the cables a long time ago, and they became somewhat rare, and now go for $50+ on ebay.[/quote]

Oh, oops. Heh, was thinking of the wrong cable there. I ended up getting my GC when it came bundled with Mario Sunshine, so I have the port in mine.
Heck, I would buy a few just to hack/tinker with. I've never had the chance to go Ben Heckendorn on a console before.... To bad I have 0 shopkos near me.
[quote name='Camwi']Well, didn't find a single GCN at the Stevens Point Shopko (I think they sold the last of 'em a LONG time ago), but I did walk away with God Hand and Elite Beat Agents for $10 a pop. :D[/quote]
That is the one I mentioned at $39.99 which just dropped. They had about 5 left when I saw them, but weren't hanging by the games, they were either just outside of the electronics area or hiding in the front area of the electronics area on a bottom shelf. This was the Stevens Point, not Plover one.
They didn't have any at the Kimberly, WI location when I checked last night. It looks like they haven't stocked them in awhile.
[quote name='Antic']Oh, oops. Heh, was thinking of the wrong cable there. I ended up getting my GC when it came bundled with Mario Sunshine, so I have the port in mine.[/quote]

would Wii component cables work with the gamecube?
[quote name='buckythekat']would Wii component cables work with the gamecube?[/quote]


The GCN cable actually had a chip inside it that generated the component signal, which helped keep costs down for the console itself. That's also why the cable was so expensive in the first place.

Plus, it's an entirely different port. :)
None in stock at Dixon, IL; Freeport, IL; or Monroe, WI. My electronics department in Dixon called around. The guy in Monroe confirmed it, though for that store and said he bought the last one.

If anyone manages to pick an extra one up, though, I would be very interested. I'm a domestic violence child counselor and I would love to have one of these for my office for when the kids participate actively, as a reward.
[quote name='punkrain']None in stock at Dixon, IL; Freeport, IL; or Monroe, WI. My electronics department in Dixon called around. The guy in Monroe confirmed it, though for that store and said he bought the last one.

If anyone manages to pick an extra one up, though, I would be very interested. I'm a domestic violence child counselor and I would love to have one of these for my office for when the kids participate actively, as a reward.[/quote]
I doubt many shopko would have any GameCubes to begin with.

Hah, you don't happen to have a violence oriented game in your office, do you? :lol:
I would call this a non-deal. The moment any employee marked a remaining gamecube down to $10 you know their either A) bought that shit right up themselves or B) called all their friends and family to buy them. I checked all three stores around me the day the news broke and all three stores were out of Gamecubes including 1 store in the ghetto that never sells anything and one store that I know had Gamecubes as recently as two weeks ago. DEAD
Checked the Madison, WI eastside location and nothing. The only gamecube stuff left there was one copy of Odama.
[quote name='buckythekat']would Wii component cables work with the gamecube?[/quote]

Sorry for the delay in response. As Zigg said already, it doesn't work. I wish it was the same though so I didn't have to shell out more money.
WOW Thats crazy!! That's well worth putting in storage collectors will go crazy on sealed GC systems in a few years.
[quote name='eau']Hah, you don't happen to have a violence oriented game in your office, do you? :lol:[/quote]

Oh lord no. Honestly that's why I want a Gamecube and not an Xbox or PS2, for Mario and Pokemon. We have a shelter and the only time the kids get to play is when they come in my office for sessions, so video games would be nice. The only thing is that we rely on donations unless I buy them. People don't donate nice things....we do have about 10 copies of the Aristocats on VHS, though:roll:.

I'm one of the good ones child counselors. I counsel children for anger management and child abuse, but I'm still anti-censorship with video games. I grew up with Doom and Grand Theft Auto (the original) and I'm one of the least violent people you'll meet.
[quote name='freshzen']It only took two replies for this to come out...[/QUOTE]

Seriously, I have never seen this work, ever. Yet people still keep trying.
[quote name='punkrain']Oh lord no. Honestly that's why I want a Gamecube and not an Xbox or PS2, for Mario and Pokemon. We have a shelter and the only time the kids get to play is when they come in my office for sessions, so video games would be nice. The only thing is that we rely on donations unless I buy them. People don't donate nice things....we do have about 10 copies of the Aristocats on VHS, though:roll:.

I'm one of the good ones child counselors. I counsel children for anger management and child abuse, but I'm still anti-censorship with video games. I grew up with Doom and Grand Theft Auto (the original) and I'm one of the least violent people you'll meet.[/quote]

I think that Violent Vdeo games for the most part make people less violoent becase they can sit down and take their anger out on an inanimate object, I do think that people under a certain maturity should not play ceartain games. Young people can be affected if introduced to violent media to early in life.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Those must have been some pretty lean years.[/quote]

The gamecube did have alot of great games, I had a Xbox also. but i played my GC alot more. I would have used a PS2 if i had one, but sadly i didn't untill a year ago, now i don't have time to play all the games i missed.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Those must have been some pretty lean years.[/QUOTE]

No kidding! I bought my GameCube on launch day and I never owned more than 10 "must play" games on the silly thing.
bread's done