GameFly Summer Sale on Pre-Paid Memberships


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
This summer, GameFly is cutting a few bucks off their pre-paid rental memberships. You also get a free 12 month subscription to PSM or Official Xbox Magazine (no demo disc, at least not for me).

Members also get free shipping on all used game purchases.

3 Games out (Save 25%)
Your first 2 months for only $44.95
($29.95/month thereafter)

2 Games out (Save 20%)
Your first 2 months for only $34.95
($21.95/month thereafter)

1 Game out
(Save 15%)
Your first 2 months for only $23.95
($13.95/month thereafter)

Cheap ass link
I loved Gamefly for a while but I would warn those on the East Coast for potential delays and shipping issues. For nearly 6 months I had no problem and decent (7-10 days) shipping times, but from April on, it took nearly 10-14 days on average for games in transit to arrive and get back to them. What's more, 2 of the games I returned since April never were received by Gamefly.

Their customer service is excellent, but I've since gone on to Gamerang since they have a distribution center in NJ and they better pack their games (and also use delivery confirmation).
Agreed. I live in VA, and for the past few months, it's taking FOREVER for games to get to me, usually in the 1-2 week range, which is making this nearly not worth it. I'll look into Gamerang, thanks!
How does Gamerang match up against Gamefly as far as availability of new and popular releases and number of games in stock? I really like Gamefly's selection and availability but being on the East Coast does suck as far as shipping times.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']I loved Gamefly for a while but I would warn those on the East Coast for potential delays and shipping issues. For nearly 6 months I had no problem and decent (7-10 days) shipping times, but from April on, it took nearly 10-14 days on average for games in transit to arrive and get back to them. What's more, 2 of the games I returned since April never were received by Gamefly.

Their customer service is excellent, but I've since gone on to Gamerang since they have a distribution center in NJ and they better pack their games (and also use delivery confirmation).[/QUOTE]

Yeah shipping has been slow to and from me (PA) to Gamefly and just recently I had a game that I sent back never get back to them.

How is Gamerang for games not getting lost in the mail? Why havent I heard much about them ? are they new ?
[quote name='necro1970']Yeah shipping has been slow to and from me (PA) to Gamefly and just recently I had a game that I sent back never get back to them.

How is Gamerang for games not getting lost in the mail? Why havent I heard much about them ? are they new ?[/QUOTE]

Any info about Gamerang from those who deal with them would be greatly appreciated
[quote name='necro1970']Any info about Gamerang from those who deal with them would be greatly appreciated[/QUOTE]

I used gamerang for a little over a year. I had gamefly and it was taking 2 weeks to get a game and 2 weeks for them to get my game back. So I went with gamerang on the fact alone that they have more then one warehouse or distro.

Gamerang should be the leader in online rentals IMO. They have 4 distro centers. If they would send something out monday I would get it wed or thurs. I live in Dayton, ohio they would ship my games from Oklahoma. They also have distro's in California, Minnesota, and New Jersey.

GAMERANG IS AWESOME. I never lost a game in a year.

If anyone is unhappy with gamefly shipping time give gamerang try trust me you will not be disappointed.

you may ask why so much love for gamerang. Cause they were the last person I went to I tried every single rental place even places I have never heard of and to no avail. Either games would be lost in the mail or I would have to wait 2 weeks to get a game. and with gamerang I never had a problem The one time I called customer service they were really nice to me.
I am done with Gamefly. They have lost 4 games in the last 6 months and have cancelled my account twice. All games were sent back in the blue mail boxes and from different cities, home and work. I just looked at the Gamerang site and they now have Delivery Confirmation, which is a step in the right direction. They also are a bit cheaper than GF.
Just two weeks ago I received an e-mail from GameFly informing me about a new service available in my area called FastReturn or something like that. It sounds really cool in theory... you drop off your game at the post office, they scan it, and GF acknowledges you dropped it off, so they automatically send you another game. Great idea for lowering waiting times!!! Right, except I have sent two games back since then, and it hasn't worked. No response for my e-mails. I'm stil sticking with them for a while though...
[quote name='cronnos']Just two weeks ago I received an e-mail from GameFly informing me about a new service available in my area called FastReturn or something like that. It sounds really cool in theory... you drop off your game at the post office, they scan it, and GF acknowledges you dropped it off, so they automatically send you another game. Great idea for lowering waiting times!!! Right, except I have sent two games back since then, and it hasn't worked. No response for my e-mails. I'm stil sticking with them for a while though...[/QUOTE]That sounds pretty cool!
bread's done