Gamer Women........DO they exist?

agree with ne1 who says thery not common..but they are there..alot of girls just gotta get past the stereotype that the second u touch a video game...ur a nerd

girl: so wat do u do in ur spare time
me: list hobbies, and when i get bored i play a game or 2
girl : ughh..typical guy his video games

^ bad but tru sadly :(

...but yea they are there, just let em have fun i guess..if u want ur gf or female friend 2 get into it also, set up sumthing simple and let her have fun..then convert her...KHAAAAAN!!!111
I hate how guys who hear a girl is a gamer automatically think all they play are games like mario party or tetris. Right now I'm playing DBZ Budokai 2, Metroid Prime, and Eternal Darkness. When Halo came out, my boyfriend (Girion47) and I sat and played through the whole thing until we beat it on legedary.

I'm 22 and have been playing since my parents bought me and my sister an Atari. I used to play my NES with my uncle and beat him all the time. There need to be more gamers. We are a rarity, especially in college. The only people I know here that play anything are guys. It's sad.
My gf refuses to play games and hates playing games. She also hates the fact that I collect games for the most part. Yet I live with her ... go figure :p

Essentially she says it's a waste of her time and she would rather read one of her books or something like that. She has gotten "hooked" a few times playing games like Final Fantasy, but refuses to play any longer than like 3 hours total because she just wants to spite me it seems.
[quote name='HitchChic']I hate how guys who hear a girl is a gamer automatically think all they play are games like mario party or tetris.[/quote]Except for a small amount, that's pretty much all most girls will play. Fun, easy games. Nothing wrong with that, but it's true.
My wife and I started 16-bit , when we bought a Genesis back in the day. When the PS1 hit and she got into Resident Evil that was it. Her and I just beat Resident Evil 4, trading off on boss battles. Yes people with the proper sharing of the controller any girl who digs you can dig the game.
Also, since no one has mentioned it, you can probably get most any girl interested in gaming if you have Rez with the Trance Vibrator :)
My wife started playing on the super nintendo system, games like bubble bubble the usual puzzle games. i went and bought FFX and started playing and my wife got interested and never gave up the controller after that i never played the game again. i can't seem to get into a game that my wife likes, i was slightly interest in damacy
and once my wife got her hands on it i never touched it again. now i'm strictly onto world of warcraft and haven't touched any consoles since i got WOW.
My best female friend, and the girl ive been attracted to for quite some time is a gamer.
She loves Soul Calibur, Power Stone, Super Monkey Ball, Mario Kart, basically multiplayer games.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I found out about my wifes closet game addiction with swirl for dreamcast. She played that like it was crack! Anyways I heard the dreamcast was going under so I sold it. She has never let me forget it either!

Anyone have a spare dremcast with two controls and swril? That would be a great valentines day gift ( ya right but hey a crack whore won't turn down crack right??? Even if it comes out a crack!)[/quote]

I'm in the same boat. I *loved* my DC, but I sold it when Sega dropped support. Now I'm starting to get nostalgic and I want one again. I mentioned it to my wife and she said, "just make sure you get Sega Swirl"
My wife is a casual gamer. Though she is hardcore about Galaga, if she sees one she has to play and demolish the high score.

Other than that she plays very casually:

Ms. Pac Man (and the namco museum games on N64, mainly Galaga as mention before)
Tetris (we played some N64 cube version of it also)
The Sims
Bomberman (all versions, its kind of a family game at the house)
Mario Kart 64

I just bought Super Monkey Ball 2 for the family so maybe she will pick that up also.
Female video game addict right here. Not that I've played/owned all that many. Jak 2 (god I want Jak 3), FFX/X-2, Starfox, Zelda 64, Dragon Rage (eat the sheepies!), Chrono Cross, The Sims, and a few assorted gameboy colour games.

I don't have much time to play them with school and junk, though.
no, thats not the real question. If your main qualifier is hot, then you have no business adding much more dificult qualifiers like gaming. hotness is easy to find.
Plenty of female gamers. My gf plays my snes on one tv while i play ps2. She also plays games like Mario Kart and Tennis and Party..well almost anything on cube lol.
it really depends on how plenty you consider plenty. This very thread existing means that we're dealing with scarcity.

I personally have a much more restrictive definition of what constitutes a gamer. Casual gamers are out. People who play only one game are out, which digs deep into the userbase of Madden, The Sims, and MMO's. My personal estimate is that of the total U.S. female population, we're looking at 2% or less.

Gaming is not a hobby, it is a lifestyle.
My wife also plays, she is not a hardcore player either but, she has beaten all the Harry Potter games that are on the Gamecube and on GBA. It sort of makes me proud when she beats them too.
Well, as young as you are, you shouldn't worry too much about finding a girl who's already a gamer, as you should a girl who's simply open-minded. It's only a hobby, like any other hobbies, and if she's open-minded and really likes you for you, and likes spending time with you, then it's really only a matter of time before she opens up to the idea of playing a game.

In my experience, if you want to hurry the process along, there are a few things that really appeals to girls; open-endedness, the cute factor, and non-linearity. When I met my last girlfriend, she has a PlayStation, and a few mediocre games that were mostly gifts. She had played a few of the greats of the 16-bit era too. She absolutely adored the Sims when I met her, and still does to this day. She would come over and play games here and there, borrowing my PSone titles from time to time, but nothing sparked her interest more than Animal Crossing. Much like the Sims, AC is completely open-ended, with no huge goals or challenges. Girls love games like this, I think, because they can really do whatever they want, move at their own pace, and not be stopped by insanely hard levels or bosses.

This girl, she also got intrigued by anything cute, usually accompanied by simple, fun, addictive gameplay. She loved Super Monkey Ball, Katamari Damacy and the like. A big myth is that they hate blood and gore..In my experience, this really isn't true. This girl loved playing GTA and the like.

Also, she got very into Final Fantasy XI after I got it. I think this, and other MMO games, are a hit with women because they provide a lot of opportunities for conversation and meeting new people. In general, I feel that women are more suited to jobs and hobbies that are centered around communication. Don't ask me why, it's just one of the things that makes women women, and makes men men.

Also, you really can't go wrong with old school stuff, like Mario, Link, old arcade stuff. Odds are girls have played the stuff very young, and the nostalgia will hook them.

All in all, the girl should like you for you, gamer or not. You'll find that, even if she's not a gamer, she'll be apt to pick up the controller if you find a game that piques her interest. And likewise, you'll pick up a hobby or two from her..but we won't go there, will we? :p
"Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense." -Hebrew Proverb

Many ladies in their mid-late twenties are past "childish" things like gaming; they're past the live-in boyfriend stage and want to move on to marriage, home, family and career. Sometimes ladies see gaming as a worthless pursuit and a waste of time, which in their mind means you are lazy or worse - you lack ambition. Like most prejudices, this attitude comes from ignorance; gaming is a way to have some good times, and no woman you want to be with will oppose to good times. disagree with Dr Mario Kart when he says
Gaming is not a hobby, it is a lifestyle.
As you mature, the things that once dominated your life become hobbies, unless you are the master at it, and then it becomes more like your job, i.e. professional sportsmen, musicians, website operators, etc. At that point the question is irrelevant; you won't have to go looking too hard for the girls, 'cause you're the man and the ladies love it.

I say get the girl you want, then the gaming part comes with the territory, like Modium says:
if she's open-minded and really likes you for you, and likes spending time with you, then it's really only a matter of time before she opens up to the idea of playing a game.
Of course that entails being humble, and looking out for her interests rather than your own. This plays out thus: gaming together to spend time together, not getting her to fall in line with what you want to do so you don't have to hear her whine about it; playing games she likes; sitting around and watching her succeed at games she likes, and being excited with her. Yes, it sounds a little gay, but that's how it works. Odds are, she'll be more lenient in your gaming habits. After all, it's better to look gay and have a happy girlfriend than to look like a donkeypit and have an unhappy girlfriend frothing at the mouth.

And as for this comment:
the real question is, out of all these female gamers, how many of them are hot?
"Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion." -Another Hebrew Proverb

Happy Chasing!
I'm under the impression that younger girls play games. Girls my age (early 30's) usually shun games. I might be wrong though - Hell, I would be happy if I am wrong.

But from what I observe, younger girls are more likely to play games.
[quote name='Xevious']I'm under the impression that younger girls play games. Girls my age (early 30's) usually shun games. I might be wrong though - Hell, I would be happy if I am wrong.

But from what I observe, younger girls are more likely to play games.[/quote]

True dat, true dat.
My wife does not play games, but she does buy them for me. I'm actually glad she does'nt play games because I'm into mostly violent games and she is very docile ans spirtual. If she was a gamer we would always be playing some lame ass non violent games
My mother, younger sister (16) and girlfriend (20) all will play Xbox connect Halo 2 with my Dad and I. Its a social thing though - so it makes it seem less "immature" to them. And they're all pretty good; embarassingly enough, my sister could school any guy I know in Halo 2 (and does most nights on Xbox live).
'Nother gamer girl here. I do mainly RPGs and strats; I adored Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Am presently playing Minish Cap and Bard's Tale. But I'm pretty capable at a lot of fighting games. I don't seem to buy them for myself very often, but I'll tag-team or versus my boyfriend and his brother whenever they pick up the latest shiny.

Yah, I do some puzzle games, but they're definitely outweighed by the meatier stuff.

Edit - I'm also nearly thirty, so it's not quite all a 'younger girl' thing.
I killed this thread. Go, me.

*chuckles* not yet

My GF is a extreme non gamer....I mentioned I had a gameboy I'm still not living that down. I mean its great for long trips....*sigh*

See, I don't get that. I don't see why other girls need to rip on guys for liking videogames. So what? I haven't met a chick yet that didn't find ways to subtly play 'dress up princess,' they just call it 'trying on evening wear.'

On the other hand, I used to have to forcibly keep myself from smacking the guys who'd ask if any guys were working when I worked at EB. And I very nearly had to beat the crap out of a guy who didn't believe me when I said I beat the first DMC two days after it came out. Sometimes we're almost happier staying undercover. Idiots live in both genders.
It's not necessarily a younger girl thing. My girlfriend is in grad school and she plays games regularly when she has free time. When I met her 5 years ago in undergrad though, she didn't play games at all. Well, in relationships you have to make sacrifices and find things you can both do and enjoy. She knew that gaming was one of my hobbies and kept an open mind about it, watching me play or trying it herself sometimes. In return, I went to her dance group's hip hop concerts and went to her friends' and roommates' parties. I also tried to play games that she might find more interesting, and I would always babble on about the positive sides of gaming.

I think the real breakthrough came with The Sims. After nagging at me nonstop about what to do with my sims, she took over and played the game for hours. She managed the sims perfectly and later would be a natural at Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon. She moved onto Escape from Monkey Island for its humor and had a blast playing Midtown Madness 2 because of the force feedback joystick. She usually doesn't play anything that requires fast reflexes or hand eye coordination, but she'll watch me play while she does her work as long as the game's interesting to watch. She's enjoyed watching me play Hitman, Mafia, Silent Hill 2, GTA, Pikmin, and Skies of Arcadia among many others and has even helped me beat some of the missions.

I feel very grateful when I look at how far she's come. For her last birthday, I got her Paper Mario 2 as one of her presents and she absolutely loved it and beat it in 2 weeks, which is pretty amazing given her grueling schedule. I can't wait to have her try Katamari Damacy and Ico. My evil plan is to slowly introduce her to more genres until she sees the greater truth.:wink: And no, she's not the geeky girl type(a lot of people say she looks just like Zhang Ziyi - Crouching Tiger, Hero, Rush Hour 2). Yes, I am a lucky bastard.

So yeah, gaming girls do exist. And even if they don't game, like my girlfriend a few years back, you can slowly introduce them to gaming starting with the things they might enjoy. She also told me about a girl she knew in her boarding school who played Quake 2 online religiously, and another girl who was really into Final Fantasy games. And we also have a couple of girl friends who play games that are typically played by guys only. The funniest incident I can remember was when one of our good girl friends in college came into our room and pretty much kicked me and my roommate off the computer, saying she was so stressed from studying for her organic chemistry exam 3 days straight that she needed a quick game of Unreal Tournament deathmatch. We laughed and asked her when her orgo exam was, to which she replied "in 10 minutes," and started fragging.
Its not a big thing for me really. There is so much else we do together gaming really doesn't factor in. To be honest my gaming habits have died down quite a bit I often go a few days without playing anything. Just seems like I'm getting burned out on gaming.

bread's done