GameStop $20 OFF $80 - 72 Hours (Online ONLY) Beginning 6/1

well, Red Dead Redemption was the only game that I wanted that this promo worked on. Couldn't get it with 3D Dot Game Heroes, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell, and 3 or 4 other games.

Thanks anyways :)
I'm pissed that gamestop does deals like this that totally make getting all these $10 GCs worthless. They have my business for all the glitched 25% off and 15% I got way back when that worked, but I may never get a chance to use my $10 GC's since they just won't be worth using when amazon offers release day shipping, $10 GC's, AND usually a lower than MSRP cost...
[quote name='Darknuke']I'm pissed that gamestop does deals like this that totally make getting all these $10 GCs worthless. They have my business for all the glitched 25% off and 15% I got way back when that worked, but I may never get a chance to use my $10 GC's since they just won't be worth using when amazon offers release day shipping, $10 GC's, AND usually a lower than MSRP cost...[/QUOTE]
You're "pissed" about these supposedly worthless GCs, but you took advantages of their glitches? Maybe that is a factor as to why these GCs don't stack. :roll:
Well, to me what's even worse than the $10 GCs not stacking with each other is the fact that I can't even use them with a deal like this. I guess the problem is, it IS a coupon and not a credit like at Amazon. I've got one from ordering ACII, and I would love to use it on the aforementioned Alan Wake CE + $.99 PS2 game idea, but I can't. The $10 codes don't even stack with CAG16. So, the only deal you're going to get out of them is buying a game that's already on sale (no codes required), or buying a used game with EDGE. Other than that, it's $10 off MSRP...but you pay tax. That basically equates to Amazon's regular prices.
It doesn't work on an item that's $79.99 (The PS3 Turtle Beach headset)


*adds NCAA 2005 to cart*

oh man, but you can't use the $10 off coupons in addition to 20off80!? LAME!
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Yeah the recent update of their e commerce site seems to have really put the brakes on the bugs. Things that were easily stackable previously are not working for me. *sigh* Guess I can't whine since I got so many good deals in the past few months!
I'm not really angry that the codes don't stack, especially since it says cannot be combined with other offers.

I just use the codes on some of the cheaper games that I want, the ones where this coupon is better than using one of those percentage based offers.

I can understand the gripe about no stacking, but I guess we can't have everything our way in life. Even Burger King doesn't do it your way.
[quote name='jiggyteddy']I'm not really angry that the codes don't stack, especially since it says cannot be combined with other offers.

I just use the codes on some of the cheaper games that I want, the ones where this coupon is better than using one of those percentage based offers.

I can understand the gripe about no stacking, but I guess we can't have everything our way in life. Even Burger King doesn't do it your way.[/QUOTE]

what? the king does it anyway i want :)
[quote name='jiggyteddy']I'm not really angry that the codes don't stack, especially since it says cannot be combined with other offers.

I just use the codes on some of the cheaper games that I want, the ones where this coupon is better than using one of those percentage based offers.

I can understand the gripe about no stacking, but I guess we can't have everything our way in life. Even Burger King doesn't do it your way.[/QUOTE]

Well, like I said, it's really the difference between being a coupon and a credit. But to be fair, GS does a pretty damn good job of making it SEEM like a credit. "$10 of a future purchase!...sort of" I agree that their real value is on cheaper games though. If you can find a $10 game, you'd get away with only paying for that's not terrible. But it is pretty stupid that on the bigger ticket items, this 20off80 promotion is the better deal.
[quote name='DanOh']If SSFIV has 10 dollar credit do i still get the future game credit even if I use the 20off80 code?[/QUOTE]

$10 coupons are worthless.....

25DEAL is better unless your buying outdated junk for 20$ then $10 is better. (but not by much)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, like I said, it's really the difference between being a coupon and a credit. But to be fair, GS does a pretty damn good job of making it SEEM like a credit. "$10 of a future purchase!...sort of" I agree that their real value is on cheaper games though. If you can find a $10 game, you'd get away with only paying for that's not terrible. But it is pretty stupid that on the bigger ticket items, this 20off80 promotion is the better deal.[/QUOTE]
Yep... definitely agree. It is a coupon that is masquerading as a credit.
$10 coupons are junk if you think about it even if they had a b2g1 you couldn't use the codes together and the $10 codes are valid a long time, that's BS.
[quote name='jiggyteddy']You're "pissed" about these supposedly worthless GCs, but you took advantages of their glitches? Maybe that is a factor as to why these GCs don't stack. :roll:[/QUOTE]

How does that even make sense? A company doesn't change their entire policy on one thing because of a short-term mistake. They could easily allow them to stack like Amazon does. They just want you to buy more games from them at higher costs. They make you feel obligated to use them or else you'll feel like you're wasting potential savings. Instead of buying one game for $10 instead of $60 (with 5 $10 GCs), you buy 5 games for $50.

Money spent by you in scenario 1 = $10
% lost per game in 1 = 83%
Money spent by you in scenario 2 = $250
% lost per game in 2 = 16%

Hmm... which do you think Gamestop would choose? Amazon's stacking is purely for the customer's sake, Gamestop's non-stacking is purely for stockholders sake.... Easy economics and it matches Gamestop's greediness that they've always had.
[quote name='Darknuke']How does that even make sense? A company doesn't change their entire policy on one thing because of a short-term mistake. They could easily allow them to stack like Amazon does. They just want you to buy more games from them at higher costs. They make you feel obligated to use them or else you'll feel like you're wasting potential savings. Instead of buying one game for $10 instead of $60 (with 5 $10 GCs), you buy 5 games for $50.

Money spent by you in scenario 1 = $10
% lost per game in 1 = 83%
Money spent by you in scenario 2 = $250
% lost per game in 2 = 16%

Hmm... which do you think Gamestop would choose? Amazon's stacking is purely for the customer's sake, Gamestop's non-stacking is purely for stockholders sake.... Easy economics and it matches Gamestop's greediness that they've always had.[/QUOTE]
Why should they allow them to stack? They're a business right? Basic economics--maintain/increase profit margins based on elasticity of demand.

Don't get me wrong, I want them to stack of course. Basic economics--consumers always want the cheapest price.

I'm not a shareholder because they're a charity. :|
[quote name='blissskr']$10 coupons are junk if you think about it even if they had a b2g1 you couldn't use the codes together and the $10 codes are valid a long time, that's BS.[/QUOTE]
It is bullshit. I'm saving mine for black friday.
+1 to jiggy.

people get "pissed" for no reason. And they are so completely one sided. When Gamestop does something they don't like, they're the devil. But when they glitch, they go hog wild and forget they hate gamestop. Or use their hatred of gamestop as some justification for going hog wild on a glitch.

These are businesses, people. They design their sales/coupons to benefit THEM, not you. Unless they are actively deceiving you, why are you pissed at them? Too much time on your hands?

Hey, maybe that duke kid grew up and is DarknUKE?
In the end though, and I know this is going to piss off a lot of people here, but if you truly don't like a company's practices... then you don't support them. Period.

Full boycott. No bs. Don't buy shit from them. Even if it is on sale.

Yeah it sucks that you'll miss out on the sale, but if you truly want to change their business practice(s), then you gotta persevere. Buying merchandise, and then bitching about it ain't gonna do shit. I'm sorry. It is a business. You put money in their pocket, they deliver the goods. Transaction over. Repeat.

You gotta hit them at the bottom line, and in this case it is the black line.

Sorry to rant like that, but not all truths are filled with fields of flowers and pretty women.
a gift card is the same as cash. if I have three gift cards for 10 bucks each, I can swipe each on the same transaction.
[quote name='typical guy']a gift card is the same as cash. if I have three gift cards for 10 bucks each, I can swipe each on the same transaction.[/QUOTE]
Yes you can swipe GCs like that... but these codes ain't GCs.

Hard to treat them in the same manner right?
[quote name='typical guy']yes but when you read that banner it's not obvious that they are giving you a coupon. it's bait and switch.[/QUOTE]
Very true because it is definitely having that "credit" feel as opposed to a coupon type of thing. I believe this is the main gripe though--the way these codes are being "sold" to us.
[quote name='typical guy']a gift card is the same as cash. if I have three gift cards for 10 bucks each, I can swipe each on the same transaction.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but these aren't gift cards. They are coupons for $10 off a future purchase. It says on the GameStop site, "$10 COUPON OFF FOR FUTURE PURCHASE" in huge letters. A bunch of people on these threads call them gift cards and suddenly everyone is bitching because they aren't as versatile as a gift card... GameStop never said they were gift cards. Everyone needs to stop whining and learn to read.
[quote name='typical guy']yes but when you read that banner it's not obvious that they are giving you a coupon. it's bait and switch.[/QUOTE]

the one that says COUPON?

LOL confoosious.

Why do some people think it is a credit though? I must have seen it mislabeled somewhere... perhaps a thread?

I just looked at my 3d Dot coupon... and low and behold it says coupon.

I just looked at my UFC code... and it also says coupon.

Which begs the question... why credit?
Yup. And that's the EXACT reason they don't stack. GS hardly ever allows coupons to stack...which is why this is no different. I even tried using my "$10 code" to buy a $10 gift card, and surprise, surprise...not allowed, even though the coupon's terms do not state that you can't do that. The only thing it says it excludes is consoles. That kinda adds to the deception a bit for me.

Also, I think the reason it "feels" like a credit is because there's no minimum. It's $10 off $ that gives you the impression that what they're sending you is $10. It's fairly clever marketing considering the source, haha. But I guess they had to come up with something to keep up with Amazon. To the common consumer, it appears to be the same deal Amazon has on many games. Upon closer inspection, it clearly is not.
I didn't notice the word coupon either. people here are calling them gc's.

edit: I will now exit the thread while hanging my head in shame.
[quote name='jiggyteddy']Why should they allow them to stack? They're a business right? Basic economics--maintain/increase profit margins based on elasticity of demand.

Don't get me wrong, I want them to stack of course. Basic economics--consumers always want the cheapest price.

I'm not a shareholder because they're a charity. :|[/QUOTE]

That is my point... They are a business first so they don't allow them to stack :roll:. I'm just saying I wish they were more consumer friendly like Amazon. You were saying that my buying from them helped cause them to not allow stacking and now you're changing your point to support mine? Zzz....

[quote name='confoosious']+1 to jiggy.

people get "pissed" for no reason. And they are so completely one sided. When Gamestop does something they don't like, they're the devil. But when they glitch, they go hog wild and forget they hate gamestop. Or use their hatred of gamestop as some justification for going hog wild on a glitch.

These are businesses, people. They design their sales/coupons to benefit THEM, not you. Unless they are actively deceiving you, why are you pissed at them? Too much time on your hands?

Hey, maybe that duke kid grew up and is DarknUKE?[/QUOTE]

I'd be more inclined to buy from them normally if they were stackable. I do boycott Gamestop, but I can't ignore an amazing deal even if I do. Plus, I probably caused them to lose money anyway which is always a plus ;). So you support Gamestop when Amazon is on the other side being EXTREMELY consumer friendly in comparison? Wtf man? You saying Amazon doesn't make money off their scheme? You guys seriously need to learn a little economics... Amazon probably buys just as many copies of games as Gamestop does (for discount pricing), so they make around the same amount of money off their games. Amazon just aims for customer retention using generous tactics such as code stacking while gamestop uses their "I don't want to waste my code" tactics which is NOT consumer friendly. The only thing gamestop probably has that increases their costs more than Amazon is company overhead costs, so Gamestop's only reason for not helping the consumer more is because they are greedy. Amazon is not greedy, that's my point and reason why I hate gamestop. Get over yourself.
Good analysis there.. I bet part of the confusion stems from Amazon because I believe they are calling their's "credit" and some people might think since they're in direct competition here, then it must mean they are offering the same exact deal. And clearly that is not the case.

@ typical guy:
Don't sweat it. There seems to be many confused people in these parts nowadays. I was a bit confused too, but there are others here that will clarify it.
I can get Uncharted 2 & Forza 3 for $69.51 shipped. Pretty good. For comparison's sake, they would be $81.97 (with free shipping) at Amazon. So $11.50 in my pocket.
[quote name='jiggyteddy']@n8rockerasu:
Good analysis there.. I bet part of the confusion stems from Amazon because I believe they are calling their's "credit" and some people might think since they're in direct competition here, then it must mean they are offering the same exact deal. And clearly that is not the case.

@ typical guy:
Don't sweat it. There seems to be many confused people in these parts nowadays. I was a bit confused too, but there are others here that will clarify it.[/QUOTE]

This isn't Twitter :shame::lol:
[quote name='Darknuke']That is my point... They are a business first so they don't allow them to stack :roll:. I'm just saying I wish they were more consumer friendly like Amazon. You were saying that my buying from them helped cause them to not allow stacking and now you're changing your point to support mine? Zzz....

I'd be more inclined to buy from them normally if they were stackable. I do boycott Gamestop, but I can't ignore an amazing deal even if I do. Plus, I probably caused them to lose money anyway which is always a plus ;). So you support Gamestop when Amazon is on the other side being EXTREMELY consumer friendly in comparison? Wtf man? You saying Amazon doesn't make money off their scheme? You guys seriously need to learn a little economics... Amazon probably buys just as many copies of games as Gamestop does (for discount pricing), so they make around the same amount of money off their games. Amazon just aims for customer retention using generous tactics such as code stacking while gamestop uses their "I don't want to waste my code" tactics which is NOT consumer friendly. The only thing gamestop probably has that increases their costs more than Amazon is company overhead costs, so Gamestop's only reason for not helping the consumer more is because they are greedy. Amazon is not greedy, that's my point and reason why I hate gamestop. Get over yourself.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you're the one that should get over yourself. In all likelihood, I know more about economics than you do.

I absolutely love amazon.

All things being equal, I buy from Amazon over Gamestop.

I just buy from GS when it makes sense.

But that's not the point.

If you don't think Gamestop is consumer friendly, then for godssake, just don't buy from them. But please stop crying like a little bitch about it.
[quote name='Darknuke']That is my point... They are a business first so they don't allow them to stack :roll:. I'm just saying I wish they were more consumer friendly like Amazon. You were saying that my buying from them helped cause them to not allow stacking and now you're changing your point to support mine? Zzz....

I'd be more inclined to buy from them normally if they were stackable. I do boycott Gamestop, but I can't ignore an amazing deal even if I do. Plus, I probably caused them to lose money anyway which is always a plus ;). So you support Gamestop when Amazon is on the other side being EXTREMELY consumer friendly in comparison? Wtf man? You saying Amazon doesn't make money off their scheme? You guys seriously need to learn a little economics... Amazon probably buys just as many copies of games as Gamestop does (for discount pricing), so they make around the same amount of money off their games. Amazon just aims for customer retention using generous tactics such as code stacking while gamestop uses their "I don't want to waste my code" tactics which is NOT consumer friendly. The only thing gamestop probably has that increases their costs more than Amazon is company overhead costs, so Gamestop's only reason for not helping the consumer more is because they are greedy. Amazon is not greedy, that's my point and reason why I hate gamestop. Get over yourself.[/QUOTE]

so you honestly believe amazon isn't as business minded as gamestop is? have you not noticed that you only get 3 months (at best) for most of their credits? you don't think they do that to get people to rush into buying more from them even if the item isn't on sale? now us CAGs find ways to easily add it to other deals and save more money, but im sure many many more people either just use it on something at a higher price, or just forget to use them.

now that being said, i almost always purchase from amazon since it's more convenient to me (i think out of the last 20 games i bought, 15+ were from amazon). but i also buy from gamestop when it ends up being a better deal. and since the credit is good for years, im sure i can use it on a $10-$15 game on their website at some point and save more then i would have at amazon.
[quote name='gametraderz']Yeah so stop bumping threads that are useless you fool..[/QUOTE]
Bumping? The post before his was 1 minute earlier. I don't know if that qualifies as a bump and this deal is hardly useless.

I was almost in for Red Dead, Lips #1 Hits and Fifa 06 (filler) for ~$57 but decided to wait. Good enough deal in my book, just want to work on the backlog a bit.
I ordered 3D Dot Game Heroes and ModNation Racers yesterday ($78 w/ shipping and tax) and after 24 hours the order hadn't gone through, but I got the receipt. I emailed GameStop today and they said that the order messed up (technical term) and that they were sorry. So I reordered.

Later in the day they emailed me again with a complimentary $20 gift card code. Bravo GameStop! I'm impressed.
just bought Street fighter IV fightstick, Super street fighter IV with the $10 coupon code, and fillers for 61.xx. great deal imo. with SAVER for free shipping
[quote name='Darknuke']That is my point... They are a business first so they don't allow them to stack :roll:. I'm just saying I wish they were more consumer friendly like Amazon. You were saying that my buying from them helped cause them to not allow stacking and now you're changing your point to support mine? Zzz....[/QUOTE]
I think I misunderstood something in your post I was responding to. Sorry.

What I was getting at is that you're completely fine with taking advantages of glitches, but when you cannot redeem a code the way you wanted... you were pissed.

I was speculating that the mere exploitation of glitches might have led to the strict use of the $10 codes.

I was pretty much saying that sometimes you can't have it your way right away all the way.
[quote name='Darknuke']I do boycott Gamestop, but I can't ignore an amazing deal even if I do. [/QUOTE]

You don't understand what boycott means, do you? How about threadcrap?

[quote name='typical guy']I boycott them too. I have not purchased from them since 2006.[/QUOTE]

Then why read and post in this thread?
[quote name='dino88']You don't understand what boycott means, do you? How about threadcrap?


boycott: to refuse to patronize a store because of moral and righteous reasons (unless there's a unbelievable sale).
Never mind this deal is legit.


Assassin's Creed 2
Mass Effect 2

all for $60.00 (w. ship & tax) - $16.75 (credit) = $43.25 for all three games. Good deal.
I can't even get my 10$ codes to work at all right now let alone stack.... I swear I have been watching for a few games to come in stock and they are in stock right now.... Bet buy the time I can get the codes to work they will be sold out again.... all used games btw.
Anyone know if there any current codes that work on preorders? I have about $300 worth of games I'd like to preorder, but GS is only competitive if I can apply discount codes on my orders.
[quote name='luxarific']Anyone know if there any current codes that work on preorders? I have about $300 worth of games I'd like to preorder, but GS is only competitive if I can apply discount codes on my orders.[/QUOTE]

When you enter in the coupon code, you get this message:

Coupon 20OFF80 - $20 off any in-stock order of in-stock merchandise totaling $80 or more. May not be combined with other offers. Expires 6/4/2010 11:59PM

Since it's for in-stock merchandise, I would assume that it would NOT work for pre-orders.
Doesn't seem to work on systems even though it just says merchandise and not just games. I tried on the black Wii and the coupon shows up but doesn't apply the discount.
[quote name='Tate Donovan']I can get Uncharted 2 & Forza 3 for $69.51 shipped. Pretty good. For comparison's sake, they would be $81.97 (with free shipping) at Amazon. So $11.50 in my pocket.[/QUOTE]

Correction: I didn't know SAVER would stack. So the games from GS are only $66.31. So you save almost $15 depending on your state sales tax.
bread's done