GameStop & EB Games Merging (GameStop buys Electronics Boutique for $1.44 billion)


Now THAT was unexpected.

I like how they're going to get rid of EB and stick with GameStop.

Holy crap..

EA takes over the game world and GameStop/EB merge to distribute their games all over the world..

That's not cool if it means the end of EB's crazy sales. Gamestop *rarely* has good sales :(
If all the EB Games stores become GameStops (like Funcoland & Babbages did) I guess that means there will be no major stores that deal in used PC games any more. GameStop (at least locally) no longer does so. And, the only other major stores around to do so were EB Games. So, it looks like the used PC game market is about to take a nose dive...
i wonder if this means they'll be closing stores. Some of the malls by me have two EB's and a gamestop in them. Certianly there is no need for 3 gamestops with no competition around.
[quote name='jalu6']i wonder if this means they'll be closing stores. Some of the malls by me have two EB's and a gamestop in them. Certianly there is no need for 3 gamestops with no competition around.[/QUOTE]

I wonder this as well...I have two gamestops within 3 blocks of each other (one in a strip mall and one in a large mall across the partking lot) and and EB within the larger mall.

What happens to eb's edge card? (offline and on-line use)? What about the difference between B&M and is different from B&M gamestop. GameStop is owned by Barnes & Noble...

Questions loom!

I'm sure respective sites will have FAQs up soon - if not already.
Wow, I never saw this coming.

But at least now we can get our opened-but-still-"new-display-copy games at the same place.

I wonder if they'll actually change anything that we would notice, or if it's all behind the scenes stuff. Will EB/GS stores change their signage?
[quote name='CapAmerica']Holy Shit what is up with today, First I find out that Adobe is buying Macromedia, and Now GameStop is buying EB. What next?[/QUOTE]


I'm calling it, it'll complete the trifecta!.. or not.

I just called my brother to tell him about it.. he goes "Are you serious?" then I mentioned that Gamestop bought EB and he goes "WHAT?!" (he's the manager of an EB).. about that time, I heard the phone ring in the background and it was the district manager to give him details.. muahaha.. I beat the district manager to the punch! Sucka!
Now why did I always think that EB was doing better than Gamestop? Thats what caught me so off guard, I guess it was my preference to EB over Gamestop for years now.
Here is a link to the Macromedia & Adobe article:

Isn't funny that this would come to pass. Just when everyone was getting comfortable buying cheap games from they go and do this. All I have to say is that I didn't travel to Gamerush often because of its distance from me but I will be shopping mainly there from this point forward unless Gamestop starts deals like Eb does now.
The biggest problem... No more guaranteed cases and manuals when ordering offline. Nor can you bring your online items back to the store for credit.
"It would make them bigger than Wal-Mart" I know that they are strictly speaking in terms of sales and not either profit or volume, but still.
The lure of the dark side was too much....

This is not good news for gamers. My EBs are run much better (or so I thought) than the local GSs. I never buy used from GS, as they accept anything in any condition.
Some of the articles quote GameStop and EB Games claiming that this move is a prep to move to the international market -- smart move for them, bad for us.

If u thought titles like Echo Night: Beyond and Sky Gunner were rare under the current way of doing things, imagine how much tougher it will be for small publishers to get their games into stores under the new merged company.
[quote name='the3rdkey']what the hell is the point of this merger and who the hell is it going to benefit?[/QUOTE]

Um, how about the shareholders of each company? You could see this coming a mile away - I'm actually surprised it took this long. Anytime you have two leading companies who compete against each other it makes sense to join forces in most cases but especially in this one. They really only compete against each other as video-game-only stores but they are each probably getting killed by other businesses in the area like Circuit City, Target, Walmart, etc. who can afford to take huge losses on inventory because they sell so much crap. Now maybe as one large company they will be able to compete on their level - who knows - this might actually lead to GameStop $5 clearance sales...
[quote name='Kayden']The biggest problem... No more guaranteed cases and manuals when ordering offline. Nor can you bring your online items back to the store for credit.[/QUOTE] You have no idea what changes, if any, there will be. They may choose to keep the store brands completely seperate.

Obviously, this does not seem good for gamers, but you certainly can't assume specific problems like that at this time.
[quote name='donssword']Some of the articles quote GameStop and EB Games claiming that this move is a prep to move to the international market -- smart move for them, bad for us.

If u thought titles like Echo Night: Beyond and Sky Gunner were rare under the current way of doing things, imagine how much tougher it will be for small publishers to get their games into stores under the new merged company.[/QUOTE]

My business sense in this regard must be a little slack so please explain....why exactly will it be harder for smaller publishers given the merger?

EDIT: It's actually funny this happened because before I was an "informed" gamer, I always thought they were owned by the same company.
this sucks, gamestop is the most crappiest video game store i have ever shopped at. they are overpriced, under stocked, and the condition of their used games are crap. they never give anyone any deals. i never shop there and instead have shopped at for years. i hope this doesn't hinder eb from giving gamers the deals they deserve.

this is a sad day......
[quote name='kev']That's not cool if it means the end of EB's crazy sales. Gamestop *rarely* has good sales :([/QUOTE]

Agreed'd. I guess it makes sense though. EB has had better customer service (relatively speaking) and sales, while GS has the ridiculous markup. No wonder GS had enough cash to buy up their competitor.
Cheapy, can you add the link of the audio to the OP post so that people won't have to look through the thread to find it.
Maybe the stores'll be mixed between the two, they could call it GameGames!!
Does anyone notice that gamestops are darker than EB's? Same relationship between B&N and Borders.... I smell a conspiracy.
[quote name='the3rdkey']what the hell is the point of this merger and who the hell is it going to benefit?[/QUOTE]

People who swear for no reason.
why are company so freaking STUPID. I mean a 40% + what the stock was going for.

they should of paid 20% at the most higher then the stock was going for then if they said no Go to 30 % then maybe 40% but IF A compnay was worth 40% more then the asking price of the stock the stock would be 40% higher then it is today ...

most mergers just mess both companies up.

AOL and time
Hilton hotels and cant remember who they merger with
MSFT and PSFT i think

the list just goes on and on

ALSO wonder how this is going to effect CREDIT
I think this ends up being a bad move for everyone concerned, except for Gamestop.

For me, EB tends to be my preference, mainly for the cheaper games that tend to float out here and there. $5 Rygar, anyone? GS does have the free shipping coupon and doesn't charge me sales tax, which is a slight edge in their favor for online items.

Around the St. Louis area, there isn't much in the way of overlapping stores, though there are a few that are somewhat close to one another (like 2-3 miles, maybe less) that I could see closing down in a consolidation/cost-reduction move.

I don't want to draw any guesses at what might happen for deals and other things, though in my gut, I can't quite see this being a truly beneficial move for the gamer.

If Blockbuster did buy Hollywood Video and theoretically Gamecrazy, then having less option isn't a good thing in picking places to buy games.

Only time will tell on what happens in the long run. Short-run, I'm sure it's business as usual, at least through 2005. 2006, who knows?
[quote name='CheapyD']You have no idea what changes, if any, there will be. They may choose to keep the store brands completely seperate.

Obviously, this does not seem good for gamers, but you certainly can't assume specific problems like that at this time.[/QUOTE]

:whistle2:s Granted, this is all just speculation, but why single out my idea?

Given GameStops stingy attitude, I don't find this hard to believe.
bread's done