GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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FYI. Retro games are a good credit mover to Amazon. I moved all flipping credit from the holiday madness and generated few hundred $ in the process. I think I traded about 60 games of various systems, with and without cases. I traded 2 copies (which is the max for 4 month period) for each game. All of it was accepted.

Gamecube and og Xbox were the best areas I found credit movers. Sega cd and Saturn were second.

Considering CAG 16 and the very often flash sales they seem to have on retro, it can hopefully stay useful. Next b2g1 that happens I'll be doing it for sure.

I am doing guitar hero and rock band drumsets now. Easy to buy cheap local. They trade for $50+.even some of the guitars trade for decent amounts.
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Can confirm Witcher III Gwent packs come up as $0.01 in the system. I have the biggest bunch of asshole associates that work at my local stores. Dbag wouldn't sell it to me even though he confirmed they had it and even admitted it was destined for the dumpster. That on top of all the employees at one store are hoarding the NES Classics.

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I'm curious how low it goes. I found an old 360 game that trades in for 55 cents base at GS.
It will give you the extra $5 as long as the GameStop employee doesn't read it before scanning(the card says only valid on things $5 or more). I was doing really great on my .25 games until my last stop.
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hopefully the 5 coupon doesnt end today, nice gamestop employee gave me 10 of them, but they all have stamps saying that store location.

One store denied me for the gwent deck mentioning that they were aware it was pennied out of the system.

My 360 game trade still got the $5 boost at least. I don't think my time is worth the trouble flipping these but if you are heading to GameStop anyways it's a nice way to dump off any trade fodder.

My question is, is that is the game blackbeard listed really is a penny?

wait so witcher dlc plus the card deck is a penny?
Yes they are really a penny. I bought one yesterday. It is the blood and wine dlc with two Gwent decks. They flip for quite a bit online right now because supposedly they are not printing the cards any more.

One store denied me for the gwent deck mentioning that they were aware it was pennied out of the system.

My 360 game trade still got the $5 boost at least. I don't think my time is worth the trouble flipping these but if you are heading to GameStop anyways it's a nice way to dump off any trade fodder.
The jr detective at my home store who knows me by name, rang the GWENT up, it showed as .01 but then I think she changed the price up to $30. She didn't have any problem with scanning my $5 coupon on my phone. I asked her if there was a limit and she "didn't think so."
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[quote name="cheapgamer 23" post="13613824" timestamp="1485639024"]

Does anyone know if need the sd card to trade in a 3ds?[/quote

I'm pretty sure you don't need it.
hopefully the 5 coupon doesnt end today, nice gamestop employee gave me 10 of them, but they all have stamps saying that store location.
One of the $5 coupons I got, also had a store stamp on it and I was able to use it at another store with no problem. Some stores don't care where the $5 coupon comes from.

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Thank you GameStop for reminding me why fuck you. Went with a game in hand and my $5 trade bonus coupon. First, I got shot down on Gwent really fast as soon as he saw the penny. Tried to raise the price on me but I noticed and was like "ummm why are you modifying the price?" "Can't sell, need to destroy, blah blah blah." Okay whatever, I know the drill, just don't try to pull shady shit. Then I go to trade my game in and hand him the card for the bonus. "Ummm I can't accept this since I need to file it with my paperwork and it needs to be filled out." Stfu, I've never had one of these filled out at any store, they've scanned it off my fucking phone like 50x too. He finally agrees to take it as an exception. Then I ask if they have any more of the coupons and he says "I can't give you one because it's a bounce back promotion and I can only legally give you one if you purchase something without trading in." Holy Jesus I wanted to punch this dude in the throat.
Can I trade in two consoles at the same time? I want to trade in my PS4(500GB) and also my XBOX ONE 1TB..175 each including the 50 dollar extra trade in could use that for the Switch when they get more in stock(Or the scorpio when it comes out). I already have the PS4 PRO and swapped out the drive if I were to put the 1Tb drive into my PS4 would that increase the value or should I just keep it as is

One of the $5 coupons I got also had a store stamp on it and I was able to use it at another store with no problem. Some stores don't care when the $5 coupon comes from.
The store stamp is just a validation process. The sl is supposed to write on it but who really wants to do that? I have a lifetime supply of those buggers but little time to use them unfortunately.
Got flat out denied because of a blank coupon at the next store. Oh yeah this was the store that gave me a fucking blank coupon. The lady took my coupon, trashed it and filled out a new one and told me to come back tomorrow.... It's fucking $5.
fyi for some reason wii classic controllers are $19.99/$17.99 in store and the wii classic controller pro is $9.99/$8.99. Most of the time the pros are taken in as the regular classic controller and are priced incorrectly. Both are supposed to work with the nes classic.

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the wii pro isn't listed on there site is it? All I see if wiiu pro

Got flat out denied because of a blank coupon at the next store. Oh yeah this was the store that gave me a fucking blank coupon. The lady took my coupon, trashed it and filled out a new one and told me to come back tomorrow.... It's fucking $5.
This should be fun for you since today is the last day they work
I see y'all talking bout trade bans, but is there such a thing a return ban? Like returning too many items (at different locations of course)

I see y'all talking bout trade bans, but is there such a thing a return ban? Like returning too many items (at different locations of course)
Yes, there are return bans at GS. Best Buy has also been known for banning people returning stuff, even with a receipt (they have a 3rd party tracking system).

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This should be fun for you since today is the last day they work
Actually whats funny is how many of the employees that don't know when they actually expire. I could only imagine that when that stop scanning customers will be upset because half the time the stores don't write dates on them. I have a feeling you might be able to get away with stores manually adjusting the $5 because they are unaware that its expired.

Its always funny when customers know more of what promo's are going on then the employee's.

Wanted to say, a GS employee told me the next Pro Day is February 11th, and will have a bunch of $60 games for $40, as well as a possible 10% bonus on buying/trading used games.

Had my wife trade in my son's gimped 2ds with a extra copy of twilight princess that I had. She forgot the charger to the 2ds but she got 83 credit altogether. I was surprised they took it without the charger! Not sure if it's old news but I guess the 2ds trades in more than 40. I won't see the receipt until she gets home from work late tonight
I finally returned RE 7 with my gift receipt and got cash back.
You da man, saber! I finally bought my backup 500 gb super slim PS3 from GS this afternoon. Works like a charm, gorgeous casing after I cleaned it, I can finally download Yakuza 5, and I still have $121 in trade credit left. Just waiting for the next 50% trade in offer so I can dump some more games! ;)
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So I traded in a 3DS with the plus $30 towards a switch last weekend. Think I can get away with using the online preorder code in store while trading in a Wii U tomorrow?

Also what happens if the credit exceeds the preorder? I owe 35 on the switch and would be getting $195 for the Wii U. 

I got denied on the Gwent card set at the Pinnacle Park location. Guy called his store manager over the phone as soon as he saw the price. Guess he was a newbie and too scared to give it away. Ah well, thanks for the info blackbeard and gamerdad.

So I traded in a 3DS with the plus $30 towards a switch last weekend. Think I can get away with using the online preorder code in store while trading in a Wii U tomorrow?

Also what happens if the credit exceeds the preorder? I owe 35 on the switch and would be getting $195 for the Wii U.
Just put $10 down.
I got denied on the Gwent card set at the Pinnacle Park location. Guy called his store manager over the phone as soon as he saw the price. Guess he was a newbie and too scared to give it away. Ah well, thanks for the info blackbeard and gamerdad.
Would you have been willing to pay $5 for it? In the future, offer to preorder something in exchange for the free item. Tell him to think of it like a preorder bonus.

I got shot down for the Gwent set as well. I will attempt the $5 down technique, thanks.
I did also receive a $5 trade bonus card tonight around close time and they had a pretty big stack of them.
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