GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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Unless the policy has changed since the last time I had one of those warranties from gamestop they just give you a used console they have in stock. Last time I checked you also only get one exchange now unlike in the past where you got as many as needed in the warranty period.
Yea I read that in terms section on, it's up to the store basically. These guys are cool at this store so I'll see what happens.


I think you forfeit GS coupons/certificates while BB credits them back to you in the form of points.
My bad. On mobile and wasn't paying attention to thread title. Forgot GS PUR renamed their coupons to certificates. Saw certificates and automatically thought BB. Yes, unless you have cool GS employee it's gone for good.
Actually, if you contact PUR Customer Service they deposit a new coupon for whatever you spent into your active offers. Every once in a while you'll get someone on the phone that doesn't know what to do and tell you to go back to the store to talk to the manager, which will either land you having to call back PUR Customer Service or getting whatever the coupon was applied to something you purchase right then. It can be a huge pain. I've dealt with this twice in the last year and PUR Customer Service can be some of the most unhelpful people I've ever talked to at times.

Also, if you return things and try to get your coupons back too many times they can ban your account.

Looks like they aren't swapping/replacing the digital codes yet for a physical copy. Forza download code was still in the box. They might keep selling the LE consoles with digi code but generic consoles with games is what they'll probably refuse and just make their own.

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Man, that sucks to hear. I used $50 on some Astro headsets and the picture on the website led me to believe they were the second generation but instead were the first.
So those gamestop $ off certificates work on physical playstation plus cards. I wanna try it on physical final fantasy 14 subscriptions today. Hope it works...
Looks like they aren't swapping/replacing the digital codes yet for a physical copy. Forza download code was still in the box. They might keep selling the LE consoles with digi code but generic consoles with games is what they'll probably refuse and just make their own.
So they ended up swapping your old Day1 edition for a new Forza6 edition??

Also, just curious about transferring all the saves and such, did you just use an external HDD?

So they ended up swapping your old Day1 edition for a new Forza6 edition??

Also, just curious about transferring all the saves and such, did you just use an external HDD?
Yep, had to get a used kinect though since new would have cost more than $500 total so I would have had to come out of pocket. Could have gotten $100 back but I like the kinect.

As other have said, all saves are on the cloud too so you don't have to worry about backing up any saves.

[attachment=17121:photo (27).JPG]

Yep, had to get a used kinect though since new would have cost more than $500 total so I would have had to come out of pocket. Could have gotten $100 back but I like the kinect.

As other have said, all saves are on the cloud too so you don't have to worry about backing up any saves.

photo (27).JPG
Cool! I've got a similar situation and was wondering if they'd bump it up to the 1tb model or not. Would be cool to do it for the Halo5 bundle coming out. Will have to give it a try I think. Worst they can say is no.

Can you locate used consoles via the app/website? If so, maybe try to find a store that doesn't have a used or refurbished console in stock, and maybe that will increase your chances at getting a new one. Just a thought...
Is there a magic combination of search terms that will spit out a list of in-stock pre-owned games at a specific store? I'm guessing no, but I'd love to virtually browse cheap DS games.

Yep, had to get a used kinect though since new would have cost more than $500 total so I would have had to come out of pocket. Could have gotten $100 back but I like the kinect.

As other have said, all saves are on the cloud too so you don't have to worry about backing up any saves.

Nice. Even got the Forza edition too!

Speaking of consoles, I've been thinking and I've decided I'm going to try and trade that Destiny PS4 I got from AWD about a year ago for the Taken King one that just came out. Warranties and a loud fan kinda have me a bit worried. Having an extra PS3 not being used at the moment and the PS4 ready to go...I hope those promos stack. One is $100 for a PS3 120GB+ if you buy a PS4. The other is an extra $50 trade credit bonus for trading a PS4.

Not really trade related but I returned a game today (couple of hours away). Just looked in my account and there is no refund it. Just wondering how long I should wait to see it appear on my account. 

Not really trade related but I returned a game today (couple of hours away). Just looked in my account and there is no refund it. Just wondering how long I should wait to see it appear on my account.
Meaning you didn't get it put on the card? Its instant so if you didn't get it rep either didnt do it right or pocket the return.

I'm assuming the answer is no to this, but want to make sure :) ... the $100 Xbox 360 towards a Xbox One / PS4 deal must be used on an in-stock system, right? I couldn't go today and trade it in for $100 towards the Battlefront PS4 in November or the Destiny / FIFA bundle on 9/22?


I'm assuming the answer is no to this, but want to make sure :) ... the $100 Xbox 360 towards a Xbox One / PS4 deal must be used on an in-stock system, right? I couldn't go today and trade it in for $100 towards the Battlefront PS4 in November or the Destiny / FIFA bundle on 9/22?

Preorders are not the same as purchases. The purchase of a ps4 console is what triggers the bonus.
I'm assuming the answer is no to this, but want to make sure :) ... the $100 Xbox 360 towards a Xbox One / PS4 deal must be used on an in-stock system, right? I couldn't go today and trade it in for $100 towards the Battlefront PS4 in November or the Destiny / FIFA bundle on 9/22?

Correct! You can only do that offer towards an in-stock system (no preorders like Thatguy1513 said). However, you can trade towards any current bundle and return that bundle and rebuy the Destiny / FIFA bundle come 9/22. That is one work around.

I might try the return / rebuy option then. I love Star Wars, but not really a fan of the PS4 design for that. Will i get the evil eye from the gamestop employee if I do the return / rebuy on Tuesday option? I'll obviously keep everything sealed and won't open the box. I've never done a return / rebuy before :)

I might try the return / rebuy option then. I love Star Wars, but not really a fan of the PS4 design for that. Will i get the evil eye from the gamestop employee if I do the return / rebuy on Tuesday option? I'll obviously keep everything sealed and won't open the box. I've never done a return / rebuy before :)
You will be fine. If they ask why and or raise an eyebrow, tell them that bundle is better value than the one you got, which it is and go for it. Good luck! :)

You will be fine. If they ask why and or raise an eyebrow, tell them that bundle is better value than the one you got, which it is and go for it. Good luck! :)
Thank you as always :D My store has low stock on everything, so I might have to do a web-to-store order or something to get the Destiny Bundle (they don't even have any TTK bundles in stock at the moment). Fun on Tuesday!

That many accounts huh?
No, same account. I just change the month of my birthday every month. If I don't use the one from the previous month, it stays until it expires and I still get a new one the next month. Been doing this since they did away with the reusable ones to keep one to use incase I need one for say GS to Amazon flip. ;) You could farm those with more accounts but they are not stackable like the old ones. I tried. Only one coupon can be used on an item in a single transaction.

No, same account. I just change the month of my birthday every month. If I don't use the one from the previous month, it stays until it expires and I still get a new one the next month. Been doing this since they did away with the reusable ones to keep one to use incase I need one for say GS to Amazon flip. ;) You could farm those with more accounts but they are not stackable like the old ones. I tried. Only one coupon can be used on an item in a single transaction.

That's gonna be really useful next time my GS gets in something I want that isn't available on the site.

No, same account. I just change the month of my birthday every month. If I don't use the one from the previous month, it stays until it expires and I still get a new one the next month. Been doing this since they did away with the reusable ones to keep one to use incase I need one for say GS to Amazon flip. ;) You could farm those with more accounts but they are not stackable like the old ones. I tried. Only one coupon can be used on an item in a single transaction.
Damn, that's a good set-up. Must be nice to have that many stores in your area with which to get away with it lol, my one would never fall for that.

Damn, that's a good set-up. Must be nice to have that many stores in your area with which to get away with it lol, my one would never fall for that.
Have you seen the newer ones? It does not announce it is a bday coupon. It just says "20% Off 1 Pre-owned Game." Then again, I use it off my phone / GS app and let them scan the bar-code and have been doing that since the reusable bday coupon era. They look at me funny if I don't use a coupon. :lol: Also, I don't use them too often which is probably why I am able to accumulate them. The ones issued from August don't expire until 11/30/15 and the one issued for this month don't expire until 12/31/15 (see a pattern) so that gives me ample time to decide on what and when (cough ... cough ... BFriday sales) to use it on if I haven't used them on GS to Amz flips.

Point being, the stores I am a regular at don't blink an eye (2) and the others (several within 20 miles radius) where I have used one and where I am "just another customer" aren't fazed by it either.

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No, same account. I just change the month of my birthday every month. If I don't use the one from the previous month, it stays until it expires and I still get a new one the next month. Been doing this since they did away with the reusable ones to keep one to use incase I need one for say GS to Amazon flip. ;) You could farm those with more accounts but they are not stackable like the old ones. I tried. Only one coupon can be used on an item in a single transaction.
You, sir, never fail to amaze in the ways to figure shit out.

I just set my birthday to tomorrow and we'll see what shows up in my account in the next couple of days.

You, sir, never fail to amaze in the ways to figure shit out.

I just set my birthday to tomorrow and we'll see what shows up in my account in the next couple of days.
I thought you guys knew all this when the reusable bday coupon went under. I just kept experimenting to see what else could be done with the newer ones.

P.S. so far I have only been able to get one coupon per month regardless of how many times I change the day of the month even if week's apart. Tried a week apart, and 15 days apart. Still only got one. More insight on results of my experiments in farming codes in the same month under the same account. :lol:

I thought you guys knew all this when the reusable bday coupon went under. I just kept experimenting to see what else could be done with the newer ones.

P.S. so far I have only been able to get one coupon per month regardless of how many times I change the day of the month even if week's apart. Tried a week apart, and 15 days apart. Still only got one. More insight on results of my experiments in farming codes in the same month under the same account. :lol:
Nope, that one fact I did not know. I do now. :wall:

I guess when we get to October, I'll try changing it to October and see what happens.

Nope, that one fact I did not know. I do now. :wall:

I guess when we get to October, I'll try changing it to October and see what happens.
Better late than never. Nice to have those when you can't get in on the 16% discount online and 4% more ROI and or discount. :lol: Plus, I changed my bday month to October shortly after receiving my September coupon (since it was for 1st week of the month) and currently have both my unused August and September coupon in my active offers. Well I hope this helps others if it wasn't known. :)

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Have you seen the newer ones? It does not announce it is a bday coupon. It just says "20% Off 1 Pre-owneallowe Then again, I use it off my phone / GS app and let them scan the bar-code and have been doing that since the reusable bday coupon era. They look at me funny if I don't use a coupon. :lol: Also, I don't use them too often which is probably why I am able to accumulate them. The ones issued from August don't expire until 11/30/15 and the one issued for this month don't expire until 12/31/15 (see a pattern) so that gives me ample time to decide on what and when (cough ... cough ... BFriday sales) to use it on if I haven't used them on GS to Amz flips.

Point being, the stores I am a regular at don't blink an eye (2) and the others (several within 20 miles radius) where I have used one and where I am "just another customer" aren't fazed by it either.
One of my accounts doesn't allow me to change my b day so this is news to me. The account is newer too, made it last year. My old account from like 07 allows me to. My new account locks my b day when I trade games in, example being if my wife does a trade it shows her b day and not mine. I just changed my old accounts bday to tomorrow. I hope this works as I'm buying ds games for my son

One of my accounts doesn't allow me to change my b day so this is news to me. The account is newer too, made it last year. My old account from like 07 allows me to. My new account locks my b day when I trade games in, example being if my wife does a trade it shows her b day and not mine. I just changed my old accounts bday to tomorrow. I hope this works as I'm buying ds games for my son
That's odd. I have a newer free tier PUR backup account as of August (in case mine went nuclear during that crazy trade in promo in August from trade ban :lol:) and I am able to change / edit personal details under my account via the desktop site from on that one.

I'm wondering the same...any trade in increases anytime soon... I'd like to get rid of some games I'd prolly never play if GS is higher than trade4cash
I'm wondering the same...any trade in increases anytime soon... I'd like to get rid of some games I'd prolly never play if GS is higher than trade4cash
I havent seen anything up coming in promos. Tomorrow I might no something. No idea when they update it but i check every time im in.

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