coupon! $12.75 for 3 out at a time! This is CHEAP!


41 (100%)
The source? My Dad. LOL

EDIT: Just found out where he got the code from, it's from

If you don't know, Gameznflix ( is a site like Netflix and Gamefly, just together. You can rent movies and games. The only thing is their selection is limited and they DON'T have any DS games.. GRRR!!

But, when you click on sign up, go to I HAVE A COUPON and type in emmys.

Now look at the prices!

1 Out at a Time / $6.75 each month
2 Out at a Time / $9.75 each month
3 Out at a Time / $12.75 each month

3 out a time for $12.75 a month?! Holla!

I may do two at a time.. I haven't signed up YET I'm just sharing this info for anything.

I don't know if it's going to be YOUR in if you stay with this company for a year.. will it STILL be $12.75? (or whatever you choose)

And a personal question. I live at home. If my dad uses this for him/mom/brother..can I have my own account..? We have the same name too LOL (with the exception of Jr in it)

I don't post deals often, but I hope this is useful to at LEAST someone!


EDITED to change link to CAG referral link.

Also, here's the FAQ since alot of people seem to have questions

Here is a list of the distribution centers, since this too gets asked alot in this thread!

Boston, MA
Washington DC
Orlando, FL
Franklin, KY (near Nashville, TN)
Dallas, TX
Sterling, CO (near Denver, CO)
Sacramento, CA
Seattle, WA
Los Angeles, CA

This is the customer service number if you need any assistance!
One word of warning though for everyone psyched about getting games shipped fast: don't be so quick to judge.

They specifically cater to new customers and ship games faster to them. I've been a member for 6 months and I've had EXCITE TRUCK in my list sitting there in my quewe for, what, the 2 months since it came out?

Others have echoed the same experience. It seems monthly it goes down the drain. Still, I'm not complaining that much (though I will be cancelling if SOMETHING on my list doesn't ship in the next few weeks) -- I would not, however, under ANY circumstance pre-pay for a huge commitment to them.

Try 'em, enjoy it, and then see if the increasingly slow shipping times and total lack of customer service doesn't drive you back to GF -- despite their higher prices.
[quote name='Sinistar']I don't think that's it, Maybe it's thier corporate offices address?
All of my stickers have the PO box for North Highlands, CA (which is I think the Sacramento distribution center). But I live in Phoenix, AZ. The closest distribution center to Phoenix is Los Angeles, which is what, like 3-400 miles closer? You'd think i would get all my items to and from the L.A. dist center, but apparantly they ship from wherever - I remember a while back when I rented Viva Pinata it took six days for me to get it - I'm guessing it came from the east coast that time. So the 48 hour "policy" from their FAQ is worthless.

Question: When game is shipped about how long does it take to arrive?
If a game was shipped, how long should I wait to get a game?

Solution: We have worked very closely with the US Postal Service and are builing our distribution center network so that we can deliver titles to our customers in about 48 hours in the lower 48 states. By the end of 2006, we will have completed this project. Please refer to the FAQ about our distribution center locations for more details.[/quote]

Sinistar - I don't think that's right. My two DVD sleeves have two completely different addresses on them. The reason for getting selections from a distribution center other than the one closest to you would be to assure that you get it as soon as it becomes available. If the closest distribution center didn't have your game, but one a couple hundred miles further away did, would you not want them to send it to you?

I actually got mixed up what I said earlier too. One DVD sleeve has a FL address on it, and the other has a KY address. Both of the DVDs ship back to MD, however (I live in NC).
Good points made by both ImCoOoOoL and phantomfriar2002. I partly wonder whether that's a fault of the queue system, or really is just intentional favoritism on the part of GnF. It would seem extremely elaborate and complicated for the queue system to list members based on the length of their membership, and then ship games accordingly. Only time will tell I suppose.
Netflix has throttled movies for heavy renters for years. It would actually not be that difficult to implement an algorithm to alter queue times based on length of membership or number of rentals. ImCoOoOol and phantomfrier - how many do you rent on average per month?
I actually think the $250 would have been worth it. I keep some of my games for a long time, I had NCAA 2007 Football for 4 months. I'd rather rent the sports games then buy them each year. I figured that $250 was the cost of 5-6 games, so as long as I rented and played through a minimum of 5-6 games in a year the service would pay for itself. Given that I have a closet full of XBOX, PS2 and Gamecube games that are worthless for resale, I thought renting made the most sense. The only flaw in my logic is the inability to get new releases still may drive me to buy some games. I think it will be interesting to see if GnF can support all the new subs. I really like the point earlier that maybe GnF created promotions like this in order to grow its business and therefore be able to carry more inventory. Wishful thinking, but hopefully true. My prediction is that this promotion will kill the business. Too many new subs at too low of a monthly price as well as a mass cancellation by old subs who can longer get anything shipped to them. I cannot see how they make a profit at the $12.75 price point. It'll be a shame, b/c I really loved the service 6 months ago and Gamefly is not price competitive.
[quote name='ForKChop']Netflix has throttled movies for heavy renters for years. It would actually not be that difficult to implement an algorithm to alter queue times based on length of membership or number of rentals. ImCoOoOol and phantomfrier - how many do you rent on average per month?[/QUOTE]

I've basically had the same 2 games out (GEARS OF WAR and TRAUMA CENTER for the Wii) since they launched. EXCITE TRUCK has been sitting in the quewe for a month and a half at this point :( I also have LOST PLANET in there too, that hasn't gone anywhere and I had it in my rental list since November.

So obviously, how many games you've rented per month has nothing to do with it.

Conversely, when I first signed up last summer, EVERYTHING shipped within a week, and when I exchanged games, it went just as fast. Not so much now, sadly.
prayformojo - I think your logic is very sound. One of the big reasons I decided to go with a rental service was for the yearly installment of sports games. I too have drawers full of worthless titles from years gone by. There are certain games that I will still buy, but just because they mean that much to me (baseball games, guitar hero, probably even the karaoke revolutions...i'm a big sports and music guy). Like you said, for you, as long as the service keeps you from buying 5-6 games a year, you come out ahead.

I hope your prediction about this promotion killing the business is wrong, but I definitely see how it could be feasible. It would just be the result of some really stupid business decisions. I guess it depends how greedy GnF wants to be. Whether they take the increased revenue and reinvest it in the company, or just give the Execs a big raise. Guess we'll find out.
It seemed very obvious to me that this site catered to the new subscriber, or "trial member". Although for the price that they are offering, I see this as being a pretty good bargain. GF and Netflix for me, but a bargain nonetheless.
[quote name='ForKChop']Netflix has throttled movies for heavy renters for years. It would actually not be that difficult to implement an algorithm to alter queue times based on length of membership or number of rentals. ImCoOoOol and phantomfrier - how many do you rent on average per month?[/quote]

When everything went well during the first 6 months, about 4 games a month being that I had the two game plan and I would keep games for about a week to a week and a half or so .
catering to new unproven customers at the sake of your tried and true month install is not sound business practice. Retention of customers is the number one goal of all retail and service industries. Example... You Build a fast food restaurant that sells burgers for $.25 cents and everyone in town buy one burger and never comes back, plus they tell all there friends how terrible the burger was. Or, you sell a decent burger for a few cents less than the competitor? Which company stays in business? This is a public company and they need to show growth of membership to investors. If they double the membership one quarter, just to loose them the next, it doesn't seems sound. Good theory. Would like to see an older member order older games and see if they still get the second hand service.
Oh and people wondering about buying games from them, DONT! My friend ordered 2 games at once from them. It turns out that they dont even have the games, they ship them 3rd party. After waiting 4 weeks, he cancelled the orders, which he had to do through his credit card company. Anyway, after a total of 5 weeks, they arrived at his house.
signed up for the $12.75 plan, and my first 3 picks shipped out within a day. i know they give preferential treatment to new customers (same as Netflix), but whatever. i'm a slow renter anyway, so i don't mind sitting on games for weeks at a time. this was a good deal for me, and the price is just too good to pass up. hopefully, having a distribution center within 150 miles will keep the shipping wait times down. thanks OP!
I just canceled and then signed up again with the discount. I had to use a different E-mail and Card but i will now get the discount and the better service. I still think that making people cancel and then sign up again for better service is a
FU**** up way to handle their company. Well, new games here I come!
Horray for living within 2-3 miles from a distribution center. Hopefully I'll get the games on Tuesday if they ship out tomorrow.
After seeing the discount on here decided to make the plunge. With as cheap as it is, figured I would give it a shot.

Luckily I have a distribution center right by me(I live in Arlington Texas and its in Dallas). Signed up Thursday night, first two games sent on Friday(third sent the next day) and recieved the first two games the very next day, very impressed with this. Less impressed with the fact that one of the games would not play, got constant dirty disc errors. I looked at the disc and it does show some wear, tried to disc doctor it, got a little further in the game, but same problems. Game will go back in the mail Monday. Funny thing it was the last game in my que(which had ten games), so I wasnt terribly upset with the fact it didnt play. Little understandable the top games might be hard to get right now, especially if there has been a huge influx of subscribers within the past week or so. Ill give it a month or two at least, hopefully the service will be worth it and Ill stick with it. As of now, real glad I discovered this site just for this deal alone.
I also took up on this deal... I'll give it 2 months and see how good it does from there. The nearest shipping center from me is the Kentucky facility, so I'm hoping I'll get my first games on Wednesday. Thanks OP!
this place is horrible. they were great last year I live literallly down the street from the distribution center. I used to have a 2-3 day turnaround. I have had 8 wii/360 games in my queue for 34 days now, not a single one has shipped. Im cancelling right before my next billing cycle but am hoping i might get lucky and get a damn game to ship first because if ive canceled, there would be no chance. I asked 3 times for a partial refund because I basically paid for an entire month just so I can log into their website and stare at games I could be playing and they dont ever bother to answer me, so i will be disputing last months charges with my cc company after I cancel. Since they used to have a free trial and they dont give a crap about their existing customers, it's not even worth it to sign up for the $12 or whatever promotion. At least gamefly lies and makes you feel like they attempted to send you games before they get lost, GnF basically just gives you the finger.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Sinistar - I don't think that's right. My two DVD sleeves have two completely different addresses on them. The reason for getting selections from a distribution center other than the one closest to you would be to assure that you get it as soon as it becomes available. If the closest distribution center didn't have your game, but one a couple hundred miles further away did, would you not want them to send it to you?

I actually got mixed up what I said earlier too. One DVD sleeve has a FL address on it, and the other has a KY address. Both of the DVDs ship back to MD, however (I live in NC).[/quote]

yeah but still if that's the case then the 48 hour thing goes out the window. :(
[quote name='chris916']At least gamefly lies and makes you feel like they attempted to send you games before they get lost, GnF basically just gives you the finger.[/quote]

so you prefer illusion to despair? different strokes, i guess. by the way, they do indeed still offer a 14-day free trial.
[quote name='Sinistar']yeah but still if that's the case then the 48 hour thing goes out the window. :([/quote]

That might be true...I don't know. Another possibility, which I suppose would make sense as well, is if the address on the DVD sticker just refers to the DVD's center of origin (also for inventory purposes). Because it wouldn't make sense for me to ship my stuff back to MD and then have them turn around and return them to their respective locales. Maybe you do only get things from the distribution center closest to you, which would make the 48 hour policy feasible.

It still wouldn't explain a difference in shipping times though. If your items always shipped from one location, your shipping time should be consistent. Maybe 48 hours is their goal, and when a DVD ships from a location further from you it carries higher postage to get there quicker? Who knows.

To me, it would make the most sense to ship from wherever. Otherwise, how pissed would you get if a game at the top of your queue was sitting in a distribution center a few states away, but they wouldn't send it to you because YOUR distribution center didn't have it? That's just dumb. Although according to a few posts in this thread, there might be evidence to support that theory. It's all speculation though. Who do you trust?
[quote name='chris916']this place is horrible. they were great last year I live literallly down the street from the distribution center. I used to have a 2-3 day turnaround. I have had 8 wii/360 games in my queue for 34 days now, not a single one has shipped. Im cancelling right before my next billing cycle but am hoping i might get lucky and get a damn game to ship first because if ive canceled, there would be no chance. I asked 3 times for a partial refund because I basically paid for an entire month just so I can log into their website and stare at games I could be playing and they dont ever bother to answer me, so i will be disputing last months charges with my cc company after I cancel. Since they used to have a free trial and they dont give a crap about their existing customers, it's not even worth it to sign up for the $12 or whatever promotion. At least gamefly lies and makes you feel like they attempted to send you games before they get lost, GnF basically just gives you the finger.[/quote]

I had the exact same problem as well, but 45 days for my 7 games. I cancelled right before the new charge this month.

It's either no copies of those games available due to so many new signups or something is completely screwed up in their que system. I'm leaning toward the latter due to their barely functional website. Anyway, I don't care anymore. I'm going back to a rental site that works.
[quote name='ImCoOoOoL']I just canceled and then signed up again with the discount. I had to use a different E-mail and Card but i will now get the discount and the better service. I still think that making people cancel and then sign up again for better service is a
FU**** up way to handle their company. Well, new games here I come![/QUOTE]

That's some fucked up shit. Are you saying I have to cancel my membership & use a different CREDIT CARD. Maybe that's why when I tried to sign up under a different e-mail address, it wouldn't work. I only have one Credit Card. Damn it, sounds like I'm screwed to their REGULAR prices because of this BS Huh????
[quote name='allyourblood']so you prefer illusion to despair? different strokes, i guess. by the way, they do indeed still offer a 14-day free trial.[/QUOTE]

actually it was just a joke. Im really saying they both fucking suck. I have an account with both and while gmefly mysteriously loses, and then finds 10 days later, every 6th or so returned game, at least I do get them eventually. GnF has literally sent NOTHING all billing period, and they seem to not even care, either.
Just a question for those who've signed up...

Have you been charged yet?
I signed up on the 16th, and I used my debit card...and I yet to see a $12.75 charge. On my account in GnF I look at payment history it says 1/16/07 $1.00 and my "next billing period" is 2/16/07. Hmm...did this come with a free month trial TOO??
[quote name='lilboo']Just a question for those who've signed up...

Have you been charged yet?
I signed up on the 16th, and I used my debit card...and I yet to see a $12.75 charge. On my account in GnF I look at payment history it says 1/16/07 $1.00 and my "next billing period" is 2/16/07. Hmm...did this come with a free month trial TOO??[/QUOTE]
Same here, but I doubt it. They probably just charge you after the month is over.
[quote name='ImCoOoOoL']Oh and people wondering about buying games from them, DONT! My friend ordered 2 games at once from them. It turns out that they dont even have the games, they ship them 3rd party. After waiting 4 weeks, he cancelled the orders, which he had to do through his credit card company. Anyway, after a total of 5 weeks, they arrived at his house.[/QUOTE]

I just had the same problem -- preordered (and was charged months out) for a game that's never arrived. My credit card company is handling it.

Well I got my first game from them 2 days after signing up! So far so good, the next one is on the way. And I do not think living near a distribution center matters, I am in MA and I got mine from KY, they just send out what comes up first.
So far so good with GnF. I signed up on the 18th, my games shipped out on the 19th, and I got all three today. I live in OH and they shipped from KY so hopefully they will continue to do so. My problem with Gamefly was that it took so darn long to get games back and forth from CA. While GnF's website could use some work, so far the service is good. Let's see how it goes after my first month though. ;)

[quote name='Faded01']So im the only one getting the domain expired page?[/quote]

you're typing

the web site is as shown in the title
For those folks having success, what titles are shipping? Any new releases or mostly older stuff? Also, this URL mispelling has given me a business idea: gamesnchicks. Who needs movies, anybody in?
Heh, I wasn't typing it wrong, I had book marked as that at one time worked, however it doesn't now.

I feel stupid.
[quote name='prayformojo']For those folks having success, what titles are shipping? Any new releases or mostly older stuff? Also, this URL mispelling has given me a business idea: gamesnchicks. Who needs movies, anybody in?[/quote]
I signed up yesterday, and my first items were shipped today. NCAA Football 07 (#4 in my queue) and Tiger Woods PGA 2007 (#2 in my queue). Not too bad I guess, I would have rather seen Fight Night, I've been wanting to play that game for a long time. Maybe next round.

Edit: I didn't really have any "new" titles in my queue, I usually buy the good games so I don't have to worry about paying a monthly fee to play it. And of course I look here before buying them.
I got games that were shipped Friday today. Nothing earth shattering--ST Legacy and Superman (for my son, I know it sucks). With that KY shipping center, GameFly may be out.
[quote name='cruzincontrol']Anyone that has a current membership and tried cancelling it to take advantage of the coupon offer? What were the results? What really blows is if you are a current member it seems you can't get this discount, is that true?[/quote]

I'm thinking of doing this. I just signed up with them less than a month ago. I asked their support if they could give me the lower rate, and they said no.
[quote name='soxfan30']Anyone know if Crackdown (360) is going to be avaliable on Gameznflix anytime soon?[/QUOTE]

I would guess that they would have that one pretty close to when it comes out in late February.
[quote name='soxfan30']Anyone know if Crackdown (360) is going to be avaliable on Gameznflix anytime soon?[/quote] Well I'd assume it'd be available sometime after it releases on February 20th.. :p

Anyway, I jumped on this deal yesterday, hopefull the low pricing lasts longer than the first month. Kind of odd I put some original Xbox games like NBA Street Vol 3 and Jet Set Radio Future in my queue and they were listed as "high demand" while stuff like Lost Planet and Dead Rising are available. In any case they shipped me 3 games already, nice.
I got two of my games (Viewtiful Joe [GC] and DOA Xtreme 2 [figured it was a 360 game that would be in stock... and it's terrible]) on Saturday, Jan. 20th after signing up on the 18th. Queque says Excite Truck shipped simultaneously, but I haven't received it yet (I figure it's coming from a different distribution center). So far, so good... kinda.
Just an update. My 3 games arrived today. All look to eb in good condition. Will play today and mail back tomorrow. None of them were real wants, just adding to my games played lsit and get some easy achievements.
two games shipped on the 20th (saturday) and they were in my mail box today. From KY to NC. Games were in perfect shape. One was twilight princes for GC. Hope they keep this up.
I just wasted $12.75.

I thought they had more Blu-rays and HD-DVDs. But turns out I have more than they do and most of their stuff is on order. I have enough of a back log of games to make paying $12.75 just for games pointless.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']That might be true...I don't know. Another possibility, which I suppose would make sense as well, is if the address on the DVD sticker just refers to the DVD's center of origin (also for inventory purposes). Because it wouldn't make sense for me to ship my stuff back to MD and then have them turn around and return them to their respective locales. Maybe you do only get things from the distribution center closest to you, which would make the 48 hour policy feasible.

It still wouldn't explain a difference in shipping times though. If your items always shipped from one location, your shipping time should be consistent. Maybe 48 hours is their goal, and when a DVD ships from a location further from you it carries higher postage to get there quicker? Who knows.

To me, it would make the most sense to ship from wherever. Otherwise, how pissed would you get if a game at the top of your queue was sitting in a distribution center a few states away, but they wouldn't send it to you because YOUR distribution center didn't have it? That's just dumb. Although according to a few posts in this thread, there might be evidence to support that theory. It's all speculation though. Who do you trust?[/quote]
Yeah it is kinda screwey.. I never really kept a "log" of when they say the games ship out and when I received them.

Currently I have Sims 2 Pets (PSP) , Grabbed by the Ghoulies (XB), and Snoopy Vs The Red Baron (PSP) out and they shipped then on 1/17 thru 1/19 respectively. I got GBTG two days after it shipped (0n Friday), Sims 2 pets I got on Saturday, and Snoopy I still have not received yet.
I just put Sims 2 back in teh mail today, so I want to se ehow long it is before they mark is as received.

But youre probably right about the stickers. It's from the place of origin.. But I wonder if when the game ships back whatever is on tereturn label if it goes back to the original dist cetner where it came from, or just ships out again from where it was sent to?

Oh, and I've had Lost Planet on my Queue as #2 since it came out and it's still #2 (always showing as "short wait"). And judjging by some of the other posts on tihs thread, all the new registratied accounts are getting it right away after they sign up as part of their initial shipment.
[quote name='Sinistar']But youre probably right about the stickers. It's from the place of origin.. But I wonder if when the game ships back whatever is on tereturn label if it goes back to the original dist cetner where it came from, or just ships out again from where it was sent to?

Oh, and I've had Lost Planet on my Queue as #2 since it came out and it's still #2 (always showing as "short wait"). And judjging by some of the other posts on tihs thread, all the new registratied accounts are getting it right away after they sign up as part of their initial shipment.[/quote]

They might. The thing is, there has to be some method of organization, otherwise it would just be pure madness. For example, how does distribution center in CA know that distribution center in MA sent you the game you want, and not send it themselves. For all the complaining people have been doing, it is somewhat of a complex process. Sure computers can sort everything out, but when you're dealing with subscribers all over the country with several distribution centers throughout the country, things are bound to get a bit jumbled.

So far I'm pretty satisfied though. I just had Madden 07 for 360 ship today, and it had been listed as "short wait". We'll see how long it takes me to get it.
bread's done