Gears of War 2 - Who's leaving it on the shelves?

[quote name='Mattte']Thats why the bow needs to charge're supposed to hide behind shit when the guy is standing there pointing it at you, not trying to take him down.[/QUOTE]

But it sure gives you a long time to charge it up.
No it doesn't. As we have told you several times, you just flat out suck. Hit an active with it and it takes no time to charge.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']No it doesn't. As we have told you several times, you just flat out suck. Hit an active with it and it takes no time to charge.[/QUOTE]

Look, you could wait for the guard to blow its load or die. Both options suck. Waiting takes a long time, and dying means you never advance. And even if you do wait, you've got the boomer right next to him to worry about, so you'll probably die anyway. I did. Lots. It wouldn't be so bad if the guards faltered or something when you shoot them in the legs or something like other enemies, but guards don't falter. They just keep on coming until they're dead.

Also, there's the fact that the torque bow gives instant death when it comes in contact with any part of the body. I don't know how many times I've got to say it. It's a stupid concept to put into a game. Give us the option to pull the arrow out for the few seconds it's stuck in there and throw it away. At least the plasma grenades in Halo didn't travel as fast as a bullet, so you were able to dodge them. The bow makes every part of the body as vulnerable as the head, and it's stupid.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Look, you could wait for the guard to blow its load or die. Both options suck. Waiting takes a long time, and dying means you never advance. And even if you do wait, you've got the boomer right next to him to worry about, so you'll probably die anyway. I did. Lots. It wouldn't be so bad if the guards faltered or something when you shoot them in the legs or something like other enemies, but guards don't falter. They just keep on coming until they're dead.

Also, there's the fact that the torque bow gives instant death when it comes in contact with any part of the body. I don't know how many times I've got to say it. It's a stupid concept to put into a game. Give us the option to pull the arrow out for the few seconds it's stuck in there and throw it away. At least the plasma grenades in Halo didn't travel as fast as a bullet, so you were able to dodge them. The bow makes every part of the body as vulnerable as the head, and it's stupid.[/quote]

The part of the game the you are complaining about was the hardest part to beat on insane, so I know your frustration. However, I found no problem with the torque bow, it was fun to use and not hard to avoid. And why are you so keen on the sniper being the most powerful weapon. Halo has the rocket launcher and the laser which are both stronger than a sniper. Just because you may like to snipe doesn't mean every other weapon should be weak.
The hardest part of the game is when you split up in chapter 4 at the beginning. The part of the game he is describing is fairly easy. Just nail the guy right below you from the room on the left, and then focus on the boomers. There is plenty of cover in the house and it isn't like the game forces you to stop their entry completely.

Also by your logic I guess we should be able to catch a sailing boomshot in the air as well.
[quote name='Apossum']it would take 10 8800gtx cards, all SLI'd together, just to show the title screen of Halo 3.

Sigged. :applause:
[quote name='Chuplayer']
Also, there's the fact that the torque bow gives instant death when it comes in contact with any part of the body. I don't know how many times I've got to say it. It's a stupid concept to put into a game. Give us the option to pull the arrow out for the few seconds it's stuck in there and throw it away. At least the plasma grenades in Halo didn't travel as fast as a bullet, so you were able to dodge them. The bow makes every part of the body as vulnerable as the head, and it's stupid.[/quote]

How is it any more "stupid" that any of the other weapons in gaming history!? Look at the Rachet and Clank series if you want "stupid weapons". I think it's an awesome idea for a weapon.

Give us the option to pull the arrow out for the few seconds it's stuck in there and throw it away.

Yes, I'm sure people would be able to get kills with it then. Are you fucking kidding me? LET'S JUST MAKE ALL WEAPONS SHOOT NERF BALLS AT EACH OTHER!
[quote name='Chuplayer']Also, there's the fact that the torque bow gives instant death when it comes in contact with any part of the body. I don't know how many times I've got to say it. It's a stupid concept to put into a game. Give us the option to pull the arrow out for the few seconds it's stuck in there and throw it away. At least the plasma grenades in Halo didn't travel as fast as a bullet, so you were able to dodge them. The bow makes every part of the body as vulnerable as the head, and it's stupid.[/QUOTE]

Yes, and the torque bow gives off a very distinct and noticeable sound when the arrow is being prepped, so you have time to identify the threat and dodge it. And, if you don't hear that sound afterwards, chances are your opponent got an active, so you need to start dodging faster. :dunce:

Oh, and an "instant kill" weapon is stupid, yet I don't see you whining about the boomshot being a one-hit kill/down, or about the active sniper being a one-hit down, which is about as bad as a one-hit kill. Oh, wait, you still need to AIM those, just like the bow, so they actually take a little skill to use.
Back on topic, I'm definitely going to get Gears of War 2. Even though it was a bit short, I thought the game had excellent pacing and a decent storyline.
[quote name='NamelessMC']I just read about the 5 extra chapters with the Brumac fight. I thought, "No big deal, it'll be DLC on Live for sure." Then I read in a similar article - "Extra content on Gears of War PC highly unlikely to make it to 360." What the hell is this?

So I read about it, and apparently Epic is proclaiming that Gears of War on PC uses a different engine than Gears of War on 360 and that it makes it entirely too difficult for the extra content to make it on 360.

Now, what everyone is speculating is probably true- It's probably a load of crap and they're saying that so people won't shy away from the PC version if they own the 360 version. What will likely happen is 3-4 months after the PC launch, the extra content will be announced as "coming to 360" because "Microsoft makes every effort to satisfy its customers". The truth? They're just looking for another way to nickel and dime us. I'd imagine it's going to cost $10-20 in MS points to get the extra content, and the justification is the whole "different engine" bullcrap they're feeding us now.

"So why charge for content that PC gamers got for free?"
"Well it used a different engine, which is the reason it didn't come out on 360 at the same time. We need to make back the developers money for having to port it to 360. But we are charging such a cheaper price compared to the real costs, cuz we love our 360 owners! Pre-order your Halo 4 copies now, new 360 deluxe limited ultra uncut director's edition too!"

Nothing but marketing and nickel and diming.

And it really pisses me off too because the 360 right now is the most third party supported console in the market, but if you want to own it, prepare to get the shaft in every aspect. Accessories, monthly fees, additional content. Whatever it is, you're going to have to pay for it. I'm surprised they let Square-Enix allow their customers to play FFXI online without paying for XBL gold.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand why you are mad. :whistle2:? Are you mad because in the year that it took Epic to make the PC version they added a few extra levels that might not come to Live but if they do come as DLC you are mad because they will charge for it?

Your logic sucks. I'm all for bitching about some DLC and some price structures, look at all the Soltrio Solitaire packs or game pics ord Horse armor but your point that if it is on the PC game that came out a year after the 360 game it should be on the 360 and free is dumb logic.

Stop playing games and go put on your tin foil hat...
[quote name='Apossum']Yeah man, you're going to need moon rocks built into your cell processor and wait at least 10 years for a graphics card that'll even display the company logos at the beginning of the game. Not to mention at least a terabyte of RAM.

When all is said and done, a PC to run GoW2 will cost at least 2 or 3 million dollars. That's without the labor of putting it together and the 3 months of installing drivers just to get the "enter" key on the keyboard to work.[/quote]

I guess you like playing games with Framrates fluctuating between 5 and 25, with bland textures and ofcourse long load times. Sorry to offend you!
I'm not going to bother reading though this entire thread just to say...

Eventually the DLC will be free. If you really don't want to pay for it then just wait for it to be free. You are a CAG aren't you?
[quote name='daphatty']I'm not going to bother reading though this entire thread just to say...

Eventually the DLC will be free. If you really don't want to pay for it then just wait for it to be free. You are a CAG aren't you?[/QUOTE]

it's weird that only MP map packs become free. but horse armor is still 250 points.

I guess you like playing games with Framrates fluctuating between 5 and 25, with bland textures and ofcourse long load times. Sorry to offend you!

:lol: not offended. Just saying that a gaming PC is not half as bad as people make it out to be. If it's only being used as a game system, then yeah, it's a rip. If you make it your main PC, you can build a kick ass rig for a little more than the price of buying a pre-built system in store.
[quote name='help1']I guess you like playing games with Framrates fluctuating between 5 and 25, with bland textures and ofcourse long load times. Sorry to offend you![/QUOTE]

It's obvious you don't have a clue about PC gaming, so why post about it?
I know I'll be getting :360: GoW2 (not for $60 though) and any additional :360: single player DLC, when it is free or I get cheap MSPs.

As for the torque bow being too powerful... it is a bow that launches grenades. Does anyone complain that you blow up when you get stuck with a grenade?

And the fire making you blow up... hmm you're carrying a shit ton of ammunition and grenades + heat = boom.
[quote name='mguiddy']As for the torque bow being too powerful... it is a bow that launches grenades. Does anyone complain that you blow up when you get stuck with a grenade?[/quote]

They're annoying as hell.

And the fire making you blow up... hmm you're carrying a shit ton of ammunition and grenades + heat = boom.

Apparently the shit tons of ammo and grenades the metric asstons of enemies carry don't blow up when they come in contact with heat, so why should mine?
[quote name='buttasuperb']It's obvious you don't have a clue about PC gaming, so why post about it?[/quote]

Actually, I used to be really into it, even dropped a ton on a nice rig, and then I realized what a joke PC gaming is and how much you guys overrate it.
I'll definitely pick up GOW2 on launch day (though not for full price, of course). All the complaining about the extra content on the PC version seems misguided. They're trying to sell a year-old game to a new audience. OF COURSE they're going to throw in some sweeteners to try and sell the thing! It would presumably take at least some time and effort to port that material back over to the 360, so it's hard to understand all the bitching about them not giving 360 users all of that material, for free, on the very day the PC version launches ...

If they eventually do offer up the additional content on the 360 at a price I'll consider whether it's worth it to me. If they give it to me for free I'll be psyched. But I won't complain about not getting it all for free right away. They sold me a game I thorougly enjoyed, they're now making a fair business decision to ehance the product a bit and try and get some other people to try a different version of the game out, which I can respect.
[quote name='Chuplayer']They're annoying as hell.

Honestly, I'd rather be Torqued than be chainsawed, grenade tagged, or Lancered down, because Torque actually takes SKILL to use.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Honestly, I'd rather be Torqued than be chainsawed, grenade tagged, or Lancered down, because Torque actually takes SKILL to use.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, not to mention if you get hit by an AI enemy's Torque Bow, you know you had it coming. It's not a "cheap" weapon at all--stay the hell down, and you won't get blown to pieces.
I really didn't like Gears that much. It just wasn't the style of game that I like. I might pick up GoW2 when it gets really cheap, maybe $20 or $30, but not before.
[quote name='spoo']I don't understand why you are mad. :whistle2:? Are you mad because in the year that it took Epic to make the PC version they added a few extra levels that might not come to Live but if they do come as DLC you are mad because they will charge for it?

Your logic sucks. I'm all for bitching about some DLC and some price structures, look at all the Soltrio Solitaire packs or game pics ord Horse armor but your point that if it is on the PC game that came out a year after the 360 game it should be on the 360 and free is dumb logic.

Stop playing games and go put on your tin foil hat...[/QUOTE]

I don't quite understand the original posters point either, but it seems this thread was derailed fairly early.

PCgamers are getting the game a year late with a little bit of extra content. Why would a 360 owner be upset from that, they had the game for a full year ahead of the PC release. Even if Epic eventually charges some money for the added content on the 360, it's essentially just paying for an expansion.
who cares? Gears is basically done now that Halo 3 is the time the DLC comes to the Xbox (which I really doubt it ever will) Halo 3 maps will prolly be starting to come out....I'd rather spend $10-$20 on Halo 3 maps which I know I will use repeatedly for a few years than spend it on GoW content I will play through once.....Once GoW2 eventually comes out I will pick it up but at this point GoW DLC is pretty pointless to me
[quote name='Malik112099']who cares? Gears is basically done now that Halo 3 is the time the DLC comes to the Xbox (which I really doubt it ever will) Halo 3 maps will prolly be starting to come out....I'd rather spend $10-$20 on Halo 3 maps which I know I will use repeatedly for a few years than spend it on GoW content I will play through once.....Once GoW2 eventually comes out I will pick it up but at this point GoW DLC is pretty pointless to me[/quote]

I've still been able to get games going since H3 came out.
i didnt say that no one played it....i just feel the VAST majority of people playing online will be on Halo 3 multiplayer rather than GoW multiplayer
bread's done