Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

People on the Gears Forums are trying to get the Halloween skins to be a permanent unlock for those of us with flaming skins. When the event ends we're supposed to lose them. I only wish they were animated with an orange glow.

Do people want to do Insane Horde tonight?
[quote name='The 7th Number']Wait a minute i dont see any halloween colors or playlist, am i missing something?[/QUOTE]

I don't get it either, what game type do I have to play to work towards the play in xxx events medal?
[quote name='AshesofWake']yup got the acheesemint. :D[/QUOTE]

I might just be an idiot, but what game type where you playing? Im not progressing on the medal.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Play Boomsnipes and it should add 1 to your medal. If you have played all of the epic events, you should have 5/5.[/QUOTE]

I played a few complete games and never moved up from 3/5. I will try again tomorrow.
[quote name='AshesofWake']yup got the acheesemint. :D[/QUOTE]
Just to be clear... 5 events unlocks the Golden Gear character, but we need 30 events for the Socialite achievement. ;)

I thought the Halloween skins looked great too (only flaming gun I have is the Gnasher but it seemed like everyone in Horde was playing with Halloween Lancers and Hammerbursts). It would be awesome if they somehow became a permanent unlock.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Just to be clear... 5 events unlocks the Golden Gear character, but we need 30 events for the Socialite achievement. ;)

I thought the Halloween skins looked great too (only flaming gun I have is the Gnasher but it seemed like everyone in Horde was playing with Halloween Lancers and Hammerbursts). It would be awesome if they somehow became a permanent unlock.[/QUOTE]

yeah sorry i meant the medal not acheesemint, my bad!
[quote name='The 7th Number']Play Boomsnipes and it should add 1 to your medal. If you have played all of the epic events, you should have 5/5.[/QUOTE]

Alright now this is frustrating, how many games do you have to play? I have played quick match and Ranked.
Beast mode is so much more fun w/ppl that actually coordinate together. Me and 2 randoms beat it again on normal. I think I got 32 kills with the wretch, last 3 waves was just painful for the COG. They should just wave the white flag when there's 2 berserkers on the map and an armored kantus. Looking forward to Hardcore +
Had something weird happen on horde tonite.:whistle2:s

On Horde (casual) I got grouped in with 4 randoms and we didn't fail from level 1-39. Finally failed the 1st round of level 40. I choose to restart current level and my screen goes black with the exception of the barrier upgrade levels. Then the level begins and the screen is pitch black but I can here the Brumak & gunfire. So, I press 'x' and I'm somehow dead already, and can only ghost around and spot. Plus, there are only 3 of us left instead of 5. Well, the 2 players quickly die and I choose to retart the level again. Now, I can see plus 1 other player but not the 3rd. We die. Restart level, and I'm dead at the beginning again. Seems like only 2 of the 3 players left can play. After that round, we decide to quit and hopefully try again tomorrow. Anybody else run into this problem?
It only counts if you complete the match, you will get a ribbon at the end of the match indicating that you're legible for the medal and eventually the achievement.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']It only counts if you complete the match, you will get a ribbon at the end of the match indicating that you're legible for the medal and eventually the achievement.[/QUOTE]

I have completed about 5 matches in a row and have not received it.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I have completed about 5 matches in a row and have not received it.[/QUOTE]

Thats really weird, you are playing boomsnipes right?

Boomsnipes is pretty fun, tonight i was doing really good, getting 15-25 kills and only 6 or less deaths. I try to play smart in that game type, not rush a lot, try to get angles where im not going 1 vs 1 trying to headshot each other. Only thing i hate is when my boom hits the floor near them and they walk through it without dying. Sometimes a guy will kill me from 1 foot away with boom and not die himself, no idea how that can happen.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Thats really weird, you are playing boomsnipes right?

Boomsnipes is pretty fun, tonight i was doing really good, getting 15-25 kills and only 6 or less deaths. I try to play smart in that game type, not rush a lot, try to get angles where im not going 1 vs 1 trying to headshot each other. Only thing i hate is when my boom hits the floor near them and they walk through it without dying. Sometimes a guy will kill me from 1 foot away with boom and not die himself, no idea how that can happen.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I have played it ranked and quickmatch. I am going to go and play it more, but if I do not get it soon I might just give up completely on this game.
[quote name='kklems']Hit me up.. I have the super reloac, unlimited ammo and instigib mutators[/QUOTE]
Can you host then? I don't have infinite ammo, and I'd expect that to be really valuable with Insane strength enemies.

If BigAndy and Ryu are still in, that's four of us.

I'm coming on right now, and am ready to play now if we still want to do this.
I think the host can choose from any mutators that the party members have. At least that's what happened when my brother hosted one a few nights ago.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I think the host can choose from any mutators that the party members have. At least that's what happened when my brother hosted one a few nights ago.[/QUOTE]
Yeah that was how it has been for me in the past for both Arcade and horde. Also on now if anyone wants to join.
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[quote name='TheBigAndy']great playing with you guys tonight, next up 4 player insane campaign?[/QUOTE]

I'll be down for playing through the game on Insane if you guys need another, or for any game modes really. My usual group seems to have already moved on from the game.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']great playing with you guys tonight, next up 4 player insane campaign?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that went pretty well. Especially for a 4 man team during most of it.

I can help you with Insane Campaign.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Mah head done turned into a pumpkin today. Yikes.[/QUOTE]

lol yep, it makes beast mode harder to tell who you should be shooting at!
I finished the campaign on insane but could help others with this. Also anyone up for insane beast. Got it done through hardcore but need insane for the onyx. After that it should just be a long grind to the rest of the onyx medals.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']lol yep, it makes beast mode harder to tell who you should be shooting at![/QUOTE]

berserker cares not for pumpkin heads...only smashing pumpkins.
I'm also down for insane beast mode (and/or hardcore w/out failing)
Horde mode (normal +), I still need waves 31 - 49...and 4 player campaign any.
[quote name='100xp']I'm also down for insane beast mode (and/or hardcore w/out failing)
Horde mode (normal +), I still need waves 31 - 49...and 4 player campaign any.[/QUOTE]

I'm down for Horde mode, waves 31-50 today if you wanna add me. I'm free all day just find 3 more
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']I'm down for Horde mode, waves 31-50 today if you wanna add me. I'm free all day just find 3 more[/QUOTE]

word. I'm at work so I'll be on after business hours.

not sure how much of a disadvantage we'd be at starting from wave 31, but I'd imagine it wouldn't be 2 bad w/5 players total...I'm worried some ppl won't have the stamina to start from 1.
[quote name='kklems']I finished the campaign on insane but could help others with this. Also anyone up for insane beast. Got it done through hardcore but need insane for the onyx. After that it should just be a long grind to the rest of the onyx medals.[/QUOTE]

i am. i just insane as well.
just realized tonight might be difficult due to the high volume of trick or treaters coming to my house...perhaps tomorrow might be a better night to hammer out the insanity that is horde, beast, and campaign...unless of course it's like after hours.

I should be down for Beast and Campaign though, not sure if I can do horde since it takes longer.
I'm on tonight, all night, so if people are looking to get through remaining Insane Horde rounds, or get done with Insane Beast, I'll help. I've already done those modes, though, so if you can't find a 5th I'll play, since I'd rather someone who doesn't have it get it done.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I'm on tonight, all night, so if people are looking to get through remaining Insane Horde rounds, or get done with Insane Beast, I'll help. I've already done those modes, though, so if you can't find a 5th I'll play, since I'd rather someone who doesn't have it get it done.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to have to take a day off from work and get this done. My wife always wants to watch a movie now on the xbox. I got to fix the tivo in the bedroom..
[quote name='100xp']just realized tonight might be difficult due to the high volume of trick or treaters coming to my house...perhaps tomorrow might be a better night to hammer out the insanity that is horde, beast, and campaign...unless of course it's like after hours.

I should be down for Beast and Campaign though, not sure if I can do horde since it takes longer.[/QUOTE]

Good point or maybe after 9/10 pm would work for me as well. But it might also work to knock out the 5 person dlc achievements as a group as well since we likely would have a group of 5.
Finally bit on the season pass at the last second. Hope it's worth it. :cold:

I'll try to get on tomorrow to see if I can join you guys in earning some of the new achievements.
Bad news guys: the DLC has been delayed due to tech issue. Seriously... how hard is it to release a key on the marketplace? There is no matchmaking with the new maps, so I don't know what's the problem.
bread's done