General E3 impressions thus far...

Im sorry but Live Anywhere is kinda lame. Charging people to play PC games isnt exactly attracting to people who havnt been paying to do so for the past 15 years
[quote name='jer7583']yes, please. Go on.

Snake's so depressed to be on PS3 only that he shoots himself.. jeez.


What i'm not kidding about was the underwhelming graphics for MGS4. They look like they've been scaled back a bit from E3 2005, in my opinion. I also don't like the characters.. they don't look right.. or recognizable as those classic characters. Halo 3 was a much more impressive trailer, and fully in-game, as well.

I just cannot wait for the Wii.. almost everything shown for it looks fun and has been a positive impression with me. The 360 is looking good too with some games that are really showing its power. I think there was another media briefing, but I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]
First of all, even though the graphics seem to be scaled down that doesnt mean they are still very impressive. And the characters do look different since it looks like Kojima is trying to make them look real. They are still recognizable though.

Also...what was great about the Halo 3 trailer? Master Chief walks out of dust and some woman is talking then it says "Halo 3"
[quote name='whoknows']First of all, even though the graphics seem to be scaled down that doesnt mean they are still very impressive. And the characters do look different since it looks like Kojima is trying to make them look real. They are still recognizable though.

Also...what was great about the Halo 3 trailer? Master Chief walks out of dust and some woman is talking then it says "Halo 3"[/QUOTE]

"Some woman" is Cortana and the Halo 3 trailer was great because it's in-game engine and it looked amazing to me. I can understand those that don't like Halo not thinking much about it (which obviously you're not a big Halo player if you don't know Cortana), but for Halo fans it offered a nice glimpse of what the graphics and story are going to be about this time around.

The MGS4 trailer looked decent, but I can't tell or understand what is going on in half of it. Looks nice enough though.
[quote name='shipwreck']"Some woman" is Cortana and the Halo 3 trailer was great because it's in-game engine and it looked amazing to me. I can understand those that don't like Halo not thinking much about it (which obviously you're not a big Halo player if you don't know Cortana), but for Halo fans it offered a nice glimpse of what the graphics and story are going to be about this time around.

The MGS4 trailer looked decent, but I can't tell or understand what is going on in half of it. Looks nice enough though.[/QUOTE]
Yeah...I'm not much into Halo, but I do know who Cortana is...they just change her look in every single game so she didnt look familiar at all besides being purple.

And I'm pretty sure MGS4 is in game as well, seeing as Kojima doesnt do the whole pre-rendered thing.
To be honest, I'm actually loving this year's E3... haven't heard about any Castlevania collections or Chrono Trigger ports, but there's simply a ton of games with a lot of potential. Yeah, the press conferences kinda sucked, but the games on display are great.
I have no idea what you are all talking about. The only reason you are dissapointed is because of how hyped everything was this year. This is quite possibly one of the best E3's ever, if not the best. Sooo many good games to talk about that it is pretty rediculous. Not to mention 2 new next generations playable, how often does that happen?

-Definately poised to win huge in the console war, IMO. Yea ok that might be the fanboy in me talking, but seriously the Wii is garnering a lot of buzz and if the huge lines and positive impressions are any indication, Wii could make some huge waves. Not to mention the suprisingly excellent DS lineup.. and the Lite is sooo sexy. I dont even know where to start with the Big N this year. I am very happy to say the least. So many strong games in Nintendo's camp this year coupled with their newfound apple-esque design sexiness and innovation is going to win it for them this year.

-MGS4=Best game of E3. The trailer is amazing, it will show what the ps3 is capable of. oooh Metal Gear PSP is promising as well. Other than that, I was quite dissapointed in Sony, especially with the half-assed 'six-degrees' controller (c'mon, now) and $600 price point. I used to be an equal opportunity Sony-Nintendo supporter (sorry MS), but now Sony is looking more and more like the Evil Empire company that everyone is making it out to be. First DRMs, now this... If it wasnt for Kojima i would cut ties completely.

-Ok, ill admit it. I have harboured a bit of an anti-xbox bias since day one. But I will say that I thought the MS press conference was strong. Some promising new games and an expanded xbox live arcade, not to mention the rather ambitious Xbox live anywhere project. With the recent ps3 dissapointments, the 360 is looking a bit more attractive.

anyways, just some initial thoughts...
Ok, quick Impressions

Man, there were a lot of playable PS3 games, at least 10 or so. I expected one or two, tops. Sonic, Genji, and other were on display. The controller felt extraordinarily light.

GT5 was 20% done. It felt about 95% done, maybe they need to add more cars and tracks. The video for MGS4 was amazing, makes we want to get a PS3 at launch.

All PS3 games ran at 60 fps, with the exception of a mech game. Overall, they looked better than 360 software.

I played Saint's Row and Prey for 360. Sain't Row was another GTA rip-off with frame-rate problems. Prey was a multiplayer FPS that looked and played good, nothing amazing. Splinter Cell for 360 looked good, but the animation was choppy, overall it didn't look as good as some of PS3 titles.
That sounded exactly like Cortana to me. It's awesome because it seems like her voice has matured. There's more edge to it now. Or I can just be going off on a Halo fanboy tangent. Whatever.

It all looks good. I'm still looking to get every system but I now I can comfortably wait for the PS3 until 2008.
[quote name='rallen']Ok, quick Impressions

Man, there were a lot of playable PS3 games, at least 10 or so. I expected one or two, tops. Sonic, Genji, and other were on display. The controller felt extraordinarily light.

GT5 was 20% done. It felt about 95% done, maybe they need to add more cars and tracks. The video for MGS4 was amazing, makes we want to get a PS3 at launch.

All PS3 games ran at 60 fps, with the exception of a mech game. Overall, they looked better than 360 software.

I played Saint's Row and Prey for 360. Sain't Row was another GTA rip-off with frame-rate problems. Prey was a multiplayer FPS that looked and played good, nothing amazing. Splinter Cell for 360 looked good, but the animation was choppy, overall it didn't look as good as some of PS3 titles.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your first hand impressions. It's nice to hear positive comments towards the PS3 for a change. With that said, I believe one of the playable demos would have been Heavenly Blade judging from the on-stage demo during Sony's Press Conference, but from the looks of your post it doesn't look as though you got a chance to play it. Of what I have seen, this game looks pretty sweet.

As far as Saint's Row goes, I was not expecting anything from it... screenshots looked like ass and it came off to me as, just like you said, "another GTA rip-off."

My interest towards Prey has been increasing quite a bit over the past month or so. From the videos and previews I've checked out, I really think the game's strong point will lie within the single player campaign mode. The games seems to be literally chucked full of crazy ass scripted events - something that certainly not would not have been present in the multiplayer aspect of the game. However, the fact that you say the game looked and played good is nice to hear.

Lastly, Splinter Cell 3. While I don't doubt your description of the game in the least, Ubisoft still has a lot of time to work out the kinks in the game you have described... they have yet to produce a bad Splinter Cell game.

[quote name='depascal22']That sounded exactly like Cortana to me. It's awesome because it seems like her voice has matured. There's more edge to it now. Or I can just be going off on a Halo fanboy tangent. Whatever.

It all looks good. I'm still looking to get every system but I now I can comfortably wait for the PS3 until 2008.[/QUOTE]

I stopped over at the bungie forums yesterday, where speculation for what will come in Halo 3 was in heavy debate. From what I've read, a lot of people over there think that it may be Gravemind communicating to the Chief through Cortana... makes sense I guess especially since you can hear their voices seemingly mesh in Cortana's first few words. Anyways, I cannot wait for this game.
[quote name='furyk']
Nintendo has pissed me off though. Double AA batteries in the Wii remote rather then a rechargable pack? What the hell?[/quote]

Wavebirds also run on AA batteries, and I can't say I've ever heard anyone complain about how long they last. Worst case scenario, you invest in 4 rechargable batteries per controller, but I honestly see this being a moot point.
[quote name='Kuma']Im sorry but Live Anywhere is kinda lame. Charging people to play PC games isnt exactly attracting to people who havnt been paying to do so for the past 15 years[/QUOTE]

I too think it will be interesting to see how well gamers accept paying for Live, but a
unified system where gamers are constantly connected is something that is very attractive. Additionally, a service that provides easy access to demo's, patches, trailers, etc. is almost worth the price alone, assuming that it is equal to that of the 360. With that said, I think the integration between console and pc is the ultimate future of gaming. On a final note, those of us who are already Live members via 360 better not be expected to pay because I'll be one pissed off mutha-fuck-a.

[quote name='Genocidal']Wavebirds also run on AA batteries, and I can't say I've ever heard anyone complain about how long they last. Worst case scenario, you invest in 4 rechargable batteries per controller, but I honestly see this being a moot point.[/QUOTE]

Wavebirds do not have to deliver power to the many sensors found in the wiimote. Additionally, the wavebird did not have a built in speaker. I think it will be interesting to see how well regular AA batteries hold up, but I agree rechargable batteries can be purchased seperately.
[quote name='Swift900']I too think it will be interesting to see how well gamers accept paying for Live, but a
unified system where gamers are constantly connected is something that is very attractive. Additionally, a service that provides easy access to demo's, patches, trailers, etc. is almost worth the price alone, assuming that it is equal to that of the 360. With that said, I think the integration between console and pc is the ultimate future of gaming. On a final note, those of us who are already Live members via 360 better not be expected to pay because I'll be one pissed off mutha-fuck-a.

Here's the thing: Let's say I buy Shadowrun on PC. Do I have to pay for Live Anywhere just to be able to play online at this point on my PC? Or will I be able to play online for free on the internet, just not on Xbox Live with its Leaderboards and 360 people?

I hope it's the latter, I really do.

I'm connecting to free demo's, patches, and trailers just being online already... I don't need to pay for Live Anywhere for that priviledge on my PC.

I'm real curious to see how MS will handle this with MS made games.
i didn't read through the whole thread so i don't know if someone had mention this but i want to have my opinion on it: from the videos i've seen and the reaction of the nintendo wii, i wouldn't be surprise to see nintendo leading the industry again. the controller and the games shown are simply innovative. also the trailer for red steele, how cool is it to use the controller as a sword and fight someone online? i think the wii will do very well at the very least and nintendo is back!
E3 has been a lot of fun so far. I'd be excited for all three consoles if it wasn't for that $600 price tag on the PS3 (no thanks). The games look great and I can't wait to get my hands on Super Mario Galaxy and Zelda:TP.
[quote name='Roufuss']Here's the thing: Let's say I buy Shadowrun on PC. Do I have to pay for Live Anywhere just to be able to play online at this point on my PC? Or will I be able to play online for free on the internet, just not on Xbox Live with its Leaderboards and 360 people?[/quote]

Good question Roufuss. As of now, this is still to be determined. As far as I know, the only two platforms the game will be coming out on include the 360 and PC. However the PC version will require Windows Vista. If I were to take a guess at this point in time, to whether or not the game will only be playable online over Xbox Live - I would have to say yes. I can see Microsoft promoting the hell out of this game in the next year or so in hopes that it will springboard the Windows Live app.

[quote name='Roufuss']I'm connecting to free demo's, patches, and trailers just being online already... I don't need to pay for Live Anywhere for that priviledge on my PC.

I'm real curious to see how MS will handle this with MS made games.[/QUOTE]

Again, you make a very good point. Let me give you my stance on the issue. If you have ever played Half-Life 2, and assuming you are a PC gamer I believe it is very likely you have, you should be very aware of Steam. For those of you who are not gamers, Steam is a content delivery, digital rights management and multiplayer system developed by the Valve Corporation. It is currently used to digitally distribute and manage games including Half-Life and Half-Life 2.While the service has taken a lot of bashing over its life time, I have constantly found it to be a very stable and simple system. It checks your system to make sure your games are up to date etc.

Aside from Steam, there is also xfire and gamespy that is available to use for free as a match making service but with that said, the services really are not that good.

Assuming Live is as effective on the PC as the 360, the service will utterly crush the free alternatives and will undoubtedly offer Steam some very serious competition.
Over the past 6 months, my interest in gaming has dwindled quite a bit (except for the occasional Guitar Hero now and then...), but Nintendo has really sparked my interest. To be honest (and I could be way off here), I don't recall seeing people so rabid over one system in a while. PS2 maybe? But the point is that Nintendo has obviously done and said the right things up to this point to get people at least curious and talking about their system. I want to see a launch line-up. I know LoZ: TP is a launch title; if they can get Mario Galaxy and one other big-name title (aren't they working on a new Metroid?) out for launch, I really don't know how they can screw it up. I'd be in paradise, for sure.

I really think Sony has hurt themselves by pricing the PS3 so high. On the other hand, there will always be people who need the latest and greatest, no matter what the price, so I don't think Sony will be doing as poorly as some have suggested. The worst part, for me at least, is that so far I haven't seen anything from them that I'm dying to play.

As for Microsoft, I'm a little bit unsure of what to make of them. I haven't been "wow"-ed by anything from them yet, but I haven't really been extremely disappointed, either. I do know that I'll definitely be picking up a Wii on launch day, a 360 sometime in the next 6-12 months, and a PS3 when it is priced decently.
K just got back,

Basically here's the Good, ok and Bad

- Heavenly sword (PS3) demo was spot on. Animation is fluid and gameplay is great despite it somewhat being a ripoff of God of War.
- Saints row (360) (despite the stupid gangster undertones) is actually quite a fun game with some tweaking to make it run smoother. Shooting and driving and Mapmarking are well done and driving and foot controls are competent.
- Less people this year means way more moving space. (Retailer crackdowns seem to have worked somewhat
- Crysis (PC) looks fantastic and was running at quite a nice framerate. Really the best game engine i've seen hands down. Graphics surpass PS3 quality you see now.
- MGS4 (PS3) Full trailer is very sweet, Kojima manages to make Raiden not gay anymore, what an achievment!

-99 nights (360) difficulty seems to have been decreased since the previous build but the game does get a bit repetitive (especially mopping up after individual soldiers). Still very worth playing...
- New Super Mario (DS) plays like the old with the dash button and super big bushroom. Old school gamers will be pleased. Style is very nice
-Battlefield 2191or whatever (PC) is not bad, but about the same as battlefield 2 with mechs and featureistic weapons. hovercraft way easier to control than choppers or jets heh...

- Too Human (360) is incredibly dissapointing, hits seem to feel like no impact, game graphics are not good at all and it runs are a pertty miserable framerate. From what they talked about in the EGM issue it's waaaaay off. looks like silicon knights needs to get thier heads out of thier asses....
- PSP download spot doesn't let you keep demos on the Memory stick? retarded....
- Gangs of London (PSP) horrible GTA wannabe with no sense of control at all
- Huxley (PC, 360) VERY VERY BAD, does not live up to the hype at all. The game feels 3rd rate and runs at a horrible framerate in action. No MMO feel at all and weapon animation/design is absolutly horrible. They need to do a whole lot of work to fix this game up....... Graphics are not nearly as good as the trailer suggests either.....

Wii Line was way too long and even with media badge you need to wait so I won't have any impressons of those games till tomorrow =). On a side note I finally won something from that damn nvidia raffle for the first time in 6 years..... Geforce 7600 GS. Granted it wasnt the 7900 GT or the notebook but hey at least it's something!
[quote name='whoknows']Shit...I was excited about Too Human too...almost made me want to buy a 360...ah well...[/QUOTE]

yeah I know what you mean, I read that EGM article and it sounded very good.
[quote name='Zoglog']
- Too Human (360) is incredibly dissapointing, hits seem to feel like no impact, game graphics are not good at all and it runs are a pertty miserable framerate. From what they talked about in the EGM issue it's waaaaay off. looks like silicon knights needs to get thier heads out of thier asses....[/quote]
This is, like you say, incredibly disappointing. Too Human was looking to be a killer action rpg, but sadly from all the impressions I hear and videos I see... all describe Too Human to be a steaming pile of shit. I believe Too Human is shooting for a Holiday '06 release if not sooner - hopefully Silicon Knights can work out the game's short comings because it does have a very cool premise.

[quote name='Zoglog']
- Huxley (PC, 360) VERY VERY BAD, does not live up to the hype at all. The game feels 3rd rate and runs at a horrible framerate in action. No MMO feel at all and weapon animation/design is absolutly horrible. They need to do a whole lot of work to fix this game up....... Graphics are not nearly as good as the trailer suggests either.....[/quote]
This is the first that I've heard of Huxley at E3, and I am blown away. I was expecting this game to rock some socks, but if what you're saying is true than I have nothing else to say except what the fuck !? Looks like Shadowrun will be the MMOFPS to own...

Thanks for your impressions, and congrats on winning the new GPU. Bad Ass!
K day 2

First thing I did was goto the Wii Line. still 1 1/2 hour wait to get in (wtf) and 20-30 min wait to play each game. I tried Wii sports: Tennis, Warioware, Red Steel, and SD Gundam and my girlfriend tried Zelda.

- Warhawk (PS3) I didn't know what to expect since I enjoyed the original PS1 and Sony rippin off the whole gyro thing as people say. But the game controlled very nicely with all tilt. Graphics are superb and game ran at a great framerate with tons of things on screen.
- Wii , I still like the style and design of the Wii and the controller has some good potential. They had a good demo with drums. Unfortunetly the games I tried seemed rather lackluster....
-Tabula Rosa (PC) This game has some decent potential. It's like guild wars but 3rd person shooter.
- Even though Huxley sucked, Webzen gave out soda all day.
-Warioware (wii) Prob the best use of the wii I saw, warioware games are pretty short lived though it seems.

- Wii sports: Tennis , this game seems like decent potential but the motion aspect is delayed. It did not work very well at all. If you noticed everyone playing the demo always lost.
- SD Gundam (wii), an interesting use of the controller as a smash hammer, best part was it was empty, yet it was 10x better than RED STEEL

- Red Steel (wii) This game wnet from "oh" to "huh?" at the promo vid to "omg this sucks" to actually playing it. The control design is clunky, the graphics are horrid....... sword play is basically up down left right and diag slashes.... and Parrying is just shaking the analog stick part bit.... It's not fun at all and feels stiff rather than the immersive experience the wii should be able to offer. Aiming is often fickle and is horrible as well, turninng requires you to move the cursor to the edge of the screen which takes quite a while..... Ubisoft has a whole lot of fixing to do....

And of course on a side note won the nvidia raffle again today and got an Antec P180 black case o_O nifty!
[quote name='Zoglog']- Warhawk (PS3) I didn't know what to expect since I enjoyed the original PS1 and Sony rippin off the whole gyro thing as people say. But the game controlled very nicely with all tilt. Graphics are superb and game ran at a great framerate with tons of things on screen.[/quote]
I was also impressed by this game. I think the motion sense controller will work extremely well in handling the movement of the jet. In turn, I think the main reason why this game is receiving a bad rep is largely in part to the douche bag who delivered the on-stage demo. First of all, the guy could not control the plane for shit and when he would tilt the controller he'd go balls out and nearly knock himself over. Obviously his intent was to stress the new motion sense capabilities of the controller, but in doing so he made both the game and himself look like an ass.

[quote name='Zoglog']-Tabula Rosa (PC) This game has some decent potential. It's like guild wars but 3rd person shooter.[/quote]I have heard literally nothing about this game at E3. If my memory serves me correct about a year or two ago I first heard of this game by reading an article in some magazine... I think it was described as being a futuristic MMORPG that focuses a lot on teleportation. From your brief description it sounds like it may be promising, assuming there are no monthly fees.

[quote name='Zoglog']- Red Steel (wii) This game wnet from "oh" to "huh?" at the promo vid to "omg this sucks" to actually playing it. The control design is clunky, the graphics are horrid....... sword play is basically up down left right and diag slashes.... and Parrying is just shaking the analog stick part bit.... It's not fun at all and feels stiff rather than the immersive experience the wii should be able to offer. Aiming is often fickle and is horrible as well, turninng requires you to move the cursor to the edge of the screen which takes quite a while..... Ubisoft has a whole lot of fixing to do....[/quote] Ah yes, everyone's favorite Wii. From what I've seen from the online video demos, your description is spot on. I really hope the Wii does well, but I have to say; I'm not yet sold on it...

It seems like some of the games utilize the wiimote really well, where as others do not. For example, in Red Steel when using the sword, you can swing the sword however you wish, but all it does is initiate a pre-animated sword swinging action. I do not see this as being revolutionary; it is a gimmick that does nothing other than replace the push of a button.

What Nintendo is going to have to do in order to get me to buy the system is show me more in terms of replicating my actual movements to what appears on-screen.

Again, congrats on winning the case. I took a look at it just a bit ago and it looks very, very nice. My only concern before using it to build a cpu is whether or not there is adequate air flow... From the looks of it, I cannot see where cool air would get sucked into the case.
ah, the Antec P180 supposedly is designed well for airflow and noise dampening though it does have some issues. And yeah I see some potential for the Wii but it just doesn't show at all in these launch titles for the wii. It really felt like a waste of my time. I can't help but feel like the Wii has been way too overhyped (most likely due to people's negative opinion of Sony as of recent with the huge price of the ps3). But in the first area you enter they had a couple of guys with wii controllers playing the drums and it seemed to work very well.

Also the way Nintendo handled the Wii booth was very good for generating press buzz, but really sucked for E3 Attendees. Many people stood in line not knowing they would have to wait in order to play. Many assumed it was just a presentation like they did with the DS. And after waiting a few hours in line, you sure as hell aren't going to leave the small crowded Wii area so you're basically forced to stay in to try some of the games. That's mainly how I felt. If it was an open section I would have saw the line of people waiting for each specific game and probably just left. Needless to say the whole thing just sucked and they should have devised a method to keep the flow going.
Sony - Very interesting, informative, and surprising conference. Who would've thought that Sony would've had 12 playable games, and several that were pretty far along in development, on the show floor? Most would've thought that there would be a few, but Sony had several games out in the open on the floor, unlike Nintendo for everyone to try. PS3 demo units were out in EA's booth, I believe Sega's booth, and maybe Namco Bandai's booth, too. The PS2 and PSP got lots of loving from Sony, Red Octane, Atari, Sega, Square Enix, Capcom, EA, Namco, Konami, and many others. Sony easily had the best overall show.

The two SKU's on the PS3 are no big deal, as both include a hard drive (one problem people had with the 360) and the slots taken out for the cheaper system have no effect on games at all. The only thing questionable is the HDMI slot, and besides that, it's a matter of how big you want your hard drive. The Dual Shock 3 felt great when I got to play with it, though that's because I love the controller. I was disappointed that the trigger-like L2 and R2 shoulder buttons were fully used in F1 2006 or Resistance: Fall of Man. The motion sensor supposedly worked very well in Warhawk, so I'm hoping the other titles at E3 could incorporate aspects to enhance the games (make camera control intuitive, make racing easier than on the Wii).

Heavenly Sword was very fun, since it's similar to God of War. Resistance has fun Call of Duty-like multiplayer (played the QA Testers online in the demo) and looked exceptionally well. Gran Turismo HD looked great besides when there was a closeup on the cars since the textures weren't reworked for the demo. Sonic the Hedgehog was fun from what I played of the 360 version. F1 2006 was the best looking and most fun title of them all, too bad it won't be coming here for the launch (this is where the region-free console is great!). For the future Final Fantasy XIII and vs. XIII were great from the trailers I saw (the Advent Children team should do all of their trailers and CG from now on :drool:), MGS4 blew away and gathered the crowds watching the trailer, Assassin's Creed looks like a great exclusive from Ubisoft, VF5 will attract fighting fans, and great looking internal games like Eight Days, the Naughty Dog game, Warhawk, Resistance, F1 2006, Heavenly Sword, Lair, and others. Sony can definitely bring the good game that will make the high cost worth it.

As for PSP and PS2 titles, there were several great titles. Loco Roco, Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins, Tekken Dark Resurrection, MGS Digital Graphic Novel (not a game, but I really loved how it turned out), Ridge Racer (and hopefully the other PS1 DL titles), Ratchet and Clank, Lemmings, Field Commander, Lumines 2, Every Extend Extra, Sonic Rivals, and WTF were some of the fun PSP games that were at the show. Metal Gear Solid PSP is just another great reason to get a PSP, I'm very tempted to save up for one. Stay away from 50 Cent: Bulletproof on the PSP as it was the worst game of the show to me (shitty gangster hack-and-slash). AS for PS2, there was Okami, Final Fantasy XII, the two Dragon Ball Z games (for those that care about the show), Guitar Hero II (probably best game of the show), God of War II, Rogue Galaxy, Yakuza, Dirge of Cerberus, Lumines and Tokobot on the PS2, Persona 3, Disgaea 2, more EyeToy games (Lemmings on EyeToy!) and others will keep people busy on the PS2 for a long time.

Microsoft - Not a very interesting conference. Lots of sequels announced, Gears of War was technically interesting, but I could care less about the game. Only shooters, racers, and western RPG's were shown with a few exceptions. Microsoft and their quest to catch Japan's attention reminds me of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. The Xbox was shoved into the corner of MS's booth, and there was nothing exclusive or all that interesting. Announcing prices for their HD-DVD drive, camera, and wireless sterring wheel might've helped give them some good press on the pricing, if they were good prices. Moore tattoed his arm to say that they're finally getting GTAIV on the same day as the PS3? Right... If I wasn't mistaken, Microsoft seemed to take credit for Crysis being so awesome with their PC whatever program they announced.

As for the 360, there were a couple of interesting exclusive games, like Dead Rising, Crackdown, and Saint's Row, but most were multi-platform. They need more variety in their games if they want to take first place. If they stick with the strategy of racing, FPS, shooters, and western RPG's, they won't have a good chance to get #1, as Sony specializes in quality in variety of titles offered. The lack of announcements on their BC progress makes any hope of being able to sell their Xbox for good drop to near zero at this point.

Nintendo - Missed a huge opportunity to destroy the show when they hid the Wii behind huge fucking lines that would require a whole day to be able to check out. Keeping the lines, but letting people come by and see what the fuss was all about would've been huge since the lines would be almost too long otherwise. You didn't need to actually play Wii games to see how intuitive, fun, and interesting they were.

Project H.A.M.M.E.R. was repetitive, just move to one street beat up the robots, move to the next street, and beat up robots. Rinse and repeat. Excite Truck's control wasn't so great and controller wasn't built in such a way that holding it sidewise is comfortable. I'd think that there will be a demo disc included with the system to show off some of the demos I saw in the Wii booth, such as Table Tennis and a weird maze game. Pointing the controller at the screen will take a while to get used to become proficient at it, as most of the games show some kind of cursor so you can see where you're pointing (Zelda, Elebits, Project HAMMER, Madden, and others). Also, it's nice that there should be a wrist strap for the remote included with the Wii so that you don't throw it at your TV and break it. Madden 07 was very fun, as I did well in the passing dummy drills, sucked at the field goal drill because I kept twisting my wrist and slicing the kicks. Once in-game, the game was fairly easy to play with the controls, though once on defense, it got confusing without any gestures tackle or jump. Legend of Zelda was pretty fun, as expected. Elebits seemed more like a tech demo than a game with the player just tossing shit around for the fun of it. Red Steel didn't look as good as it seemed to look in the GI issue and I'd have to say the enemies looked like they came from a light gun game, popping up from counters just like in arcade light gun games. The enemies just looked off in the shooting segments.

The Wii booth was worth the wait, but no secretive shit would've made it more enjoyable for the whole show and they probably could've easily stolen the crowd from Sony's booth. Otherwise, Nintendo ignored the GC (no Twilight Princess on GC was a surprise, no Kirby, nothing) and the GBA was fizzling out with the DS and DS Lites being everywhere. I didn't touch a game on either of those systems and only remembered seeing one or two GC games and nothing on GBA. The DS had a great showing from what I've heard, but I never got around to touching more than FFIII (which heavily reminded me of Golden Sun, which was not a good thing to me).

In conclusion, the show was great, as there were plenty of great games to check out all over the show. I believe Sony had the better overall showing, with excellent PSP and PS2 games combined with the surprising amount of playable PS3 games available to anyone who wanted to play them in Sony's booth or elsewhere. Nintendo kind of shot themselves in the foot by hiding the Wii behind rediculous lines to keep onlookers away from experiencinc the system. Not much of a presence on the GBA and the disappearance of the GC are unfortunate circumstances, as Twilight Princess on the GC would've been another huge title if they had it there. The 360 had a nice showing, but the exclusives weren't interesting to me, so it depends on your level of interest in FPS's and shooters and your level of addictedness to Live.

Short version: Sony (with strong PSP and PS2 showings and several playable PS3 games in a veriety of genres) > Nintendo (strong DS and many Wii games, but they should be showing off the system, not hiding it) > Microsoft (Nice 360 games, though nothing mindblowing or anything from unusual Xbox genres, Xbox officially is nothing but a ghost and BC seems to be fading away).
I dunno how you can be blaming Nintendo for the long lines. "Damn you Nintendo, why did you have to create so much public interest in your system!"
[quote name='evilmax17']I dunno how you can be blaming Nintendo for the long lines. "Damn you Nintendo, why did you have to create so much public interest in your system!"[/QUOTE]

I don't think he is blaming nintendo for the longs lines but rather the lack of anything to do or see while standing in line.

I'll comment more on his thread a little later.
[quote name='evilmax17']I dunno how you can be blaming Nintendo for the long lines. "Damn you Nintendo, why did you have to create so much public interest in your system!"[/QUOTE]
Where am I blaming them for the long lines? I'm saying they kept the fucking thing hidden, while opening it up and allowing people to just view those playing the systems without having to stand in line for the entire show. The Wii wasn't a secret anymore, but they still treated it as such. If they displayed the system like anybody else does with any game, I don't think the lines would've been nearly as bad.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The two SKU's on the PS3 are no big deal, as both include a hard drive (one problem people had with the 360) and the slots taken out for the cheaper system have no effect on games at all. The only thing questionable is the HDMI slot, and besides that, it's a matter of how big you want your hard drive.[/quote] Correction, huge deal. Atleast with the 360 core unit you could buy after market upgrades to turn it into a Premium. This is not possible for the PS3. It goes far beyond HDD sizes. If you want to buy the $499 unit, you are getting a unit that, like you said, has no sd / compact flash memory slots (which takes a lot away from the PS3 being the centralized family media unit) and no HDMI output! No HDMI output! What the fuck!? This potentially hurts the blue-ray player in a huge way in that it will no longer be able to offer a high def picture. So, imo the $599 unit is the only way to go if you are going to shell out the big bucks for the PS3.

[highlight]Also the latest news says that the $499 model will not include bluetooth support... which means have fun using wired controllers.[/highlight]

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']F1 2006 was the best looking and most fun title of them all, too bad it won't be coming here for the launch (this is where the region-free console is great!)[/quote]
Eh, I'm not sold on region free. If I cannot understand the language there is no way that I can enjoy the game. I know this may not apply to everyone, but to me it does.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Microsoft - Not a very interesting conference. Lots of sequels announced, Gears of War was technically interesting, but I could care less about the game. Only shooters, racers, and western RPG's were shown with a few exceptions.[/quote]Seriously? I found Microsofts conference to be not only the most informative, but also the most entertaining of all the conferences. There was simply soooo much info delivered at such a rapid rate; major 360 game announcements including: Fable 2, Forza 2, Halo 3, Gears of War, and Shadowrun; major Xbox Live Arcade announcements which I've listed a few threads back; major PC gaming announcements including Windows Vista and Windows Live.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The Xbox was shoved into the corner of MS's booth, and there was nothing exclusive or all that interesting.[/quote]Are you actually suprised by this? Aside from Xbox Live, Microsoft is through with supporting the original Xbox.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Moore tattoed his arm to say that they're finally getting GTAIV on the same day as the PS3? Right...[/quote]This is a much, much bigger announcement than you think. The Grand Theft Auto series utterly dominated console sales in the US this past generation, and thus was a direct contributer to the amazing success of the PS2. Now that GTA IV is announced to be released for the 360 and the PS3 on the same day, it give gamers the choice of which console they would rather play it on... the $299 core 360 unit, the $399 premium 360 unit, the $499 basic PS3 unit, or the $599 deluxe PS3 unit. I believe the lower price of the 360 will be much more appealing to a lot of gamers.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki'] If I wasn't mistaken, Microsoft seemed to take credit for Crysis being so awesome with their PC whatever program they announced.[/quote]I think you are mistaken. They described Windows Live sure enough, a unified PC gaming service, but they certainly did not take credit for Crysis. They did however display Crysis running on XP and went on to explain that it would look even better by taking advantage of Direct X 10 under Windows Vista.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']As for the 360, there were a couple of interesting exclusive games, like Dead Rising, Crackdown, and Saint's Row, but most were multi-platform. They need more variety in their games if they want to take first place. If they stick with the strategy of racing, FPS, shooters, and western RPG's, they won't have a good chance to get #1, as Sony specializes in quality in variety of titles offered.[/quote]I can't say that I entirely agree with you. Later this year, Battle for Middle Earth 2 is going to be released on the 360; which could quite possibly be first strategy game that actually plays good on a console. You also failed to mention DOA Extreme Beach Vollyball 2, which I think will improve sales dramatically in Japan. If you're a fan of the horror genre - Alan Wake is coming to the 360 which looks creepy as hell, if you are a fan of japanese hack and slash games - 99 Nights looks to be a lot more fun than Gengi 2 for the PS3, if you have children or younger family members, Viva Pinata is looking to be very attractive to this specific age group, and if stealth action is your type of game, Splinter Cell: Double Agent is looking amazing. Not to be forgotten is Mass Effect, a futuristic rpg developed by the geniuses at Bioware. Last but not least, Too Human. While it failed to impress at the show, I have a lot of faith in the guys at Silicon Knights, and believe they will make this an action game to own.

Keep in mind that not all the games I have mentioned are exclusive to the 360, however if you want to play them anywhere else, it is going to cost you quite a bit to purchase a PC capable of playing these games at par with the 360.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The lack of announcements on their BC progress makes any hope of being able to sell their Xbox for good drop to near zero at this point.[/quote]I agree with you here. I would have liked to have seen the two Brother's in Arms games added to the BC list, considering that Hells Highway will be released later this year.

Thanks for your impressions FriskyTanuki!
actually MS does deserve some credit for Crysis since it runs on DX10 API. And nintendo definetly knew what they were doing. As frisky said they put it as a secret to generate huge lines and press. But in the end it would have been a whole lot better in the open. the Wii was definetly not worth the line, even more pitiful that warhawk controlled better than any wii game on display =/

Sony also had a stupid useless PS3 line that led to the upper floor with nothing really there............
[quote name='Swift900']Correction, huge deal. Atleast with the 360 core unit you could buy after market upgrades to turn it into a Premium. This is not possible for the PS3. It goes far beyond HDD sizes. If you want to buy the $499 unit, you are getting a unit that, like you said, has no sd / compact flash memory slots (which takes a lot away from the PS3 being the centralized family media unit) and no HDMI output! No HDMI output! What the fuck!? This potentially hurts the blue-ray player in a huge way in that it will no longer be able to offer a high def picture. So, imo the $599 unit is the only way to go if you are going to shell out the big bucks for the PS3.[/quote]
The ports are no big fucking deal, as any device that uses those ports also has a USB cable and surprise, you can use that to put them on your PS2. My PC doesn't have an SD card slot on it, but I use my USB cable to put pics on it. Same thing. The HDMI thing goes with how commited you are to Blu-Ray and Hi-Def gaming at the moment or in the future, as some people aren't interested in playing Blu-Ray movies or are fine with their lower Hi-Def sets without HDMI. A warranty would help in the upgrading process, as it's something that should be picked up upon any large console purchase. I'd get the $599 model for the WiFi, bigger hard drive, and three consoles-in-one gaming machine if I had the choice.

[quote name='Swift900'][highlight]Also the latest news says that the $499 model will not include bluetooth support... which means have fun using wired controllers.[/highlight][/quote]
Got a link for this? I've only heard that WiFi internet or ethernet ports were the difference in anything wireless about the console.

[quote name='Swift900']Eh, I'm not sold on region free. If I cannot understand the language there is no way that I can enjoy the game. I know this may not apply to everyone, but to me it does.[/quote]
Get the European edition, includes English and the other languages in Europe. Region-free doesn't just mean Japan.

[quote name='Swift900']Seriously? I found Microsofts conference to be not only the most informative, but also the most entertaining of all the conferences. There was simply soooo much info delivered at such a rapid rate; major 360 game announcements including: Fable 2, Forza 2, Halo 3, Gears of War, and Shadowrun; major Xbox Live Arcade announcements which I've listed a few threads back; major PC gaming announcements including Windows Vista and Windows Live.[/quote]
We knew about Fable 2, Forza 2, Halo 3, and Gears of War long ago. As for Live Arcade, it just looks like it's becoming a pay-per-title version of GameTap. Vista was known to be a big part of MS's future gaming strategy, though the Live Anywhere was cool, but it's just a version of Live on the PC that lets you know that your friend is watching porn on his PC so you can interrupt him. :lol: I'm not really surprised with the whole Live on PC thing, as they'd have been stupid not to try to expand Live to as many platforms as possible. I'm wondering if the mobile phone part of the Live Anywhere could be the start of the whole microtransition thing that MS hyped up last year at E3.

[quote name='Swift900']Are you actually suprised by this? Aside from Xbox Live, Microsoft is through with supporting the original Xbox.[/quote]
No, it was just what I noticed at the show. I wasn't really even expecting Xbox at all in their booth. The one Xbox game I tried, SpyHunter 3, didn't work, as the left analog stick's default center was fucked up when they booted up the game, so the car couldn't stay away from the right wall. It's not MS's fault that this happened, but what they had there was disappointing. There was some kids games, Justice League, Spu Hunter and that was about it. Why not any of the bigger games?

[quote name='Swift900']This is a much, much bigger announcement than you think. The Grand Theft Auto series utterly dominated console sales in the US this past generation, and thus was a direct contributer to the amazing success of the PS2. Now that GTA IV is announced to be released for the 360 and the PS3 on the same day, it give gamers the choice of which console they would rather play it on... the $299 core 360 unit, the $399 premium 360 unit, the $499 basic PS3 unit, or the $599 deluxe PS3 unit. I believe the lower price of the 360 will be much more appealing to a lot of gamers.[/quote]
I know it's a huge thing for Xbox 360 gamers, but I'm not one of them. I had the PS2 first so still having it on day one for the PS3 makes no difference to me. It's just a multi-platform title, so whoever has just a 360 will get it for the 360, and vice versa. I haven't bought a console for GTA, it's a fun game, but I buy my consoles for other games.

[quote name='Swift900']I think you are mistaken. They described Windows Live sure enough, a unified PC gaming service, but they certainly did not take credit for Crysis. They did however display Crysis running on XP and went on to explain that it would look even better by taking advantage of Direct X 10 under Windows Vista.[/quote]
As for Crysis, it was regarding their Games For Windows program and announcing Crytek as the first example of it. It's somewhatof a stretch, but whatever. It looked very nice, but again I probably won't get Crysis, so it's a moot point.

[quote name='Swift900']I can't say that I entirely agree with you. Later this year, Battle for Middle Earth 2 is going to be released on the 360; which could quite possibly be first strategy game that actually plays good on a console. You also failed to mention DOA Extreme Beach Vollyball 2, which I think will improve sales dramatically in Japan. If you're a fan of the horror genre - Alan Wake is coming to the 360 which looks creepy as hell, if you are a fan of japanese hack and slash games - 99 Nights looks to be a lot more fun than Gengi 2 for the PS3, if you have children or younger family members, Viva Pinata is looking to be very attractive to this specific age group, and if stealth action is your type of game, Splinter Cell: Double Agent is looking amazing. Not to be forgotten is Mass Effect, a futuristic rpg developed by the geniuses at Bioware. Last but not least, Too Human. While it failed to impress at the show, I have a lot of faith in the guys at Silicon Knights, and believe they will make this an action game to own.[/quote]
BfME2 - Pikmin was the first strategy game that played well on console. While it was simplified, it was still a strategy game. Army Men RTS was also well-received as an RTS on consoles.

DOA XBV2 - There was no DOA Xtreme BV 2, just Extreme 2, the water racing, water game-filled DOA game. I barely care that much about DOA as it is and this helps nothing. If DOA4 couldn't do anything, how would Extreme 2 change anything.

Alan Wake - It's a horror title? That's my answer to that game. I'm not sure how it would do against the king of the genre, RE.

99 Nights - Essentially a prettier Dynasty Warriors. I've heard good things, but it seems to have been geared towards Japan and they don't give a shit about it. It could do well here since Dynasty Warriors is still getting sequels.

Viva Pinata - Looks interesting, but I don't know how it's going to come anywhere near the success of Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh as the Wii seems more geared towards the kids, system pricing and all.

Splinter Cell: Double Agent - Looks awesome as it always does, though I've barely touched Chaos Theory. I'd probably get it for whatever next-gen console I get.

Mass Effect - I haven't really seen much, but it's a western RPG from Bioware, so I have an idea of what to expect. I like them, but I'm not in a hurry to try it out anytime soon.

Too Human - Seems like the Fable of this generation, meaning it seems to be hyped a little bit too much initially and the developers could be made a fool of it they can't keep to their word by the time the game's released. Not really interested at all.

You've got different tastes than me, so I'm not surprised you pulled this stuff out, but most of these titles seem to have that Xbox vibe to them to me. Japan won't go anywhere near the system as long as they see that vibe, too. They'd have to get at least some of Japan's marketshare if they want a good shot at #1, and Blue Dragon won't solve their problems. Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner again.

[quote name='Swift900']Keep in mind that not all the games I have mentioned are exclusive to the 360, however if you want to play them anywhere else, it is going to cost you quite a bit to purchase a PC capable of playing these games at par with the 360.[/quote]
Of course it is, but for those that already has those kind of PC's, it's not going to get them to jump to the 360 for those exclusives.

[quote name='Swift900']I agree with you here. I would have liked to have seen the two Brother's in Arms games added to the BC list, considering that Hells Highway will be released later this year.

Thanks for your impressions FriskyTanuki![/QUOTE]
Didn't MS say something in the conference about having 800 some Xbox games, and we've seen maybe at the most 25% BC and and even smaller percentage being the more popular games of that list. They made a mistake with the Xbox's hardware last year, and this is the feature that unfortunately had to suffer as a result.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The HDMI thing goes with how commited you are to Blu-Ray and Hi-Def gaming at the moment or in the future, as some people aren't interested in playing Blu-Ray movies or are fine with their lower Hi-Def sets without HDMI. A warranty would help in the upgrading process, as it's something that should be picked up upon any large console purchase.[/quote] I don't believe that a warrenty should be viewed as an "upgrade policy," that defies what a warranty actually is. Getting to the point, I guess I just don't see why Sony is failing to include the HDMI port when all along they've been touting the blue-ray player as the system's main selling point. By shipping the cheaper version with out a HDMI port, if a blue-ray movie or game has the image contraint token enabled on disc then the PS3 will not be able to deliver the promised high-def picture.

In response to what source I received my info regarding the lack of wireless controllers on the cheap version of the PS3, here you go: I've also started a thread in the PS3 forums regarding this article, here. There is currently debate which brings the articles' validity into question, but it has been reported.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Vista was known to be a big part of MS's future gaming strategy, though the Live Anywhere was cool, but it's just a version of Live on the PC that lets you know that your friend is watching porn on his PC so you can interrupt him. :lol: I'm not really surprised with the whole Live on PC thing, as they'd have been stupid not to try to expand Live to as many platforms as possible.[/quote] Don't forget that Live should carry over from the PC to the 360. With that said, a player's gamertag would remain with them despite which system they are currently on. And keep in mind that by expanding to the PC format, the Xbox Live community has the potential to grow much larger than it already is.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I know it's a huge thing for Xbox 360 gamers, but I'm not one of them. I had the PS2 first so still having it on day one for the PS3 makes no difference to me. It's just a multi-platform title, so whoever has just a 360 will get it for the 360, and vice versa. I haven't bought a console for GTA, it's a fun game, but I buy my consoles for other games.[/quote] I can understand where you are coming from, but believe it or not people actually do buy consoles just so that they can play a specific game - GTA titles are known for being system sellers. Going back to what I had said originally - when Grand Theft Auto IV is released sometime next year, gamers who are buying a console at that point in time will have a choice as to what system they will buy the game for, they will have the choice of deciding (a) the Xbox 360 or (b) much more expensive PS3. Microsoft seems to think this will be a "no brainer" for gamers.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']BfME2 - Pikmin was the first strategy game that played well on console. While it was simplified, it was still a strategy game. Army Men RTS was also well-received as an RTS on consoles.[/quote] I stand corrected. I have played Pikmin and will agree with you that it is indeed a successful console strategy game.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']DOA XBV2 - There was no DOA Xtreme BV 2, just Extreme 2, the water racing, water game-filled DOA game. I barely care that much about DOA as it is and this helps nothing. If DOA4 couldn't do anything, how would Extreme 2 change anything.[/quote] Haha I guess I screwed up here, huh? Personally, I hate the series but I figured that I'd at least mention it considering it is something "different."

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Alan Wake - It's a horror title? That's my answer to that game. I'm not sure how it would do against the king of the genre, RE.[/quote] Hell yeah it's a horror title! I don't think a lot of info has been revealed about this game but the trailer looks pretty bad ass, check it out. As of now it is slated to release on both the 360 and PC.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Mass Effect - I haven't really seen much, but it's a western RPG from Bioware, so I have an idea of what to expect. I like them, but I'm not in a hurry to try it out anytime soon.[/quote] I hear ya, but from what I've seen the gameplay looks like something entirely new from Bioware - almost like a futuristic GRAW. Needless to say, I'm excited for it.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You've got different tastes than me, so I'm not surprised you pulled this stuff out, but most of these titles seem to have that Xbox vibe to them to me. Japan won't go anywhere near the system as long as they see that vibe, too. They'd have to get at least some of Japan's marketshare if they want a good shot at #1, and Blue Dragon won't solve their problems.[/quote] I didn't really intent my list of games to reflect my tastes. In fact, out of the lot of them, Mass Effect is the only one I can see myself actually buying... Alan Wake and Too Human are to be determined.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Didn't MS say something in the conference about having 800 some Xbox games, and we've seen maybe at the most 25% BC and and even smaller percentage being the more popular games of that list. They made a mistake with the Xbox's hardware last year, and this is the feature that unfortunately had to suffer as a result.[/QUOTE] Microsoft was never really strong supporters of backwards compatability. While it would be nice to see a complete list of backwards compatible titles I don't see that happening.
bread's done