Get your FREE iPhone 4 / 250GB 360 / PS3 Slim!!! Paying $30 Paypal for referrals!

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Okay, I signed up for and completed everything. Just waiting to go green and I'll send you my paypal email
Have not recieved payment nor a PM yet and I've seen original poster online at least once. Starting to think something fishy is going on....

I will contact 360Elite4Free if I do not recieve payment or response by Monday.
" I've actually dealt with the same guy

Alang00 but on a different message/trading board for the 360

He somehow convinced me into sending in my

pstwo , psp , ds first and he hasn't been answering my emails since

i'm currently filing for mail fraud and a bunch of other crap to get this fool in jail and get my stuff back

you guys have any suggestions?"

originally posted by xabsolut on different forums

It does not feel so good to be scammed, does it? Do not be a hypocrite and send me my $30, or at least a PM explaining why you are ignoring this thread and my PMs. I went green for you and I expect you to uphold your word.
Pgp you annoying little tard. Don't get your panties in a bunch over $30. I've been busy for the past few days and didnt really have time to visit this thread or check my pms. I can have people vouche for me that I pay them after they go green. Whoever signed up under me didnt get paid, I'll paypal you by Thursday or so if thats alright with you. I Just made a deposit and it should go through by then.

Obviously you guys dont read the entire thread as I have stated on the bottom ( right my link might I add ) to PM me before you sign up for a site so I can avoid matters like this. Even so, sorry to whoever signed up. As for you pgp, I don't know if I want to pay you after all your stupid comments and acts of douchebaggery so go ahead do whatever it is you were threatening to do.

btw, whoever signed up under as [email protected] went red just to let you know..

Ok so to put it short.

1. I've been busy so whoever signed up and didnt get paid, I'll have it paypal'd by Thursday or Friday at the latest.

2. Pgp is an idiot.

3. Have a nice day.
[quote name='xabsolut']Pgp you annoying little tard. Don't get your panties in a bunch over $30. I've been busy for the past few days and didnt really have time to visit this thread or check my pms. I can have people vouche for me that I pay them after they go green. Whoever signed up under me didnt get paid, I'll paypal you by Thursday or so if thats alright with you. I Just made a deposit and it should go through by then.

Obviously you guys dont read the entire thread as I have stated on the bottom ( right my link might I add ) to PM me before you sign up for a site so I can avoid matters like this. Even so, sorry to whoever signed up. As for you pgp, I don't know if I want to pay you after all your stupid comments and acts of douchebaggery so go ahead do whatever it is you were threatening to do.

btw, whoever signed up under as [email protected] went red just to let you know..

Ok so to put it short.

1. I've been busy so whoever signed up and didnt get paid, I'll have it paypal'd by Thursday or Friday at the latest.

2. Pgp is an idiot.

3. Have a nice day.[/quote]

fuck you. I went green for you and saw you online multiple times throughout a five day period. You had also logged on to other forums/and or websites during that period. If you make a thread promising to pay money in exchange for greens, you should check your PMs, you fucking idiot. I better see $30 in my paypal this Thursday, you piece of shit.
sorry not looking to trade referrals at this time, but I can pay you 30 bucks instead and maybe you can pay someone else with it to get yourself a referral.

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