Get your no good son away from my daughter!


26 (100%)
CRESCENT CITY, Florida (AP) -- Members of neighboring families shot at each other, wounding six people, as part of a long-running feud that victims said peaked when a girl from one family began dating a boy from the other one.

Six people ages 14 to 22 were taken to hospitals Sunday for treatment of gunshot wounds. Two remained hospitalized Monday, one in serious condition.

Baldemar Riojas, 46, was charged with six counts of aggravated battery with a firearm. He was freed on $15,000 bail.

Members of the Soliz and Ortiz families say their feud with the neighboring Riojas family has simmered for more than a year and became more heated when Riojas' teenage daughter started dating Miguel Soliz, 15, who was among the wounded.

"All this started because they were dating," said Melva Ortiz, Miguel's mother. "I tried to tell him to leave the girl, but you know how kids are."

Maj. Rick Ryan of the Putnam County sheriff's office said members of both families had guns and fired across a street at each other.

However, he said investigators had been stymied by the families' reluctance to talk to authorities. "We get out there and nobody knows anything," Ryan said.

Angelica Soliz, a cousin of the victims, said she hid under a bed during the gunfire early Sunday.

"We just threw ourselves to the floor, and the people who got shot, they didn't have a chance," said another family member, Maria Ortiz, 22.

The violence had been building for hours. A fight broke out Saturday night among dozens of opposing family members, but the sheriff's office said there was not enough information for an arrest.

Riojas' 20-year-old son, Baldomero Riojas, was questioned and released, but Putnam County sheriff's deputies plan to pursue a charge of reckless display of a firearm against him for allegedly firing into the air. A third man was being sought.

Riojas' wife said her husband was not responsible.

"My husband's not a violent person. He's been in the United States for 24 years and he's never been in trouble," Lisa Riojas told WJXT-TV of Jacksonville.

Ana Diaz, 14, who was wounded in the back, was in serious but stable condition Monday at Hallifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach. The only other person hospitalized, Miguel Ortiz, 22, was in good condition at Shands Hospital in Gainesville.

Hatfields and McCoys, the new generation! Starring the Riojas' and the Soliz's!
[quote name='Mike23']Hardly a Romeo and Juliet story.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it exactly IS a romeo and juilet story. Except instead of old Shakespearean, we get the Leo Decaprio/Claire Danes version.
The parents were never violent people.

If the boy just would have shot his girlfriend, none of this would have happened!
"My husband's not a violent person. He's been in the United States for 24 years and he's never been in trouble," Lisa Riojas told WJXT-TV of Jacksonville.

So WHAT has he done that has not gotten in trouble for? I am sure there are plenty of violent criminals out there that haven't stepped one foot in jail yet, so maybe he is one of those ... I mean he is trying to shoot people and it doesn't sound like it's his first time either :p
[quote name='opportunity777']"My husband's not a violent person. He's been in the United States for 24 years and he's never been in trouble," Lisa Riojas told WJXT-TV of Jacksonville.

So WHAT has he done that has not gotten in trouble for? I am sure there are plenty of violent criminals out there that haven't stepped one foot in jail yet, so maybe he is one of those ... I mean he is trying to shoot people and it doesn't sound like it's his first time either :p[/QUOTE]

See, that defense works when you got something like a hockey dad, with no history of violence, who gets into an argument with a ref, flips out, they both start fighting and the dad beats him up, accidentally knocking him onto the cement steps killing him (this happened a few years ago, it was all over the news and a friend of mine knew the daughter, think he got 4 or 5 years). But this clearly was intentional and no accident.
[quote name='coolsteel']Christ what is the big deal, they date for awhile, kid hits that shit and dumps her, problem solved.[/QUOTE]

Then I would have got violent with you.
[quote name='coolsteel']Christ what is the big deal, they date for awhile, kid hits that shit and dumps her, problem solved.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's still a problem. The guy was 22, the girl was 15.
[quote name='alongx']Well, that's still a problem. The guy was 22, the girl was 15.[/QUOTE]

Members of the Soliz and Ortiz families say their feud with the neighboring Riojas family has simmered for more than a year and became more heated when Riojas' teenage daughter started dating Miguel Soliz, 15, who was among the wounded.

The boy was 15. The girl was just mentioned as a teenager.
"My husband's not a violent person. He's been in the United States for 24 years and he's never been in trouble," Lisa Riojas told WJXT-TV of Jacksonville

Sweet. I've been here for 30 years (my whole life). I guess this means it's OK for me to start shooting up the place... :roll: What a bunch of dumbasses...
LOL. I feel a little bad for laughing as much as I did.

What the hell was their problem? The guy shouldn't have dated someone so young, but still. That doesn't give them an excuse to shoot someone *_*
[quote name='Blackfyre']LOL. I feel a little bad for laughing as much as I did.

What the hell was their problem? The guy shouldn't have dated someone so young, but still. That doesn't give them an excuse to shoot someone *_*[/QUOTE]

It's already been stated, but the boy was 15, the girl was a teenager but they didn't give any info about her.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']See, that defense works when you got something like a hockey dad, with no history of violence, who gets into an argument with a ref, flips out, they both start fighting and the dad beats him up, accidentally knocking him onto the cement steps killing him (this happened a few years ago, it was all over the news and a friend of mine knew the daughter, think he got 4 or 5 years). But this clearly was intentional and no accident.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was another kid's hockey dad he killed and I think he got 5-10 (could've been reduced on appeal or something) for involuntary manslaughter which was actually a pretty harsh sentence for that crime which is why I remember.
When do the networks start a bidding war on who gets the rights to make this into the next movie of the week?
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I thought it was another kid's hockey dad he killed and I think he got 5-10 (could've been reduced on appeal or something) for involuntary manslaughter which was actually a pretty harsh sentence for that crime which is why I remember.[/QUOTE]

Maybe we're talking about different situations. Mine happened in 2002 or 2003 and was in MA.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Maybe we're talking about different situations. Mine happened in 2002 or 2003 and was in MA.[/QUOTE]

It's possible...the one I'm thinking of was definately in MA, but I think the actually incident occured in like 2000 or 2001 and the court case was in around 2002. Guy's name was Juntas or something like and they actually tried to charge him for murder or manslaughter but they only get a jury to convict on involuntary manslaughter because it was all unintentional. But the kicker was he was like twice the size of the other guy. Maybe I'll see if I can find a link for curiousity's sake. If they are two separate incidents remind me to stay away from youth hockey in MA...

Edit: Here's a link from courtTV to the one I was thinking of:
I think that we need to open an Arena, pay our good money, put these families in opposing quadrants, and let them shoot each other to death.

Good riddins to bad genetics. :p
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']It's possible...the one I'm thinking of was definately in MA, but I think the actually incident occured in like 2000 or 2001 and the court case was in around 2002. Guy's name was Juntas or something like and they actually tried to charge him for murder or manslaughter but they only get a jury to convict on involuntary manslaughter because it was all unintentional. But the kicker was he was like twice the size of the other guy. Maybe I'll see if I can find a link for curiousity's sake. If they are two separate incidents remind me to stay away from youth hockey in MA...

Edit: Here's a link from courtTV to the one I was thinking of:[/QUOTE]

Ya, that's the same story. I just remember it happened in my senior year, that's the only reason I knew the date. Though it seems we were both right

Junta, a 44-year-old truck driver and father of two, was convicted earlier this month of the involuntary manslaughter of Costin, the informal referee of a July 2000 hockey game involving the sons of both men. Junta, angry over the way Costin was policing on-ice roughness, pinned him to the floor of the Burbank Ice Arena and punched him repeatedly. Costin, a single father raising four children, died from his injuries a day later.

He was a father and the referee.
bread's done