GGT 347 Will Still Be Around When Batman v Superman Comes Out

No, Uraizen is using Raiden.
Really? I like Raiden toooo. We're elder god buddies!

Still playing a lot of Kotal Khan. I got a Quitality with him just a few minutes ago. It was super satisfying. Dude was playing Sub Zero and had a lot more wins than I had, but I wrecked him and he disconnected before I landed the last blow. I thought the game had just dropped our connection, but right after that last hit, bam! Quitality. So nice.

If the D&D crew would like too still, i am up again for it.

Just explained to both my sisters about the new star wars. My one sister didnt even know they were making a new star wars even though i brought it up multiple times. They were so suprised Mark, Carrie, Harrison, Anthony and Peter would be back. Well the characters they are playing, since they only knew who Harrison Ford was.

Of course had to tell them about BB-8 and the new characters, Finn and Rey. Also the ending of the new trailer.

Chewie... we're home

JJ dont screw this up!!
I relate so heavily to all of that. I feel for you being worried. You reading the Marvel Star Wars stuff? Darth Vader's book is real good.

Last night my lady and I went out with some friends to a ceramics sale at the local university, then we went to dinner, grabbed some liquor and headed back to their place to hang out. Only meant to stay until 9 PM, but stayed until 1 AM instead. Was a fuck load of fun. During that time I had my eclectic taste in music pretty much skewered, doe. So sad.

I relate so heavily to all of that. I feel for you being worried. You reading the Marvel Star Wars stuff? Darth Vader's book is real good.
Im not reading any of the new stuff, eventually just havent gotten around to it, I have read some stuff about them though. Been a bit busy as well so maybe when I get some more free time.
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Wow... way to forget Arturito aka Ardos-Deedos.
R2-D2 was named but they wouldnt have known the actor, they didnt even know who mark hamill was.

Also I had originally thought Kenny Baker wasnt going to reprise his role but I was mistaken, I had assumed since they did not use him much in Episode III.
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I went and checked the mail just now and it turns out from that day and a half I spent in the hospital I owe nearly $27,000. I cannot even fucking believe that shit. 

I went and checked the mail just now and it turns out from that day and a half I spent in the hospital I owe nearly $27,000. I cannot even fucking believe that shit.
A: That reaalllllly sucks

B: Welcome to the crap ton of medical bills clubs :( I don't like this club


Can you share your opinion of Joels situation using your Canadian point of views and experiences?
I've had the, "Would I ever consider moving to America?" conversation with myself a few times in my life and I always end up on, "Oh, right, no, fuck that shit," whenever I remember your healthcare system.

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Also Joss Whedon just made Avengers 1 again. I don't want him to get the idea he did something good by doing that.
Sadly that is what it looks like, but it still looks awesome

Please can we not talk about how awful america is with health care and other programs.
I eat lunch at Sam's Club all the time. It's super cheap. Hot dog combo and a big slice of pizza for less than $5.

However, my Sam's Club has a super-shitty game department. They'll mark games down for clearance, then when I take the ticket up to the customer service register, they always say "Oh, that got put there by mistake". This has happened to me 4 times already. fuck Sam's Club for buying games.

Sadly that is what it looks like, but it still looks awesome

Please can we not talk about how awful america is with health care and other programs.
Don't worry! Your lack of good public institutions just means that you don't have to sit and watch the slow erosion, both from strategy and neglect, of your public institutions.

On the plus side, hey, Habs won.

There are hundreds of free apps.

Like Tinder.

Free hookups.
Are hookups really free though? Think about the effort as well as energy/gas used to make it happen and once that hookup happens. You would have food cost or unless you go straight to the sex then you do have those free condoms. Im not going to mention other "stuff" you would "give".

Also the apps are free but you still have to have paid for the device/service.

Like seriously how can the USA have awful healthcare, as well as schooling for college students and they are always cutting funds to the public school system. We are a country of old white guys who like their money and if anybody even stops a penny from that then we better cut cost somewhere so they can still make that, I'm Honestly shocked we still have medicare and medicade plus food assistance. It's not too far fetched to think we could see those disappear so we can "save" money. Should we talk about minimum wage next? This country is a mess...

Enough with politics though.
A: That reaalllllly sucks

B: Welcome to the crap ton of medical bills clubs :( I don't like this club
Yeah, this is a shitty club. I've got to call the Hospital today to see about getting the bills slashed since I don't have money for that shit at all.

RIP Silent Hills

Thanks Kojima.
Yeah, what the fuck, Konami? I swear, Konami makes less and less sense as years go by. You have like 10 IPs and only 1-2 of them are ever being used. Why the fuck is that the case? Is Konami in such a bad way that they can't make anything? I mean, looking at their list of franchises it seems unreal that they aren't even throwing out shitty iOS games or PSN/XBLA games based on their stuff. Firing Kojima seems like one of the greatest self-destructive acts I've ever seen a game company make.. I mean, is there anyone else that is a part of that company that we know can make a decent game? Kojima was doing an amazing job heading up MGS and I'm betting that if Silent HIlls would have released and done well that they would have let him make that Castlevania game that he's been talking about for like, a decade now. Now that they've effectively canned Silent Hills and fired Kojima it's hard to imagine that they'll last past 5 years unless some major changes are made in that company.

A lot of this stuff is reminiscent of when Capcom fired Inafune, but at least we know Capcom is trying to stay relevant. They may have had some serious struggles with modern game design and understanding their fanbase, but at least they've continually been trying despite major missteps like Dark Void and Bionic Commando. It would be funny if after MGSV Konami just continually teases a new MGS game and never releases one, but they release a fighting game and put Michael Biehn Solid Snake from Metal Gear's boxart in as a character.

Also Joss Whedon just made Avengers 1 again. I don't want him to get the idea he did something good by doing that.
Just let him do something people will actually buy and won't get canceled for a while.

I've had the, "Would I ever consider moving to America?" conversation with myself a few times in my life and I always end up on, "Oh, right, no, fuck that shit," whenever I remember your healthcare system.
You're a lucky man.

Costco has free samples.
I've still never been in Costco.

I can get free condoms at the clinic.
Those suck, though. Gotta try the new invisible Trojans. Those things are wild. I swear, condom tech is beginning to get scary. So a couple of years ago I started using Trojan Ribbed and found the thickness was too much for me to enjoy, so I switched to Thintensity. Good, but I felt like they could have made better so I tried out the Ultra Thin, which are supposed to only be 35% thinner but are like a million times more amazing. Like, if there's an idea in my head of what sex with a condom should feel like then Ultra Thin is totally that.

Now they've released Invisible, which is actually what I think is too close to nothing. To me it feels like nothing is there, which is nice, but it's so thin that I'm constantly worried that it's going to break and if I was okay with that I just wouldn't wear a goddamn condom in the first place. The fact that it more prominently displays a pregnancy and STD warning on the packaging doesn't do much to stop my worrying either.

Joel, do you still need easy BnB suggestions for Sub-Zero on freeze?
I'm good, thanks! I got into a KOTH match last night that was ruled by a Sub-Zero and I got some good lessons on BnBs. I swear, I've never seen someone so good at playing with that much lag in my life. I watched 23 matches (participated in 3) and only myself and one other guy ever beat him in a round. Everyone else got wrecked and he even got a double flawless on one guy.

Playing online made me really depressed that I'm not better at MKX so far. I've been so fucking busy since it came out that I haven't had much time to mess around to find what works best for me and it sucks. The fact that this week also sounds super busy is even stupider. I need a weekend where I do nothing to just play games.

bread's done