GMail Haters

I have no beef with g-mail. In the future I hope they keep the invites rather then make it public.

I have two main accounts and since I've gotten gmail it seems like I"ve been coresponding with people a lot more then i used to.
I know I don't want g-mail sifting through my advertisements for penis pills, and cheap meds.

I've got g-mail and could care less what they feel like doing to my messages. I have nothing to hide, therefore why worry.
Neither of you good sirs has an invite to spare to help out a fellow cag'er? I have been trying everywhere, but everyone seems to use up their invites before i inquire. I would certainly appreciate it.

If you do, could you send it to [email protected]

I hear gmail is awesome, and it doesnt have to be very awesome at all to be better than aol mail.

[quote name='varsitygamer']Neither of you good sirs has an invite to spare to help out a fellow cag'er? I have been trying everywhere, but everyone seems to use up their invites before i inquire. I would certainly appreciate it.

If you do, could you send it to [email protected]

I hear gmail is awesome, and it doesnt have to be very awesome at all to be better than aol mail.


I don't have any extra invites, but if I do I will let you know.
I'm not a gmail hater. But I'm not a google or gmail fanboy either. It's a company and a product, like any other. But it is part of standard internet posturing to whip up the fanboys on both sides of a product. The all time classic actually being MS vs. IBM in their windows/OS2 battle. (Guess which won.) That's what we're seeing now pretty much. It's a key component of promotion for computer products on a level greater than many other markets.

I'm not a Gmail detractor. The 1 Gig is nice but frankly not revolutionary. Everyone knew inexpensive storage was coming. They just weren't sure in what form. Email makes sense because it limits bandwidth issues by keeping the data in system.

The "Conversation" threading is really the only standout IMHO. It's a nice feature, but I think they could have taken it farther.

Overall, the conversations and Gig is nice. On the other hand, there was no virus checking when I tried the service. Also, where's the address book? Then, Google specifically doesn't want their users to add functionality or use a client. That's fine if that's what they want, but I'd rather use a service that doesn't prosecute users who like such features.

So there are arguments for or against Gmail even before we get to security issues. Which I too think is rediculous. I mean, if you think that Gmail is insecure, then read this:US court allows email interception I think all the major web based email clients have been hacked at some point. Remember the Hotmail backdoor? Gmail will be no more or less secure than their competitors.

Oh, and don't get caught trade those invites. Google doesn't like it.
[quote name='Squirms']I know I don't want g-mail sifting through my advertisements for penis pills, and cheap meds. [/quote]

Gmail's software tries to show you relevant ads. Obviously ads they recognize as spam - or that you mark as spam - won't be considered for this purpose. And of course it's only their _software_ that figures this out, your emails will never be seen by a human.

[quote name='Squirms']I've got g-mail and could care less what they feel like doing to my messages. I have nothing to hide, therefore why worry. [/quote]

That's just stupid. All messages need to be private (and with google they're as private as they are with any free email provider). Do you want your coworkers to know what you order online? Do you want your significant other to see messages about a surprise party for them? Do you want everybody in your area to know you'll be out of town for a week, leaving the house empty?
For some reason there are a lot of people against Gmail for Privacy concerns. I dont get it either its just like any other email as far as privacy is concerned. i trust google a lot more than i trust Bill gates and his evil minions reading through my emails.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I'd rather use a service that doesn't prosecute users who like such features.[/quote]

I haven't heard of google prosecuting anybody... care to elaborate?

[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Remember the Hotmail backdoor? Gmail will be no more or less secure than their competitors.[/quote]

Of course gmail will be more secure than hotmail. Google uses reliable technologies and hires competent developers.
[quote name='eldad9']

[quote name='Squirms']I've got g-mail and could care less what they feel like doing to my messages. I have nothing to hide, therefore why worry. [/quote]

That's just stupid. All messages need to be private (and with google they're as private as they are with any free email provider). Do you want your coworkers to know what you order online? Do you want your significant other to see messages about a surprise party for them? Do you want everybody in your area to know you'll be out of town for a week, leaving the house empty?[/quote]

Seeing as the only thing I order are games, and my co-workers know I'm a gamer, I don't care if they know. My wife has access to my e-mail already. If I leave town, which is not that often. I don't email people telling them I'll be gone. So a big ol raspberry to you.
Okay, I don't really understand what the purpose is behind the Gmail invites. Could someone please explain it to me?

Why can't they just let you sign up on the site?
[quote name='Squirms']Seeing as the only thing I order are games, and my co-workers know I'm a gamer, I don't care if they know. My wife has access to my e-mail already. If I leave town, which is not that often. I don't email people telling them I'll be gone. So a big ol raspberry to you.[/quote]

Yes, you're right. I'm completely sure I covered all the cases you may ever need privacy in the future.
Gmail is still it's BETA stages. So they don't want their servers flooded in with new users. Their trying to keep it a minimum user. Hence BETA
I"m not worried about the g-mail privacy at all. If it got out that google was really using private information they would be really screwed. Before the gmail issues they had a pretty clean record...i'm sure they don't wanna ruin it with potental customers and users.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Ahhh, I see, but why is everyone freaking out about it? Is it just because there are more names available and that you have 1 gig of storage?[/quote]

People are freaking out because google's software (but not humans!) look at sent/received emails in order to show you relevant (text!) ads.

Some people think this is straight out of 1984 - the same people, of course, that completely miss the actual eroding of rights and privacy.
[quote name='eldad9'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']Ahhh, I see, but why is everyone freaking out about it? Is it just because there are more names available and that you have 1 gig of storage?[/quote]

People are freaking out because google's software (but not humans!) look at sent/received emails in order to show you relevant (text!) ads.

Some people think this is straight out of 1984 - the same people, of course, that completely miss the actual eroding of rights and privacy.[/quote]

I understand that part. But why do so many people want to get it and an invite? What makes their email so much better than everyone elses? I have SBC Yahoo and get 2 gigs. So, what?
yep..i got a @sbcglobal account as well and for both my sbc and gmail account i'm using 0% of my space!
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='eldad9'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']Ahhh, I see, but why is everyone freaking out about it? Is it just because there are more names available and that you have 1 gig of storage?[/quote]

People are freaking out because google's software (but not humans!) look at sent/received emails in order to show you relevant (text!) ads.

Some people think this is straight out of 1984 - the same people, of course, that completely miss the actual eroding of rights and privacy.[/quote]

I understand that part. But why do so many people want to get it and an invite? What makes their email so much better than everyone elses? I have SBC Yahoo and get 2 gigs. So, what?[/quote]

Cause gmail is new. plus when it goes live anyone can have 1 gig of storage. I have my own domain and when I had a static ip, I ran exchange server, and had 100gigs of space.
[quote name='Squirms'][quote name='eldad9']

[quote name='Squirms']I've got g-mail and could care less what they feel like doing to my messages. I have nothing to hide, therefore why worry. [/quote]

That's just stupid. All messages need to be private (and with google they're as private as they are with any free email provider). Do you want your coworkers to know what you order online? Do you want your significant other to see messages about a surprise party for them? Do you want everybody in your area to know you'll be out of town for a week, leaving the house empty?[/quote]

Seeing as the only thing I order are games, and my co-workers know I'm a gamer, I don't care if they know. My wife has access to my e-mail already. If I leave town, which is not that often. I don't email people telling them I'll be gone. So a big ol raspberry to you.[/quote]

Have fun leading America down the path of human GPS chips.
No matter who your email provider is, your email is never secure. If I wanted to, I could read the email of anyone in my school district. Same goes for the admins of any ISP/email server. If you're THAT paranoid about it, don't send sensitive info over email.
[quote name='PsyClerk']No matter who your email provider is, your email is never secure. If I wanted to, I could read the email of anyone in my school district. Same goes for the admins of any ISP/email server. If you're THAT paranoid about it, don't send sensitive info over email.[/quote]

I agree.
Your email is always being scanned whether it's Gmail or plain old email. Most ISPs scan messages for viruses, and some filter out spam messages. I guess I don't see the big deal about scanning your Gmail for keywords for better advertising. I mean, it's not like they are compiling a massive database on you to follow your every move. After all, that's what the Patriot Act is for.
Gmail is the best webmail I have ever used thus far. It still needs to improve some more, but in terms of speed and practicality it is the best.
[quote name='Sartori'][quote name='Squirms'][quote name='eldad9']

[quote name='Squirms']I've got g-mail and could care less what they feel like doing to my messages. I have nothing to hide, therefore why worry. [/quote]

That's just stupid. All messages need to be private (and with google they're as private as they are with any free email provider). Do you want your coworkers to know what you order online? Do you want your significant other to see messages about a surprise party for them? Do you want everybody in your area to know you'll be out of town for a week, leaving the house empty?[/quote]

Seeing as the only thing I order are games, and my co-workers know I'm a gamer, I don't care if they know. My wife has access to my e-mail already. If I leave town, which is not that often. I don't email people telling them I'll be gone. So a big ol raspberry to you.[/quote]

Have fun leading America down the path of human GPS chips.[/quote]

There is a bit of a difference in scanning an e-mail, and imbedding a tracking device into a human being. The simple point is that I am not a conspiracy nut who believes that g-mail is going to learn everything about me, then track me down to monitor my habits. It's a fucking e-mail server, not the Thought Police.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='eldad9'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']Ahhh, I see, but why is everyone freaking out about it? Is it just because there are more names available and that you have 1 gig of storage?[/quote]

People are freaking out because google's software (but not humans!) look at sent/received emails in order to show you relevant (text!) ads.

Some people think this is straight out of 1984 - the same people, of course, that completely miss the actual eroding of rights and privacy.[/quote]

I understand that part. But why do so many people want to get it and an invite? What makes their email so much better than everyone elses? I have SBC Yahoo and get 2 gigs. So, what?[/quote]

The difference is, unless you have a sweet hookup, you probably pay SBC every month. The whole point of the G-Mail thing is that it is FREE. It was created to compete with other free email providers such as Yahoo, Hotmail, and others. The earlier you get in (if that is what you want) the better chance you have of getting the name you want.

Before G-Mail, Yahoo only offered 4 Megabytes of storage and only recently has significantly bumped the number up to 100 MB. The increased space allows you to keep more of your emails/attachments online for a longer period of time.

Google is the latest internet fad type company that all of the investor types are drooling over. In the very near future, somebody is about to make a lot of money off of Google. And they want to make sure that their product is in the news as much as possible. So they offer a new service that you can't have. They gave to some "cool" people, who are allowed to invite other people. People keep inviting each other.... Eventually everyone (that wants it) will have G-mail.

"i can't believe i finally posted"
i have sbc dsl also, so the question i always ask myself, is do i want to use gmail, w/ its nice clean text interface, or do i want to use yahoo, with its nice clean .... oh wait, its interface *sucks*. Whoever said email is *not* private and they could read tons of peoples mail is correct. If your that worried, get some sort of PGP software, have everyone encrypt the mail they send to you, and then use PGP software that decrypts the clipboard. Sha-bam. Or use one of the available pop/imap to gmail and use PGP with your Outlook (now there's privacy, I love email programs that will send email w/o my knowledge, including resending mails that are years old) or your favorite mail client.
bread's done