GOG Deals Thread

I've been watching this sale (and this thread) since the afternoon of the first day, hoping to get Jade Empire. I saw it go for free at one point (of course, I didn't get one), and haven't seen it since. Still, this has been fun to watch, and I did get Nexus and Soul Reaver.

If they do this sale again though, I may just shell out the extra money for a game or two at full price and recoup my losses with a lower electric bill.

Planescape: Torment$1.99 (1500)

Go Get Em'

EDIT: well it looks like Detruire is up. I'll let em take over from here.

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found this topic while browsing the gog forums,


They try to compile a list of the drm free games on steam.  Seems fairly up to date, though Im sure theres a bunch of smaller titles missing but it probably covers the more popular ones.  Figured Id throw that up here since there had been some discussion of drm, older games, etc etc

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And Space Colony HD was the final thing I was looking for. So I can finally get back to my life.

Good luck to the rest of you in getting whatever you're still looking for.

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Crap. I paid for Planescape Torment through Paypal, got the Paypal receipt, but there was an error with the transaction. GOG shows me as paying for it, but it's not in my library :( I emailed them. Hopefully this will get fixed :( I still have an extra tab open to buy it just in case. Just don't want to pay for it again.

Grabbed Planescape: Torment, really hoping things keep moving so I can grab the rest of my wishlist before 5 freaking am

And Space Colony HD was the final thing I was looking for. So I can finally get back to my life.

Good luck to the rest of you in getting whatever you're still looking for.
your updated list will be missed :(

Crap. I paid for Planescape Torment through Paypal, got the Paypal receipt, but there was an error with the transaction. GOG shows me as paying for it, but it's not in my library :( I emailed them. Hopefully this will get fixed :( I still have an extra tab open to buy it just in case. Just don't want to pay for it again.
Whew! Game's in my library now. Also got Baldur's Gate :) I'll be perfectly fine if I miss the other titles I was interested in.

I keep going back and forth on this one. Some reviews make it sound great and others say it's mostly eye candy with average game play and a weak AI.
I wasn't sweating this one because it looks interesting but I have a retail copy of the non-HD version backlogged.
So I'm been constantly checking up on this sale over the past few days and Omerta always brings it to a grinding halt. What is it about this game? Is it just not good, too expensive, or does everyone have it?

I've got a copy reserved if anyone needs it. I'll close the tab in an hour.

EDIT: Gave it away. Sorry to the others who missed it!

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bread's done