GoGamer.com 48 hour sale


CAG Veteran
48 hour sale...

Not sure if any of the prices are good but blood rayne 2 is $9.90 and Vangaurd is only 39.90.

Should I get Boold Rayne 2? Is that a good price?

Go and spend some money now!

I've seen Bloodrayne 2 for that much, so it's not a good/special deal. And, I don't reccommend it either, one of the most dissipointing sequels I've played.
I don't think it's the wrong section, the OP is telling us GoGamer.com is having one of its 48 Hour Madness sales. See the front page, on the lower right, of gogamer.com for all the games on sale.
For we adventure game players, I see that they also have Destination Treasure Island, from Kheop's Studios, makers of some fine adventure titles. Their U.K. import price is $27.90.

Did you really like BloodRayne 1?
The second is better, but it's not worth owning. I had bought it for $5 and ended up trading it in later. 0 replay value.
bread's done