Good PS2 RPG Games

[quote name='whoknows']I'm going to go against everyone and say don't play Dark Cloud 2.

The story isn't anything special, gameplay is pretty good, but my real complaint with the game is the main character. He is really really really annoying. Almost every fucking thing he says ends with "I didn't know how great this adventure would be" or "this adventure was going to be amazing" or something like that.

or something about his mother. :rofl:

i however thought everything was very cute and well done, especially the voice acting. the dungeons got a little repetitive but overall it's a good game.. long though ~60 hrs

i did try shadow hearts 1 for like an hour or two and it was just not my cup of tea. i just couldn't take it seriously, everything just seemed real low-rent. really didn't like the "combat wheel of destiny" or whatever also, brought back memories of Legend of Dragoon :bomb::bomb::bomb:
[quote name='dfg']

What's kept me away from starting Koudelka is that I've heard the load times and snail-paced combat make playing the game a chore.[/QUOTE]
Koudelka's saving grace is its length. You can finish it in under ten hours, and by the time it's over, you'll be glad. The only reason I touched it was because I wanted to get into the Shadow Hearts games, so I forced myself through it in two sittings. It is worth playing to tie the stories out, though.

Unfortunately (as I've mentioned before), I thought the first Shadow Hearts was almost as underwhelming as Koudelka. Again, it isn't that long, and it definitely moves along at a better pace than Koudelka, so it's worth plowing through once.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant makes it all worthwhile.
[quote name='tehweezner']

i did try shadow hearts 1 for like an hour or two and it was just not my cup of tea. i just couldn't take it seriously, everything just seemed real low-rent. really didn't like the "combat wheel of destiny" or whatever also, brought back memories of Legend of Dragoon :bomb::bomb::bomb:[/QUOTE]
I actually really liked Legend of Dragoon, but I beat it within the week it was released and haven't touched it since. I think I'll keep it that way and pocket what little I remember from it--I don't suspect it has aged well.

The difference is LoD was sort of a high-profile title at the time. Shadow Hearts is really similar, and if it would have been on PS1, it would have been a lot more impressive. On the PS2 it just felt cheap and unpolished.
I loved Dragon Quest 8. I didn't think that there was much grinding involved. I did fight almost every battle when I was traveling around though. I did die a couple times at some boss fights, but it could have been avoided by using a different strategy. Getting psyched up at the rights times works wonders and when you get the double attack power spell you will totally pwn. I was able to defeat some bosses and large enemys with one or two hits. It took me 60 hours to beat and I'm sure it can be done under 50 hours. I wasted alot of time in a few parts. I did use a guide at the very end, because I forgot about some stuff. I loved the old school feel too! Destined to become a classic!
[quote name='waterclocker']I loved Dragon Quest 8. I didn't think that there was much grinding involved. I did fight almost every battle when I was traveling around though. I did die a couple times at some boss fights, but it could have been avoided by using a different strategy. Getting psyched up at the rights times works wonders and when you get the double attack power spell you will totally pwn. I was able to defeat some bosses and large enemys with one or two hits. It took me 60 hours to beat and I'm sure it can be done under 50 hours. I wasted alot of time in a few parts. I did use a guide at the very end, because I forgot about some stuff. I loved the old school feel too! Destined to become a classic![/QUOTE]
I love this game as well and I think that I am near completion on it but getting levels takes hours it seems like. I've got nearly 60hrs logged and I am only level 39, but the story is AMAZING!! Ranks up there with Lunar series!
Is Xenosaga 3 any good?

I saw it at BlockBuster for $20 and wasn't sure if it was worth it.

Do I need to play the first two to understand it?

I know Jekki says its the best game of yester-year but still unsure.:whistle2:?

Help please.
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