Good website to sell books

Amazon and

seems like a pretty easy question no matter what kind of book you are looking for =P
You most likely won't be able to find a place that will buy them. Maybe a couple, but certainly not all of them. It's hard to find buyers for novels unless they are uncommon or really popular. The first thing I would try is It's not quite as good as being able to sell them, but you can at least trade some of them for books you actually want. That is, if any of your books are actually in demand by anyone. Otherwise, you might have to end up just taking a lot of them to Goodwill or a recycling center.
I sell books on Amazon and on Most common books have hit the minimum listing price though. The only money to be made selling books online is in volume of sales, where you can make around a buck on the shipping reimbursement, or finding the rare, in-demand stuff.

I buy a lot of paperbacks to read at garage sales and thrift stores. I, or someone in my family, will have a yard sale each summer, and I sell them there as much as I can, usually three for a dollar or something. When they start to pile up, I just donate them back to the Goodwill. Although lately I've taken to supporting more local stores, that put their money back into helping my community directly.

I also trade books to a local used book shop, they give me decent enough credit that most books I want to read are around $1 actual cost for me, assuming I bought the traded in books for a quarter. It's a nice way to pick up stuff that would still cost me $4 if I bought it from an Amazon seller, but you're reliant on their selection.
Anything that lists for less than $7-8 each I'll take and trade in to a local used bookstore. Usually this works best in volume (especially if you have free books picked from yardsales to add to it).
A bit late to answer, but if you like books, but not THOSE books, try and

basically, you list your books, someone else request them, you pay to ship them out, and acquire points to request other books from other people.

So with patience, you can wind up getting many books for just the cost of USPS shipping.
bread's done