Got Dreamcast?

I had my DC for about a week now and I must say i haven't had this much fun since SNES. I have only 4 games now, but have six more coming soon. Virtua tennis is the shiznit. Thanx TRU. Anyone have a DC arcade stick made by agetec?
I have two working DCs and one broken, I got it around the time JGR came out, I wish it didn't die as soon as it did. I own like 80 legit games. Got most of them cheap near the end of it's life cycle.

If you have ever played with maracca controllers consider yourself blessed. They are so freaking kickass you wouldn't belive

helava, don't forget Virtual Cop 2 in the saga smash pack works with a light gun.

my collection is here
I picked up a DC after I got my PS2 at launch. I was so unimpressed with the quality of games and I noticed that places like Target and Meijer were unloading tons of Dreamcast games for cheap. It was my first Target clearance purchase for 55.98. Got NFL2k, Flag to Flag, Aerowings, and Marvel vs. Capcom for about $8 a piece. I played the DC more than the PS2 for months. Got about a 45 game collection now with only a few more wants on the list. Then I discovered What great things you can do with an 'old' console!!

Santorium x -- I had 6 of those agetec arcede sticks at one time and sold 5 of them on eBay (big mistake) for a good bit of money. I've also got another one that emulates the DC controller and looks similar to the Agetec. It's really a reconditioned Saturn arcade stick. I peeled off the label to reveal the Sega Saturn logo. Metal base, microswitch buttons, feels just like a real arcade machine. It's the only way to play Marvel v Capcom.

I got my DC second hand from a flea market back in 2001 or 2000. I can't remember for sure. Anyways, all my games are originals. Gotta give props to the DC for getting me into online gaming with Quake 3. I eventually got the PC version though because I didn't want to miss out on what the pc version could do. Most I paid for a DC game was $53.99 for Marvel vs. Capcom 2. My fave game on DC is Project Justice. Man that game is sweet. StarLancer is quite good (and underrated IMO too.)
I don't know how many DC games I have because I constantly find new discs when cleaning my room. They keep falling out of my CD binders which is packed to the limit and then some... the binders I put my DC games in have 100 and 25 capacities so I guess approximately I have 125.

Some are random used games I picked up for less
than $5 each, some sent over from my relatives in Philippines, plus a good amount of backups hehe. I paid full retail for Soul Calibur though, I was going to keep it sealed for when I pass on my games to my kids some day (cuz I love that game so much), but I couldn't help it and I opened her up. Doh
Right about now 157 people have voted... 137 ACTUALLY HAVE A DREAMCAST? I never thought that many people actually bought them. I was never really interested at all in Dreamcast, and when I played it, I wasn't impressed either. Maybe all of the people who don't have one just looked at the topic and said "NO, AND NEVER WILL!". Maybe that should be an option. Maybe I'm missing the "greatness" of the system... Maybe I should shut up?

Anyway, I don't have one, and I don't think I want one, unless I get it for $5... becuase I'm a true cheapass.
I never had one when it came out...Got one for $15 at EB games. The next week I went and bought two more at Gamestop in fear of my system dying one day. For the quality of games, the emulation, and cheap games out there it is awesome! I think it was overlooked to soon.
[quote name='jkam']I never had one when it came out...Got one for $15 at EB games. The next week I went and bought two more at Gamestop in fear of my system dying one day. For the quality of games, the emulation, and cheap games out there it is awesome! I think it was overlooked to soon.[/quote]

I agree with jkam, DC died out too soon. The possibilities for it were endless. The limits of the system weren't even being reached yet, Shenmue was the only game to real test how far the system could go. I have my DC packed away in my room in a soft case, I probably won't play her very much but she'll always have a place in my heart.

*wiping away a tear*
I ended up with 44 games. I wanted to pick up Mark of the Wolf but I never got around to it.

I keep it hooked up for Shenmue replays. I think I've finished it around 20 times now.
I still have my Dreamcast and about 25 games. Would have more but I traded some in when I learned they were definately being ported (ie Skies, Sonic).

I just made a random realization while I was reading this thread. Does anyone else realise how eerily similar the Xbox multiplayer of Crimson Skies is to Alien Front Online on the dreamcast? The ranking system, the style and format of the different modes. Obviously the maps are tremendously larger and it is all airborne as opposed to ground based, but the general feel of it all and the way teamplay usually functions feels identical. It's a good thing of course. AFO is still one of my favorite online games of all time. God I miss it! If only I hade the dreamcast broadband adapter and there were still functional servers. I'd pick that up again anyday over almost any Xbox Live title. Why oh why won't they make a sequel for the Xbox?????!!!!!!!!
DC is the best system ever made period. if you like 2-d fighters and don't have a DC where the hell have you been?????????
[quote name='Simon Adebesi']DC is the best system ever made period. if you like 2-d fighters and don't have a DC where the hell have you been?????????[/quote]

Maybe in a cave in Canada?
I don't like fighters, but Soul Calibur was sweet.
A DC now would be worth it just for Grandia 2 and Skies of Arcadia. I had gotten my DC used through Ebay that summer, and couldn't decide whether to get G2 or SoA. For Christmas I got--both : ) I was excited.
DC really did have some fun games, and some that could have been excellent.
I was actually rather impressed with how Blue Stinger looked and felt, but the game itself got kinda dull after a while.
Speed Devils was a blast.
I've probably got about 20 games.
Crazy Taxi
Grandia 2
Speed Devils
Blue Stinger
Skies of Arcadia
House of the Dead [2?]
Bomberman Online
Unreal Tournament
Sonic Adventure
Record of Lodoss War
Gauntlet Legends
Hydro Thunder
Ooga Booga

I know I've got some more, but not all my older-console games have been unpacked from when we moved. I pretty much unpacked the DC, a controller, a VMU, and Grandia to replay it.

No 'backups.'
I wish people would stop calling them "backups" - just own up to what they are. Instead of "I have 50 games, mostly backups," say, "I have 50 games, which I stole from the developers. So in this post, I say I loved the Dreamcast, but *really*, I just contributed to its early death. You're welcome!"

At least that way you'd be honest about your theft.

[quote name='helava']I wish people would stop calling them "backups" - just own up to what they are. Instead of "I have 50 games, mostly backups," say, "I have 50 games, which I stole from the developers. So in this post, I say I loved the Dreamcast, but *really*, I just contributed to its early death. You're welcome!"

At least that way you'd be honest about your theft.


Whether I agree or disagree with this is not important; I just want to go on record as saying that nothing ruins a cool thread quite like someone getting up on a soapbox. "Backups," "bootlegs," copies," "shitsticks" - I don't care, call them what you want.

I love the DC, I've been rockin' it since day-one, and I myself don't own any B-ups. However, now that the system has long since been abandoned by developers, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to getting some. Is that a good middle ground??

And besides: I'm sure Helava has never done anything morally questionable in his/her entire life.
Given that you don't have any idea who I am, you can't really say that, can you? The most morally "questionable" thing I've done is indeed, pirate games. And I stopped doing that when I was twelve. Am I some sort of saint? Of course not. But I realize what sort of work goes into making stuff like this, and how prevalent piracy is. And how a lot of idiots out there think that it's their "right" to get whatever they want without paying for it. I worked on a game for the Dreamcast, and got to read about people stealing it from me. I didn't appreciate it. I'm sure when the game I'm working on now comes out, people will steal that, too. I can't stop it, but I don't have to listen to people pretend it's legal when they steal from me.

Backups are covered under fair use, in many cases. In the case of games, they're explicitly prohibited. Calling something a "Backup" when it's simply theft isn't honest, it's a person justifying their theft because they're too intellectually dishonest to own up to their own behaviour.

I don't give a shit, to be perfectly honest, when you tell me that calling a spade a spade "ruins" a cool thread. I worked my ass off, and am working my ass off, to make the games I work on the best they can possibly be. You try it. You put in the long hours, the nights spent at the office, the strain on your relationships, and your life, to create something you're genuinely proud of, in an industry you believe has ridiculous potential, and then you listen to someone bullshit you about stealing your product from you in broad f**king daylight.

THEN you tell me you give a shit about "ruining" a "cool" thread.


Not until then.

Here's the deal: games are a business. Making a game that is good takes not only love, talented people, and a great idea, but it takes money. In the case of the new generation of consoles, LOTS of money. Creating the art assets requires a LOT of people, programming new systems takes a lot of research, and the overhead for the organization of the company as a whole is no laughing matter.

Every pirated game steals money from the people who make it. But who does it *really* hurt the most? It hurts the game that I, as a hardcore gamer, love the most. It hurts the little guy. To a pirate, Madden 200X and Ikaruga are identical. A couple minutes to download, and a disc to burn it on. No big deal. But while Madden sells a couple million to the casual crowd who isn't tech-saavy enough (or dishonest enough) to pirate the game, every pirated copy of Ikaruga is a significant portion of its sales.

And a company like Treasure is operating on a razor thin margin between profitability and loss. A company like Treasure, or any small developer only has a single title or two out at a time - if those titles fail, the company can be pretty well doomed these days. Sega, for instance, got hit hard by piracy, and though they made a number of other tragic mistakes with the DC, the simple fact of the matter is that they made a lot of risky games, and those risky games didn't sell as well as they'd predicted, in large part because they were widely distributed on the 'net.

The simple, pure, unadulterated *fact* is that piracy hurts the game companies that make the small, interesting, often most innovative games the most. Does it hurt a monolith like EA? Of course. And every copy burned is a dollar out of the pockets of the people who busted their asses to make the game. Next time you're sitting there in your office, slaving away, or you're busting *your* ass doing your job, imagine if someone stole a dollar out of your pocket, or increased your chances of being laid off by some percentage, then bragged about it on a message board.

How do you think that would feel?

Whoa, nelly! Easy there bud, I wasn't trying to insult you or anything! :lol:

And look man, I feel your pain. I've been a songwriter / performer for about 15 years, and since I've played on many CDs I am certainly no stranger to the piracy debate! I don't like the thought of someone getting their grubby little hands on a bootleg copy of a disc I worked really hard on! :x

However, there are a few records I've done that have long since been out of print, and so if I found out that someone was making those tracks available for free download on the 'net, I'd be really flattered!! I would not feel the same way if I were talking about a record that was just released.

So, while I certainly never intended to offend, my opinion is: burning copies of DC games while the system and games were commercially available: BAD. WRONG. THEFT. But, burning copies of DC games now that finding originals is getting more difficult and developers are no longer supplying retailers with stock: OK. Why? Because at this point, nobody is losing their shirt over it.

So hey, sorry if i offended you; I really didn't mean to! These are just one man's opinions!

And so, back to the topic: I'm pumped because I just got a new TV with S vid inputs, and so i got an S vid cable for my DC! Haven't hooked it up yet; hope it's cool!

EDIT: fixed crappy spelling.
bread's done