GS/EB Games - Atlus Titles Drop in Price


2 (100%)
Buncha Atlus games just dropped in price.

Riviera: The Promised Land - $9.99 (USED)

Contact - $17.99 (USED)

Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja - $17.99 (USED)

Ontamarama - $19.99 (NEW)

Ontamarama - $17.99 (USED)

Touch Detective - $17.99 (USED)

Touch Detective 2 ½ - $14.99 (NEW)

Metal Saga - $12.99 (USED)

Rule of Rose - $17.99 (USED)

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - $17.99 (USED)

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 - $17.99 (USED)

Steambot Chronicles - $12.99 (USED)

Stella Deus - $17.99 (USED)

Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner - $24.99 (USED)

Riviera: The Promised Land - $29.99 (NEW)

Riviera: The Promised Land - $24.99 (USED)
[quote name='zephie']Fairyland, thank you very much for your thorough insights.

I can tell that you put quite a bit of thought into your comments simply by reading through them. As recommendations go, you've sold me on Riviera and Rule of Rose - two titles that I have ignored so far (to my regret it seems). Devil Summoner I already own, and the Touch Detective games I'll have to pass on for now as I don't yet have a DS. I truly appreciate you going the extra mile for your fellows here.[/QUOTE]

No problem, you're all welcome! When I consider a game I usually spend a bit of time and research before buying so I won't end up with a lemon. This is what is making my dropping down a twenty on Contact so hard, as I'm getting such conflicting options about it, but I know I will probably end up getting it as it's so controversial that I need to experience it for myself. But anyway with the games that I had mentioned, I really do love them and I'm still pretty passionate about them, which is why I had to say my feelings in such great detail. I just hope that people who buy them upon my advice will not be disappointed and perhaps shall become a big of a fan as I am on them.
Well, it seems every store I check either has 0 or 1 copy of Devil Summoner, so I just went with the gutted copy. But I did use the 10% off coupon so $17.99 in already existing credit isn't too bad, even for a despoiled copy.

I did manage to score a sealed Touch Detective 2 1/2 though, which was a surprise. They so rarely have extra copies of games like that. My excitement was tempered somewhat when I found out (after I got home) that they didn't apply the 10% off to that one though - only to the first game in my purchase. Oh well, only $2 - not worth driving back up there again.
[quote name='io']Well, it seems every store I check either has 0 or 1 copy of Devil Summoner, so I just went with the gutted copy. But I did use the 10% off coupon so $17.99 in already existing credit isn't too bad, even for a despoiled copy.

I had to go to four different stores to find a copy. I finally did though. I found one Gamestop that had three sealed copies and one gutted.
I picked up a "new" (gutted) copy of Rule of Rose for $19.99 the other day. I also saw new copies of the PS2 RPG's Metal Saga and Steambot Chronicles for $14.99 each. So it looks like Gamestop is actually the place to go if you're looking for some of those older Atlus RPGs (and who knows, they may have a sealed one in the drawer).
I loved Contact. Devil Summoner is okay, as is Riviera, though to be honest, I played Riviera on the GBA...

Digital Devil Saga is fantastic if you can still find it. One of my faves ever. I liked it better than Nocturne.

Izuna is really first...but then it is just the same over and over. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon was better, sad to say. The gameplay of both is very similar. And they both get boring...

Etrian Odyssey is the best of the bunch, to me. It's worth it at full price...
Steambot Chronicles looks really interesting. its GTA without the violence, as per CheapyD on one of the episodes of cagcast (from awhile back). ive always wanted a copy but could not locate a used one. some GS sells them for $20 new but i always end up picking something else other than that.
Izuna is something I've wanted for a while...still, I can afford for it to drop further (maybe $13 used?) as it's not a rare game by the availability in my area.
[quote name='phear3d']Steambot Chronicles looks really interesting. its GTA without the violence, as per CheapyD on one of the episodes of cagcast (from awhile back). ive always wanted a copy but could not locate a used one. some GS sells them for $20 new but i always end up picking something else other than that.[/quote]
I was at a GS just yesterday, looking to pick up a used God Hand ($12 AC). I saw Steambot Chroncles there for $15 new. I totally recommend it - SC is a light-hearted, quirky, and fun ride. It's one of those games that gives you as much entertainment as you put effort into it, so give it a chance. I can't wait for the PS3 sequel, I may just import the JPN version on day one.
[quote name='happy']What are general opinions on devil summoner, considering it is the only affordable SMT game. Is it significantly worse tham nocturne/DDS (which I have yet to play)[/quote]

I liked it. It has this interesting twist of how many party members you can take with you and what they bring to the table in battle. Worth the buy.
If it hasn't been mentioned yet, both Monster Kingdom (PSP) and Etrian Odyssey (DS) are down to $19.99 new/$17.99 used.
Glad I held off a few more weeks, I just noticed Touch Detective 2 1/2 has dropped to $14.99 new.
[quote name='salty tbone']Yeah, I've noticed some stores doing that with used games, putting the sticker on the spine on the cover slip. That coupled with some GS locations near me seem to use cheaper stickers that don't peel off well = me not shopping there. I'd be even more annoyed if it was on a new game.[/QUOTE]

GameStop corporate is making all stores put their price and barcode stickers (both NEW and USED) in two places: 1) upper-right corner of the front of the case, on the outside; 2) lower part of the spine, on the inside.

Sucks, huh? Especially since it's easier to pull the stickers off of the front of the plastic case vs. trying to peel them off of the spine of the artwork. GameStop has become the devil to true gamers.

...BTW, if your store isn't doing this, it's only because they're lazy and haven't gotten around to it yet--it's corporate policy, so expect it to happen at some point.
some stores in my area are extremely well run, with all games having manuals and original cases with easily peelable stickers.
Other stores the condition, completeness and sticker removability are crapshoots.

also, steambot chronicles is $14.99 new in stores
Thanks for the prices, OP. Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner has dropped to 17.99 used now, though. Picked up one during the 25% off PSP coupon with Edge card for 11.69.

[quote name='AwRy108']GameStop corporate is making all stores put their price and barcode stickers (both NEW and USED) in two places: 1) upper-right corner of the front of the case, on the outside; 2) lower part of the spine, on the inside.

Sucks, huh? Especially since it's easier to pull the stickers off of the front of the plastic case vs. trying to peel them off of the spine of the artwork. GameStop has become the devil to true gamers.

...BTW, if your store isn't doing this, it's only because they're lazy and haven't gotten around to it yet--it's corporate policy, so expect it to happen at some point.

I'm glad none of the Gamestops I go to do that. They all leave the sticker that goes on the spine on its paper, so it just slides right out. The ones on the front and back are a big pain though. It seems they started using stickier stickers and very rarely am I able to peel the whole sticker off without some of it staying behind anymore. They used to come off really easily.
Yeah, I started noting stickers on the spine. But one GS here did something really smart (I know, I know... just hear me out), they just put the sticker in the spine without actually peeling it off the wax paper or whatever.
[quote name='vherub']Other stores the condition, completeness and sticker removability are crapshoots.[/quote]

I've known employees and former employees of trade-in stores, and areas with high crime tend to get a lot of disc-only trade ins. One guy was telling me that the most obvious are when someone brings in a binder and wants to trade all the games in, regardless of value.
Does GS do price adjustments? I bought TD 2.5 back when it was $19.99 and just noticed that it's now $14.99. If they do, what are the time restrictions?
[quote name='onikage']Does GS do price adjustments? I bought TD 2.5 back when it was $19.99 and just noticed that it's now $14.99. If they do, what are the time restrictions?[/QUOTE]

7 days. I bought Xenosaga 3 new for $29.99 last week, but it dropped to $19.99 8 days after I bought it. Darn.

I think I'll pick up Steambot Chronicles, Metal Saga, and Devil Summoner. They all seem like decent games at nice prices. If I could just find a copy of Tales of the Abyss I'd be set in terms of my PS2 RPG collection, save for Nocturne, which I've sold. :(
bread's done