Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracy release date set

Maybe a song or two will be on the Duke Nukem Forever soundtrack!

I still don't believe it's ever coming. Axl is just a certifiable fuckhead anymore, straight up. And if it does hit the shelves, it'll be the most disappointing album ever, as no music made by mortals can justify that sort of wait.

Again, not worried about that coming to pass, though. I gave up on this about two years ago.

I hear Guns and Roses have a song from Chinese Democracy on the Duke Nuke'Em Forever Soundtrack.

Jesus christ you people. He fired his manager and canceled tour dates to make sure this album gets out when he says its going to.

What the hell.
[quote name='Sporadic']:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'll believe it as soon as I have the CD in my hand (or on my hard drive)[/quote]

You took the words right out of me :rofl: This will probably sound like crap anyway. Without Slash and Duff, bah it's just not a band when you have the likes of KFC buckethead.
yeah, its been way too long of a wait. im an old school gnr fan, now the band is about 100% axl
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']You took the words right out of me :rofl: This will probably sound like crap anyway. Without Slash and Duff, bah it's just not a band when you have the likes of KFC buckethead.[/QUOTE]

Actually Buckethead (who is a damn good guitarist) quit back in 2004.

They replaced him with a guy called Bumblefoot :D
[quote name='Sporadic']Actually Buckethead (who is a damn good guitarist) quit back in 2004.

They replaced him with a guy called Bumblefoot :D[/QUOTE]

Who also kicked some major ass at the show.

I'm sorry, but all you truly need is the original lead singer. As long as the rest of the band can kick ass, you don't need the original members.
[quote name='Rihan']I'm sorry, but all you truly need is the original lead singer. As long as the rest of the band can kick ass, you don't need the original members.[/QUOTE]

Not true at all.

GnR isn't like Nine Inch Nails. Axl wasn't the main cog of the band.
[quote name='Rihan']

I'm sorry, but all you truly need is the original lead singer. As long as the rest of the band can kick ass, you don't need the original members.[/QUOTE]

*shakes head in shame*
[quote name='Sporadic']Actually Buckethead (who is a damn good guitarist) quit back in 2004.

They replaced him with a guy called Bumblefoot :D[/quote]

Even better. See how much I still care about GnR....nil. I don't follow them anymore, but I know that I'll believe that the infamous Chinese Democracy will be released when I can see it in my hands at any store.
[quote name='Rihan']So, what, you'd rather have Slash up there with old fuck-mcgee singing?[/quote]
Not really, but they were essentially the heart and soul of the band. Axl was just a gloating punk upstaging. Mind you he was an amazing singer, but what a brazen and boastful spoiled brat that just loved to grandstand his own band. IMO, you can put anybody you want in place of those two, but essentially what you are doing is creating a GnR cover band with merely the original singer. No matter who is there, the band just won't have the same soul without those two

I compare GnR to the opposite of what Van Halen became. Van Halen was able for the most part to keep that ferocity and that Van Halen-ness regardless of who was the lead singer. GnR has had the same lead singer, but have only fallen from the once high pedestal of where they were at. All people can look at them now is in shame at what they could have been and with rosy colored glasses at what they were. It's the nostalgia and the fact that they had so much potential when they had all the pieces together that it is such a disgrace to see what they've turned into.
Ah - the joys of being a teen in '86. Trust me, I LOVED gnr, but could care less about the band now. I got to see them live back in the day, so I'd hate to see the current lineup of "Axl's Big Ego" slaughtering my memories like a "wack-a-dolphin" game.

BTW: Velvet Revolver > GNR
[quote name='PlumeNoir']BTW: Velvet Revolver > GNR[/quote]

No. Unless you are talking about GNR in its current state... and even then I'm not sure.

Not even the Wyld Stallions themselves could make an album worth waiting 15 years for.
Velvet Revolver really sucks. And this is coming from someone who thinks that Scott Weiland used to be one of the best pure rock frontmen in the business, that STP was incredibly underappreciated and the 'whipping band' of High Fidelity-esque music snobs of all status levels, and loved G'n'R through the Spaghetti Incident.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Velvet Revolver really sucks. And this is coming from someone who thinks that Scott Weiland used to be one of the best pure rock frontmen in the business, that STP was incredibly underappreciated and the 'whipping band' of High Fidelity-esque music snobs of all status levels, and loved G'n'R through the Spaghetti Incident.[/quote]

Agreed on all counts. STP was a fantastic band but Velvet Revolver is horrible.
The time for this to come out was in 93, 94 or whenever the hell GnR was still relevent.
[quote name='Rihan']

I'm sorry, but all you truly need is the original lead singer. .[/QUOTE]

see... this is why Axl shouldn't be allowed to use the name Guns n Roses

you have shamed the music gods with your ridiculous claim
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I hear Guns and Roses have a song from Chinese Democracy on the Duke Nuke'Em Forever Soundtrack.[/QUOTE]

For some odd reason when I saw the title to this thread my first thought was "okay, and Duke Nukem Forever is coming out soon too right." :lol:
[quote name='Rihan']

I'm sorry, but all you truly need is the original lead singer. As long as the rest of the band can kick ass, you don't need the original members.[/QUOTE]

no way. there was some great chemistry going in that band, Axl was just the cherry on top, imo.

just look at Sweet Child 'O Mine on Guitar Hero 2. it's a near perfect cover, but it just doesn't sound the same.
OK, so this is my most anticipated album of '07 right now. Of course, I said the same thing in '06. And '05. And '04...

Can't stand Velvet Revolver, as I've never been a Scott Weiland fan at all. He kept me from enjoying STP and VR is just as bad. I always got abit of an Axl vibe from him for whatever reason, but he just never had the voice or the flair of the real thing.
See, I find VR very hit or miss. Some stuff is good, while others is just generic sounding and boring. I hope that their next album doesn't dissappoint though, but like all mega super groups it probably will. No need to look further than Audioslave. Two big dissappointment albums in a row. I want more Cochise g-d damnit.
I'm still suffering from listening to his horrible singing at the MTV Video Music Awards (the one hosted by Jimmy Fallon). Just not the same...
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