H: Best Buy Halo 4 Armor W: Amazon halo 4 armor

i got Grand Theft Auto 4 and some other ps3 games that need a good home...though the only thing i saw on your TL was that Silent Hill Homecoming soundtrack
Heya DBoJangles,

Hook me up with one of these themes. I just about to start with LIVE since I got me a 360 for the 1st time, I will send you my gamertag once I log in. Thanks in advance. Message you but your inbox is full
Your inbox is full so I thought I would try here. If you have any more GoW2 themes left, I would love one. Thanks and here's a free bump.
Hey, you PMed me about some stuff recently.
I'd love to chat with you via PM, but your inbox is full! PM me again when you've got some space and we'll see what's up.
[quote name='gtbrigs']Your inbox is full so I thought I would try here. If you have any more GoW2 themes left, I would love one. Thanks and here's a free bump.[/quote]

i am also looking for the theme...inbox is still full though like they said
I don't know if you got my PM but how about 2 PS3 games off your list for the DDS set?

Also I'd like to see a photo of it if you could. Thanks again.
bread's done