Halo: Reach

I've played 54 matches, as much fun as it is it's not taking over my life.

My friend on the other hand had already racked up 106 matches...and preordered the CE from amazon just for the flaming armor effect. What else are you going to do with your hard earned money right? :roll:
chances are I have about the same amount of time in it or less as you. I played a few matches during the week last week but was only 5-10 minutes each time 2 days last week then for a few hours sunday. I wont get to play again till thrusday or friday.
I like it a lot, but not drooling over it. I probably will miss it a little when it's gone for the 4 months, but Halo 3 will definitely be fine. I can't wait to see the final result.
[quote name='100xp']I've played 54 matches, as much fun as it is it's not taking over my life.

My friend on the other hand had already racked up 106 matches...and preordered the CE from amazon just for the flaming armor effect. What else are you going to do with your hard earned money right? :roll:[/QUOTE]

you get flamming armor for ce where did you read that??? i thought you just got a little statue....
It's the Legendary Edition.
On second note, I have no clue why'd you want flaming armor. Talk about a bullseye for the other team...

I have neglected Halo 3 a lot, even after getting ODST last fall with all the maps. At least now I know I was stupid for ignoring Halo and I can spend 4 months or so enjoying Halo 3.
Old topic, but I feel the multiplayer gets better and better, but the single player gets worse, as far as story and being immerse goes. The first had both, but I felt the past few just focused on mutli and the campaign suffered as far as quality goes. Still decent and all don't get me wrong, plus 4 player co-op is always fun. Can't wait to see what Reach is like campaign wise.
Only thing I will miss is Invasion and the abilities. Headhunter and different maps will also be missed, but other than that, Halo 3 is fine.
Halo: Reach is shaping up to be better, but yeah, I spent very little time with Halo 3 after playing Halo 2 constantly. That was all due to Modern Warfare. Halo 3 is still fresh to me, especially the map packs.
[quote name='xl pharcyde lx']you get flamming armor for ce where did you read that??? i thought you just got a little statue....[/QUOTE]

yeah I mean LE edition.
I have to say that this has got me back into halo. I will be checking out Halo 3's multiplayer again once this is over. I'm not sure what I want to play in reach first the multiplayer or the singleplayer. Sucks it will be a few days after it comes out that I will get it. Hell might be longer because I am to cheap to pay for shipping on it.
I have over 20 hours on the beta, if you combine Invasion and the Grab Bag playlists.

Invasion is so much fun, especially Invasion Slayer. I love the open map. I'm getting so many more kills than I did on the smaller maps and it eliminates annoying shit like grenade spam. I think they need to tweak standard Invasion, but Invasion Slayer is amazing.
I really like Invasion, but I have a question. I know this is a very small sample to work with, but I played Invasion 6 times- 5 regular and 1 Slayer. Each time, I played as the Elites.

It was fun and we won half the time, but when do I get to be on the Spartan side?

EDIT: Adding up my times on Bungie's website, it appears that I am at 8 hours.
It seems random to me when you get into the lobby. I've played around 40 games and it feels like I've played as both sides an equal amount.
Invasion was definitely the day one deal sealer for me and where most if not all of my time in MP will be spent. Extremely fun game type (which says a lot considering I was never fond of the combat pacing in Halo) despite the obvious load out advantages Spartans have in the standard. Slayer felt a hell of a lot more balanced in that regard though most victories seem to weigh heavily on who can maintain control of tanks at all costs once/if the Spartans spawn it.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Invasion was definitely the day one deal sealer for me and where most if not all of my time in MP will be spent. Extremely fun game type (which says a lot considering I was never fond of the combat pacing in Halo) despite the obvious load out advantages Spartans have in the standard. Slayer felt a hell of a lot more balanced in that regard though most victories seem to weigh heavily on who can maintain control of tanks at all costs once/if the Spartans spawn it.[/QUOTE]
Couldn't agree more with everything you said. If Generator Defense is anywhere near as fun as Invasion Slayer then I'm really going to be hyped for this.

(Although, I've heard random murmurings that Generator Defense might not even ship with the retail game, thus Bungie sticking to the name "Network Test 1" when referring to it.)
[quote name='Matt Young']I really like Invasion, but I have a question. I know this is a very small sample to work with, but I played Invasion 6 times- 5 regular and 1 Slayer. Each time, I played as the Elites.

It was fun and we won half the time, but when do I get to be on the Spartan side?

EDIT: Adding up my times on Bungie's website, it appears that I am at 8 hours.[/QUOTE]

Everytime i've played Invasion, after the match is over if you stick around you switch sides. It's been that way everytime. So if you start as en elite your next invasion match vs. the ppl you just played would be as Spartans. Kinda like the same rotation when you play CTF.
that sucks. maybe try a different time of day to play...like late at night when all the kids are asleep. while you tend to get more ppl that just randomly cough into the mics you tend to get less abandonment.
[quote name='Fjordson']Couldn't agree more with everything you said. If Generator Defense is anywhere near as fun as Invasion Slayer then I'm really going to be hyped for this.

(Although, I've heard random murmurings that Generator Defense might not even ship with the retail game, thus Bungie sticking to the name "Network Test 1" when referring to it.)[/QUOTE]

...What? Really? Very disappointing news if they decide to go through with shelving GD. Both game types more or less require the same amount of strategy ensuring a near endless amount of intense match ups. Most matches are usually decided on (provided your teammates don't quit) whether or not the Spartans can defend their generators in the first half of the match anyway. Once the core leaves the general vicinity of their base it is literally only a matter of time before the game is over.

One of my only gripes aside from load out balance is the minuscule blast radius of the Spartan grenade launcher which in my experience has paved the way for free effortless kills if used in response to a sword lunge. Nothing irks me more than literally dying inches away from the face of my prey via single grenade to the face as I watch them lose zero health/shield strength in the process. Beyond ridiculous. It's bad enough a team of competent Grenadiers can dominate your shit in seconds if you aren't careful. Halo shouldn't set precedent as being the only game where the risk factor of using your own high damage explosive weapons at point blank range has a below average chance of killing you in any situation. The same shit doesn't fly with rocket launchers so why should the GL be any different?

Another minor WTF? tier annoyance is the zombie turtle pacing of the status bar for returning the core to home base. Aside from the fact standing idle anywhere in one spot for more than a few seconds is near suicidal it is also far too easy for the damn thing to get buried under weapons requiring pin point accuracy for the game to acknowledge your presence in the first place. Combine both and most strategy is thrown out the window. The game feels like it instantly dissolves into an auto win for Elites provided they consistently rush the core hard enough but... considering the fact Spartans still have an edge up load out wise can you really complain?

Regardless I still sort of dread being stuck on the Spartan side with randoms once the core is exposed to direct sunlight because they rarely seem to grasp the fact core + middle of the map + aggressive Elites = we lose if you aren't even remotely interested IN CAMPING NEXT TO THE DAMN STAIRS.

[quote name='Matt Young']I thought about that, but everyone always leaves after the games I play.[/QUOTE]

I had the same issue as well. For most of the games I played over 1/2 the group would leave and that left me being an Elite 2 or 3 times in a row.
It was 6 times in a row for me. But when I got back on and played with EastX, we were Spartans 3 times in a row, till his whining about not understanding the game and not being able to respawn forced us to switch to Slayer.

With a friend (albeit not a whole team of friends), I seem to be pretty good at the game considering how long I had gone without playing Halo, but I still have that simultaneous guilt/pleasure from neglecting Halo 3 so much, especially after getting all the maps. That, and I've only put 10 hours into the beta in 12 days of owning it.
I have come to the conclusion that I suck at this game (~2:1 death:kill ratio), but I am having a lot of fun playing it. I don't typically play the MP on most games, but I might actually get sucked into this one.
I'm below 1.0 for all the games- Halo, COD, GoW- but I like 'em anyway. The Halo series is the least frustrating of the 3 for me. I sucked badly at Halo 2 yet I had more fun with it than any multiplayer game ever.
I'm willing to bet that most of the Legendary Edition sales will be little kids begging their parents to buy it so they can have the flaming head effect.

Aaaand then other people will sell the code for the flaming head effect on Ebay for ridiculous amounts of money.

Now I'll be able to get grenade-spammed by a little kid while he calls me a homo, but this time his head will be on fire. Unfortunately, only in the game.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'm below 1.0 for all the games- Halo, COD, GoW- but I like 'em anyway. The Halo series is the least frustrating of the 3 for me. I sucked badly at Halo 2 yet I had more fun with it than any multiplayer game ever.[/QUOTE]

My lowest K-D (probably about .3-.5) and the multi I hate the most is Gears. On CoD I'm about a .7-.8 K-D in CoD and I'm about a .5-.6 K-D in Halo but I have MUCH more fun with Halo than Gears.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']
Now I'll be able to get grenade-spammed by a little kid while he calls me a homo, but this time his head will be on fire. Unfortunately, only in the game.[/QUOTE]

That was one of the best things, I have read all day.
[quote name='MSUHitman']My lowest K-D (probably about .3-.5) and the multi I hate the most is Gears. On CoD I'm about a .7-.8 K-D in CoD and I'm about a .5-.6 K-D in Halo but I have MUCH more fun with Halo than Gears.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Gears is the one I'm worst at and that I like the least. I don't know what it is. I played Gears for maybe 20 hours just in the first few days after release. It's a really good game. But I've barely messed with ti since buying the All Fronts pack last summer. I really need to play it and at least get the achievements for playing and winning on all maps.
I think my sucking has a lot to do with my liking it. If I lose, not a big deal since I suck and I wasn't supposed to win. If I win, then I think fuck yeah I got to issue a beat down on some 13 year old smack-tards.
Damn... didn't expect a whole day to go by without any posts. I'm going to play tonight since I didn't last night.. although I'm not sure how much due to 3D Dot Game Heroes.
I didn't play yesterday either as I decided to finish up the ODST campaign finally. To answer the question earlier, I've only played about 29 games, but have a K/D of .83 which is pretty much average for me in Halo. The DMR / Needle Rifle in Slayer Pro just tends to kick my ass.
I have been trying to get one or two games in every morning before work but right now we have a bad storm. I really don't even want to try it.
Has anyone actually played Headhunter yet? I've played almost 70 games (with 80% of that being in the grab bag hopper) and I've yet to even see it come up as an option.
Headhunter is actually the only game play mode I haven't seen.

Generator Defense

I've seen, never played Oddball but the option is usually never voted on.

I've heard players talking about King of the hill, but no headhunter so far.
I have played Headhunter and it is a hell of a lot of fun. It is actually one of the games that I am better at.
Edit: It is pretty much tailored for Lone Wolf gaming so it might not show up if you have been playing with teams.
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[quote name='zewone']How have you seen generator defense when it comes out Friday?[/QUOTE]

oops, Invasion's progress seemed like generate defense since the spartans seem to be guarding what look like generators. my bad.
[quote name='ufskenney']I have played Headhunter and it is a hell of a lot of fun. It is actually one of the games that I am better at.
Edit: It is pretty much tailored for Lone Wolf gaming so it might not show up if you have been playing with teams.[/QUOTE]

Oh so you have to go into the lone wolf hopper for that? I thought it was a team game. Never mind.
For the original Article with correctly-sized pictures and videos:

Here at GamerFill we've been working diligently on covering the new Halo: Reach Beta. And by "working", we mean "playing constantly". Thus, allow me to introduce our "Halo: Reach for the Sky" montage.

Needless to say, Bungie has really stepped up to the plate and delivered an all-out enjoyable experience; and it's only the Beta! Keep in mind, Bungie has openly stated that they want to hear all of your gripes, complaints, and compliments, so be sure to drop them a line if you've got something you want to say.
Bungie Development Staff, if you're reading this, be sure to stick around, as we've come up with some decent ideas of our own.
So today, we have for you four full videos (each around 10 minutes long; so make sure you've got a nice hunk of time to spend before watching them all), each in HD quality, and none of them with anybody talking.
That's right, it's all straight gameplay so you can see for yourself how this new beta has played out over the last week.

But before we get to these videos, let's chat.
(You can click on any of the screenshots for a full-size view)

The Reach beta plays very similarly to the Multiplayer in Halo 3, as expected, however there are some subtle, and some not-so-subtle differences, that make it slightly different at the same time.
For one, the default controls have changed around a bit. At first, you'll be punching instead of reloading, and changing grenade types instead of punching.

It is rather frustrating in the beginning, but I personally got used to it after the first few matches, and it seems to make more sense when considering how frequently you do an action compared to where it's located on the controller.

In the Matchmaking room, you can now actually Vote on what game you want to play prior to the match, and you can do this each and every match. So long inefficient veto method, hello democracy.

And if you have people playing as guests with you, your vote just counts as if you were however many people that are there. (In other words, you all have to vote for the same thing)

As for the actual gameplay itself, things are very familiar to the average Halo player, however there are some neat new additions.
For instance, now you get special abilities that you can choose at the start of the game, and then again before every respawn.

Take note, the names below aren't necessarily the names of the powerups. We just called them the same thing as the names above just for aesthetic reasons.
Scout allows you a short burst of speed, allowing you to sprint away from danger or run to an area faster to assist your allies. It's a simple concept, but can prove to be very effective in getting yourself out of a sticky situation. (Literally and figuratively speaking)
The only suggestion I can think of for this powerup would be to allow the user a higher resistance to grenade explosions while running.
Guard gives you the ability to be immune to all damage for a brief moment of time. But you'd better pray that you activate it at a time where you allies are coming in, or you'll just be giving your enemy more time to line up a sticky throw.
My suggestion to Bungie for this ability is to allow the user to either walk around slowly while activated, or be able to shoot with LARGELY reduced damage output. Because just being there as a sitting duck isn't exactly helpful.
Stalker does what it sounds: it lets you walk around in stealth mode. No more bloodbaths or team betrayals over trying to get the invisibility orb! Now if you want to walk around with a decent cloaking system, all you've got to do is select this at the start of battle.
My only gripe with this incredibly useful ability is the fact that when activated, nearly all of the sounds around you are silenced. This is very frustrating, and might I say, can create some boring bouts of gameplay when making videos.
My suggestion to Bungie on this matter is to continue the implementation of sound reduction, but don't completely silence all of the important sounds. Just make them quieter. Because since when can't sound enter an energy field?
Airborne is an awesome ability, which can be very helpful depending on your situation. You basically get a jetpack and can fly around anywhere you want, or use it to jump up larger gaps. This will add a whole new altitude to gameplay, allowing for new discoveries to take place and hiding spots, or outright aerial battles to commence.
I don't really have any suggestions for Bungie on this matter, as the fuel output (flight time) is just right and the physics while you're in the air feels correct.

There is an additional ability exclusively for when you play as the Elites, which is just a barrel roll in the direct that you are running. This actually can be a very useful powerup if you know when to use it.
These abilities don't last very long however, so you need to be wise when you use them. They do recharge, but if you have ever played Halo before, you know just how fast you can go from being totally fine to completely dead; and having that ability might have saved your life in Reach.
These abilites are part of a new system in Reach called "Loadouts". In a nutshell, Loadouts change based on your playlist and race. They are pre-set, but allow you to choose what kind of weapons you want to start with, as well as your starting ability.

Once again, you can customize your characters' armor and emblem, however this time things are a little different:
Now you can actually purchase new armor styles and equip them using credits that you earn in battle. Some armors are restricted to certain ranks only, so you need to play before you can unlock those styles for purchase.

As of right now, these upgrades do not give you any special abilities or enhance anything, and we don't think they will either, because that would make things incredibly unbalanced.
Finally, you can now use 4 characters in your indentification tag. I appropriately called mine "GFIL". (Can you think of any other four-letter words to put there?)

And yes, as you've probably noticed, I rock the kitty cat emblem; with a cowboy hat. I have since opening day of Halo 3. In fact, I might just contact Bungie and ask if I can purchase copyright holds on that combination. (I kid)
But if I start seeing more of you with my emblem combination, I'll take it as a tribute to GamerFill. Thanks for supporting the cause.

Technical Aspects / Graphics
There's a lot of ground to cover here, so I'll be rather broad.
Bungie has given a full-scale tune up to both the weapons and the graphics system itself. Now the game looks more like Halo: ODST, and that's a good thing.
You'll notice some weapon design changes, including the very obvious change in the Banshee skin.
The pistol is a lot more useful now, and now you should be able to actually kill people so long as you have good aim. (It's ranged like in ODST now, but less powerful)
The "Battle-Rifle" (which is now nonexistent) equivalent is now single-shot, which I personally love, as the recoil is much easier to handle, causing higher accuracy and less time to line up consecutive shot.
There has been the addition of some new weapons like the "Needler-Rifle", an interesting concept that allows you to shoot single-shot needles of the Needler at longer range. Shoot fast enough and in the right areas, and you'll be entreated to the nice needler-esque explosion of your target.
One my personal favorite additions is the grenade launcher, in which you can cause a lot of damage with a single shot so long as you know how to time and aim your shots.

Boom indeed
But do not fear, this launcher is nothing like the noob tube. Simply shooting around aimlessly will not reward you with much success, as your ammo supply will be depleted relatively fast. These shells bounce before detonation, allowing for awesome ricochet shots.
I finally got a chance to play it today... I'm really surprised how much my game preferences have changed. I don't know, but I just didn't care for it.
I just think I'll Halo'd out and I'll probably end up cancelling my pre-order.
Headhunter is definitely one of the big things selling this game for me. It's a fun mode and also pretty easy since people get greedy with the skulls. I'm not that great at Halo, but I've won quite a few Headhunter games by just running a couple of skulls in at a time.

I haven't had much luck with team games yet, but I never expect good games with random people. Though I did have some decent Stockpile teams I guess. If anyone wants to do Generator Defense or anything else this weekend look me up. I'll definitely be on quite a bit this weekend.
My favorite thing is still Invasion and Inv. Slayer. I haven't played a single game from any other playlist since it came out.
bread's done