Halo SE Xbox Count (and Stories)


Post if you've got one! (I'm just intrested how many CAGers got one.

Also if you have any cool stories about getting one... or you paid an obnoxiously high price for one... by all means... tell us.

Heres mine.

The only reason I wanted an Xbox (besides all the great games coming for it these year) was because this Halo one looked SO DAMN COOL. When I saw it, I knew I had to have it. The bad thing (for me) was that when I was able to pay for it, the NES GameBoy SP came out, and I used my check for that instead. Luckily I stumbled upon an oppurtunity to get a $150 Best Buy gift card. So basically I called every single BB in the Miami area and found that they had 2 at the Bird Rd. one. Since I couldn't pay for it the day I found out about the two left, I reserved one of them for that day (so they wouldn't sell it) and rushed over there the next day to find two SE Xbox's left. What a rush it was... Hope to hear some cool stories!
I waited in line at a Meijer store about a mile away from my house on launch-eve.

I was going to go stand outside a Best Buy all night, which I was NOT looking forward to. Then, luckily, my mom called me from the Meijer store just doing regular shopping and said "they are forming a line for that system you want." Since Meijer is a 24 hour store, my wait could be much shorter. Got there and it was so much better than the Best Buy trip would have been...sat inside the store, in chairs, with the kicker being it just so happened I was seated next to an old friend I hadn't seen in years. I was about 20 people back out of the 45-50 systems they had in stock, so I would have no problems.

At midnight everyone lined up at the register as they brought the boxes out of the back. Naturally the line was full at this point. I bought the system, Halo, and the DVD remote. Two goofs tried to jump in the back of the line right at midnight (remember, the store is open 24 hours), but naturally they got nothing.

Cruel, heartless follow-up:

Immediately after walking out of there, I drove across the street to the Target store with that friend I mentioned above. There were about 10-15 people out there, waiting all night for the store to open in the morning.

...we drove by honking our horns and holding the XBoxes out the window..."YEAH, YOU WANT ONE OF THESE, DON'T YOU? YEE HAW!!"

Sigh. Sometimes being an asshole is fun.

So it was a swell experience, except for the fact the f'ing system price dropped 100 bucks only a few months later. Ugh. After buying a Dreamcast at launch and having Sega abandon it well under 2 years later, and spending 300 bucks on an XBox when if I could have just waited a couple months I would have saved a ton...never again. No more launch day purchases for me.
I had been wanting an XBOX for a while, and so I walked into Gamecrazy one day and saw they had just gotten 2 Halo editions in. They held one for me for TWO WEEKS, until I had the money to buy it. They were so cool! And yes, I just paid retail. Awesome experience!
I bought mine used from a collector, who kept the box, console, and everything in perfect condition. It was just a little over $100.
I got a phone call one day at work from a friend of mine and he asked if I had heard about the Halo edition. I said yea and that I wanted one but I couldn't afford it. He then said, what if I've already reserved one for you, and I said thanks, but I realy can't afford it. He then said, what if I've already paid for it, you can pay me back later. I then said thank you a bunch of times. This is the same friend that gave me mt Robotron 2084 arcade machine...
I was planning on getting a Halo edition xbox but by the time I could afford it, the damn things are no where to be found (besides ebay and there they are $230 at the cheapest).
I got a HALO XBOX because my other XBOX was giving me Dirty Disc Errors. So, I went to replace my XBOX, and TRU had the HALO XBOX marked $150. The lady was like, you want the one with the game...she had no clue. I was like YES. So, it rings up $169 (or whatever the price was for it)...and I'm like, it says $149 right here. So, she was like OK....and just gave it to me for that price! So, I got my HALO XBOX for $150

SolD my OLD XBOX for $90 (just XBOX, no controllers)
Sold Halo (already had it) $25

So, in essence, I only paid an extra $45 for the HALO XBOX and I got an extra controller.

I also see that people are selling the HALO S-Sontroller for almost $40 on ebay. I was thinking about doing it.
I thought it would be limited edition like the Platinum Edtion Gamecube, and waited on it. Now I cant find one. I know my Black XBOX is ready to crap out soon. Hopefully, they'll release another special edition xbox when Halo 2 comes out

*keeping fingers crossed*
Ah.. well I had been debating on whether or not I should get an Xbox near the time I heard about this. Looked so friggin' sweet, so the day it came in I ran out to get one. Got there just as they were unpacking them.. picked up Pandora Tomorrow along with it.
People waiting in line, holdig one for two weeks...WTF? I walked into an EBGames 7 weeks after the thing came out and got one from the back no problems. No real motive other than I just wanted a cool looking Xbox and copy of Halo to use during LAN play.
i got mine at Target with a free Splinter Cell. but it's fuking fried now, four months after i got it. what a piece of shit. i have no clue wtf to do either. all i know is i want to play some fuking xbox and microsoft gave me shitty hardware.
Ya the controller is valuable, i got $65 for mine on ebay. I never used it,just kept it in the original blue plastic bag. I had a wireless logitech so it was no big deal to sell it.
Yeah I dont understand why the controller is worth so much, the only difference is the stupid Halo jewel. Oh well, I guess its good for me since i have one... but come on!!! Its a clear green standard controller with a HALO sticker on it!
I got a regular Xbox already. Then I gave in and bought the Xbox Halo Edition as a back up system. Didn't have a hard time finding one back in the days at Best Buy, but after I bought it, I haven't seen it anywhere the following week. I guess I got lucky.
Yeah, I may sell my ONE Halo controller in hopes of getting two regular MS controllers. Unless anyone wants to trade me ;)

I really don't like the S-controller that much anyways. I ahve two DUKES and only the Halo one...so I need 1 more technically.
i got mine for 150 which was exactly all i had. i traded in 5 games i got for free from my best friends ot get it. i was finally decidng to get an xbox my mom said why dont you have a ps2 and gamecube and you told me practically every game are on 1 of them. so i told her about the exclusive titles. and she said to go ahead and buy it. i called every gamestop in a 50 mile radius and found one store that had only 1. i went there and bought it and have been very happy with the purchas and it now is worth a lot more than what i paid
i never bought one. don't have that much money to spend on that. i saw a ton all the time, eventually they where all gone at my local target
I bought it just cause I wanted an xbox and it came with Halo, of course now it gets more use as a DVD Player than Game playing
Much like a few of you my Xbox started to skip on almost all new games. Imagine playing SSX3 and having to save after each and every run and hoping you could get through a series of races without the machine crashing. Painful. Searched high and low for it and found one at an EB Games in Queens. Rode the 7 train in my suit after work and carried it home with a tender deathgrip until it was safely next to its older brother. Then spent an hour or so transfering all save files with a memory card that I could and now I have the most beautiful system I have ever seen....
I traded about 20 Dvd's and a few old Xbox games to get mine. I sold my old one with an extra (3rd party)controller to a friend for $125.

Its funny because i got my first Xbox thru trade in dvd's. Whenever i find cheap dvd's (usually around $5-7) i pick them up. They generally trade-in for that value too.
bread's done