Has Anybody Ever Heard of a VG Store - X-Zone?


52 (100%)
They allow you to play a system (xbox, ps2, gc) or PC for $5 an hour, you can play any game as long as they have it. They also have new and old games and systems for sale. I've found some pretty good deals in there such as mint cart only Toejam and Earl for $8. I was wondering if this was a chain at all or just an individual store and if anyone else has been to this store.
Sounds like an independent. Plenty of them run as mini-arcades to promote rentals and just cash in on the kids hanging around while the parents shop nearby.

It was also a SNES light gun game and any number of porno stores I'd expect.
Yea, we had an X-Zone in New York a couple of years ago but was shut down due to something about illegally charging people to play certain PC games which violated some sort of publisher's licensing agreement or something like that.
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