Has anyone taken advantage of Blockbusters new no late fee policy to get games

Okay, I went today to give it the ole college try:

I found a copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for Playstation 2. I got the rundown of the whole policy, and then I asked, "How much would it cost me if I did not return it?" He looked it up and it's $34.99 minus the price I paid to rent it (excpet I didn't pay to rent it, I had a coupon...I forgot to ask that part, hehe). Anyways, a used MGS 2: Substance for $34.99 ain't that bad, since they seem to go for around $50 used on eBay.

We need to start a thread of games that are worth more than one would pay to rental and keep them...which is something I am sure someone else has said, heh. =P
I rented Shadow Hearts Covenant and returned my game 6 days past the due day. When I return the game the guy didn't charge me any late fee but he told me not to return my game late like this again.
I prefer Hoolywood Video or Iggle video. I only go to Hollywood Video or any rental place in fact if i have the rental for .99 coupon. ON the coupon you can rent up to 3 things for .99. I have not been getting the coupons latley though :(
[quote name='Scorch']It's a waste of time and effort and in the end you end up paying more than what it'd normally cost.[/quote]Ypu people make me sick, blockbuster finally makes it possible for you to keep your movies and games out a little bit longer and not have to worry about late fees and you act like this is a bad thing, just cause they wanna make sure you actually do bring the freaking movies and games back by charging for them if there out too long. What would you like them to do, not charge anything so people can steal sh@! then all their games would be gone and no one could rent them, look you have the opportunity to have your games out for an extra week, what are you bitching about??? people always complain about late fees,now there gone and there still bitching, plus the charge for stuff not being returned is something bb always did anyways,all they did was take away the late fees instead of adding late fees with the charge for not returning stuff you just pay the charge, AND did you know that if you get charged with paying for the movies or games not returned all you have to do is return them within 30 days after the charge and the charges will be dropped!!! so quit complaining little bitches!!
[quote name='The_Way_of _Peace']I prefer Hoolywood Video or Iggle video. I only go to Hollywood Video or any rental place in fact if i have the rental for .99 coupon. ON the coupon you can rent up to 3 things for .99. I have not been getting the coupons latley though :([/quote]Blockbuster video accepts and honors competitors coupons from anyone!!!
[quote name='wannabepunktony']Okay, I went today to give it the ole college try:

I found a copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for Playstation 2. I got the rundown of the whole policy, and then I asked, "How much would it cost me if I did not return it?" He looked it up and it's $34.99 minus the price I paid to rent it (excpet I didn't pay to rent it, I had a coupon...I forgot to ask that part, hehe). Anyways, a used MGS 2: Substance for $34.99 ain't that bad, since they seem to go for around $50 used on eBay.

We need to start a thread of games that are worth more than one would pay to rental and keep them...which is something I am sure someone else has said, heh. =P[/quote]Did you know that it takes a whole year for blockbuster to be reambersed for stolen or not returned games. so if you deliberatley keep a game out because it costs less to be charged to your acct instead of buying it used somewhere else 2 things will happen "dude!!!!" One blockbuster will lose a game for rental purposes to a loser who ripped them off, and 2 blockbuster always leaves comments on customers accts to keep track of all the shit they do, so don't think they won't catch you if you try it more than once idiot!
[quote name='ryanflucas']Doesn't BB own (or is owned by) one of the large cable network corporations? I figured they had so many fingers in all the pies that they didn't care if you said screw it I'll watch my movies on cable, or i'll rent online, etc since either way they were still making tons of money. If I owned both a cable tv network & a video store, I'd want to move all my customers to the cable network and ditch the video store to save on materials costs. Charge them the same price either way :p[/quote]HAHA not anymore!!!! Viacom does not own any part of BB anymore which is why BB is changing the way they do business now!! ever since the change BB has started many different programs that you might have noticed, such as, Trades, Movie and game pass, no late fees and so forth. Plus they are under new management in the corporate office!
[quote name='wannabepunktony']Okay, I went today to give it the ole college try:

I found a copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for Playstation 2. I got the rundown of the whole policy, and then I asked, "How much would it cost me if I did not return it?" He looked it up and it's $34.99 minus the price I paid to rent it (excpet I didn't pay to rent it, I had a coupon...I forgot to ask that part, hehe). Anyways, a used MGS 2: Substance for $34.99 ain't that bad, since they seem to go for around $50 used on eBay.

We need to start a thread of games that are worth more than one would pay to rental and keep them...which is something I am sure someone else has said, heh. =P[/quote]

MGS 2 Substance was going for $7.50 NEW at my TRU
[quote name='OutlawJT']I agree the whole thing is a bit of bullshit. BB's pre-played prices are even higher than EB and Gamestop. Heck, half the time I see used prices higher than new ones at the BB here on the limited selection of games they sell.

Here's my opinion on the whole thing. The only time I ever rent from BB is with a free rental coupon (of which I get 2 every 3 months thanks to MCI) and special coupons like rent 2 for 1 or rent for a $1. I will continue to rent from BB in this way but now I will keep the games an extra week and return it a day or two before the grace period is over. Longer rental, same price, no penalties. I will take advantage of this whole no late fees thing and screw BB with it as much as I possibly can without touching my credit or spending additional money. I advise everyone else to do the same within their normal renting habits. Abuse the grace period constantly but always return before that period ends.[/quote]You know it all depends on how new the game still is when its released for sale. Used games can be spendy at first but every week that goes by reduces the price of the game, if you just have patience you will see the price drop dramatically with BB's used games. Plus they always have good deals to take advantage of like buy 2 get 1 free, or the trade deals! BUT OF COURSE A NEW GAME THAT IS USED IS GOING TO BE A LITTLE SPENDY AT FIRST!!!
[quote name='PenguinMaster']I asked there and they said they charge the pre-played price, but unfortunatly I can't use my credit if I rent something and keep it.[/quote]Actually you can use your credit but it needs to be on your acct not the value card to be charged!
[quote name='x_fiddle'][quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

:wink: I know your full of shit! Cause BB doesn't allow people to rent more thn 7 things at once ESPECIALLY if its games!!!

[quote name='mtxbass1'][quote name='Trakan']This "The end of late fees" is actually a bunch of shit, IMO. I was there the other day, and yes, now they give you a couple of days grace period, but it's now $4 to rent movies and $7 to rent games. Looks like I won't be renting anymore.[/quote]

I agree. My local blockbuster doesn't participate in this "end of late fees" deal, but they said if they did the prices of rentals, etc would go up. I don't see how people can pay 7 bucks to rent a game at all.[/quote]Did you know there are alot off different types of BB's not all of them are the same. Like some will participate in no late fees and some will particiapte in trade stores, some will participate in everything, some wont, its corporate decision to dcide which sores are best suited to do certain things. Some stores dont have enough volume or coverage to participate, and others are just too small of a location, who cares, look people you dont know anything about how why BB does what they do, so you should just be thankful for the things BB has done for you and what they do offer you instead of complaining all the time about other crap.
[quote name='dragonfireflys'][quote name='siamesellama'][quote name='TXboxGuY']I'm wondering when they do charge you and you decide to keep the game -- can you go back and turn in their BB case and demand an original game case w/ instruction manual?[/quote]
Seriously, don't be a schmo. If you intend to keep a game, go out and buy it. Don't rent it and assume you can keep the game and pay at your leisure. Besides, Blockbuster goes straight to the credit card you used to open the account to charge for the games.[/quote]

[quote name='wubb']Wow $7 to rent a game? I haven't rented a game (outside of using a coupon to rent one for $1) this entire generation anyway. I end up buying most of my games for $10 or less, so what's the point of renting :)[/quote]The games for rent at the store i work for are still 5.99 to rent so that just sucks for you i guess!
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']The only thing I would think worth keeping would be older games that BB might have price dropped but are still worth quite a bit of money. (I.E. Some N64 games)

Either way, I doubt Cheapy would appreciate us talking about ripping off Blockbuster around here.[/quote]I work for BB and The way people are talking about BB is just bewildering to me, I have worked there for almost 2 years and one thing I've learned is that the customer is never pleased, always want more! think about how long BB has been in business, and now think about all the things that have changed just in the last year alone! BB is here for the customer and they have offered you deal after deal! There is nothing to complain about if you rent there, or if you just buy product from them. I'm sure everyone in this forum has had good experiences with BB so why are you trash talking them. This reminds me of FRIENDS "if you make friends don't get too close" Friends always let you down, it seems the more you do for them the more liable they are to stab you in the back, but if you keep your distance they can't.
NesHavok, relax-- you sound like a corp. slave. you can still rent a game for 37 days and only pay 8.25. i haven't seen anyone post a better price. yes, blockbuster would rather you don't do that-- but you can. as far as trying to get games this way, the only time it makes sense is to pick up games selling for crazy $$$ on ebay-- end of story (until blockbuster/gamerush re-price consistently).

NesHavok, if someone spends 100 dollars a month in your store and you take issue with them trying to "rip you off" for a manual and cover art on a game they decided to keep you don't need to be working there.
blockbuster would rather take hits on the rental side of things and get their games buisness in full effect- that is where they have the highest room to grow and highest profit margin.
[quote name='NesHavok']Did you know that it takes a whole year for blockbuster to be reambersed for stolen or not returned games. so if you deliberatley keep a game out because it costs less to be charged to your acct instead of buying it used somewhere else 2 things will happen "dude!!!!" One blockbuster will lose a game for rental purposes to a loser who ripped them off, and 2 blockbuster always leaves comments on customers accts to keep track of all the shit they do, so don't think they won't catch you if you try it more than once idiot![/quote]

Um, I know how Blockbuster works there little kid - I worked there for a year and a half. And when it comes to this thing, if they really cared about losing rental stock or if I decided to buy their games straight up or not, they wouldn't have made this type of no-late fee system.

And why would I just not return it and wait a year to be charged? So I can get sent to collections and have my credit messed up? Not to mention, I never said I was going to do that. I would straight up go back to the place and pay for it. I talked the guy at my Blockbuster, asking him what would it cost me if I didn't return it and he told me. He didn't question my moral standing or anything. During my converstation with him, he gave me the impression that if I wanted to keep the game, I could - not that I could steal it and they would charge me for it later.

How about you actually read people's post before you go blindly defending a company that hardly needs defending in the way they do business. They know what they are doing - you obviously don't.
PS: If they didn't want you to keep their games, why do they let you apply the price you paid for your rental towards the purchase of the game? Answer that big bad Blockbuster boy. ;P
You're not getting a rental for $8.xX for 37 days. BB will charge your CC on the eighth day! You will get reimbursed if/when you take it back -- ONLY if it has been less than 30 days.

I, myself, rented 2 movies on Jan. 1 (new releases) and the guy told me they were "due" back on Jan. 3. With the new no-late-fees system I knew I could keep them longer. I took them back on Jan. 9. I saw no charges on my bank acct. card.
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='controlcommerce']And movies are $3.99 and have always been that price. [/quote]

Not true. I had been renting movies for $2.99 at my BB for some time. They now changed the prices to $3.99 now that they have "The end of late fees."[/quote]

Movie rentals have always been $3.99 at all the Blockbusters I have been to. I actually like this end of late fees because 2 days is just not a long enough rental period. It's great that you have a few extra days now.
[quote name='Legolas813'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='controlcommerce']And movies are $3.99 and have always been that price. [/quote]

Not true. I had been renting movies for $2.99 at my BB for some time. They now changed the prices to $3.99 now that they have "The end of late fees."[/quote]

Movie rentals have always been $3.99 at all the Blockbusters I have been to. I actually like this end of late fees because 2 days is just not a long enough rental period. It's great that you have a few extra days now.[/quote]

Yeah, each BB is different. I was just saying that it's not $3.99 at all BBs. I rent movies later at night, so it's like I actually only get one day to view it. I probably won't stop renting movies, although I am pissed about the whole matter. You're right, it's nice to have a couple of extra days.
The only weird thing is I keep getting calls from Blockbuster's computer saying that my movies are late. I know my Blockbuster location has no late fees because they have huge signs and balloons everywhere. I need to go over there and make sure they aren't trying to charge me. I guess the computer just automatically calls people when a movie is late, even though it doesn't matter anymore if you keep it past the due date.
[quote name='Legolas813']The only weird thing is I keep getting calls from Blockbuster's computer saying that my movies are late. I know my Blockbuster location has no late fees because they have huge signs and balloons everywhere. I need to go over there and make sure they aren't trying to charge me. I guess the computer just automatically calls people when a movie is late, even though it doesn't matter anymore if you keep it past the due date.[/quote]

Yeah, I read about that also. They will have auto-mated calls that remind you the movie is late. I never received a call though.

Are they calling you after you took the movie back?
^ Not that I know of. My parents are just annoyed because they are the ones getting the calls since I am under their account (I'm away at college).
[quote name='Legolas813']The only weird thing is I keep getting calls from Blockbuster's computer saying that my movies are late. I know my Blockbuster location has no late fees because they have huge signs and balloons everywhere. I need to go over there and make sure they aren't trying to charge me. I guess the computer just automatically calls people when a movie is late, even though it doesn't matter anymore if you keep it past the due date.[/quote]that automated system was setup to help ppl with their late movies b4 they switched over to no late fees, it's what they have been using,and obviously are still using it because they still want you to try to return your movies on time so others can see them but if you need a couple extra days its ok, even though they give you a freaking week extra with them...
TXboxGuY: if you return up to seven days late you will be charged nothing. on day 8 they charge your account for buying the game, but if you return it before or on the 30th day it's past due you will be credited the cost of the game and charged a restocking fee of 1.25. the effective cost is 8.25 if your game rental is 7$ initially. now, i hope they don't charge your checking account when you don't have any money in it or you'll be screwed by them and your bank-- but otherwise think of it like staying in a hotel. most hotels guarantee the room you use with a credit card for x amount and x is often > than the bill when you check out. you still don't pay x, you pay your bill.
[quote name='tragicslip']TXboxGuY: if you return up to seven days late you will be charged nothing. on day 8 they charge your account for buying the game, but if you return it before or on the 30th day it's past due you will be credited the cost of the game and charged a restocking fee of 1.25. the effective cost is 8.25 if your game rental is 7$ initially. now, i hope they don't charge your checking account when you don't have any money in it or you'll be screwed by them and your bank-- but otherwise think of it like staying in a hotel. most hotels guarantee the room you use with a credit card for x amount and x is often > than the bill when you check out. you still don't pay x, you pay your bill.[/quote]They can only charge your bank or credit card if thats what you used to start your acct but if you used a vehicle reg or a utility bill instead they cant do anything about it...other than leave the charge on your acct until you pay it...
I'm looking forward to taking full advantage of this new policy since there have been multiple occasions in the past where I was charged a late fee even though I had returned a movie on time. I recall this happening 2 weeks in a row. I'd go in on a Tuesday to rent something and they'd have a late charge on my account. The first time they let it go but on the 2nd time I had to pay before I rented again. It finally got to a point where I had about $18 of late fees (even though the movies were returned on time) and I just went ahead and canceled my account.

That was in 2001, and it wasn't until 2003 that I re-applied for a new account. Same name, address, etc. -- and ALL previous "late" fees were wiped off my account. A few months later, it began again. This time my bank card was charged for a game rental that I returned on time. I just let it go since I didn't feel like arguing with them all over again.

Wasn't there a class-action lawsuit about BB and their late fees? Maybe this new policy is in response to that. Employees were getting lazy about checking the return boxes -- putting movies back on the shelves w/o scanning them in. Their whole system was/is a mess!
[quote name='wannabepunktony']Okay, I went today to give it the ole college try:

I found a copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for Playstation 2. I got the rundown of the whole policy, and then I asked, "How much would it cost me if I did not return it?" He looked it up and it's $34.99 minus the price I paid to rent it (excpet I didn't pay to rent it, I had a coupon...I forgot to ask that part, hehe). Anyways, a used MGS 2: Substance for $34.99 ain't that bad, since they seem to go for around $50 used on eBay.

We need to start a thread of games that are worth more than one would pay to rental and keep them...which is something I am sure someone else has said, heh. =P[/quote]

I'm sure your MGS2: Substance aint complete. You probably have a reproduction insert case w/ the reproduction art cover of MGS2: substance. I managed to buy one at GameRush - a former BB rental copy for $9.99. It came with original manual, game disc, and BB insert case. I managed to buy the original MGS2: substance insert case for $2.50 shipped. I now have a complete MGS2: substance. So yeah, $34.99 rent it and keep it for a non-complete game doesn't worth $50 on ebay.
Wow, I thought my Blockbuster was busy before, now its just crazy because of the no late fees. You can barely even get into the store, and it took me 10 minutes to park. The line to check out was huge. The guy at the register said he found out that we have one of the busiest locations in the nation.
bread's done