Have sealed PS3 MLB12 The Show - want something non-sports (and newer). Make offers!

hey man...was wondering if you'd take my God of War:CoO (disc only) for your MGS3 on PS2?

I heard i really need to play that ebfore i delve into MGS Portable Ops on PSP :)
Hey man, just wanted to ask you since you refused me MGS3, which i assume you still play periodically since you didn't want to trade it ;)

but ya...i bought a copy last night and the graphics really look horrible on my LCD HDTV. Nowhere near as gorgeous (for the PS2 that is) as the screenshots i've seen on the web.

Im assuming you have a pretty decent TV. Any recommendation for better graphics? Im using the old PS2 phat, the original Sony composite cable that came with it, and my Vizio 37" LCD

i was bit disappointed to say the least...looked fun, but i couldnt bear to play it with the muddy blurry graphics it's showing now
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