HD-DVD / Blu-Ray deals thread

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JUST GO HERE FOR DEALS NOW: Credit over at DVDtalk.com

Please feel free to post any HD-DVD / BD deals in this thread.

- Family Video Store for $5 off first time orders at http://www.familyvideo.com
This coupon is good for $5 off $5 and it's only .99 cents shipping for any size order.
Coupon code: NEWMEM96
Batman Begins HD-DVD ~ $17 shipped

- Google Checkout at BUY.com / CDUniverse.com / Bestprices.com have good deals (EXP 10/31)

- Amazon seems to have competitive prices on some also. 10 % off DEAL (order 3 and get 10% off and get 10% off for a year)

[quote name='propeller_head']import BR? isnt BR region coded?[/quote]

There are some that i want that are mutli-region. Also, japanese ones are same region as US (though i'd imagine most jap releases dont have english subs).
You never listen to me prop_head!

Many BD discs have no region, or are multi region!


That link gives all the info on multi/no region titles.


All reported BD titles from Warner and Paramount are reported as "No Region" discs hence should playable in all players!
well he asked about amazon.fr so i assumed he was ref to importing from europe which is a different region. and warner & paramount releases all their titles in the US so why would you want to import one? its not like you can get the matrix on BR somewhere else just because they didnt release it on BR here yet.

BDP-S300 review

cliff notes
  1. Menus & loading still slow as molasses
  2. Still no ethernet port
  3. Bad remote, not backlit
  4. HDMI 1.1
  5. Still no second video decoder
  7. Picture better than PS3
well at least the picture's better. :whistle2:?
After watching something like Closer or Hellboy using the PS3, it's hard to imagine that the picture could actually look better on another player.
[quote name='propeller_head']well he asked about amazon.fr so i assumed he was ref to importing from europe which is a different region. and warner & paramount releases all their titles in the US so why would you want to import one? its not like you can get the matrix on BR somewhere else just because they didnt release it on BR here yet.

BDP-S300 review

cliff notes
  1. Menus & loading still slow as molasses
  2. Still no ethernet port
  3. Bad remote, not backlit
  4. HDMI 1.1
  5. Still no second video decoder
  7. Picture better than PS3
well at least the picture's better. :whistle2:?[/quote]

According the manual, and the owners of the machine at AVS, it decodes TrueHD and sends out as PCM like the PS3 so it does support it.

They also claim that it is HDMI 1.3 (i don't see why it wouldn't be) but I'll keep reading.
Yup, they're pretty much saying it does TrueHD, DTS-HD, and is HDMI 1.3.

Plus Sony is sending you a firmware update via disc for BD-J capability if you give them a call included on an insert in the box.

Seems like a tidy little player.
should be getting blood diamond on blu ray today or tomorrow via the DDD.com sale. I should have gotten hellboy too. Guess I'll just pay regular price for it.
[quote name='Sporadic']Just do Blockbuster Online or Netflix.

Cheaper and better selection.[/QUOTE]

yeah that's always an option

if there's a blockbuster 2 miles from me that might have hd-dvd for rent, i can return the online stuff in exchange for hd-dvds there
[quote name='propeller_head']well he asked about amazon.fr so i assumed he was ref to importing from europe which is a different region. and warner & paramount releases all their titles in the US so why would you want to import one? its not like you can get the matrix on BR somewhere else just because they didnt release it on BR here yet.

BDP-S300 review

cliff notes
  1. Menus & loading still slow as molasses
  2. Still no ethernet port
  3. Bad remote, not backlit
  4. HDMI 1.1
  5. Still no second video decoder
  7. Picture better than PS3
well at least the picture's better. :whistle2:?[/quote]

1. Firmware upgrade on the way to increase speed on loading and BD-J.
2. You can burn the updates.
3. Who uses the standard remote?
4. HDMI 1.3.
5. Its not BD-J Profile 1.1, so no PiP.
6. Firmware update on the way to add DD+, Dolby TrueHD and more.
7. Yes, slightly better due to SOC vs Software decoding.
[quote name='blitz6speed']1. Firmware upgrade on the way to increase speed on loading and BD-J.
2. You can burn the updates.
3. Who uses the standard remote?
4. HDMI 1.3.
5. Its not BD-J Profile 1.1, so no PiP.
6. Firmware update on the way to add DD+, Dolby TrueHD and more.
7. Yes, slightly better due to SOC vs Software decoding.[/quote]
  1. increase speed? theres only so much programming can do, and unless they had the worst programmers in the world; it cant improve that much. its the hardware
  2. burn updates? you're going to put a cd into your drive and an ethernet port will appear on the back of your player?
  3. uhhh about 99% of people use the standard remote; really how many ppl do you know who have seperate backlight digital learning remotes?
  4. its not 1.3, read the review. its 1.1
  5. and yes, it doesn't have the second video decoder, so no update EVER will enable the new BD-J spec.
  6. firmware update to add DD+ and TrueHD? Proof?
  7. & yes better PQ, the only saving grace. no matter what you attribute it to, its still better. Excuses Excuses, so why hasn't the PS3 seen these "software decoding" updates; its clearly more powerful in a number crunching sense?
It is ridiculous that the BDP-S300 came out underpowered.
But Firmware updates should relieve much of the pain.

2) You can download your updates and burn to a CD, or even call the Sony number included on a leaflet with the player to have Sony send you and update CD.
No need for an ethernet port. I wouldn't want to add yet another cable to theater setup. (though if it had wireless...)

4) I'm still conflicted. Some AVS users report HDMI 1.3 being in the final retail version, as well as high level Sony techs. I'm not sure what's going on.

5) Does BD-J require a second video decoder? It's Java no?

6) The S1 recently received a firmware update that enabled TrueHD decoding intenally. They have similar hardware so I expect a similar update.
[quote name='propeller_head']well he asked about amazon.fr so i assumed he was ref to importing from europe which is a different region. and warner & paramount releases all their titles in the US so why would you want to import one? its not like you can get the matrix on BR somewhere else just because they didnt release it on BR here yet.

BDP-S300 review

cliff notes
  1. Menus & loading still slow as molasses
  2. Still no ethernet port
  3. Bad remote, not backlit
  4. HDMI 1.1
  5. Still no second video decoder
  7. Picture better than PS3
well at least the picture's better. :whistle2:?[/quote] Buying a Standalone BD player before October 31st is stupid. After the BD changes the spec requirments all standalones have to potential of being large expensive bricks. After then, buy your heart out.
[quote name='dallow']It is ridiculous that the BDP-S300 came out underpowered.
But Firmware updates should relieve much of the pain.

2) You can download your updates and burn to a CD, or even call the Sony number included on a leaflet with the player to have Sony send you and update CD.
No need for an ethernet port. I wouldn't want to add yet another cable to theater setup. (though if it had wireless...)

4) I'm still conflicted. Some AVS users report HDMI 1.3 being in the final retail version, as well as high level Sony techs. I'm not sure what's going on.

5) Does BD-J require a second video decoder? It's Java no?

6) The S1 recently received a firmware update that enabled TrueHD decoding intenally. They have similar hardware so I expect a similar update.[/quote]
  1. again like i said, i seriously doubt firmware can speed it up. because its the hardware. and accordnig to the review, the only advantage of this hardware is a better picture output than the PS3.
  2. thats not what i was referring to. no ethernet port and no persistent storage means it cant take advantage of the new BD-J system that allows new content for movies to be accessed via the net.
  3. well read the review, he's pretty certain its 1.1; unless silicon image printed the wrong product id on their chip
  4. http://www.siliconimage.com/products/product.aspx?id=15
    * HDMI 1.1
    * DVI 1.0
    * EIA/CEA-861B
    * HDCP 1.1
  5. BD-J is written in java thats beside the point. i was talking about its spec. thats like saying; does windows need a video card, its written in C? the player needs a second video decoder to play true PiP instead of that fake PiP where theyve actually had to put 2 copies of the movie on the disc (1 w/ PiP in the vid 1 w/o), or the kludge where the movie has to stop and gets replaced w/ a fullscreen SD extra.
  6. the S1 getting it in an update is not proof of anything. the S300 is a shrinkage/price reduction machine. it could very well be even less powerful than the S1. the S1 is still, even now, more expensive.
[quote name='nharmon91']Buying a Standalone BD player before October 31st is stupid. After the BD changes the spec requirments all standalones have to potential of being large expensive bricks. After then, buy your heart out.[/quote]
well my point was, they can meet the specs before oct 31, they just arent required to. Sony chose not to.
What would be a good use of the Net feature?

I read a review of the first HD DVD title to take advantage of that and it just downloaded small movie trailers that could have just as easily been put on the disc itself.
(plus all the crash/freeze problems he had after loading them to memory)
[quote name='techstar25']I searched all over the web for quite some time and didn't find a list.
Sure, I'll subscribe to BB Online, but I just got my HD DVD player, and I was hoping to be able to rent a movie locally to see what the excitement is all about. I had to call all my local stores and none of them had the discs.
So now I'm left waiting for BB to ship a movie from my queue.
That's what we get for being early adopters, I guess.
In the meantime I'm keeping a close eye on this thread so maybe I can buy a movie for cheap while I'm waiting.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you already know this, but Blockbuster just went Blu Ray exclusively in 1,200 stores. http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/17/blockbuster-chooses-blu-ray-is-the-war-over/

I guess if you happen to find one of the 250 remaining stores that will carry HD-DVD, it will likely be slim pickings.
^^^Though BB went BR exclusive, will that have any impact on the "war"? Netflix offers both and I believe they are still kicking butt. Why would BB make such an unwise decision. Also are there going to be more dual formats for HD-DVD disc?
[quote name='hwong3']I'm sure you already know this, but Blockbuster just went Blu Ray exclusively in 1,200 stores. http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/17/blockbuster-chooses-blu-ray-is-the-war-over/

I guess if you happen to find one of the 250 remaining stores that will carry HD-DVD, it will likely be slim pickings.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I haven't been able to track down one of the elusive 250.
I don't expect the BB decision to have any effect on the "war" per se. It's still too early to tell how it will play out.
In the stores where they tested HD DVD rentals, it's not like they are throwing the discs in the trash. They just aren't getting more until the demand increases.
The good thing is that they can measure demand by how many people order them from BB Online.
[quote name='dallow']What would be a good use of the Net feature?

I read a review of the first HD DVD title to take advantage of that and it just downloaded small movie trailers that could have just as easily been put on the disc itself.
(plus all the crash/freeze problems he had after loading them to memory)[/QUOTE]

There was an article at the Digital Bits where Bill Hunt met with MS execs up at Universal to demo some of the features that the ethernet connection would enable.

They demoed Freedom, that HD DVD you were referring to, and aside from trailers, you can also download additional featurettes, screensavers, menu skins, and language subtitle packs.

Other films will let you share your favorite scenes from the film with a buddy who also has an HD DVD player. There's one that will allow you to download historical and background info relevant to the film's subject. And since it's all online, it can be updated.


It's from the June 22nd entry.
[quote name='hwong3']I'm sure you already know this, but Blockbuster just went Blu Ray exclusively in 1,200 stores. http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/17/blockbuster-chooses-blu-ray-is-the-war-over/

I guess if you happen to find one of the 250 remaining stores that will carry HD-DVD, it will likely be slim pickings.[/quote]
wrong, the stores that carry both are the ones in heavy areas and they carry more than any other location.

the ones that they're going to leech BR into are in less dense areas and the selection will be much smaller than even the games section according to BB. so look for maybe a dozen discs per store. the ones that carry both carry about 70 w/ an even split between both. (according to the variety article)

see people seem to think that BB doesnt want to rent HD DVD which is false. they do, its just that they will cary so FEW discs in these less dense areas that it doesnt make sense to carry them when there are so few ppl to rent them. its just because the PS3 is out and the attach rate is so small that they made the decision. when $199 HD DVD players come out in Dec and ppl start buying them like crazy for gifts ull see BB stocking HD DVD in all those BR 'exclusive' stores in a heartbeat.
[quote name='orimental']There was an article at the Digital Bits where Bill Hunt met with MS execs up at Universal to demo some of the features that the ethernet connection would enable.

They demoed Freedom, that HD DVD you were referring to, and aside from trailers, you can also download additional featurettes, screensavers, menu skins, and language subtitle packs.

Other films will let you share your favorite scenes from the film with a buddy who also has an HD DVD player. There's one that will allow you to download historical and background info relevant to the film's subject. And since it's all online, it can be updated.


It's from the June 22nd entry.[/quote]

Interesting features....what does Blu Ray have (or will have) to counter features like those?
Still a bit weak.
Sharing scenes with a buddy? Screensavers?
Those language packs should just be included. (probably good for europe)

The only good I can see coming from it are featurettes made far in the future.
But even then, that's why I have a computer. (if i'm even that interested)

Interesting features....what does Blu Ray have (or will have) to counter features like those?
You really care? I just want to watch the movie with the best pic and sound quality possible.
come on, you know you mess around w/ the menu and look at what extras are available.

imagine you buy the bourne identity, and you can download new trailers for the unreleased bourne ultimatum. thats a pretty cool feature imo. dont nitpick the example, think of it like the identity is a new movie and ultimatum hadnt been announced yet.

or take polls on what you thought about different parts of the movie. think about it, after you see a movie you usually talk about it.

documentaries can have new discoveries added, movies might (probaly not this gen tho) get to the point where you can customize parts of them. choose different angles & virtually direct & share what u make w/ friends.

Good points

[quote name='dallow']Still a bit weak.
Sharing scenes with a buddy? Screensavers?
Those language packs should just be included. (probably good for europe)

The only good I can see coming from it are featurettes made far in the future.
But even then, that's why I have a computer. (if i'm even that interested)

You really care? I just want to watch the movie with the best pic and sound quality possible.[/quote]

Awesome Picture and audio quality are top priority of course, but extras are always a plus.
[quote name='propeller_head']come on, you know you mess around w/ the menu and look at what extras are available.

imagine you buy the bourne identity, and you can download new trailers for the unreleased bourne ultimatum. thats a pretty cool feature imo. dont nitpick the example, think of it like the identity is a new movie and ultimatum hadnt been announced yet.

or take polls on what you thought about different parts of the movie. think about it, after you see a movie you usually talk about it.

documentaries can have new discoveries added, movies might (probaly not this gen tho) get to the point where you can customize parts of them. choose different angles & virtually direct & share what u make w/ friends.[/QUOTE]
Also, it seems that they would put less special features on the disc itself and have them online. On the surface that seems bad, since 5 years from the now the online stuff would probably no longer be accessible. However, it means they can produce new featurettes after the disc is released. So basically the amount of special features would then become unlimited, because they could always put more stuff online.

Or how about this for a hypothetical idea - let's say that a sequel is about to be released to theatres, "The Dark Knight". They can offer special online sneak previews or featurettes only accessible to the owners of the "Batman Begins" HD DVD, through their player. It becomes even cooler if the movie is HD DVD exclusive (bad example since Batman Begins is reportedly coming to blu ray later this year).

I just realized that this is supposed to be a "DEALS" thread not a "DISCUSSION" thread, but we've got carried away...
Or how about this for a hypothetical idea - let's say that a sequel is about to be released to theatres, "The Dark Knight". They can offer special online sneak previews or featurettes only accessible to the owners of the "Batman Begins" HD DVD, through their player. It becomes even cooler if the movie is HD DVD exclusive (bad example since Batman Begins is reportedly coming to blu ray later this year).

I was thinking that just last night. Seems the best use of it would be for exclusive content in the future.
Good for movie studios to get people to buy their films. (but you know this stuff would instantly get upped to video sites for people to download normally)

Anyway, yeah, let's stop all this Off topicness! ;)
Anyone have a review of The Big Lebowski release? I'm wondering what features it has (same as the SCE release I hope) and if the PQ is worth upgrading as I've already double dipped this guy once.
Picked up "The Brothers Grimm" BR at Target few days ago for $7.48. This at Addison, TX store.

They had two copies which I picked up for myself & a friend!
[quote name='ingramba']Picked up "The Brothers Grimm" BR at Target few days ago for $7.48. This at Addison, TX store.

They had two copies which I picked up for myself & a friend![/QUOTE]

I know Target clearances are YMMV, but where are people finding clearance DVD's/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD's at?

Are they with their said section, or on random clearance endcaps throughout the store?
[quote name='asianxcore']I know Target clearances are YMMV, but where are people finding clearance DVD's/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD's at?

Are they with their said section, or on random clearance endcaps throughout the store?[/quote] I second this question.
[quote name='Demolition Man']For those with either the Toshiba A2 or A20 players here's direct links to ISOs for the new 2.0 firmware.



Hello ;

I use the HD-A2 and am excited about the firmware, could you clarify as to this being the OFFICIAL link or is it something someone else hosted.
Lastly, Can you tell me if you personally tried the upgrade yet?

Not trying to be a pain, but is it possible to move the tech talk to another thread and leave this as a deals thread? It seems like in the last few weeks more than half of the posts are about the machines themselves and not deals to be had on the discs. Just saying.
[quote name='rewn']Hello ;

I use the HD-A2 and am excited about the firmware, could you clarify as to this being the OFFICIAL link or is it something someone else hosted.
Lastly, Can you tell me if you personally tried the upgrade yet?

yea those are the official firmware isos
if you want to verify it, go to http://www.toshiba.ca click support, click home entertainment, click downloads.

If you want toshiba to send you a disc you can call Toshiba Customer Solutions at (800) 319-6684

if you filled out & sent in the Firmware Update Request card that came w/ the player you should get the disc in the mail automatically.

You can also connect your player to the net & get the update that way. it takes a 1/2 hour to do it that way & you cant interrupt it. well you cant interrupt it either way when you use the disc method too. Firmware is tricky and once you start the installation you dont touch the player/remote until its 100% done.

If you use the direct connect method, make sure to read the manual on how to set it up 1st. it should explain it, gotta make sure DHCP & DNS are enabled. if you have trouble setting it up just call the Customer Solutions number and theyll help u.
[quote name='asianxcore']I know Target clearances are YMMV, but where are people finding clearance DVD's/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD's at?

Are they with their said section, or on random clearance endcaps throughout the store?[/QUOTE]

These were found on the endcaps around where the magazine racks are, by the dvd section. But of course, YMMV
[quote name='psunami']Not trying to be a pain, but is it possible to move the tech talk to another thread and leave this as a deals thread? It seems like in the last few weeks more than half of the posts are about the machines themselves and not deals to be had on the discs. Just saying.[/QUOTE]

I'd concur, as much as I enjoy they tech talk at times, we can always look tot he format war or HD DVD discussions for that. I think the tech talk creeps in because deals are sometimes scarce though.
[quote name='rewn']Hello ;

I use the HD-A2 and am excited about the firmware, could you clarify as to this being the OFFICIAL link or is it something someone else hosted.
Lastly, Can you tell me if you personally tried the upgrade yet?


Yes it is the official link.
And yes I updated my A2 to 2.0 last night. Works like a charm.
My Target never has Blu-Ray/HD go on clearance. Of course, they really don't have much of a selection anyway. They actually don't fill up all the racks devoted to them. So I guess the non-internet-savvy Blu-Ray/HD owners just buy what they see there, then Target brings in the occasional new title.
[quote name='Bezerker']Buy.com has Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back Blu-Ray for $7.15 shipped after GCO. From what ive heard its not the best transfer, but for $7.15 shipped who cares, lol.


Its quite a bit better than the DVD, but yes the movie/price is so good that the transfer does not matter. :D
What bugged me was that my local Target had Speed on Blu Ray for $20 and I passed on it. I should've picked it up b/c everywhere else I go it's $28+ :/

Amazon has it for $22 but I have to look for another item just to bump it past $25 for free shipping and that method takes about a week and a half just for it to arrive.

Seems in-store only. Sorry folks.

Fry's has the following Blu-ray titles on special from Friday, June 29 until Tuesday, July 3:

2 for $25:
Curse of the Golden Flower
Black Hawk Down
House of Flying Daggers
Layer Cake
Kung Fu Hustle
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Tears of the Sun
Into the Blue
Big Fish
Donnie Brasco
Seven Years in Tibet
Cruel Intentions

Phantom of the Opera
The Last Samurai
Training Day

Hustle and Flow

Black Snake Moan

HD DVD Sale at Frys

Full Metal Jacket

Yeah, not nearly as good, sorry.
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